Friday, September 30, 2011

Build confidence instantly [audio gift inside]

Did you know that the greatest obstacle to success in adult life is the fear of failure?

Taken to its extreme, we become totally pre-occupied with not making a mistake, with seeking for security above all other considerations.

The experience of the fear of failure is in the words of "I can't", "I can't." We feel it in the front of the body, starting at the solar plexus and moving up to the rapid beating of the heart, rapid breathing and a tight throat.

The second major fear that interferes with performance is the fear of rejection. We learn this when our parents make their love conditional upon our behavior. If we do what pleases them, they give us love and approval. If we do something they don't like, they withdraw their love and approval-which we interpret as rejection.

I've created a special gift for you to help you build unshakeable self-esteem, overcome fear, and achieve everything you've ever dreamt of with confidence.

But first, I want to share with you why certain people behave in certain ways.

As adults, people who are raised with conditional love become preoccupied with the opinions of others. Many men develop "Type A" behavior which is characterized by hostility, suspicion and an obsession with performance to some undetermined high standard.

This is expressed in the attitude of "I have to," I have to," and is associated with the feeling that "I have to work harder and accomplish more in order to please the boss" who has become a surrogate parent.

More than 99 percent of adults experience both these fears of failure and rejection. They are caught in the trap of feeling, "I can't," but "I have to," "I have to," but "I can't."

The antidote to these fears is the development of courage, character and self-esteem. The opposite of fear is actually love, self-love and self-respect. Acting with courage in a fearful situation is simply a technique that boosts our regard for ourselves to such a degree that our fears subside and lose their ability to affect our behavior and our decisions.

I want to help you develop greater self-esteem and unshakeable self-confidence which will enable you to overcome fear and forge onward toward achieving everything you set your mind to.

That's where my special gift comes in...

Download and listen to my complimentary audio MP3, Self-Confidence and Personal Power, and learn how it attributes to your personal success in all aspects of your life.

This 30-minute power-packed audio MP3 outlines precisely the direct relationship between success and self-confidence and how you can immediately begin to implement the mental laws of personal power that will enable you to become unstoppable

Listen to this audio here.

Because you're a loyal subscriber, I'm giving you my audio MP3 "Self Confidence and Personal Power" completely freeĆ¢€" no strings attached.

Here's a quick overview of what it covers:

  • How to develop the right "attitude of mind" to live a successful life
  • The mental laws which contribute to all success and happiness in life
  • The relationship between your thoughts and actions
  • How to overcome fear and achieve your goals with self-assurance

I hope you'll take a few moments to listen to this audio MP3—the valuable information it includes is second to none.

Get it here.

Thanks for reading,

Brian Tracy


Brought to you by: Lawyer Asad

How to Use Autosuggestions to Reach Your Goals

How to Use Autosuggestion to Reach Your Goals

By Greg Frost, Creator of Mind Secrets Exposed

Autosuggestion is a technique of mind training generated from each individual, which allows the subconscious mind to accept positive thoughts and goals, and from there engage its dormant power in achieving those goals.

Sounds hard? With the following techniques, you will be well on your way to training the subconscious mind with autosuggestion too.

Autosuggestion is founded on the theory of repetition. The constant repetition of positive thoughts is used for setting goals, and allows for a direct link between the conscious and subconscious mind, allowing the subconscious mind to affect the conscious mind.

Through this repetition process of positive affirmations, the subconscious mind is able to seek out the best possible way to reach the goal, as it is unable to reason or logic. This is where its power lies.

The importance of training the subconscious mind with autosuggestion is that the mind is susceptible to both positive and negative thoughts. Without consciously activating the subconscious mind to focus on positive thoughts, you risk allowing negative thoughts to infiltrate into the subconscious which will work towards ensuring that it is real.

Below are some simple techniques you can start using today.

1. Repeating Affirmations

This can be done in your mind or spoken aloud, but it is essential to repeat the positive affirmations everyday. This can be done ideally in the morning or right before bedtime, as it allows the subconscious to continue working on it even whilst you are sleeping.

2. Writing down your Affirmations

By writing down your affirmations, it is a reinforcement process that forces your mind to focus on it. By imprinting the importance of these affirmations in your subconscious, you are allowing it to be accepted and acted upon. It is also useful to leave the list in prominent areas such as your work space so that you are constantly reminded of positive thoughts.

3. Listening to a self-recorded tape

Over time, you will find that it is more than sufficient to listen to your voice repeating the affirmations. It will then be less important to consciously think of your positive affirmations.

4. Someone you Admire

Pick out traits that you admire, or even a person whom you wish to emulate. Identify what characteristics you are aiming towards, and include them in your positive affirmations. This will give you a concrete goal to work towards.

The subconscious mind is a powerful tool that can work both ways if not properly trained. Once you decide on a path of action, the subconscious mind will guide you through it to achieve your end goal, manifested by the communication between the conscious and the subconscious mind.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Bizzare Beginnings of Hypnosis

*The Bizarre Beginnings of Hypnosis*

By Clifford Mee / Source: Covert Hypnosis Exposed
Dr Franz Anton Mesmer was an Austrian physician living from 1734-1815. He is
believed to be the founding father of hypnosis due to how he used magnets to
heal people.

Sounds weird I know, but stay with me.

This development was the pivotal moment in the evolution of modern hypnosis because people realised - for the first time - that the operator (i.e. the
hypnotist) had the responsibility to acquire a skill (i.e. learn hypnosis)
in order to be able to help his patients heal.

It also laid the foundation for the idea that special trance states could be
used for healing - which to this day is one of the core definitions of the hypnotic state.

Whilst many of the ideas that Dr Mesmer came up with have little bearing on our modern day understanding of hypnosis, the practices he developed were
genuinely hypnotic - albeit a little bizarre! Because of this, the terms "Mesmerism" and "Animal
Magnetism" are to this day still synonymous in many minds with the the
practice of hypnosis.

Mesmer's early work was influenced by the work of the English physician
Richard Mead, which meant that he would frequently open a patient's vein in
order to let him bleed for a while. Mesmer would then use a magnet to stop
the bleeding. He found that simply passing a magnet over the wound would
cause the bleeding to stop.

There is a story that one day Mesmer was working with a patient, when he
realised that he had forgotten to bring his magnets.

When the time came to close the wound, Mesmer scrabbled around in his
pockets until he found a wooden stick.

Without a better plan in mind, he waved the stick over the wound, and was
shocked to discover that the bleeding stopped just as quickly as with a
genuine magnet.

Another possible influence for moving from external magnets to the idea of
animal magnetism in early hypnosis was the work of Johann Joseph Gassner.

Father Gassner was an Austrian priest (and unknowingly a great hypnotist) at
the time of Mesmer. He greatly influenced Mesmer because his practices
mirrored the way hypnotists give hypnotic suggestions during a hypnosis
session most closely.

Mesmer was convinced that Father Gassner had independently discovered Animal Magnetism, and that the exorcisms he performed were no more than the influence of Father Gassner's own Animal Magnetism over his charges.

Mesmer went as far as visiting Father Gassner in 1776 (two years after he
officially started developing Mesmerism as a form of hypnosis) and stayed nine weeks to watch him work!

It is very likely that watching Father Gassner work successfully without
magnets, just through the laying on of hands, prompted Mesmer to drop the use of magnets and develop the ideas of Animal Magnetism further.

This is the point where he could have discovered genuine hypnosis. Instead
of realising that people healed as a result of a hypnotic suggestion (e.g. the waving of the stick was an implied hypnotic suggestion for healing), he was still stuck in the mindset that some form of magnetism was responsible.

Now this is not a silly as it may sound at first. You must realise that Mesmer lived in an age where hypnosis as a concept did not exist.

There were no official hypnotists, no hypnosis training schools, you could
not formally learn hypnosis and nobody knew about the power of hypnotic

What did exist at the time was a great popular interest in magnetism. Sir
Isaac Newton's new ideas on physics had had been published almost a hundred
years earlier and his explanation of gravity used the analogy of magnetism
as a metaphor for explaining how the heavenly bodies affected each other.

Magnetism was a buzzword of the time, and everyone tried to explain away
mysterious phenomena, including hypnotic phenomena, as some form of
magnetism in action. Including Mesmer.

Mesmerism and Animal Magnetism

He began to think of the type of hypnosis he had been practicing less in terms of mineral magnetism, and developed the idea of animal magnetism. It's worth taking a look at why he chose the term animal magnetism:

1. He chose the term to distinguish hypnosis and hypnotic phenomena from the known effects of mineral magnetism (the action of a loadstone on ferrous
metal) and the supposed effects of planetary magnetism (the magnet like
attraction between planetary bodies caused by gravity).

2. He believed that there was a magnet like force active in the bodies of humans and animals.

So Mesmer chose the word "animal" because he believed that this power
resided in humans and animals!

Mesmer and Mesmerism (a popular name for the "Animal Magnetism" that was
Mesmer's form of hypnosis) was never really accepted by the medical society
of Vienna. So he moved to Paris in 1778 where he and his brand of hypnosis
were accepted with open arms by high society.

Unfortunately the local medical community was not happy about Mesmer's success or his ideas. So in 1784 they petitioned the King of France to put
together a medical board of inquiry into this curious form of hypnosis.

This board was filled with famous historical names: the French chemist
Lavoisier, the American inventor/politician/diplomat Benjamin Franklin and even the French scientist Dr Joseph-Ignace Guillotine (who did not actually
invent the dreaded guillotine of the French revolution - he merely suggested
that a mechanical device to carry out the death penalty would be more humane
(and efficient)!)

This board worked with Mesmer's disciple Dr D'Eslon to investigate Mesmerism. Franklin devised an ingenious experiment in which he showed that
a patient responded as much to a non-"magnetised" tree as to a "magnetised" one.

The commission therefore declared that (Animal) Magnetism was not the power
behind Mesmerism, but that it was the force of the imagination (i.e. a hypnotic suggestion) that healed Mesmer's patients!

Unfortunately the damage was done: people's faith in Mesmer and his brand of
hypnosis was shattered.

Mesmer had an opportunity to revise his ideas, as he had done once before.
If he had taken the defeat as a spur to learn more about hypnosis, he might
have discovered hypnosis and hypnotic suggestion some sixty years before
James Braid coined the term hypnosis.

Instead, Mesmer retired to Switzerland were he died, in relative obscurity,
in 1815. Animal Magnetism went underground, kept alive by a few luminaries (like Abbe Faria and the Marquis de Puysegur) until a renewed surge of interest gave birth to hypnosis some 30 years after Dr. Mesmer's death.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

50 Mind Tricks for Weight Loss

*50 Mind Tricks for Weight Loss*

*Source: **<


You know there is no magic way to shed pounds or become fit. The only way t

get there is through hard work and eating right. Yet you can give yourself

leg up in the process by changing how you think about food, weight loss and

eating healthy. By changing how you think, you'll also change how y
ou act

and hopefully impact your health for the better.

Meditation can play a key role in helping you overcome food issues and

create the body you want to have now. Awareness, consciousness, focus and

concentration developed through yoga practice and meditation will help you

to embody these key points.

Here are 50 tips to help you learn some tricks to get your mind ripe and

ready for weight loss.


These general tips will help you learn to adapt your thoughts to healthy

weight loss.

1. Be patient. Losing weight in any kind of healthy way is going to take

time. Give yourself a break and relax, and the weight will come off.

2. Don't stress. Stressing about weight loss will likely only make
it harder

to lose.

3. Be realistic Setting unrealistic goals for your weight loss isn'
t healthy

for your body or mind. Get your mind set on more realistic accomplishments

and you'll be happier and healthier.

4. Create a routine. Success with any weight loss program requires creating

a routine and sticking to it in what you eat, when you work out and how you

think about your progress.

5. Listen to your body. It will tell you when you aren't eating eno

you're eating too much, or you're pushing yourself too hard

6. Use your imagination. Our imaginations are powerful things and you can

use yours to picture your body and your life the way you really want it to


7. Take it slow. You cannot expect to change your mindset or your body

overnight. Take the process slow and steady for the best results.

8. Be honest with yourself. Being honest might be more difficult or more

painful, but you cannot move forward in changing your body or how you think

about it without facing some hard truths about yourself.

9. Find out what you truly want. The reality is that you might not be ready

to lose weight or commit yourself to the work that it takes. Find out what

you truly want in your life. Knowing that you really, really want to lose

weight can be a huge factor in motivating you.


Learn how to change your mindset with these tips.

10. Always be accountable. There is no one else who is responsible for you

losing weight. You have to be accountable for what you eat and how often yo

work out.

11. Break the cycle of excuses. We all make excuses to try to justify our

behavior, but these kinds of excuses aren't doing you any favors wh
en it

comes to weight loss. Force yourself to accept your failures and work to

improve them.

12. Deal with your emotions. For many people, food is an emotional thing an

a coping mechanism for other things that aren't right in their live
s. If you

want to change your mindset about your body, you'll first have to d
eal with

these powerful emotions.

13. Make the decision to be thinner. Sometimes all it takes is a firm

resolution to make a change in your life. If you want to lose weight, make

the choice to do so and let your actions follow suit.

14. Take responsibility. No one is forcing food down your throat or keeping

you from the gym. Once you realize that and can take responsibility for you

own actions regarding your health and fitness, you'll be one step c
loser to

meeting your goals.

15. Think clearly. Weight loss, body image and personal health can be

emotionally charged issues. When you think about these things it it

important to separate them as best you can from your emotions and make

logical, thoughtful decisions about what is best. For instance, our emotion

might tell us we need a piece of cake after a hard day, but our logical

thinking would tell us it will only make you feel worse about yourself.

16. Change your programming. Many of us have programmed our brains to think

we are fat, unhealthy and will never look or feel like we want to. Thinking

this way is often a self-fulfilling prophecy, but by changing your mental

programming, you'll change what you're capable of in weight

17. Stay positive. There is no upside to negative thinking when it comes to

losing weight. Staying positive will help you feel better about yourself,

keep you motivated and reduce stress — all of which will help you l
ose more


18. Train your mind to think in your best interest. If you want to lose

weight, focus on replacing your unhealthy thoughts with healthy ones. After

a while, you will think less unhealthy thoughts and be a step ahead in

reaching your goals.


Give your mind some motivation with these ideas.

19. Pick out a motivational photograph. Whether you want to look more like

you did 20 years ago or have the physique of someone else you admire, choos

a photograph you can look at when you're struggling to help keep yo


20. Set smaller daily goals. While your larger goals are important, focusin

on smaller, individual goals will give you more of a sense of accomplishmen

and change your mindset on a daily basis.

21. Use support from friends. There are few things that can change how you

feel about yourself and your progress like motivation from friends around


22. Reward yourself. When you've worked really hard for something i
t's only

fair to reward yourself. Give yourself an indulgence, though not a

food-related one, that you've really been wanting.

23. Tell yourself you can do it. Change your mindset about weight loss by

constantly reminding yourself that no matter how hard it is that you can an

will do it.

24. Never stop thinking about your goals. Keeping your goals in mind

throughout the day will help motivate you and keep you on the right track.

25. Surround yourself with good role models. You won't do yourself

favors when you're trying to lose weight if you surround yourself w

people who practice bad habits and influence you to do so as well. Spend

time with friends who motivate you to be healthy instead.

26. Have a mantra. Finding your own personal weight loss mantra can be a

great way to help keep yourself positive and focused on your goals.

27. Look at the bright side. Setbacks don't have to ruin your motiv
ation for

weight loss. Instead, think of them as a chance to work harder and prove

your commitment to your goals.

28. Create a map to your health and happiness. Spending some time laying ou

your goals, collecting photos that motivate you, and planning out your step

along the way can help make process easier, more real and something youâ

more motivated to do every day.


Change your relationship with food by changing your thoughts using this


29. Think yourself out of bad habits. Bad habits with food don't ha
ve to

take down your weight loss goals. Instead, use the power of your mind to

fight these bad habits. It will take some doing but you can overcome them.

30. Look at food differently. Food isn't your enemy or your friend
— it's

neutral. Learn to look at food as a source of nourishment rather than a

reward or a way to deal with emotions.

31. Picture what food is doing for your body. When you look at what youâ

eating, picture what that food can do for your body and how the nutrients

will help you feel.

32. Allow yourself to eat when you're hungry. Losing weight should

mean starving yourself. Listen to your body and feed yourself when your bod

tells you it's hungry. Just make sure it's actually hunger
and not boredom

or thirst you're giving into. Likewise, stop eating when you are fu

33. Eat foods you crave. You can have foods you crave while you're
trying to

lose weight if you can do so in moderation. Keeping things totally off

limits could cause you to binge.

34. Be conscious. Always be aware of what you're eating. Eating min

while watching TV can lead to a lot of unwanted and unneeded calories.


How you see yourself can make a big impact in how much weight you lose. Try

these solutions to feel good about yourself no matter how much you weigh.

35. Change how you think about your body. If you think you are a fat person

you'll likely stay that way. Train your mind to see yourself as att

at any weight and you'll see more weight loss progress.

36. Get control over your thoughts. When your thoughts are out of control

it's easy to think cruel things about yourself and put yourself dow
n. When

you start to feel your thoughts heading in that direction, take the wheel

and steer them somewhere positive.

37. Stop looking at the numbers. Weight isn't everything when it co
mes to

health. Some people look super skinny and feel healthy at one weight while

another person might be totally different. We all have our own comfort zone

so listen to your body, not the scale.

38. Focus on how you feel. You might not have met your goal weight yet, but

focusing on changes in how you feel can help keep you motivated and feeling

good about yourself.

39. Stop berating yourself. Negative thoughts aren't going to help
you lose

weight. If you have a misstep or aren't progressing as fast as you
'd like,

never berate yourself. Simply get up the next day and start again from a

positive standpoint.

40. Fill yourself with love. If you want to get the most out of your weight

loss journey, make part of the process learning to truly love yourself. No

one is perfect so get a handle on accepting and appreciating your faults.

41. Take pride in your appearance.It doesn't matter how much you we
igh, you

can look good and feel good about yourself. Shower, put on a fragrance,

style your hair, and wear your favorite clothes. It will change how you see

yourself and how others see you as well.


Learn how to turn your meditation practice into a reflection on your

personal weight loss goals with these tips.

42. Imagine yourself eating like you should be. The more you imagine it, the

more likely it will become reality.

43. Picture yourself thin. If you believe that you can and will be thin,

then you give yourself the motivation and drive to actually make it happen.

44. Think about activities you'll do when you're thin. If you're too

overweight to do things you love right now, picture yourself doing those

things as the new, thinner you.

45. Relax. You can't take control over your thoughts and your mind
if you're

stressed out and distracted. Simply relax and let go the problems of the


46. Picture yourself wearing something you've always wanted to wear
. A big

reason many people want to lose weight is to fit into the clothes and style

that they love and admire. Get a mental picture of how you'll look

something you've always wanted to wear to give you some motivation.

47. Imagine that you love to exercise. Rely on the power of imagination to

help give yourself the initiative you need to get fit and in shape.

48. Don't let negative thoughts interfere. It's easy to thi
nk negative

thoughts about yourself when you're tackling a big and difficult ob

like losing weight, but you have to make sure to keep these kinds of

thoughts out during your meditation. Replace them with happy, supportive

ones instead.

49. Kick all unhealthy habits and foods out of visualization. Don't
let your

mental fantasies include unhealthy foods and behaviors. You might really

crave them but the purpose is to retrain your mind to let them go.

50. Breathe deeply and calm yourself. Once you're calm, relaxed, and in

control of your mind and body, you'll be able to start thinking clearly

about who and where you want to be.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Monday, September 26, 2011

Free book reveals why men and women act and behave differently

I'd like to give you a free ebook that helps you
understand the differences between men and women,
so you can enjoy much fulfilling relationships.

It's called "Mars and Venus Battles" and you can
download it here:

In this free e-book, you'll learn:

- Why men and women act and behave in radically
different ways.

- How to create meaningful relationships and

- Practical steps to restore a successful

- Effective methods to resolve conflicts.

- How to end power struggles.

- How to improve your communication and
express your feelings better.

And more!

Go to this link to download it:

Hope you benefit from this e-book and please let
me know if there's anything I can help you with.

Kindest Regards,
Michael Lee

Brought to you by: Lawyer Asad

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The four parts of visualization

Did you know that there are four parts of visualization that you can learn and practice to assure that you use this incredible power to its best advantage all the days of your life.

How Often?

The first aspect of visualization is frequency, the number of times that you visualize a particular goal as achieved of yourself performing in an excellent way in a particular event or circumstance. The more frequently you repeat a clear mental picture of your very best performance or result, the more rapidly it will appear as part of your reality.

How Long?

The second element of visualization is the duration of the mental image, the length of time that you can hold the picture in your mind each time you replay it. When you deeply relax, you can often hold a mental picture of yourself performing at your best for several seconds, and even several minutes. The longer you can hold your mental picture, the more deeply it will be impressed into your subconscious mind and the more rapidly it will express itself in your subsequent performance.

How Clearly?

The third element of visualization is vividness. There is a direct relationship between how clearly you can see your desired goal or result in your mind and how quickly it comes into your reality. This element of visualization is what explains the powers of the Law of Attraction and the Law of Correspondence. The vividness of your desire directly determines how quickly it materializes in the world around you. Here is an interesting point. When you set a new goal for yourself, your image or picture of this goal will usually be vague and fuzzy. But the more often you write it, review it, and repeat it mentally, the clearer it becomes for you. Eventually, it will become crystal clear. At that point, the goal will suddenly appear in your world exactly as you imagined it.

How Intensely?

The fourth element of visualization is intensity, the amount of emotion that you attach to your visual image. In reality, this is the most important and powerful part of the visualization process. Sometimes, if your emotion is intense enough and your visual image is clear enough, your goal will immediately come true.

Of course, the elements of frequency, duration, vividness, and intensity can help you or hurt you. Like nature, the power of visualization is neutral. Like a two-edged sword, it can cut in either direction. It can either make you a success or make you a failure. Visualization brings you whatever you vividly and intensely imagine, whether good or bad.

Action Exercise

Continually feed your mind with clear, exciting, emotional pictures. Remember, your imagination is your preview of lifes coming attractions.

To your success in goal setting,

Brian Tracy


Videos reveal the magic of attitude and the power of self-knowledge

I'd like to share with you 2 powerful videos today.

The first video reveals how you can succeed in
anything with the right positive attitude.

The second video explains a seed of achievement to
attain your personal and career goals, as well as
peace of mind.

See the videos here:

To view hundreds of other motivational and self-help
videos, go to:

I've also posted new articles at our Self-Help Library.
They include info on getting peace of mind, the law
of increase, and mind control.

You may read them at:

To access hundreds of past self-help articles, go to:

Hope you get something useful out of them.

Best Regards,
Michael Lee
Brought to you by: Lawyer Asad

Friday, September 23, 2011

8 Powerful Things Hypnosis Can Do For You

*8 Powerful Things Hypnosis Can Do For You*

*Source: **Mind Power

Hypnosis is a modified condition of consciousness when the brain's
activities are lowered. Thus, this state gives a feeling of relaxation. And
contrary to popular beliefs, you do not need to be guided by a trance master
for you to experience hypnosis. As long as your mind operates at a frequency
lower than the usual, hypnosis can be properly done.

When the mind is subjected to hypnosis, it becomes open to suggestions. That
is why it is used in various situations to maximize the effect.

Here are eight powerful things that hypnosis can do for you.

*1. Hypnosis can improve your focus and concentration.*
If you are suffering from weak control of focus, hypnosis can improve that
by channeling your attention to a specific object. This is done when the
brain activities are low, putting other things aside.

*2. Hypnosis can help you quit addictions like smoking.*
Some hypnosis programs are offered especially for addiction cases. They
promise to deliver results of quitting addiction after doing daily hypnosis
exercises, or undergoing hypnosis under the guidance of professionals for as
short as 90 minutes, followed by a reinforcement hypnosis session.

*3. Hypnosis can address your anxiety, panic, and phobia-related problems.*
These problems are caused by thoughts that certain persons are not able to
control. To improve the mental state, these thoughts must be harnessed.For
example, it is easier to overcome phobias when the mind is relaxed because
the initial reaction of panic is set aside for a more rational way of
responding to stimuli.

*4. Hypnosis can help you in weight management.*
All weight loss programs will not work if the users are not accustomed to
the needed discipline and state of mind. A lot of people find themselves
unsuccessful no matter what weight loss program they undergo, may it be
through food control or body activities. It is because their mindsets do not
compliment the program.

*5. Hypnosis can help you cope up with stress.*
When your body is tired from working hard, it can find rejuvenation in sleep
or rest. But the mind is more complex than that. To get rid of mental
stress, you must be able to lower its activities. This can be achieved
through hypnosis.

*6. Hypnosis can help you improve over-all performance.*
The body can do what the mind tells it to because human actions are somehow
limited to what the mind believes in. In hypnosis, you can set your goals
and undergo procedures to be able to reach your objectives in life.

*7. Hypnosis can increase self-esteem.*
Because the mind becomes open to suggestions during hypnosis, it is easier
to do personality development in that induced state. There is a greater
chance of overcoming personal fears when positive thinking is implemented.

*8. Hypnosis can help medical practitioners in administering cure to their
Most medical treatment effects are maximized with the help of hypnosis. The
patients are relaxed and are in a condition wherein they will be able to
follow instructions told by the doctors. Panic is also reduced in serious
cases such as accidents and serious medical conditions.Other medical
conditions such as bulimia, migraine, and impotency can be cured by

Edited by: Laywer Asadxxxxxxxxxx

Thursday, September 22, 2011

How to Solve Problems with your Subconscious Mind

*How to Solve Problems with your Subconscious Mind*

*By Michael Michalko / Source: **Psychology Today<>*

Sometimes ideas do not appear when you are concentrating your attention and
mysteriously appear when you are not.

Modern science recognizes this as a result of incubating the problem in your
subconscious yet can't account for why it occurs.

A majority of scientists, artists, and writers report that they get their
best ideas and insights when not thinking about the problem. Ideas come
while walking, recreating, or working on some other unrelated problem. This
suggests how the creative act came to be associated with divine inspiration
for the illumination appears to be involuntary.

The more problems, ideas and thoughts that you think about from time to
time, the more complex becomes the network of information in your mind. The
more work you put into thinking about a problem, the more thoughts and bits
of information you put into random motion.

When you quit thinking about the subject and decide to forget it, your subconscious mind doesn't quit working. Your thoughts keep colliding, combining and making associations. This is why you've experienced suddenly remembering names, getting solutions to problems you've forgotten about, and ideas out of the blue when you are relaxing and not thinking about any particular thing.


Work on a problem until you have mulled over all the relevant pieces of
information. Talk with others about the problem, ask questions, and do as
much research as you can until you are satisfied that you have pushed your
conscious mind to its limit.

*Write a letter to your unconscious mind about the problem.*

Make the letter as detailed and specific as possible. Describe the problem
definition, the attributes, what steps you have taken, the problems, the
gaps, what is needed, what you want, what the obstacles are, and so on. Just
writing the letter will help better define a problem, clarify issues, point
out where more information is needed, and prepare your unconscious to work
on a solution. The letter should read just like a letter you would send to a
real person. Imagine that your unconscious is all-knowing and can solve any
problem that is properly stated.

Instruct your unconscious to find the solution. Write "Your mission is to
find the solution to the problem. I would like the solution in two days."
Seal the letter and put it away. You may even want to mail it to yourself.

Let go of the problem. Don't work on it. Forget it. Do something else. This
is the incubation stage when much of what goes on occurs outside your
focused awareness, in your unconscious. Open the letter in two days. If the
problem still has not been solved, write on the bottom of the letter "Let me
know the minute you solve this" and put it away. Sooner or later, when you
are most relaxed and removed from the problem, the answer will magically pop
into your mind.

An advertising agency was under pressure to come up with an innovative
marketing campaign to introduce a television networks new shows. Stymied,
Bert, the creative director, wrote the following letter which he addressed
to his subconscious mind. He called his subconscious mind "Secret Expert."

*How are you Secret Expert?*

I haven't heard from you in some time, so I thought I would write you a
letter. I need your help with a problem. I need to come up with an exciting
new marketing program to introduce a new season of television shows. The
shows include programs about criminal forensics, contests for prizes, lawyer
shows and comedies. I'm interested in coming up with some kind of campaign
that will capture the audiences attention more than one time. The approach
of the campaign should be unique, fresh and unexpected.

What do people need and keep? Is there something they need that we can
advertise on? What kind of goods, products, foods and services should we
investigate? What producers, distributors and retailers should we study? Can
we combine our services with another company? Do we need to share revenue? I
need a fresh approach to advertising. Your mission is to give me a new idea
on how to advertise television shows. I need the idea in two days. Help!!!

Thanks, Bert"

Bert mailed the letter to himself and two days later received it. When he
read what he had written, he got his brainstorm, which was to advertise on
"eggs." Somehow an association between "foods," "need," "producers," and
"fresh approach," inspired the thought of using "fresh egg to advertise?"

He arranged to place laser imprints of the networks logos, as well as some
of its shows on eggs-some thirty million. Some of the slogans that will be
imprinted on the eggs are "Crack the Case on CSI," "Scramble to win the
great race," "Hard-boiled drama," "Leave the Yolks to us," and "Funny Side

The consumers look at a single egg at least a few times. When they open the
carton at the store, when they transfer them to the refrigerator, and when
they crack them open. It's unlike any other ad medium in the world, because
you're looking at it while you are using it.

Try the experiment yourself.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

See this free video with 9 manifesting tools to empower your life

See this free video about 9 Manifesting Secrets and Tools for your success, including how you can:

- Mold universal intelligent substance.
- Harness the power of the unseen.
- Crystallize your vision with details.
- Maintain powerful positive emotions.
- Convert things into events.
- And more!

To watch, just go to:

Just start by watching the free video below on the 9 Manifesting Tools you can implement in your life now:

Best Regards,
Michael Lee

Brought to you by: Lawyer Asad

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Key To Ending Procrastination

So many successful people struggle with procrastination.

Are you one of them?

It's understandable. If you're like many people, your to-do list is so long and overwhelming, you aren't sure where to start or how to tackle everything on it.

But the fact is, procrastination doesn't help. For one thing, you don't get done what you need to get done. Or you get done the menial, unimportant things while the big, important ones are looming over your head all day (or even all week).

Unfortunately, it's the big ones that have the most potential to affect your life - and increase your income.

So how do you STOP procrastinating so you can become more productive and
make more money?

By now, you know I wouldn't write about a problem without presenting a solution.

When you learn to effectively manage your time, you stop procrastinating, start making more money, and begin to enjoy life more.

I've put together a brand-new free video just for you, called, "The ABCDE Method of Time Management."

Watch it here.

In it, I share a method of time management many people have said has
changed their lives forever. It's based on the skill of organizing your tasks by priority so you tackle your biggest, most important tasks first.

When you get a handle on the ABCDE Method, your life WILL change - and
procrastination will become a thing of the past.

In this video, you learn:

* How to organize your entire life by using my powerful priority setting technique
* Why you should never begin work for the day without this ONE key item in hand
* How much time most people waste, on average, doing tasks that don't need to be done - how much time are you wasting?
* Why you may need to reevaluate everything you're doing, if you struggle with time management
* How to prioritize the items on your to-do list, when many of them seem very important

Ready to stop procrastinating and start living more productively? It's time.

Watch this video, for free, here.

Here's to your productivity - and the end of your procrastination, every day.

Brian Tracy

P.S. This video is free, but it is only posted for a limited time, so watch it now. Don't procrastinate on this! Remember, this technique has changed lives and it can change yours, too. Watch the video here.

Circulated by: Lawyer Asad

Friday, September 16, 2011

Your Month of Birth Guides Your Career Choice

Your Month of Birth Guides Your Career Choice

The time of year a baby is born can shape what profession they will embark on in later life, a new study has suggested.

Source: The Telegraph

Being born in a certain month appears to indicate the statistical likelihood of what job a person will end up with, the study by the Office for National Statistics found.

Researchers have uncovered that the month in which babies are born could also affect everything from intelligence to length of life.

A child born December is more likely to become a dentist while someone whose birthday falls in January will tend to a debt collector, they found.

A February birth appears to increase the chances of being an artist while March babies appear to go on to become pilots.

Meanwhile, April and May are said to have a fairly even spread of professions, births in the summer months mean a much lower chance of becoming a high-earning football player, doctor or dentist.

The study was derived by researchers who analysed the birth months of people in 19 separate occupations using information from the last census, the Daily Mail reported.

Although these trends may be difficult to explain, correlations between birth months and specific health problems have a scientific basis.

Spring babies are at greater risk of illnesses including schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, asthma and autism.

They may also be less clever than classmates born in other parts of the year.

Research has suggested many of the differences are linked to a mother's exposure to sunlight in pregnancy.

Sunlight triggers the production of vitamin D in the body and lack of this in the first months of life may have long-lasting effects.

Speaking earlier this year, Russell Foster, an Oxford University neuroscientist, said the effects were small "but they are very, very clear".

"I am not giving voice to astrology – it's nonsense – but we are not immune to seasonal interference," he said.

"It seems absurd the month in which you are born can affect life chances, but how long you live, how tall you are, how well you do at school, your body mass index as an adult, your morning-versus-evening preference and how likely you are to develop a range of diseases are all correlated to some extent with the time of year in which you emerge from the womb."

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

"Limitless Wealth and Success" ebook

This week's free gift comes from a Law of Attraction expert called Keith Matthew. He is giving away 200 copies of his life-changing self-help book called, "Limitless Wealth and Success."

It's 88-pages of fantastic information and you can get your copy here:


Here is a sample of what this free ebook covers:

  • How to instantly increase your perceived value and abundance-attracting power without having any formal education or degrees.
  • How to recognize and take advantage of 'hidden opportunities' in your life before anyone has a clue that they're even there.
  • How to unleash your creative prowess and turn yourself into a success magnet while actually using less effort.
  • How to turn your past failures into a springboard for manifesting a happier life filled with more meaningful relationships.

Download your copy here:

Rewire your mind,

Marvin King

Brought to you by: Lawyer Asad

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

101 Ways to Be Happy

101 Ways to Be Happy

By Mara / Source: TripBaseBlog

Do you want to be happy? Of course you do, who doesn't?! Here are 101 easy ways to achieve a better, happier life!

It's not things that make us happy but our experiences.
Travel can have a profound effect on us by taking us out of our comfort zones and opening our eyes to some of the different places and lives that were unknown to us. It's also just fun!

We're obviously big fans of travel, but what else can make you happy? Read on for 101 ways to change your life for the better:


1) Travel when you can. Travel can open your eyes to the world and offer a fresh new perspective.

2) Take a weekend trip. If you haven't got the funds for a jaunt to Paris, no matter. Even a weekend or day long break from home can make you happier.

3) Spend time by the ocean. There's nothing like sand between your toes and fresh sea air.

4) Go camping. Commune with nature closer to home—the food will taste better and you'll sleep deeper in the great outdoors.

5) Go skydiving. Face your fears and reap the benefits of this exhilarating extreme sport—you'll be euphoric for weeks.

6) Go stargazing. Find a spot relatively free of unnatural light and marvel at the beauty of the night sky.

7) Sit in front of a beautiful view. Find a spot close by with a nice view that you can visit when you need a break.


8 ) Make enough money to meet your basic needs. Studies have shown that anything beyond that amount will not necessarily make you happier.

9) Avoid financial hierarchies. For a new job, choose a place where everyone makes a similar amount. People feel better when they feel equal to their co-workers.

10) Find satisfaction in the job you have. Don't expect to find one job that will make you happy—instead focus on the positive aspects of your work instead of blaming a job for your unhappiness.

11) Take initiative at work. You'll gain professional respect, self-fulfillment and feel more in control in the workplace.

12) Keep plants in your workspace. The LA Times found that employees who decorate their office space are more satisfied with their jobs.

13) Bake cookies and bring them to work. You'll enjoy the baking and making your co-workers happy.


14) Get enough sleep. Sleeping for 8 hours per night can elevate your mood and better prepare you to greet the day.

15) Take vitamin C. Keeping your immune system happy will keep you happy.

16) Laugh out loud. Laughing releases endorphins and lowers levels of stress hormones.

17) Cook with more garlic. Garlic not only adds delicious flavor to meals, it also keeps blood pressure down to keep you relaxed and healthy.

18) Get more fresh air. Fresh air is invigorating and alters the levels of serotonin in your brain—the stuff that makes you happy!

19) Eat more foods with tryptophan. It has an amino acid needed to make serotonin, the chemicals that make you happy. Try more bananas, dairy products and poultry.

20) Work out. Exercising can not only make you feel better about yourself, it also releases endorphins in your body to give you a natural high.

21) Eat chocolate. Besides releasing endorphins and stimulating serotonin production in your brain, chocolate releases phenylethylamine, the chemical that causes feelings of love.

22) Meditate. According to the Dalai Lama as well as several medical studies, meditation not only decreases stress, but also triggers a neurological response that makes you happy.

23) Do yoga. Learning to control your breathing through yoga practice helps you control your responses to stress and fear.

24) Get a massage. Besides its relaxing properties, the touch involved in massage creates warmth in your body and releases the chemical oxytocin—also known as the cuddle hormone.

25) Eat chickpeas (or other beans). Chickpeas have an amino acid that makes you happy, and beans keep your sugar levels steady throughout the day.

26) Have sex. Numerous studies show that a healthy sexual intimacy with a caring partner can have tremendous physical and emotional benefits.

27) Install more windows in your house. Getting enough exposure to the sun has been proven to be crucial to happiness and well-being.

28) Put full-spectrum lights in your home or office. If you live in a wintry climate that doesn't get much sun, you can replicate the effect with light bulbs that mimic the sun's rays.

29) Drink coffee. Studies in Brazil showed that people who drink coffee every day are less likely to suffer from depression. Coffee is the world's most popular mood-enhancing drug, but remember to drink in moderation

30) Eat more spinach. Popeye's favorite green is packed with folic acid, an important vitamin that boosts serotonin production.

31) Eat foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids. Certain kinds of fish like salmon or sardines have Omega-3, which is known to elevate mood levels—high doses are even used to treat depression.

32) Eat more colorful fruits and vegetables. They contain antioxidants which help remove toxins from our bodies that cause stress and aging.

33) Put some strawberries in your breakfast. The smell of strawberries is known to invigorate and energize.

34) Drink hot mint tea. The scent of fresh mint is energizing and the steam will perk you up.


35) Smile. It takes fewer muscles to smile than it does to frown.

36) Make a grateful list. Focus on all the great things in your life to enhance feelings of joy and attract more good things.

37) Break outside your comfort zone. Being comfortable doesn't make you happy—challenging yourself does.

38) Follow your gut. Most of the time your first instinct is not only correct, but the best choice.

39) Don't regret your decisions. If it turns out you were wrong, don't waste time worrying about it, instead make the next best decision and move forward.

40) Accept that you can't be happy all the time. Focus on being content and the truly happiness will be all that much sweeter.

41) Try to see from others' perspectives. Much of our unhappiness comes from our frustration with other people not understanding us. Try to imagine how they see the world and the frustration will ease.

42) Let the little things go. There's no sense in wasting your energy and inhibiting your happiness by worrying about things you can't change.

43) Make the decision to be happy. Happiness is an attitude, not a physical state.

44) Don't take things personally. So often, anger and frustration directed at us is a result of someone else's misplaced stress. Recognize that it's not necessarily about you and you'll remain calmer and happier.

45) Savor the small moments. People who take longer to enjoy small moments and then reflect on them later in the day show significant increases in happiness.

46) Avoid comparing yourself to others. It's damaging to self-esteem—focus on your own achievements.

47) Make meaningful goals. Harvard scientists say humans need a sense of purpose to thrive and that people with dreams and aspirations are happier than those without.

48) Embrace spirituality. Research suggests that people who participate in a religious community or explore alternate sets of beliefs are happier and better adjusted in life.

49) Have a good cry when you need it. Allowing yourself to break down completely is cathartic and you'll feel better after you let it all out.

50) Learn to forgive yourself. Focusing on your past mistakes serves no purpose besides keeping you from moving on.

51) Maintain perspective. When life starts to feel out of control, remind yourself of the positive things in your life and how lucky you are.

52) Define what happiness means for you. Don't worry about what other people define as happy, find what makes you happy and go for it.


53) Stay close to friends and family. Moving far away from networks of support can take a toll on your level of happiness—even if you have moved in order to make more money.

54) Get a dog. The studies showing the positive effects man's best friend can have on your psyche are numerous: better emotional and physical health and a wagging tail.

55) Give more hugs. Hugging releases the same chemical as massage and is always free!

56) Make time for your friends. Personal connections are so important and making even a little time to be with people who make you smile can keep you happy.

57) Make new friends. Meeting other people is exciting and finding a new person with whom to connect can only enhance your fulfillment.

58) Write thank-you notes. Expressing gratitude makes you and the recipient happy.

59) Call your mom. Or your dad, or your grandma or anyone you haven't talked to in a while and surprise them with a chat.

60) Get a cat. If you're not a dog person, cats make wonderful, loving, stress-reducing housemates and bed-warmers.

61) Cuddle up with someone you love. Enjoy time with your kids or your partner for instant happiness.

62) Babysit for a friend. Being around children's infectious optimism is sure to boost your mood.

63) Hold a baby. They're cute and cuddly and without a care in the world—you'll feel instantly uplifted.


64) De-clutter. A clean home is a clean mind, and you'll feel better in an orderly environment.

65) Donate to charity. Giving to those less fortunate than you will make you appreciate what you have.

66) Rent a comedy. Take an hour and a half out of your day for pure laughing entertainment and you'll feel instantly boosted.

67) Watch If watching nonstop videos of playful kittens doesn't lift your spirits, nothing will.

68) Take a nap. A quick power nap, especially on a sunny afternoon, is luxurious and will help you make it through the day.

69) Change one thing in your daily routine. You'll stave off boredom and might discover something new that delights you.

70) Take a walk. Taking a quick walk, even just around the block can clear your mind and raise your mood.

71) Surround yourself with smells that make you happy. Smell is a much overlooked sense that greatly affects our mood—try a coconut shampoo that reminds you of a vacation or bake cookies that remind you of childhood.

72) Listen to upbeat music. Even just a few minutes of a hip-shaking tune gets your blood flowing and makes you feel more positive.

73) Set your alarm early on a day you know you get to sleep in. When you wake up you'll get the pleasure of realizing that you don't have to get out of bed—then rolling over for some more satisfying zzz's.

74) Paint a room in your house yellow. Looking at the color yellow has been proven to improve moods.

75) Make a home cooked-meal. You'll get not only tasty food, but the pride of having made it yourself.

76) Dress up for no reason. Putting on clothes that make you feel good increases your self-esteem and your mood.

77) Add some soft blue to your bedroom. Light blue has been shown to be the most calming color and can set the mood for a restful night's sleep—essential to a positive attitude.

78) Do something you loved as a kid. Riding a roller-coaster or going sledding can help you connect to your inner child and remember simple thrills.

79) Wear red. Red can make us feel confident, powerful and strong.

80) Splash on some perfume/aftershave. Studies show that floral scents can make you happier.

81) Volunteer your time. Selfless acts and helping others is a fast route to genuine contentment.

82) Decorate your home for the holidays. Preparing for holiday celebrations is always fun and a great excuse to invite friends and family over.

83) Take time for yourself. Go to a movie, or a museum or a walk around town by yourself to re-connect.

84) Perform random acts of kindness. Hold open a door for a stranger or leave some money in the vending machine, for no other reason than doing something nice for your fellow man.

85) Send snail-mail. Rediscover the pleasure of old-fashioned communication.

86) Make time to curl up with a good book. It can be either a thought-provoking tome or a guilty pleasure.

87) Invest in fancy bedding. Be cozy and happy drifting to sleep and wake up to a happy morning.

88) Go bowling with friends. Throw back to your younger years, and bonus points for matching shirts.

89) Dance. Alone or at a club, dancing is fun and stress-releasing.

90) Pay off your credit card debt. Debt can be a major source of stress and you'll feel great when you eliminate it from your life.

91) Clean the house. Even if you don't like cleaning, a clean home can drastically improve your attitude.

92) Volunteer at a local animal shelter. You'll get the pleasure of knowing you're lending your time and brightening the day of some furry friends.

93) Find a hobby. Painting, singing, tai chi—it doesn't matter as long as you have an outlet to express yourself.

94) Turn off your phone for a day. Let people know in advance that you are taking a personal day and can only be reached in case of emergency. Savor the silence.

95) Sing in the shower. It doesn't matter what you sing, just make sure you belt it as loud as possible.

96) Stash some money in a secret place so you can discover it later. Pick a spot you're likely to forget so you get a thrill weeks or months later when you stumble on it.

97) Enjoy a guilty pleasure TV show. Make some popcorn and banish the guilt—we all need a cheesy escape sometimes.

98) Go for a walk or jog in the rain. The high produced by exercise will be heightened by the cool rain on your face.

99) Enjoy a cold beer or chilled wine on a hot day. Need I say more?

100) Go to hear live music. Hearing music live puts you in the moment in a way an iPod can't.

And finally 101, Share with others! Tell us what makes you happy—the places you've been or the things you've done–we can all learn from each other!

Brought to you by: Lawyer Asad

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Universal Law of Bollocks

*The Universal Law of Bollocks*

*By Nicholas P. Kidd and Henk J.M. Schram
Creators of***

These days you can hardly go through any articles, books, DVDs, movies, films, documentaries with regard to self-improvement or self-help without
coming across at least one mentioning of some 'Universal Law'. Suddenly, there appears to be a Universal Law for anything. Like we haven't got enough
Laws to deal with already!

There is truth to these 'Universal Laws', but in most cases, a little nuance is in place. Please read along, as the remainder of this article will clear it all up.

There are Universal Laws that guide your life behind the scenes of 'physical reality'. These are actually rather 'universal principles of life'. That would be a more appropriate qualification.

However, the qualification of 'Universal Law' has taken on a life of its own. The word 'Law' appears to be a magic word… Almost a magic wand that casts a spell on anyone who reads it that puts them in a hypnotized state thinking that what it says must be true. After all, it's a 'Law' isn't it? A 'Law' is always right. No more thinking required.

Today, subjects like the 'Law of Attraction' are at an all-time high of
popularity. We've got the movie 'The Secret' and a whole big bunch of people
trying to leverage on it by proclaiming themselves as 'experts in the field
of the Law of Attraction', or 'masters of attraction'. Yes, there's that magic word (wand) again.

And simply because people seem to like 'Universal Laws', every now and then
a new 'Universal Law' makes its entrance. People come up with new 'Universal
Laws' all the time. And likewise, new 'experts on the Law of Attraction' and 'masters of attraction' proclaim themselves every day.

Yet despite so many people having seen the movie 'The Secret' and knowing
about the Law of Attraction, there is only a very, very small number of people who are actually living the life of their dreams, or 'attracting their desires', or 'manifesting their dreams'. Yes those are some other 'magic words' from today's common terminology.

How come? How come, with all that knowledge, with all those 'Universal Laws' already written and told about, and with all those new 'Universal Laws',
'Spiritual Laws of the Universe', 'Subsidiary Laws' and so on coming about each and every day on the Internet and elsewhere… How come that all the people buying those books, DVDs, movies, films, documentaries, and so on,
are still not 'attracting their desires' or 'manifesting their dreams'?

I'll tell you why. Most people have heard something about it, but have no real knowledge about the matter. They are aware of the fact that there are 'Universal Laws', or rather 'universal principles of life' that work behind the scenes and guide the courses of their lives.

However, most people have lost track, because so many who think they know
what they're talking about (while they don't) come up with these new
'Universal Laws' all the time. There may be some truth to all these different 'Universal Laws'. But what they really do for genuine seekers for
the truth like yourself is not much more than making things way too difficult and complex to apply.

And if that isn't enough already, often another big problem comes up when
you start reading about the 'Law of Attraction' and the 'Laws of the
Universe'. The 'experts' who speak or write about them tend to do that in
such an overly symbolic fashion, that few well-thinking people can make any
practical sense of it. What you find is nothing but 'enigmas wrapped in

Listen, there are universal principles of life. 'Universal Laws' if you will. However, when it comes to applying them to your advantage, we are in desperate need for some clarity.

Let me show you what I mean. I can come up with hundreds of 'Universal Laws' if I want. Here's a couple of them…

*Introducing the Universal Law of Ping Pong*:
It says you have to use ping pong balls if you want to play table tennis.

*Introducing the Universal Law of Rain*: It says that when it rains, things
get wet.

Disappointing, eh? But they did sound interesting at first, right?

See what's happening here? The mere qualification of 'Universal Law' makes
the statement sound interesting already, while the true deeper meaning of the 'Universal Law' is nothing more than a standard, blindingly obvious platitude.

So let me give you another Universal Law right now, to satisfy your probably
insatiable need (or so you may think) for knowledge of all 'Universal Laws' to improve your life, 'attract your desires', and 'manifest your dreams' once and for all:

*Introducing the Universal Law of Bollocks*

It says that it's all bollocks. (Bollocks = B.S. for our North American readers...)

That's right, it's all bollocks. Bollocks! There are universal principles
guiding your life. If you want, you can call them 'Universal Laws'. I've done so in my books and articles, because that's what people are looking for these days. If I would apply other terminology, people would never even be looking at it. Simply because they think they need 'Laws'.

But it's all bollocks, because before this whole game we call 'human life' started, we didn't get an instruction manual on how life was supposed to be lived. We didn't get a Code of Law full of 'thou shalt nots'. The purpose of the whole thing was to find out the universal principles and realize that through applying these principles, YOU can have full control over whatever it is you want to create.

*The purpose of the whole thing was to find out that the world 'outside' is only a mirror showing what's going on 'inside'. All this time, the whole thing has been about finding out that you create your reality experience yourself.*

Yes, that's right, you 'create', which is much more than 'attracting'. But that's something you'll discover as you get more experienced in the conscious living of your life and in the engineering your own success by applying the true and simple universal principles of life.

Or yes, 'Laws' if you will.

What you call 'good' and 'bad' are qualifications of your own. You are the
one who deems things to be 'good' or 'bad'. That's merely a judgment from
your individual perspective. When you're not satisfied with your reality
experience, you need to create something else that you are satisfied with.

For many, this is where the Law of Attraction comes in. According to most,
this one states that what you focus your thoughts on becomes your reality.
There's truth to this statement, but there's more to the story. Positive
thinking and visualizing aren't going to cut it. There are certain boundary
conditions to take into account, certain 'universal principles of life'.
Without attending to these conditions, your attraction efforts will be
sabotaged. And this is exactly what most people who have seen 'The Secret'
and have tried to put the 'Law of Attraction' into practice are experiencing.

But the last thing you need are instructions that are either overly
symbolic, or too complex to apply. What you want to keep things simple and
straightforward. Or else you may get lost in the details. You want just enough straightforward knowledge for simple application of the principles, while still having a total view on the big picture that is comprehensive enough to not forget about any universal principle, or Law for that matter.

If you want to make life simple for yourself, to start pulling the right
strings at once to create the life and destiny of your dreams, then don't waste another second on trying to find out every small, detailed, insignificant 'Universal Law' someone came up with today. You'll be like a cat chasing its own tail: a never-ending story that leaves you exhausted and depressed.

Neither should you merely think positive thoughts and then wait for things to happen. There's a little more to it. Just a little, nothing complex, but still extremely important.

Just keep it simple. There are 6 main Universal Principles (or Laws) that
cover all universal principles automatically. Attend to them all, which is a simple thing to do without much effort required, and you'll be off living
more than your dreams before you can even consciously realize you created
such an incredible experience!

Keep it straightforward and easy-to-apply. The game of life wasn't intended
to be complex and difficult. The game was supposed to be simple and easy,
and most of all FUN!

And there's a simple road to it, and it's just a small decision away.

*Welcome to the Revolution...*

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Two of the most inspiring videos you'll ever see!

I'd like to share with you 2 very inspiring videos of Nick Vujicic, a man born without arms and legs but living life to the fullest.

I promise you'll be touched and motivated, and you'll feel like you can do anything, after watching the videos.

See the videos here:

To view hundreds of other motivational and self-help videos, go to:

I've also posted new articles at our Self-Help Library.
They include info on having an abundance mentality, and making a guy or woman want you more.

You may read them at:

To access hundreds of past self-help articles, go to:

Hope you get something useful out of them.

Best Regards,
Michael Lee

Shared by: Lawyer Asad

Saturday, September 10, 2011

What Did Jesus Really Teach About Seeking Wealth?

*What Did Jesus Really Teach About Seeking Wealth?*

*By Christopher Westra, Author of I Create Reality**
*"The desire for increase is inherent in all nature; it is the fundamental impulse of the universe. Man instinctively knows this, and therefore he is always seeking more. This law of perpetual increase is set forth by Jesus in the parable of the talents: Only those who gain more retain any; from him who has not shall be taken away even that which he has. The normal desire for increased wealth is not an evil or a reprehensible thing. It is simply the desire for more abundant life. It is aspiration. And because it is the deepest instinct of their natures, all men and women are attracted to those who can give them more of the means of life."*

*Wallace Wattles – The Science of Getting Rich*

*The Natural Desire for Increase*

We all desire to have more of the good things of life. When you accept this truth, wonderful blessings will flow into your world.

Many of us have been taught to deny this desire, and thus we fight inside ourselves. A part of us wants increased life and wealth, and yet a part of us tells us this is wrong and bad.

When fragmented in this way, we can't manifest the abundance that is possible for us.

The universe wants to manifest wealth for us as much as we want wealth for
ourselves and our loved ones. We have to believe in an abundant universe and not a universe of scarcity!

Jesus said in John 10:10 that he came to earth that we might have life, and that we might have it more abundantly. In addition to the Science of Getting Rich, Wallace Wattles wrote some other books also, including a book about Jesus Christ and the abundant life.

*The Teachings of Jesus and the Natural Desire for Wealth*

Tony Mase is a friend who has, like myself, found great benefit in the books
by Wallace Wattles. In fact, he has taken it upon himself to search out some of his "forgotten" books and bring them to the world. After many years, he found a copy of his book about Jesus.

Here is a link to Jesus, The Man and His Work<>.
I bought the book and read it and it definitely helped me overcome some of
my religious misunderstandings about increased wealth.

Here is what Tony says about the book:

"If you're confused by what you've read or heard about Jesus and His teachings... or if your heart is telling you one thing while orthodox churches and organized religions are telling you another... or if you're having trouble reconciling your desire for wealth and success with your
religious beliefs... then please read this message very carefully. It might be the most important information you read all year. It may well be the most important information you'll ever read!"

*How Holographic Time Brings Increase Into Our Lives*

The lack of abundance in our life is only a result of our belief in scarcity. Our belief in scarcity results from our belief in a future in which there will never be enough. Our belief in a scarce and fearful future results from our belief in linear time.

Did Jesus teach us to fear for the future? No, he taught that we should trust and that all would be taken care of. So let's turn around the paragraph above – until it reads:

The abundance in our life is a result of our belief in an infinitely abundant universe. Our belief in infinite abundance goes hand in hand with the belief that this infinite abundance exists right now. Our belief in an abundant and giving universe results from our belief in holographic time.

Remember that we live in holographic time when we experience holographic
consciousness – whole and complete at all times! A hologram is always whole
and complete and cannot be fragmented.

One side benefit of living in holographic consciousness is the feeling of complete safety and security. You can't fear the future when it doesn't exist!

I never realized how much fear I lived in until I truly came to understand
holographic time, and the power of the present moment. It feels good not to
worry and fear about tomorrow.

*Increased Life and Abundance for All People*

In this infinitely abundant universe, there is enough for all. You never need to take away from another in order to get what you want for yourself or your family. Manifesting abundance doesn't work for those who try to take from others.
Move away from the competitive model and into the creative model of wealth
creation. There is literally no scarcity of any good thing in the universe.
The very idea of scarcity and competition for scarce resources is a function of living in linear time. Be whole and complete in each holographic moment and let the infinitely abundant universe manifest in your life!

*Christopher Westra is the author of "I Create Reality: How to Use Holographic Creation to Manifest Your Desires." Learn more at* **

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Free Book Reveals How To Have Unlimited Energy and Increase Mental Clarity.

I'd like to give you a helpful e-book
that shows you how to have unlimited energy and enhance your mental clarity.

It's called "Energy Extravaganza" and you
can download it here:

In this free e-book, you'll learn:

- What and how to eat to explode your energy.

- How physical exercise can affect your energy.

- Best ways to keep your mental energy sharp.

- The direct relation between your passion and energy level.

And More!

Go to this link to download it:

Hope you benefit from this e-book and please let me know if there's anything I can help you with.

Kindest Regards,
Michael Lee

Brought to you by: Lawyer Asad

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Videos reveal how to increase your value, money, love and almost anything.

I'd like to share with you 2 powerful videos that reveal how to increase almost anything in your life and enhance your value in people's eyes.

See the videos here:

To view hundreds of other motivational and self-help videos, go to:

Hope you get something great out of these videos.

Best Regards,
Michael Lee

Brought to you by: Lawyer Asad

A Lesson About Power

A Lesson About Power

For several months now, I've been running trails on a big hill here in
Laguna Beach, and I've seen all sorts of wild life. I've even had a coyote run alongside me for nearly a quarter mile . just loping along, acting like some kind of pet. I've rustled up beautiful foxes, mule deer and reticent bobcats, too. While there are hikers and mountain bikers on
the same hill, I can run a good mile or two without seeing anyone in sight. (This does not make my mother very happy, but I love the mind break I get from it.)

This Saturday, I was in for a bit of a surprise.

I had taken a cut-across path to a rarely used fire trail on a very steep hill. Fortunately, my running path takes me DOWN it as I initially tried to go UP it a few times and decided that "down" was a MUCH better plan.

On Saturday, I had trotted about a third of the way down the hill when I spotted an animal about 30 yards ahead of me, heading down the same fire trail. On first glimpse of its tawny body, I thought I'd come across a fox. "Wow, look at that fox. I'll run behind THAT!" I thought to myself
as I continued to scamper down the hill. Another 10 yards and I pulled up short - A fox? Not so much. This was a full-grown mountain lion.

At first, I was struck with awe. I watched her trotting ahead, oblivious to me, and couldn't believe how majestic she looked. I have a love for big cats and, in fact, have "adopted" the two Bengal tigers Michael Jackson used to own before turning them over to a lovely big cat
preserve - -just north of L.A. I visit "Sabu" and "Thriller," and hang out with their lion, panther and cheetah friends, too.

Those tigers and big cats at Shambala, though, . they're behind really tall, sturdy fences.

This was the SECOND thought I had as I stood there, plain as day, admiring this wild cat. It suddenly occurred to me that I was completely isolated on a very big hill with a path of little resistance between a
mountain lion and myself.

I began to back up the hill, hoping I'd make progress without her noticing me. The hill was so steep, however, that it was terribly slow going. So, against everything I've learned about mountain lions/big cats, I turned with my back to her and started running (at a surprising
Olympic sprinter's pace) straight up this terribly steep hill. I figured I needed to get as much distance between the two of us as possible.

About 20 yards higher, I turned to see what the mountain lion was doing.
She had stopped and turned so that I could see her entire body profile and, with tail twitching lazily ("Just like the movies," my mindless mind chittered), she was watching me.

I put my hands high in the air to make myself look bigger, ha. she probably thought I was flagging her down . and turned around again to keep scrambling up the hill.

A second peek - she was still standing there, motionless except for that
twitching tail. I finally reached the cut-across path that would set me on the fire trail back to the ranger station and tried another peek.
This time, she was gone.

This gave me NO peace whatsoever.

Mountain lions can purportedly cover 40 feet in a single hop and NOW I was surrounded by high grass and shrubbery on the cut-across. I sent up a quick notice to my guardian angels and kept running.

Obviously, she and I didn't meet again, or I likely wouldn't be writing this to you from the comfort of my living room.

After reporting her . (The rangers kept asking, "Are you sure you know the wildlife here? Are you sure it wasn't a coyote? Maybe a bunny?") . I thought of the book I love, Ted Andrews' "Animal Speak."

As a Native American Indian, Andrews provides an encyclopedia of birds and animals, and the lore and message each carries for you when they suddenly cross your path. These might be animals or birds you see fairly regularly, but in certain circumstances, they're suddenly acting differently, drawing your attention to them.

Whenever my "pet Osprey" comes back to roost on my deck, or a hummingbird allows me to rescue it from entrapment in a skylight, or a coyote decides to just jump out of the bush to lope next to me, I figure Ted Andrews' book will provide some entertaining food for thought. In
most cases, though, the "message" smacks me right between the eyes.

Per Andrews, a mountain lion sighting (or cougar to the Indians) means this "If a cougar has shown up in your life, it is time to learn about and test your power. When cougars show up, understand that much of your trial has been worked through. Now it is time to assert. Know your power, believe in your power, and take action."

"The cougar teaches decisiveness in the use of personal power. A cougar does not hesitate. The cougar teaches you how to bring out your power and fill your heart with it in a manner that will enable you to take charge of your life."

All right. Fine. Another smack between the eyes for me.

I don't need to fill you in on what I've been struggling with lately over the past few weeks, but I'll just say for the record that there's not another bird or animal in that book that could have carried a more
fitting message my way.

Isn't it amazing, though, how we can so mindlessly relinquish the awesome power that imbues each of us? These days, so many people are screaming that the sky is falling, and so many media talking heads are repeating the same grim "facts" that it's very easy to get caught up in it. We simply forget ourselves; we forget that we are wonderfully made and fully alive with the ability to single-handedly change the course of our lives. As Rev. Michael Beckwith says, "We forget WHO we are and WHOSE we are."

Bob Proctor always teaches that, in times like these, the LAST thing you want to do is pull back or retract. Whatever you might be putting off doing or starting. . whatever you're procrastinating on or feeling uncomfortable about. take a moment to really look at all the reasons
you're giving yourself for not taking that action.

Why are you hesitating?

When I think back to that mountain lion watching me, there was no hesitation in her stance. She wasn't letting ME know what she had decided, but she had already made her decision. This wasn't about her questioning whether or not she could bound up the same hill I was
achingly scrabbling up -questioning her power wasn't even part of the equation.

If you stopped questioning your own power, where would YOU be?

Diane Armitage

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Dissecting the Buying Brain

Dissecting the Buying Brain
By A.K. Pradeep, Author of The Buying Brain:

Secrets for Selling to the Subconscious Mind Each year a trillion dollars is spent on communicating to and persuading the human brain, yet few understand how the brain really works -- what's attractive to it, how it decides what it likes and doesn't like, and how it chooses to buy or not buy the infinite variety of products
and services presented to it every day. Neuromarketing research is revealing
a myriad of fascinating insights that help improve the effectiveness of every aspect of clients' brands, products, packaging, in-store marketing, advertising, and entertainment content.

Synchronized Senses Among the five senses, vision is the most pronounced and the brain will discount information that is not in concert with the visual stimuli it receives. The sense of smell is quite powerful too, as it is the most direct route to emotions and memory storage. Being linked with a pleasant, iconic smell can significantly improve a product's success in the marketplace. Brains are also quite empathic and it is a neural "monkey see; monkey do" mechanism that can help companies around the world create and market products and services that consumers will find naturally compelling. Mirror neuron theory says that when someone watches an action being performed, he or she performs that action in his or her own brain. Activating this mirror neuron system is one of the most effective ways to connect with consumers.
Consider how watching a close partner handle a stressful conversation can cause your blood pressure to rise; how seeing a bicyclist zoom down a hill will elevate
your heart rate and give you a feeling of alertness and possibly even a mirrored endorphin jolt.

Defining Differences While human brains are remarkably similar, there are some fundamental differences such as age and
gender that affect how we respond to stimuli.
The Boomer Brain: There are 44 million baby boomers in the U.S. who control 77% of all financial assets. After age 50 , the brain becomes less able to screen out distractions, presenting a huge implication and a great opportunity for marketers. A key difference between the older and the younger brain involves the amygdala, the brain area devoted to primal emotions, which in young people responds to positive and negative stimuli, but in older people, more strongly to
positive stimuli. Another key trait among older adults is the tendency to overlook the negative. It's called "preferential processing," and several studies have highlighted it. They indicate that, when presented with a negative message, older brains can "delete" the NOT and remember it as a DO over time. A real world example of how this neuroscience discovery is useful for marketers is when crafting a message for the Boomer Brain, say "Remember the milk", not " Don't forget the milk".

The Female Brain: Despite the fact that women's spending capacity has increased to a whopping $13 trillion annually worldwide -- more than the GDPs of China and India combined -- it has only been in the last decade that the female brain has been studied in any depth and detail. Marketers are waking up to the fact that the female brain has four times as many neurons connecting the right and left
hemispheres, greatly enhancing its ability to process information through both rational and emotional filters -- a fact that must not be ignored when crafting a message.

The Mommy Brain: Pregnancy and motherhood present women with the most significant changes their brains will experience in their adult lives. Importantly, those changes will last their entire lifetimes.
The highly evolved Mommy Brain is largely responsible for our status at the top of the food chain, and mothers control 80-85% of all household spending. The millions of Moms across the country are an army -- mobile, nimble, vigilant, in touch like never before through social media, and powerful -- if your product or messages hit home with them, you have won over powerful allies who will support you through instant communication
networks beyond anything you could create for yourself. But the reverse is
also true. Precise Measurement The group of world-class neuroscientists,
neurophysiologists and marketing experts at NeuroFocus measure and analyze actual brainwave activity across the full brain using a combination of
electroencephalographic (EEG) testing and sophisticated eye tracking
equipment that records exactly where a person is looking while experiencing
a stimulus. This combination allows precise measurement of exactly how a
person's brain is responding to a certain stimulus in terms of three primary
NeuroMetrics: Attention,

Emotional Engagement, and Memory Retention, and correlate that with exactly where the person's eyes are focused at that same millisecond. The results are unprecedented in depth, accuracy, and detail, and unequalled by any other form of research. Companies around the world,
including the largest and most successful global giants, are increasingly turning to EEG-based full brain neurological measurements because they offer far more accuracy, reliability, and actionable results than conventional market research methods alone such as surveys and focus groups. In the near future manufacturers, marketers, retailers and content creators that take the time to know the real consumer at the subconscious level will survive and prosper. Those that treat consumers like a number in a survey or a nameless wonder in a focus group will perish.

NeuroFocus CEO Dr. A. K. Pradeep, is the author of the forthcoming book, The Buying Brain: Secrets for Selling to the Subconscious Mind.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad