Friday, August 31, 2012

Natural Aphrodisiacs. Boost Libido without Viagra

Natural Aphrodisiacs. Boost Libido without Viagra

I was recently answering a comment to my article "Why couples conflict about sex" and thought, that it would be a good idea to share some useful (I hope) information about natural aphrodisiacs with you. Why? Because today lots of people are crazy about Viagra and other drugs which boost libido without even trying to increase it the natural way. There are ways of doing this, namely using natural aphrodisiacs, and these are available for everybody. So, you could easily try them.

Definition of Aphrodisiac

What is an aphrodisiac? Aphrodisiac is any food, drink or other agent, which increases sexual desire. This covers both men and women. Some things were reputed as aphrodisiacs due to their phallic shape, for example, horn of the rhinoceros. But I don't believe in magic, I normally trust science. Although it has not been proved scientifically, that particular types of food boost sexual desire, I tend to agree with erotic cuisine: some foods are good for libido due to their health benefits, such as content of various vitamins and healthy substances.

Natural Aphrodisiacs

I'm not going to list all the exotic plants and foods which are difficult to find, but are said to be strong aphrodisiacs. I'll tell you, what is healthy for the reproduction organs and why it can boost libido.

Foods rich in vitamins A and E are eaten to boost libido, as they have a positive effect on reproductive organs. Examples are eggs, carrots, cod liver.
Marine foods are strong aphrodisiacs, as they contain phosphorus and vitamin B. To improve potency, eat oysters, shrimps, caviar and mussels.

As for drinks, it's recommended to consume more milk and cultured milk, as they contain a lot of proteins, which increase potency. Vine is also a natural aphrodisiac.

Other foods rich in proteins are farinaceous foods. They are also referred to as aphrodisiacs.

Using spices for the food preparation is also good to boost sexual drive: oregano, basil, nutmeg, curry, chili. As spicy foods increase the heart rate, they have aphrodisiacal effects.

Fruits, berries and vegetables also contribute to increasing sexual appetite. Examples: tomato (tomatoes also prevent prostatic diseases), artichoke, asparagus, potato, radish, strawberry, mango.

As chocolate has a sedative and relaxing effect, it stimulates sexual drive, too.

Aromatherapy Essential Oils as Aphrodisiacs
Among essential oils for aromatherapy the following ones are aphrodisiacs:


Viagra or Natural Aphrodisiacs?

Please, don't think, that I am against Viagra and want to influence your opinion about it some way. I'm not here to share my opinion about this drug with you. This is absolutely your business to buy and use it or not. I just think, that natural aphrodisiacs named above are anyway healthier and good for libido.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The History of Numerology

So far, in these newsletters, we have discussed just about every
aspect of numerology except for it's history! By now many of you
who have been marveling at the incredible complexity and accuracy
of this ancient system of divination and character analysis might
be wondering where exactly it came from.

Like many of these really old magical or metaphysical systems the
absolute origins of numerology are a bit muddled. Like many
pseudo-sciences numerology did not necessarily enjoy any attention
until it was brought to the attention of the public or powers that
be by a famous personality.

It was the Greek mathematician and mystic Pythagoras, who lived in
the sixth century B.C. who is credited with bringing to the
attention of the world by stating that "number is the ruler of
forms and ideas and the cause of gods and daemons."

Our modern day interpretations of numbers are largely based on the
numerical correspondences that Pythagorus established. Nowadays
though most mathematicians regard his ideas as "pseudoscience"
Astronomers see astrology in a similar way.

The truth is modern numerology is a mish mash of evolutionary
contributions from a variety of different teachers and cultures
including Babylonian magic, astrological pholisophy from
Hellenistic Alexandria, the Jewish Kabbalah. The Indian Vedas, the
Chinese "Circle of the Dead", and the Egyptian "Book of the Master
of the Secret House" (Ritual of the Dead). A lot of these texts
are sacred and misunderstood and not really available to the public
until this day. Of course that means that there were many famous
numerologists in the world working in all of these cultures - it is
just that their achievements are lost in the sands of time.

Probably the second most famous "founding father" of numerology was
St. Augustine of Hippo (A.D. 354-43) who wrote that Numbers are the
Universal language offered by the deity to humans as confirmation
of the truth." Similar to Pythagoras, he too believed that
everything had numerical relationships and it was up to the mind to
seek and investigate the secrets of these relationships or have
them revealed by the Divine Grace of God.

In 325 A.D., following the First Council of Nicaea, departures from
the beliefs of the state Church were classified as civil violations
within the Roman Empire. This means that numerology was no longer
a science bestowed by God, but rather than the devil. Astrology,
magic and other forms of magic were also purged from society by the
Catholic Church at this time.

However the Christian science of Gematria still thrived simply
because many early biblical texts were written in Greek and Hebrew
and the letters of these alphabets also had numerical equivlents.
It was difficult to interpret or read these texts without taking
the numerical vibration of the letter into account as well. There
are many "sacred numbers" within Christianity that were analyzed by
a priest name Dorotheus of Gaza. Numerology is still used in some
Greek orthodox circles.

An early example of the influence of numerology in English
literature is Sir Thomas Browne's 1658 Discourse "The Garden of
Cyrus."In it, the author whimsically indulges in Pythagorean
numerology to demonstrate that the number five and the related
Quincunx pattern can be found throughout the arts, in design, and
in nature - particularly botany.

Modern numerology has various antecedents. Ruth A. Drayer's book,
Numerology, The Power in Numbers (Square One Publishers) says that
around the turn of the century (from 1800 to 1900 A.D.) Mrs. L. Dow
Balliett combined Pythagoras' work with Biblical reference. Then on
Oct 23, 1972, Balliett's student, Dr. Juno Jordan, changed
Numerology further and helped it to become the system known today
under the title "Pythagorean".

In modern times there are many authors that have written great
works about numerology.

One of the first books on the subject was published in the early
1800s and written by Mrs. L. Dow Balliett. This numerologist went
back to the ancient sacred numbers found in the Bible and combined
that knowledge with the basic vibrations of numbers as established
by Pythagorus. Her works were later revamped by a contemporary
author named Dr. Juno Jordan who established Balliett's initial
works as a Pythagorean system.

Most numerologists and automatic numerology programs you access on
the inherent working today use the vibrational and meanings
established by Pythagorus, Balliett and Jordan.,

Just to refresh your memory those established vibrations are --

0. Everything or absoluteness. All

1. Individual. Aggressor. Yang.

2. Balance. Union. Receptive. Yin.

3. Communication/interaction. Neutrality.

4. Creation.

5. Action. Restlessness.

6. Reaction/flux. Responsibility.

7. Thought/consciousness.

8. Power/sacrifice.

9. Highest level of change.

10. Rebirth.

It is important to remember that even though this is the most
commonly used interpretation of numbers in the world that
numerology does not stop at Pythagoras. In fact, since the
seventies many New Age writers have made even more equivalences to
numbers including the chakras, the archangels and other factors.


Yours in Numbers,

Mike Madigan

Thursday, August 23, 2012

How to Create Exactly What You Want

How to Create Exactly What You Want

By Robert Anthony, Ph.D
Creator of The Secret of Deliberate Creation

Take a trip to any jail or prison and you will meet hundreds of people who will tell you they are the "victims" of their circumstances.

Travel through any big city ghetto and you'll hear the same thing.

Visit any affluent, high-class neighbourhood, talk to the people there and you'll discover the same thing.

Visit a middle-class neighbourhood in New York, Toronto, London or Sydney and you will meet people who believe they are the result of their circumstances, good or bad.

They will talk about the opportunities they were given, or the chances they were denied. They may be grateful for the education they were exposed to, or complain they were denied the education they deserve.

One person will tell you about her wonderful childhood and upbringing was, while another will complain that she came from a "dysfunctional" family.

There is no denying that income, status, education, upbringing, neighborhood, family and many other situations will influence, effect and even determine the outcome of our lives.

But who creates the circumstances?

Your parents? Your environment? God? Destiny? Lost in all this analysis and the assumption of almost every unconscious person I have ever met is this one very important reality.

The effect of our thoughts ABOUT our circumstances.

We cannot change what happened to us, but we can change our PERCEPTION about what happened to us. This is the key to changing our present circumstances and our future.

Our minds are like a garden. We can intelligently cultivate our garden, or we can allow it to run wild. If you diligently attend to your garden, it will produce the things you cultivate.

If you don't plant specific seeds, then the animals, wind and other elements will cause RANDOM things to grow which will likely to choke out the things you want to cultivate from your garden.


Just as a gardener must tend his or her garden, keeping out the weeds, you must tend the garden of your mind, weeding out the thoughts of lack, limitation and negativity.

If you practice gardening of this kind, you will soon discover that you are the gardener of your soul. You will come to the profound revelation that you are not the victim of your circumstances--but the creator of them.

The reason is simple: Whatever you give your attention to and focus on shapes your character, creates your circumstances, and determines your ultimate destiny.

Please read that again

What you experience in your life is directly connected to your inner state of mind. The most important thing you can learn about success, prosperity and happiness is that cause (thought) and effect (results or experiences) are one.

But face this important fact - You don't simply end up in jail or the hospital, bankrupt, or alone no more than you simply wake up rich, successful, happy, and healthy. All these CIRCUMSTANCES are the RESULT of thousands of little decisions, which are reached as a result of the thoughts you give your attention to.

Now, if you are like most people, this is the part where you start to mentally make excuses and argue with me.

Perhaps you believe that what I just said is true for other people, but you are quite certain that you have been the victim of extenuating circumstances beyond your control.

I know. I know. YOUR situation is different.

So just how does that work?

Let's talk about how all this applies to you.

First, you must accept that on one level or another, you have manifested everything that is happening in your life. Even the horrific, nasty stuff.

I agree that you don't do it consciously. But you do it. 

Now here's the thing . . .

You are surrounded by a data-sphere of information that promotes negativity, fear, anxiety, limitation, and lack. It pummels your senses from all directions. It comes from your TV, radio, the Internet, your friends, family, church and the people you work with.

Most people are so saturated by negative programming that they can't even conceive a life of anything but struggle and complaint.

What you read, what you listen to, and the people you talk with have a huge effect on the person you are and the thoughts you have. It not only comes from the media and other individuals but from the government.

The doom, gloom and negativity that is perpetuated by the government is designed to appeal to the programmed fear of the masses in order to get re-elected. We elect and re-elect these people to *save and protect us* from the pending doom and gloom.

If that wasn't enough, consider that the microcosm of our mass culture can be found in entertainment and even sports personalities. Most of these people are insecure, self-centered and only interested in their own 15 minutes of fame.

However, they are not the problem. We are, because we are willing to spend countless hours and pay billions of dollars to watch them, mimic their lifestyles and even their manner of dress.

You must recognize that this data-sphere is continually programming you 24/7, and that almost 95% of it is fear, lack and limitation programming.

So what do you do?

If you want to reach the highest levels of success, you have to zealously guard the input you allow to come into your life. You must control your own programming, and reject the poisonous stuff most people are trying to feed you.

In order to focus on success, it is imperative that you spend more time on your own personal growth. Each morning and each evening before you go to bed, spend time on focusing on something positive.

Remember: You are the foundation from which all your dreams are made reality. This is the only way you can guarantee your success, wealth and happiness...

Dr. Robert Anthony is the author of 15 books including the million copy best sellers "The Ultimate Secrets of Total Self Confidence" and "Advanced Formula for Total Success". His latest creation is the comprehensive 6-CD training program 
The Secret of Deliberate Creation

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

8 Surprising Traits Of Olympic Winners

8 Surprising Traits Of Olympic Winners

By Garret Kramer.

What do successful Olympic athletes have in common? 

Do they train until exhaustion sets in? Are they positive thinkers? Do they grind through adversity? Have they set gold-medal goals? 

Indeed, these characteristics are often associated with athletic success. But when Olympic winners are asked about their state of mind, physical preparation, and journey to the top, they almost always define their experience in a different fashion.

So, what are the common keys to Olympic achievement?

Take a look at the following list. Then decide if these characteristics are present, or needed, in your own quest for success, contentment, and long-term productivity.

1. Winning athletes attribute their success to a lack of thought.

How many times during the London games have you heard a gold-medal winner say, "I wasn't thinking about anything. Things just seemed to fall into place for me"? Olympic winners know that they cannot consistently reach this state of high performance by using their intellect or employing mental strategies. Why? Because both require deliberate thinking--exactly what is not present when an athlete is in "the zone."

2. Winning athletes relish the ride.

Top Olympic performers understand that chasing a medal thwarts their own clarity, freedom, and creativity. Contrary to what many of us have been taught, the "goal" of top athletes is almost always to savor the journey, relationships, and experiences. They know that narrow-mindedly setting their sights on a title restricts awareness and reduces possibilities.

3. Winning athletes care, and don't care, about outcomes -- at the exact same time.

Obviously, Olympic champions strive to win, and their competitive spirit doesn't take losing lightly. However, they also know that, win or lose, they will be perfectly okay. There is a big difference between one's life (a constant) and one's life situations (always in flux). The best athletes know that what occurs in their life situations (a particular Olympic event, for example) has no ability to infiltrate their life.

4. Winning athletes understand that competition is the ultimate form of cooperation.

Although athletes are often encouraged to perceive opponents as the enemy, the Olympics show us that respect, compassion, and love are far more conducive to consistent achievement. In fact, conscious athletes understand that their opponents are there to push them past their current limitations -- to make them better. This reverence increases awareness, expands the perceptual field, and slows down thought -- greatly increasing the odds for victory.

5. Winning athletes presume that they know little about their sport.

Openness is an almost always-overlooked characteristic of success. Believe it or not, the most insightful athletes know that there is always more to learn and more efficient ways to operate. As they arrive at the Olympics, these athletes put what they know on the back-burner; they start fresh. Like small children, they live full of wonder and constantly seek to soak up more.

6. Winning athletes feel pressure and think negative thoughts.

Some of us think that champion athletes are immune to anxious thoughts, that they have ice water in their veins. But the truth is that they are subject to errant thoughts and feelings as much as the next guy. What champions know, however, is that low quality thoughts and feelings are a normal byproduct of the human experience; they have nothing to do with a specific circumstance. Therefore, great athletes understand that they can triumph no matter what thoughts and feelings might occur.

7. Winning athletes use stillpower -- not willpower.

Isn't it obvious? The winners in the 2012 Olympic Games in London have a light, calm, and clear look about them, while the also-rans seem to be grinding and pushing. Olympic winners rarely try to will themselves through wayward perspectives and outlooks. Instead, they apply stillpower. They leave their low thoughts and feelings unattended, and, instantaneously, clarity and consciousness return once more.

Keep in mind, Olympic excellence -- like excellence in any arena -- is the natural result of high states of consciousness. And you can't get to this powerful psychological perspective by forcing, exerting, or laboring. 

Compare Missy Franklin to Ryan Lochte; the U.S. women's gymnastics team to the Russian team; Andy Murray's state of mind in the Olympics versus his state of mind at Wimbledon -- and it's plain to see: Effort is only as productive as the state of mind from which it comes. 

Olympic champions know that their perceptions are created from the inside out -- their state of mind in the moment will determine their experience (#8), the most essential characteristic of them all.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Numerology: Is 1 Really the Loneliest Number?

Numerology: Is 1 Really the Loneliest Number?

You have probably heard the song lyric - "One is the loneliest

number you will ever know?" However is this really true?

According to numerology there may actually be something to this as
the 1 is a Life Path number that seems to be fated to shoulder the
burdens of fate all by him or herself. It is considered to be a
mundane number that is considered with the execution of every day
chores and very practical things. This means being with a 1 is not
that romantic because there is always "something to get done."

Life demands a lot from a number 1 and the number 1 in turn demands
a lot from other people. This can lead to some isolation simply
because most people like to have more fun in life. However a 1
considers working a lot to be a great deal of fun. There is no
other number that can mix business with pleasure as well as this
one. They rarely do anything without a business motivation in mind.
Even their vacations usually have to do something with social
climbing or scouting for business opportunities.

The busy schedule of a 1 also often leaves their partners feeling
secluded and lonely. It takes a very strong person to be with a 1
and few of them exist. Often the 1 is like a politician or is an
actual politician that needs a partner that focuses on him or her
exclusively. Unfortunately that means that they attract a number
like a 2, 9 or 11. These numbers tend to focus more on other people
than themselves. Unfortunately the 1 ends up alone after teaching
the 2, 9, and 11 a karmic lesson about learning to love themselves
more in life.

Often a 1 ends up lonely because the Life Path Number also means
standing up for your beliefs despite the fact that everyone else is
against you. It is the number of the noble martyr who stand up for
what is right in life. It is the number of a great leader who is so
self assured and innovative that their ideas often seem radical to
others. Many ones have notions that are far ahead of their time and
often they stand alone - like a David against a huge Goliath of
public objection.

A similar number is the 8. An 8 can be a lonely number simply
because they are so busy being pillars of the community that they
do not have time for family or lovers. Instead many of them are
busy building empires.

The timing in the life of an 8 is also similar to that of a 1. They
are often slave to economics and as they tend to employ or take
care of a lot of other people. Their lives are ruled by deadlines
and practical matters.

The 8 can end up lonely because the partner soon realizes that this
number is public property. Yet another problem is that the 8 is
always in the spotlight.

Anyone with a Life Path number 3 can also feel incredibly at times
in their life. This is the number of fame and it is the penultimate
number when it comes to being a living illustration of that old
saying "It's lonely at the top."

A number like 3 can draw a lot of attention yet find nobody that
they can identify with personally. That is because many of them are
phenonomenal talents that rocket to the top. This means that many
of them are used for their connections and money and are rarely
loved for who they really are.

It also does not help that the number 3 stands for the "odd man
out" in a love triangle and end up spending holidays all by
themselves. The Life Path number 3 is notorious for being unable to
settle down. Many of them are so attractive that they also attract
infidelity. They become a "score" and are often not treated like
human beings that way.

Yet another "lonely number" is the number 5. This is because the 5
is fiercely dedicated to his or her own individual independence and
the right to exercise free will. Anyone who interferes with this
number's whims is likely to be viewed as an obstruction by this

The number 5 also likes to travel a great deal and loves being on
the road. During these extended periods of travel the 5 will often
have a series of lovers rather than just one.

Yet another quirk of the number 5 Life Path number is the constant
desire to be alone. This number is very much torn between their
love of solitude and their love of other people. Of all the numbers
the number 5 also sometimes displays an exaggerated need for

The number 4 can also be a lonely Life Path number. Usually this
number has a very hard childhood and because of poverty and
societal discretions does not make friends easily. This number
usually has to struggle with some kind of big problem in their life
and usually it has to do with a chronic health problem or addiction
that also prevents them from meeting other people and forming
relationships. This is not absolutely true of every number 4 as
many of them are also quite adept at transcending every single
challenge to become quite beloved by many. Oprah Winfrey is an
excellent example of a number 4 energy that has triumphed over a
number of setbacks in life to become one of the richest and most
famous people in the world.

The number 7 is not necessarily a lonely number so much as a number
that likes to be left alone. Many of the number 7s are eccentric
geniuses and prodigious talents that find people in general to get
in the way of their big vision. Sometimes a 7 finally notices that
they have failed to attract a partner in life but usually the
contribution that they make to society in the form of an invention
or piece of literature far outweighs the importance of their
personal life.

So the next time you hear that 1 is the loneliest of numbers think
again! It is not necessarily true!


Yours in Numbers,

Mike Madigan

Shared by: Lawyer Asad

Monday, August 20, 2012

How to Be Rich: 6 Investing Lessons From J. Paul Getty

How to Be Rich: 6 Investing Lessons From J. Paul Getty
By; Investment U / Source: Counting Pips
J. Paul Getty's book, How to Be Rich, was recommended by Mark Ford in a recent column. In fact, he advised that even if you've already read it, read it again.

Upon seeing the first chapter entitled How I Made My First Billion, I knew I had a winning book in my hands…
J. Paul Getty's book, How to Be Rich, was recommended by Mark Ford in a recent column. In fact, he advised that even if you've already read it, read it again.

So I promptly ordered it and read it twice in one week.
What a fantastic book. Getty's life story alone is inspiring, but what makes it special is his blunt and personal advice.
Getty was fortunate to have oil and common sense in his blood in equal proportions.

His father was a successful businessman who moved west to become a wildcatter in the rough and tumble Oklahoma oil boom. J. Paul grew up around the business doing the tough and gritty work at the wellhead before striking out on his own.

With no capital at all, the first deal for this independent wildcatter gave him a 15% share of the profits. Then his father grubstaked him, taking 70% of the profits while the Oxford-educated son worked right next to the roustabouts with his battered car serving as his office.
By the age 24, he became a millionaire. His next move was to explore for oil in California where his success expanded into property and stocks.
What makes this book different is that it isn't just about how to get rich, but how to live a full and rich life. In Getty's view, the key is to be a non-conformist, to be independent and willing to challenge conventional wisdom.

After reading the first chapter, I had a tremendous urge to jump out of my chair and dig for oil in my backyard. (I settled on just planting a tree.)

Taking on Getty's Life Lessons

The Getty story pulsates with activity, nerve and initiative. Here's my take on Getty's life lessons and how they can be applied to become a more successful investor and businessperson.

Be stealthy – Getty won his first oil property in a competitive bid for only $500 by using a bank as his proxy, thereby scaring away independent competitors.

Separate fact from opinion – Getty always tried to dig deep for facts and challenge "expert" opinions. He was one of the few wildcatters who studied and used geological data to help him make decisions.

Be independent – Getty loved being an independent wildcatter outwitting the big boys. It's hard to imagine him sitting in a cubicle, or any office, for that matter.

Look ahead and learn from mistakes – Getty was way ahead of his time in seeing great growth opportunities in international markets. Half a dozen times in his book, he literally kicks the reader to look beyond America's borders. And Getty doesn't pass the buck, but admits his blunders. One beauty was to pass on a bargain-basement opportunity to gain a foothold in the oil-rich Middle East in the 1930s only to pay $12 million for a Saudi concession in 1946. (Still a great move.)

Be patient, but take risks in down markets by finding quality values – Getty was a master in taking advantage of great stock values in depressed and crisis markets. Much of his great fortune can be traced back to the 1930s when he scooped up resource stocks and properties at bargain prices.
Finally, Getty chose his targets carefully and had the courage of conviction to jump in when others were scared to death. He put it this way:
"The big profits go to the intelligent, careful and patient investor, not to the restless and overeager speculator… The seasoned investor buys stocks when they are low, holds them for the long-pull rise and takes in between dips and slumps in his stride."
All great lessons and reminders to investors and businessmen of any skill level…

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Sunday, August 19, 2012

7 Tips for Creating Your Own Destiny

7 Tips for Creating Your Own Destiny

Kevin Daum

Are you working on your life or just in it? Here is the perspective and method you need to plan and execute the life and career worthy of your potential.

Too many people whine about not having the life they want. The main reason people fall short of their own expectations is the same reason most companies fail to achieve their objectives: poor planning and execution. In fact, I am amazed at how many successful executives create strategy for their business, leaving their life to chance. Often it's more comfortable (note I didn't say easier) to complain and blame outside factors for lack of accomplishment or unhappiness than to take time to work on life rather than in it.

I choose otherwise. A close entrepreneur friend, J, and I are taking our annual four days away to determine our futures and hold each other accountable. Here are the tips that will assure us of success. 

1. Plan a Preferred Future

As Lewis Carroll said: If you don't know where you are going, then any road will get you there. Both J and I are close to 50, so our 60th birthdays are the milestone for this journey. Twelve years is plenty of time to make course corrections and absorb any external factors thrown at us. Our planning will be specific and measurable. We'll take time to examine and discuss the details of every aspect of our lives, personal and professional, to achieve integrated success and happiness. 

2. Be Pragmatic

Neither of us will be playing for the NBA at our age (or my height). The future has to reflect what is physically possible with available resources and limitations. Pragmatism isn't in itself restrictive, however; J and I will harness our creativity to design aspirational futures that exploit every opportunity and asset we have. We'll also create filters to keep us from wasting time and energy on what's unachievable or irrelevant. 

3. Decide the Who, Not the What

We're defining who we want to be at 60, not what we want to be doing. The who centers on passion, core competencies, and core satisfaction, such as material requirements. If I know who I truly want to be, I can detail what to do, own, resources I need, etc. I can also determine what not to do, own, etc., focusing time and resources where required.

4. Be Honest

J and I will challenge each other constantly to get to the truth of who we are and who we wish to be. There will be no quiet politeness on this trip (not that I'm capable of it). I can't let J believe his own stories and rationalizations, causing misdirection and distraction. Warning: Allowing this dialogue requires intimate knowledge of each other and great trust. Pick your accountability partners wisely.

5. Consider the Tools Around You, Old and New

Every resource is important. On my old list is Napoleon Hill, who nearly 100 years ago connected creative visualization to success. And I will also consider new resources like crowd-sourcing. Although I'm a natural skeptic for overhyped Internet trends, my friend and talented designer Elena Kriegner inspired me with her KickStarter campaign. It's simple, interesting, and elegant (like her jewelry), which is why it's gaining traction, unlike many others. In this planning exercise, no resources, new or old, are off the table to achieve my desired future.

6. Ignore the Naysayers

I live for constructive criticism. But outside perspective that is baseless conjecture or stems from emotional baggage (think dissatisfied family or friends) is destructive for achievers. Put these people in a box where they can't distract you from your ambitions. Find people who get it, and put them in your corner. Engage them in your preferred future, and help them achieve theirs.

7. Don't Settle for Mediocrity

Although being the next Steve Jobs or U.S. President is likely off our agenda (as it should be), J and I both want to be pushed to the limits of our potential. Too many people settle for what is easy rather than engage their energy and creativity to create something different and meaningful. Then they wonder why their work has no significance. I choose to pursue the Awesome Experience.

People who take a reactive approach to growth and development will suffer the same fate as companies, managers, and employees who let the markets, technology, and competitors determine their destiny. The game of life rewards aggressive players who leverage their energy, smarts (note that I didn't say intelligence), and creativity to determine and obtain the life that truly makes them happy. As Jim Collins points out in Great by Choice, good and bad luck comes to all; it's how you plan and execute that determines your return on luck.

Note: If you're interested in learning more about this process, contact me. I can share more specifics and tools from my small-group facilitations on preferred futuring. Perhaps you are ready to live your preferred future. Don't hope for it; determine, plan, and execute.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Saturday, August 18, 2012

How a Pen Could Save Your Brain

How a Pen Could Save Your Brain
By: Cassie Shortsleeve / Source: Men's Health News

Pick up a pen—your brain needs it. The typical adult hasn't written anything by hand in almost six weeks, according to recent research by online stationery store Docmail. Even more: Two-thirds of the 2,000 study participants reported that most of their writing was just scribbles for their own eyes.

Here's why that's a problem: "Different forms of communication use different parts of the brain," so the less you write, the more your brain goes to waste, says Allen Sills, M.D., associate professor of neurological surgery at Vanderbilt University.

Biologically speaking, neglecting a part of your brain means slower connections in your dome. "Those files are going to be harder to download and access when we need them," Dr. Sills explains. (Want more must-know health tidbits delivered to you every day? Sign up for the Men's Health Daily Dose newsletter.)

Don't worry, you need not write a 10-page note every day to keep your brain sharp. But optimal brain health doesinvolve using as many parts of our brains as you can. If you stick to the familiar (typing all day), your brain is less stimulated, and more limited than it would be if you switched things up, Dr. Sills notes.

Your move: Email thank-you notes are trite, and you likely need a break from hammering away at the keyboard at meetings—so stick with handwritten thank-yous and meeting notes. Another idea? Write her a quick love note and leave it on the counter before work—you'll like the results, we promise. 

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

The Cookie Thief

The Cookie Thief

There's a nice poem by Valerie Cox circulating on the Internet about a woman who bought some cookies and a book at an airport and sat down to read and nibble while waiting for her plane. She soon noticed a man sitting next to her, who casually took a cookie from the bag.

Although shocked and seething, the woman remained silent as the man, without the slightest sign of shame or gratitude, quietly helped himself, matching her cookie for cookie.

When there was one cookie left, she watched in amazement as he picked it up, smiled at her as if he were being gracious, and broke it in half. He ate one half and gave her the other. Congratulating herself for maintaining her cool, she said nothing to this rude cookie thief, astonished at the nerve of some people.

Later, when she was settling into her seat on the plane, she rummaged through her purse and discovered the bag of cookies she'd purchased, still unopened. The moral message is contained in the poem's closing stanza:

"If mine are here," she moaned with despair,
"Then the others were his, and he tried to share."
Too late to apologize, she realized with grief,
That she was the rude one, the ingrate, the thief.

Being sure is not the same as being right. Certainty without humility can lead to self-righteousness that distorts our view and understanding of the world and of people.

Humility doesn't require us to be equivocal or doubtful about our deepest convictions. What it asks is that we hold and advocate our beliefs without dismissing the possibility that others may be right instead.

This is Michael Josephson reminding you that character counts.

Michael Josephson

Friday, August 17, 2012

What Did Jesus Really Teach About Seeking Wealth?

What Did Jesus Really Teach About Seeking Wealth?


By Christopher Westra, Author of I Create Reality

"The desire for increase is inherent in all nature; it is the fundamental impulse of the universe. Man instinctively knows this, and therefore he is always seeking more. This law of perpetual increase is set forth by Jesus in the parable of the talents: Only those who gain more retain any; from him who has not shall be taken away even that which he has. The normal desire for increased wealth is not an evil or a reprehensible thing. It is simply the desire for more abundant life. It is aspiration. And because it is the deepest instinct of their natures, all men and women are attracted to those who can give them more of the means of life."

Wallace Wattles – The Science of Getting Rich

The Natural Desire for Increase

We all desire to have more of the good things of life. When you accept this truth, wonderful blessings will flow into your world. 

Many of us have been taught to deny this desire, and thus we fight inside ourselves. A part of us wants increased life and wealth, and yet a part of us tells us this is wrong and bad.

When fragmented in this way, we can't manifest the abundance that is possible for us.

The universe wants to manifest wealth for us as much as we want wealth for ourselves and our loved ones. We have to believe in an abundant universe and not a universe of scarcity!

Jesus said in John 10:10 that he came to earth that we might have life, and that we might have it more abundantly. In addition to the Science of Getting Rich, Wallace Wattles wrote some other books also, including a book about Jesus Christ and the abundant life.

The Teachings of Jesus and the Natural Desire for Wealth

Tony Mase is a friend who has, like myself, found great benefit in the books by Wallace Wattles. In fact, he has taken it upon himself to search out some of his "forgotten" books and bring them to the world. After many years, he found a copy of his book about Jesus.

Here is a link to Jesus, The Man and His Work. I bought the book and read it and it definitely helped me overcome some of my religious misunderstandings about increased wealth.

Here is what Tony says about the book:

"If you're confused by what you've read or heard about Jesus and His teachings... or if your heart is telling you one thing while orthodox churches and organized religions are telling you another... or if you're having trouble reconciling your desire for wealth and success with your religious beliefs... then please read this message very carefully. It might be the most important information you read all year. It may well be the most important information you'll ever read!"

How Holographic Time Brings Increase Into Our Lives

The lack of abundance in our life is only a result of our belief in scarcity. Our belief in scarcity results from our belief in a future in which there will never be enough. Our belief in a scarce and fearful future results from our belief in linear time.

Did Jesus teach us to fear for the future? No, he taught that we should trust and that all would be taken care of. So let's turn around the paragraph above – until it reads:

The abundance in our life is a result of our belief in an infinitely abundant universe. Our belief in infinite abundance goes hand in hand with the belief that this infinite abundance exists right now. Our belief in an abundant and giving universe results from our belief in holographic time.

Remember that we live in holographic time when we experience holographic consciousness – whole and complete at all times! A hologram is always whole and complete and cannot be fragmented.

One side benefit of living in holographic consciousness is the feeling of complete safety and security. You can't fear the future when it doesn't exist!

I never realized how much fear I lived in until I truly came to understand holographic time, and the power of the present moment. It feels good not to worry and fear about tomorrow.

Increased Life and Abundance for All People

In this infinitely abundant universe, there is enough for all. You never need to take away from another in order to get what you want for yourself or your family. Manifesting abundance doesn't work for those who try to take from others.
Move away from the competitive model and into the creative model of wealth creation. There is literally no scarcity of any good thing in the universe.
The very idea of scarcity and competition for scarce resources is a function of living in linear time. Be whole and complete in each holographic moment and let the infinitely abundant universe manifest in your life!

Christopher Westra is the author of "I Create Reality: How to Use Holographic Creation to Manifest Your Desires." Learn more at

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Eat the Sun: Becoming a Solar Powered Human

Eat the Sun: Becoming a Solar Powered Human



Is it possible to stare directly into the sun and not eat food? Meet Mason.

Eat The Sun is a feature length documentary that focuses on a young man's journey into the little known world of sungazing -- an ancient practice of looking directly at the sun for long periods of time.

San Francisco, CA 2004: A flyer at school advertising a lecture by an elderly Indian gentleman sparks the imagination of a young man named Mason. The flyer reads: "You can become solar powered." It also states that the Indian man giving the lecture, who goes by the acronym HRM, has not eaten in over 8 years, a direct result of sungazing.

Intrigued, Mason begins this simple practice along with a few other classmates. Everyday, in accordance with HRM's protocol, they stand barefooted on the bare earth looking directly into the sun and every day they add 10 seconds to their sungazing time. The goal, according to HRM, is to reach 44 consecutive minutes of looking directly at the sun -- which could take 9 to 12 months to achieve -- at which time one would be "fully charged", meaning not only cured of all mental and physical ailments but also now without the desire or need to eat food.

In many ancient civilizations -- from the Incas and Aztecs to the Greeks and Egyptians - this practice was exclusive to only the high priests and forbidden for 'ordinary' people. Today, with the help of the Internet, this revived practice is gathering global momentum.

Modern day sungazers claim a multitude of health benefits including better eyesight, enhanced vitality, weight loss and, in some more profound cases, a complete loss of the desire and need to eat food.

The main theory of how this is possible focuses on the stimulation of the pineal gland from direct sunlight entering the brain via the eye – the only external expression of the brain - and traveling along the retinal-hypothalamic tract. (The pineal, once believed to have no function, is now considered a master gland, controlling the secretion of melatonin and serotonin). Brain scans of HRM, age 70, reveal a pineal gland 3 times the size of a normal man, despite his advanced age when the pineal tends to shrink. (Additionally, HRM was part of a 411-day medical study during which time he did not eat).

Mason soon discovers that this journey is going to be a lonely one, as society seems to revolve around food; family gatherings, social functions and dating all center on eating. But as his sungazing time increases so do the positive effects. As a former Olympic hopeful in ski jumping and cross-country skiing, Mason has experienced both physical and mental strengthening and he finds that sungazing is far more potent than anything he has felt before. On the downside, he is alienating himself from society; his girlfriend breaks up with him because of his obsession with sungazing, and others, including his family, are put off by his new zealousness.

When Mason approaches 40 minutes of sungazing his desire to eat fades. His conflicts are socially and culturally driven and counter to what he is actually feeling. The only reason he eats anything at all is because of social expectations and some self-doubt. Can this really be happening? Is it possible?

Mason's loneliness and curiosity fuel his desire to meet other people who look at the sun - other than a 70 year old Indian man - in hopes that they can share their stories and experiences so he can better understand this phenomena. Eat The Sun follows Mason on a cross country tour that links him with a variety of colorful sungazers: a Hollywood lawyer, a practicing Mormon with 5 kids, a religious group that believes Jesus was a sungazer and even a sungazing ophthalmologist, some of whom have been sungazing for over 20 years. Interspersed with Mason's journey are interviews with scientists and doctors.

Mason's confusion builds as he navigates through this subculture of sungazing. His story culminates in his final decision to continue and finish HRM's 44 minute protocol. Will Mason succeed? What will happen when he reaches 44 minutes of staring directly into the sun? Has HRM been truthful? Is it really possible to live without eating?

Eat The Sun is the story of one man's struggle to uncover the truth and, ultimately, reveals the power of the mind.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Magic Trick of Happiness

The Magic Trick of Happiness

By James Altucher/ Source:

Question: How can I be happy, when the future holds little promise, and you fear you haven't lived the kind of life you can be content with?

Answer: In June, 2003, I Googled what would happen if I put three unlit cigarettes in a cup of water overnight. Then drank the water in the morning. The idea is that nicotine is a lethal poison. When you smoke it you burn most of the poison away. But if it drains into the water…The theory was I'd be dead of a heart attack in sixty seconds. My fear was that I would I have brain damage instead.  

I've known people with brain damage. That would be no good. It was three in the morning. I knew I was going to go broke. My office had papers and dead computers and dead books and the cards of dead friends everywhere. The IRS letter was next to my computer. I had an incomparable loneliness in all of my relationships. All the work and hours I had put in had added up to this dirty office and no money.

Or maybe there was the other time. My whole life added up to being escorted by police to a hotel room to spend the night. "To calm down." Or the time I was thrown out of graduate school. Or the time I was asked by my boss, "don't you think it's important to show pride in your work?" Or the times I was cheated on.

If I really want to be honest I could say I threw a burning iron at someone and that's when the police came. But perhaps that would seem too much. If I wanted to truly be correct, I could look back at the past and say I did everything they told me to do, all the secret agents that wanted to destroy me: friends, parents, colleagues, bosses, lovers, and here I am – look where I ended up? And where did they all go? Back to their safe houses, in the James Protection Program so I never see them again.

I could sit here all night until daybreak talking about the past, which is gone forever. And the future, which will never exist and yet seems so real. Maybe the economy will end us. Or global warming. Or Greece. or war. Or we lose our jobs. You and me. We can be scared all night together. And who will survive when the world turns Mad Max and rogue skinheads will kill us for our gasoline?

The future just a bleak desert, mirages of water only lasting a few seconds before I realize my thirst won't be quenched. May never be quenched again.

One thing you forgot to mention in your question, my friend, is the present. Right now. The only thing we know exists. The most important thing of all and we left it out. I was googling cigarettes in water when I could've been looking in on my sleeping one year old. I could've kissed her forehead. I could've been grateful to be given such a magical moment. Then I could've called my father one month before his fatal stroke and told him I loved him. Instead I never spoke to him again.

I gave up that magical moment forever because of worries about the future and because of something I did in the past.

The magical moments only exist right now. They will never exist again.

The way we miss them is when we focus on the past. Or we try to drink from the mirage in the distant future. Flying unicorns could be all around us but our eyes are glazed over with cataracts of the dismal future and bleaker past.

I would say, "if only this company sells, I'll be happy." And then I was never more miserable. And then later I would say, "I blew it so bad I ruined everyone's life and not just my own." And then I was never more miserable.

If only I had left out both those statements out I never would've been more happy.
Abundance doesn't exist only "after X, Y, Z happens". Happiness doesn't exist because "I already did A, B, and C".

Magic and Abundance only can exist right now exactly because the past and the future simply don't.

This doesn't mean live only for the moment. We all have responsibilities. But DO them. And then be grateful. Find the five things you are grateful for. There's always five or more. List them. That's abundance. And it compounds into more abundance if you always bring yourself back to it when your mind wanders like a time machine. Everytime your mind wanders, bring it back, list what you are grateful for.

I'll tell you a story. I asked Kathryn Schulz what the inspiration of her book, Being Wrong was. She said she was talking to a friend of hers and the friend was describing in great detail the funeral of her father. The snow coming down in large flakes that covered the ground, the tears, the intense sadness that brought the memory to life. "But," Kathryn asked her, "I thought your dad died in July?" So there couldn't have been snow.

The past lies. The future won't come true. The abundance and magic are only here and now.

The Magic Trick

If you always bring yourself back to that present moment, the future will more than take care of itself. The abundance will grow every time you bring yourself back to the present moment and count the things you are grateful for.

That's it. That's the only trick to get great abundance in your life.

We start off with that helpless destined feeling. That we will die with our handcuffs on. And the hopes we had would be put a stop to. We would be found guilty in our worst nightmares. We would be silenced by our fears.

But right now I'm happy I'm talking to you. I'm abundant because you are listening. I'm grateful because I can feel my breath. Maybe one day I'll decay and die. Maybe one day all around me will be the mirage and the desperate heat. Maybe one day my past will seem too much for me. But right here and now you and I are both alive. We're both breathing. Knock knock.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

How to Talk With Anyone: 9 Lessons From A Shy Dude Who Talked to 1000's of People

How to Talk With Anyone: 9 Lessons From A Shy Dude Who Talked to 1000's of People

By Benjamin Oliver Jenks, 
Author of Shoot The Breeze With Anyone

"Oh… no thanks…" I mumbled as I felt hot blood rise to my cheeks.

"I'm pretty tired…" My excuse trailed off though, because I was concealing a lie. I wasn't tired at all, in fact, I'd slept like a drunken baby last night. But I didn't want to tell the cute brunette girl the truth.

"I'm too shy to go out to the club with you and your friends."

That wouldn't go over so well, right? AND I definitely wouldn't tell her, "I get pretty darn nervous in social situations. It is sort of a problem… AND hanging out with a lady like yourself is definitely one of those situations. It would be awkward for most of the night… unless I got blasted and could slur my words romantically. Then, even tanked, I'd probably hope you made the first move."

Back then, I couldn't talk to anyone.

You know… looking back, it seems perfectly clear why too.

Talking to people is a skill, an artform, and a habit. It takes years to master and is truly understood by few.

But if you can master it, then it makes everything easier… money, friends, sex, laughter, connection, fun, and so much more are your reward, if you can walk up to anyone and blow their hair back with a killer conversation.

Learning to talk to anyone is the most valuable skill an adventurer can cultivate.

So… how are your 'Shooting The Breeze' skillzzz?

If they can be improved, then you are like most people. If you want to improve them and are willing to put in the time, then I commend you. It will pay off and it can even teach you a vital lesson that can change your life. I wrote this article specifically for you.

Talking to people doesn't have to be terrifying. If this shy guy (ME) can go out and talk to thousands of people, then so can you.

Quick Story: How I Talked To Thousands Of People In A Few Months.

I was on a mission.

I was hitch-hiking across the USA and I wanted to take pictures with 1000 people. I'd been hitchhiking around the USA for 9 months and I was feeling so much love from people. Things could have went terribly wrong and I was so grateful they didn't. I wanted to show the side of humanity that I saw.

So… of course, I wanted to make a viral video to show the world.

But as I stood on street corners, in restaurant parking lots, near tourist hot spots, and anywhere with people… I asked thousands of people, "Do you want to be in a movie?"

Some said, Yes. A lot said, No.

The Point Of My Quick Story: I learned to talk to anyone… by talking to thousands of people.

If you genuinely want to learn to talk to anyone, then start talking to people today. Below are 9 lessons to make your practice easier.

But first… shyness is like an STD.

A lot of people have them, but no one comes right out and tells you. :/

50% of people are shy in certain situations and 90% of people have been shy before. A lot of people don't appear shy, but inside they get just as nervous as you.

"Shyness is a universal human experience," explains psychologist F. Ishu Ishiyama, of the University of British Columbia. It goes beyond humans. 20% of Rhesus monkeys are shy.

So let yourself be shy. Relax and accept it. Read this post, Why You Are Shy? for more information. This will set yourup for the following 9 Talk To Anyone Lessons.

Here Are 9 Lessons To Get You Started Talking To Anyone:

1. Find Your Definition.

Your Definition is your core meaning in the world.

It is what you are good at and what you love to do. Some call it your passion, your life purpose, or your calling. Do you know what your definition is?

When you know what defines you, then talking comes easier.

For me, I can't talk to anyone about ancient Greek literature or cellular biology. They aren't my definition… they don't excite me. But I can talk forever about the subjects that define me.

When I hang out with other Couchsurfers, I can swap adventure stories forever.
When I'm with video dudes, I can talk about frame rates, time lapses, and Youtube views all night.
When I'm Skyping with other personal development bloggers, we can rap all day about life lessons, growth, risk, challenges, sex, and personal experiences.

It is so easy to talk with these people, because we speak the same language. We get the same things and we both enjoy the conversation. We have similar definitions and we harness that energy to connect with each other.

Maybe if you don't have much to say, because you aren't doing activities that define you. Maybe you don't know what your definition even is and you feel lost, unfocused, and out of place. Maybe you aren't proud of your life, so what is there to talk about?
2. Find Your People.

If you know what defines you… then you can seek out people who share your interests.

While talking to anyone is your goal, the root goal is to Find Your People. Your People nourish you, support you, inspire you, and challenge you to push yourself further. These are people you connect with on a deeper level. They share your core values, interests, hobbies, and lifestyle.

When you have found Your People, socializing with everyone will be easier. You will be more confident. You will feel a place, so you won't feel the need to fill every place. You will be able to sense if someone isn't a good fit for you. Then you just talk to someone else without taking it personally.

Find your people by:
Joining a Meet-up group.
Going to a Couchsurfing meet-up.
Online dating.
Meeting people using
Looking through events in your local calendar.
Joining a class based on your interest.

3. Boring Conversations Rule.

Most intelligent people despise small talk.

It's boring, right? But it does serve an important purpose. Small talk is the gateway to Huge Talk. Small talk is the boring conversation that let's us feel comfortable around another person, so we can open up more personally. You don't need fantastically interesting conversations starters either. It doesn't really matter what you say, just as long as you start talking.

Boring conversations rule… so just ask something that is completely cliched:

A. The Weather: "Great day today, eh?" or "This rain sure sucks."
B. Ask for Directions: "Excuse me, could you help me find (some place in the town)?"
C. Your Surroundings: "What is with the huge sign on that restaurant over there? Have you ever been there?" or "These roads sure have a lot of potholes!"
D. Notice A Detail: "Cool shoes!" or "My friend has the same shirt."
E. Get The time: "Excuse me… do you have the time?"

***Extra Sauce: Take your conversation to a more personal (and fulfilling) level by then sharing something about yourself. It doesn't have to be monumental… "I'm out book shopping for my sister," or "I got caught in the rain yesterday and got soaked," This will encourage your conversation partner to share too.
4. Wear A Conversation Magnet.

Why approach people… when you can get them to come up to you?

I used this strategy as I hitchhiked. I wore my own eye-catching uniform to stand out. With a red, white, and blue headband, a huge backpack, and a t-shirt reading, I Love People, I did not blend in. So a lot of people came up to me to ask what I was doing. But you don't need to go to this extreme…

Just wear one thing that stands out.

Wear bright red shoes. Knit yourself a sweater with a portrait of you on it. Make a purse out of alligator skin. You could even grow out your hair and beard, so people think you look like Charles Manson (3 un-related people have mentioned I bear a resemblance to him).

Give people something to talk about.

5. Stand Tall
If you have unconfident body language, then your mind thinks you are unconfident. On the other hand, if you act confident, then you will believe you are confident. Psychologists call this… Cognitive Consistency.

"An upright posture makes people feel dominant and successful, which in turn improves their ability to relax and focus on problems," says Tomi Ann Roberts Ph.D, the lead author in a study by Colorado College. They found that sitting up straight improved the students test scores and their feelings of confidence.

When you feel confident, you can focus on the conversation at hand and engage your partner.
6. Get Warmed Up.

The biggest problem most shy people face is that their brain is yelling so many negative thoughts at them that it is really challenging to say anything.
Your angry, insecure brain says…

"Those shoes you are wearing make your ankles look like loaves of sour dough!"
"Everything you say is ridiculous, stupid, and worded like a 5 year old!"
"No one will want to talk to you… because you only ever do the most boring shit in the entire world!"

All of these are lies, of course, but your brain might be able to convince you, if you are feeling vulnerable.

To get control of your brain…

Practice socializing in situations that don't matter. Before a sizzlin' date have a conversation with a friend of yours. Before you go out, talk to someone you can joke around with. Get your Social Flow going. Talk to random people you meet. Talk to the door guy and the bartender. Just a few words will improve your mood and take pressure off your brain.
7. Create A Unique Conversation System.

Do you know a guy, who always has something interesting to say?

An old friend of mine would always be sharing stories about hypnotizing, squirting female orgasms, climbing trees, and doing magic tricks. He understood a number of different topics and they were all interesting. He would captivate people at parties and have plenty of people coming to talk to him.

How does he do it?

He is a naturally curious guy, who does a lot of research about stuff. He likes learning, he seeks it out, and he goes deeper than the normal guy, who Googles something and reads the first article that pops up.

What if you could create a Unique Conversation System? This is my method for having a continuous flow of interesting conversations always in my mind.

Try this now:
1. Write down 5 topics you have always been interested in.
2. Do an Internet search for each of the topics. Add the word, 'Blog' or 'Website.'
3. Find 1 interesting website about each of your topics. Sign up to receive emails from it, follow them on Twitter, or  "Like" them on Facebook.
4. Then watch your emails, Tweets, and your Stream for Conversation Gold.
5. Keep a separate word document and copy down the best ideas.
6. Review your Conversation Gold list often, especially before you go out socializing.
8. Be Judgemental.

Most shy people view themselves through other's eyes.

They are always wondering what other people think of them. Their mental camera is turned around on themselves and not out at the world.

Leila Lowndes, author of Goodbye to Shy, describes a healthy way of viewing the world.

Imagine you are happily settled in your seat munching popcorn at the movies. You are captivated by the characters on the big screen. You pass judgment on which ones you like and which ones you don't.

You hope the good guy gets the girl and the bad one gets the boot. You aren't thinking about yourself. You don't obsess about what they think of you.

You are observing them. You are comfortably inside your body looking out."

Psychologists call this way of viewing the world, an Observer's Perspective.

You don't overanalyze how other's view you. You don't pick apart every aspect of the way you said a phrase.

Instead, you look out at the world and judge it as an observer would. You notice that Tom spilled ketchup on his shirt, Suzie talks way too much, and Edwardo took the last hotdog, even though you wanted it.

Practice judging other people… and you might find it much easier to talk to them.
9. Listen, Listen, Listen.

"You don't have to be interesting. You have to be interested," says John Gottman, Ph.D., professor of psychology at the University of Washington. "That is how you have conversations."

If you are genuinely curious about other people's story, then they will love you.
When I meet people hitchhiking, I rarely shared the stories that I gathered from the road. Most of the time, I asked a lot of questions and encouraged the other person to talk about their passions.

Try these tips to listen encouragingly:
Ask questions like What, Where, When, Why, and How?
Encourage with Tiny Words like Aha, Oh, Okay, and Uh-huh.
Figure out their Gem of Conversation: This is their burning passion that they could talk about forever.
If you don't have anything to say: Listen, make eye contact, smile, and nod.

Extra Tip: Keep practicing.

Learning to talk to anyone is basically building a new habit.

You won't be able to do it in a day and it will be challenging. But shoot to make progress every day and you will overcome it.

Challenge yourself to talk to people every day.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Monday, August 13, 2012

3 Steps to Becoming More Successful

3 Steps to Becoming More Successful

By Stuart Lichtman, 
Creator of Stuart Lichtman's Success Blog

Have you ever felt frustrated, unable to achieve the success you want?

Almost everyone has.

Today, I am going to show you why that happens… and what you can do to turn things around… using only your ordinary skills.

Conceptually, achieving anything involves three steps.

Step 1 - Deciding what you want to achieve.

"If you don't know where you are going, you'll probably end up somewhere else." - Lewis Carroll

Step 2 - Putting a high enough priority on it to get you to take action and to keep doing so until you achieve it.

"Action expresses priorities." - Mahatma Gandhi

Step 3 - Resolving any roadblocks in the way, roadblocks that would otherwise stop you.

"If you're trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I've had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it." - Michael Jordan

Just reflect on anything you have achieved in your life and check this three-step process out.

Let's take a very simple example. I like to cook dinner for company so here are the three steps involved in achieving a rousing successes in that area.

After asking my guests what they like that's in my repertoire, I decide on the menu.

Imagining the look of disappointment on their faces if they show up and I haven't got things ready gives me enough of a shove to get me out of my chair and into the kitchen.

I know that if I'm missing ingredients, I either won't get started or I'll have problems in the midst of cooking. So I check to ensure I have everything on hand, doing so in enough time that my wife can pick up anything missing on her way home.

I know that if I don't give myself enough time, things will get unpleasantly hectic and I may burn myself in the process of rushing around so I work out a timeline, adding 10 minutes "slack time" and set my iPhone to remind me 5 minutes before the start.

So far, when following that procedure, I have a 100% success rate in achieving rousing dinner guest successes with lots of very positive feedback.

I hope you get the point.

Stuart Lichtman is the author of How to Make Lots of Money for Anything - Fast! Get more free training at Stuart Lichtman's Success Blog.

Edited by:Lawyer Asad

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Your Energy Level Determines Your Luck

Your Energy Level Determines Your Luck

By Enoch Tan / Creator of

Many people think that luck is something that is purely random, unpredictable and difficult to control. That is because they do not know what luck really is. When you are able to know the true definition of luck, you can learn the whole science behind this phenomena and gain control over it.

Luck is another aspect of your reality and perhaps the most powerful and important one. The more conscious and aware you become of the elements of your reality, the more of a conscious and powerful creator you will be.

Your luck is your psychokinetic resonance with the environment you are in. Like everything else, luck is an energy. It is something that is quantifiable not in physical but in nonphysical ways. You can quantify it physically only in terms of its physical manifestations in your life. Luck is dependent on time, place and consciousness.

When you are lucky, you are in mental and emotional resonance with your surroundings.

When you are unlucky, it is the opposite. The level of resonance is the level of your luck.

Luck is also a feeling or emotion because emotion is energy in motion. When you are lucky, you are also feeling lucky. Your feeling is your vibration and therefore you are vibrating luck and feeing it. You feel and experience that everything is working for you when you are lucky.

You feel that everything is working against you when you aren't lucky. A state of vibrational harmony or disharmony with your environment is the whole explanation for this. You either feel that things are in a flow or things are disrupted.

Your energy level determines your luck vibration. At times when you are feeling low of energy, that is also when your luck vibration is at a low point. You are more likely to make careless mistakes, become more accident prone and flop up in some way. When you are feeling high of energy, that is also when your luck vibration is in a high state. You are sharper, clearer and more in the zone. You seem to be able to do amazing things in ways that baffle others to the point that makes you seem very skillful or lucky.

Actually luck and skill are one. The more in energetic resonance you are with your environment, the more your skill will work and the luckier you'll seem. You can always observe that when the best are in action, they always seem to have both their skill and the situation working for them. You can never separate luck from skill because after all, they are both part of the same thing called psychokinetic resonance with the environment. Your skill is your capability of handling the situation which depends on luck.

Once you know that luck is an energy, you can depend on it in that manner. You cannot depend on luck that is considered to be random chance occurrence. You can't depend on such things because they do not exist. A non existent thing cannot be depended upon. Everything that exists is a part of consciousness and can be controlled by consciousness. Therefore luck exist and is fully under your control. Knowing this, you never have to fear of bad luck because you can make all things work in your favor.

Since luck is dependent on energy, you have to pay attention to your level of energy in every moment and take charge of it. When you notice that your energy level is low, be more careful with the things you do especially if they are important. You may make mistakes that usually never happen, and wonder how could you be so unlucky or stupid.

You may realize that every time you have made careless or stupid mistakes that seem to be like bad luck, it was when your energy level was indeed at a low point.

Lack of focus and lack of being adequately present minded also creates bad luck. Do you notice that when you make stupid mistakes in situations, you felt that you were not ready? What do you mean by not being ready? You mean that you weren't focusing properly or fully enough, and you weren't being adequately present minded. The first step to controlling luck is to be present minded. If you want to be lucky, you must put your focus in the activity you are doing. Or else you'd create bad luck and mistakes.

Your level of focus and placing your mind in the present determines your psychokinetic resonance with the environment. Focusing is how you channel energy towards a particular time and place. When your focus is here, your energy is channeled here and you experience luck here. Where you focus is where you generate luck in. That is why the secret of success is focus. Successful people are lucky people because they have more focus than the unsuccessful and unlucky ones. Focus to be a lucky one.

Seek to maintain a high level of energy or vibration at all times. People who experience their luck going up and down throughout the day allow their energy to go up and down. People who experience their luck being consistently high all the time maintain their energy and vibration at a high level. At times when your energy is low, seek to increase it to a higher level again. Do not continue doing any work at a low level of energy because you will tend to make mistakes. Recharge your energy first, then work.

Be aware of negative thoughts and feelings that will bring your level of energy or vibration lower. Positive thoughts and feelings bring your energy level and vibrations higher. Therefore choose to think positive thoughts and feel positive emotions, and you will experience more luck and success in your life. You can also increase your luck when you are more intent of succeeding in a certain situation. Your energy of intent will energize you with the luck you need, and that is why willful intent bends the world to you.

Enoch Tan is the creator of

Brought to you by: Lawyer Asad

Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Secrets of the Billionaires

The Secrets of the Billionaires

1. "You become what you believe. You are where you are today in your life based on everything you have believed." --Oprah Winfrey, net worth of $2.7 billion First and foremost, you have to believe that greatness is possible. Many of the world's billionaires have shifted the way our world works, because they believed that they were capable of doing something that was previously impossible. Change is possible. Greatness is possible. But you can't do anything unless you first believe in yourself.

2. "What we say here every day is that our success is really based on our members' success, our community's success." --Pierre Omidyar, net worth of $6.7 billion Your success is directly tied to how much you do for others. It's not what you know. It's not who you know. It's what you do for who you know. Success follows generosity.

3. "The typical human life seems to be quite unplanned, undirected, unlived, and unsavored. Only those who consciously think about the adventure of living as a matter of making choices among options, which they have found for themselves, ever establish real self-control and live their lives fully." --Karl Albrecht, net worth of $25.4 billion Everything you do (or choose not to do) is a choice. Most of us think that life happens to us, but in reality life is something that we choose either by actively pursuing options and creating our own circumstances, or by blocking opportunities and limiting our beliefs of what is possible. You can choose the type of life you want to live.

4. "I think that our fundamental belief is that for us growth is a way of life and we have to grow at all times." --Mukesh Ambani, net worth of $22.3 billion Success is not an event--it's a process. Billionaires embody that process better than most of us. They are on a constant quest to improve, enhance, and outperform them. It's a constant, internal drive to become a better person.

5. "Getting the job done has been the basis for the success my company has achieved." --Michael Bloomberg, net worth of $22 billion Billionaires have grit and perseverance. Top performers work hard at hard things. And that means that successful people do the things that most people don't want to do, and that's why they get the job done.

6. "If I'm going to do something, I do it spectacularly or I don't do it at all." --Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud, net worth of $18 billion Developing a world-class skill means that you have the capability to ignore everything else. You have to be able to focus on doing an incredible job or on ignoring it completely. Greatness doesn't come from simply "putting the time in" ... you have to put the time in with effort, energy, and resolve.

7. "It's through curiosity and looking at opportunities in new ways that we've always mapped our path at Dell. There's always an opportunity to make a difference." --Michael Dell, net worth of $15.9 billion Take a look at any market-leading company. Are they compromising on their product in one way or another? That's an opportunity for disruption, growth, and change. Any unmet need, any annoying problem, any half-baked solution offers a chance to change things. 

8. "The role of business is to produce goods and services that make people's lives better." --Charles Koch, net worth of $25 billion If your only goal is to become rich, then you're going to have trouble meeting your goal. However, if your focus is on making people's lives better, then you'll find that success comes much more quickly.

9. "No person will make a great business who wants to do it all himself or get all the credit." --Andrew Carnegie, net worth of $298.3 billion (in 2007 dollars) Success unshared is failure. Our connections with other people are what give our work meaning. The things we do will only matter if they are shared with others.

10. "The ultimate definition of success is: you could lose everything that you have and truly be okay with it. Your happiness isn't based on external factors." --Tony Hsieh, net worth of $840 million So often, we push happiness out on the horizon of life. "Once I get this job, I'll be happy." Or, "If only I landed that promotion, then everything would be good." Of course, life doesn't work that way, and there is always another goal once we reach our previous idea of happiness. Money is important, but your life should never be built around it. Happiness comes before success, not after it.

Complied by: Lawyer Asad

Friday, August 10, 2012

Got 68 Seconds?

Got 68 Seconds?

That's all it takes to get your wish!

WITH ONLY A FEW SECONDS of focusing your attention on a subject, you activate the vibration of that subject within you, and immediately the Law of Attraction begins to respond to that activation. The longer you keep your attention focused on something, the easier it becomes for you to continue to focus upon it because you are attracting, through the Law of Attraction, other thoughts or vibrations that are the essence of the thought you began with.

Within 17 seconds of focusing on something, a matching vibration becomes activated. And now, as that focus becomes stronger and the vibration becomes clearer, the Law of Attraction will bring to you more thoughts that match. At this point, the vibration will not have much attraction power, but if you maintain your focus longer, the power of the vibration will become further reaching.

And if you manage to stay purely focused upon any thought for as little as 68 seconds, the vibration is powerful enough that its manifestation begins.

When you repeatedly return to a pure thought, maintaining it for at least 68 seconds, in a short period of time (hours in some cases or a few days in others), that thought becomes a dominant thought. And once you achieve a dominant thought, you will experience  matching manifestations until you change it.

Remember that:

  • The thoughts you think equal your point of attraction.
  • You get what you think about, whether you want it or not.
  • Your thoughts equal vibration, and that vibration is then answered by the Law of Attraction.
  • As your vibration expands and becomes more powerful, it eventually becomes powerful enough for manifestation to occur.
  • In other words, what you think (and therefore feel), and what manifests in your experience, is always a vibrational match.
You Have the Ability to Direct Your Own Thoughts

You have the ability to direct your own thoughts; you have the option of observing things as they are, or of imagining them as you want them to be—and whichever option you choose, whether you are imagining or observing, is equally powerful. You have the option of remembering something as it actually occurred or imagining it as you would prefer. You have the option of remembering something that pleased you or remembering something that did not please you.

You have the option of anticipating something you want or anticipating something you do not want. In every case, your thoughts produce a vibration within you that equals your point of attraction, and then circumstances and events line up to match the vibrations that you have offered.

You have the ability to place your attention wherever you decide, so it is possible to distract yourself from something unwanted and put your attention upon something wanted. But when a vibration within you is one you have practiced a great deal, the tendency is to continue to offer the vibration in the way you have been practicing it—no matter how much you wish it to be different.

It is not a difficult thing to change the pattern of your vibration, especially when you understand that you can do it a little bit at a time. Once you have an understanding of how vibrations work, how they affect your experience, and, most important, what your emotions are telling you about your vibrations, now you can make steady, fast progress toward the achievement of anything that you desire.

Courtesy: Bhaskar Paul