Thursday, August 30, 2012

The History of Numerology

So far, in these newsletters, we have discussed just about every
aspect of numerology except for it's history! By now many of you
who have been marveling at the incredible complexity and accuracy
of this ancient system of divination and character analysis might
be wondering where exactly it came from.

Like many of these really old magical or metaphysical systems the
absolute origins of numerology are a bit muddled. Like many
pseudo-sciences numerology did not necessarily enjoy any attention
until it was brought to the attention of the public or powers that
be by a famous personality.

It was the Greek mathematician and mystic Pythagoras, who lived in
the sixth century B.C. who is credited with bringing to the
attention of the world by stating that "number is the ruler of
forms and ideas and the cause of gods and daemons."

Our modern day interpretations of numbers are largely based on the
numerical correspondences that Pythagorus established. Nowadays
though most mathematicians regard his ideas as "pseudoscience"
Astronomers see astrology in a similar way.

The truth is modern numerology is a mish mash of evolutionary
contributions from a variety of different teachers and cultures
including Babylonian magic, astrological pholisophy from
Hellenistic Alexandria, the Jewish Kabbalah. The Indian Vedas, the
Chinese "Circle of the Dead", and the Egyptian "Book of the Master
of the Secret House" (Ritual of the Dead). A lot of these texts
are sacred and misunderstood and not really available to the public
until this day. Of course that means that there were many famous
numerologists in the world working in all of these cultures - it is
just that their achievements are lost in the sands of time.

Probably the second most famous "founding father" of numerology was
St. Augustine of Hippo (A.D. 354-43) who wrote that Numbers are the
Universal language offered by the deity to humans as confirmation
of the truth." Similar to Pythagoras, he too believed that
everything had numerical relationships and it was up to the mind to
seek and investigate the secrets of these relationships or have
them revealed by the Divine Grace of God.

In 325 A.D., following the First Council of Nicaea, departures from
the beliefs of the state Church were classified as civil violations
within the Roman Empire. This means that numerology was no longer
a science bestowed by God, but rather than the devil. Astrology,
magic and other forms of magic were also purged from society by the
Catholic Church at this time.

However the Christian science of Gematria still thrived simply
because many early biblical texts were written in Greek and Hebrew
and the letters of these alphabets also had numerical equivlents.
It was difficult to interpret or read these texts without taking
the numerical vibration of the letter into account as well. There
are many "sacred numbers" within Christianity that were analyzed by
a priest name Dorotheus of Gaza. Numerology is still used in some
Greek orthodox circles.

An early example of the influence of numerology in English
literature is Sir Thomas Browne's 1658 Discourse "The Garden of
Cyrus."In it, the author whimsically indulges in Pythagorean
numerology to demonstrate that the number five and the related
Quincunx pattern can be found throughout the arts, in design, and
in nature - particularly botany.

Modern numerology has various antecedents. Ruth A. Drayer's book,
Numerology, The Power in Numbers (Square One Publishers) says that
around the turn of the century (from 1800 to 1900 A.D.) Mrs. L. Dow
Balliett combined Pythagoras' work with Biblical reference. Then on
Oct 23, 1972, Balliett's student, Dr. Juno Jordan, changed
Numerology further and helped it to become the system known today
under the title "Pythagorean".

In modern times there are many authors that have written great
works about numerology.

One of the first books on the subject was published in the early
1800s and written by Mrs. L. Dow Balliett. This numerologist went
back to the ancient sacred numbers found in the Bible and combined
that knowledge with the basic vibrations of numbers as established
by Pythagorus. Her works were later revamped by a contemporary
author named Dr. Juno Jordan who established Balliett's initial
works as a Pythagorean system.

Most numerologists and automatic numerology programs you access on
the inherent working today use the vibrational and meanings
established by Pythagorus, Balliett and Jordan.,

Just to refresh your memory those established vibrations are --

0. Everything or absoluteness. All

1. Individual. Aggressor. Yang.

2. Balance. Union. Receptive. Yin.

3. Communication/interaction. Neutrality.

4. Creation.

5. Action. Restlessness.

6. Reaction/flux. Responsibility.

7. Thought/consciousness.

8. Power/sacrifice.

9. Highest level of change.

10. Rebirth.

It is important to remember that even though this is the most
commonly used interpretation of numbers in the world that
numerology does not stop at Pythagoras. In fact, since the
seventies many New Age writers have made even more equivalences to
numbers including the chakras, the archangels and other factors.


Yours in Numbers,

Mike Madigan


Kevin Faulkner said...
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Kevin Faulkner said...
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Kevin Faulkner said...

Pythagoras and number play a prominent role in the construction and theme of Sir Thomas Browne's binary work of 1658; his diptych discourses are quite deliberately constructed of twice five chapters to equal in their totality the 'perfect' all-containing number of ten also known as the tetrakratys, the number which Pythagoras's followers swore by and symbolised by a pyramid of ten, 1 + 2 + 4 + 5 = 10 and which the Quincunx pattern of or X 4 + 1 in its centre can also be found.

Kevin Faulkner said...

Sorry for the deletes. Asad, more importantly also forgot to state - I really like the content, spectrum and view of your blog.