Friday, November 2, 2012

Manifestivities - 3 Steps to Break Free

Manifestivities - 3 Steps to Break Free

By Henk Schram, Creator of Crack Your Egg

There's this parable of a Cherokee Native American who was teaching his grandchildren about life:

"A fight is going on inside of me… It is a terrible fight, and it is between two wolves. One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, pride and superiority. The other wolf stands for joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.

This same fight is going on inside of you and every other person too."

The grandkids thought about it for a while and then one of them asked:

"Which wolf will win?"

The old Cherokee answered:

"The one I feed."

Now, the moral of this little story is simple:

The wolf you feed, is the one you give your attention to.

"Energy flows where attention goes"…

So whatever you focus on in life, expands.

That's the basic premise of what's popularly referred to as the Law of Attraction. And that's why when you're looking to transform your life, understanding the power of attention is the first thing you need, and is absolutely vital to regaining control of your life experience.

Now this may come across like pretty blatant and self-evident advice… but the game of 'attention' and 'focus' isn't always as straightforward as it may seem. Let me explain…

If you're looking to transform your life into something 'better' than it seems to be right now, you're doing that for either of the following two reasons:

One, because you're not happy with the way it is currently…
Or two, because you just want to get more out of it… and not by (further) draining your energy, but rather by getting into a seemingly effortless 'flow'.

So when you've set out to do so, you may be inclined to learn how to actually bring about this transformation.

But here's the catch:

What we call 'transformation' isn't as much a process of 'learning how to do it', but rather a process of deprogramming. It's actually much more about unlearning than it is about learning something new.

Here's the thing:

All life is connected through a universal field that can ultimately best be described as 'consciousness'.

However, most people have disconnected themselves from that understanding through all kinds of unconscious programming, conditioning, and limiting beliefs… which manifest energetically in dense electromagnetic fields that encase them in a perception of isolation and separateness.

In actuality, the way out is to remove the dirt that lies between you and the daylight, in order to step out of this illusory confinement.

In your core, you're still an inseparable part of this field of 'infinite awareness'. But you may have gotten so used to your limited perception that you've gotten totally mesmerized by that experience. And so right now, you may hardly be able to conceive of any other reality any more.

Still, once you make the conscious decision that you want to break out and bring about a transformation and change your life, the field of 'infinite awareness' (often dubbed 'the universe') comes at your aid… but not always in the ways you might expect. Because here's what happens:

The experiences you attract tend to be tailored to break down those energetic walls around you that block your vision!

Next, as soon as the walls of limitation tumble down, you restore your connection with your more of your natural 'awareness' can flow through you, and your 'reality' will start to change as your programmed perceptions are rewritten.

So yes, true enough, the process of 'transformation' may bring challenges. But if you stick with your intuition through all of these experiences (nice and less pleasant), after a while your life changes because of what you've experienced going through these challenges, NOT in spite of it.

An important part of this process is to listen to your intuition instead of just rationalizing everything based on your conditioned beliefs. There's this 'intuitively knowing' voice inside of you that knows what's right for you from a bigger picture point of view, rather than what you might rationally think is right for you at the moment.

But many people give up entirely, degrading this whole concept of 'attraction' as mumbo-jumbo the moment the going gets a little tough:

"This wasn't what I wanted to attract! This doesn't work!"

Well, actually it does. You're attracting the very experiences designed to break through whatever is keeping you from experiencing your desired reality.

So when you react to a situation (pleasant or unpleasant) or make some kind of choice in your life, it's worth asking yourself what level of awareness your choice or decision comes from:

Does what you do or decide represent fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, pride, superiority?

Or is it a manifestation of joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, faith?

Here's why:

Because how you react to the situations you're presented with, is an explicit manifestation of your implicit focus. It shows you in what mental/emotional/spiritual atmosphere you're really operating, outside of your conscious attempts to 'think positively' and repeating your affirmations.

Your implicit focus is a far more accurate indication of who you define yourself to be right now, and determines where your attention is really flowing. As such, it's a strong determinant of what you'll attract next.

That's why evaluating your reactions this way is a very strong tool. It not only gives you an indication of where your 'implicit focus' is, but it also gives you the opportunity to consciously take measures to shift your implicit focus.

Remember this:

As long as your conscious decision is to change your life for the better, you will start to 'attract' and 'manifest' experiences that are designed to help you break out of the box that's keeping you from experiencing that reality right now.

This means that the things you attract may not always immediately seem to be part of your dream vision, but rather stepping stones that help you break down what's currently keeping you from living that dream vision.

How to Break Free

So to 'break free' this way, there are three important initial steps to take:

Step #1:
The first step is to evaluate your reactions to the situations and circumstances you're presented with in life… and only accept the reactions and decisions that genuinely come from the 'heart', from your 'infinite awareness', from knowing what's right for you.

Step #2:
The second step is to be kind to yourself when you react to the circumstances you're presented with in life, and not get caught up the your mental/emotional atmosphere self-loathing and frustration that you're really trying to break out of.

In the words of Charles Swindoll:

"We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations."

So be gentle with yourself. Don't fall into self-loathing and frustration the moment you're faced with a challenge that doesn't seem to match the image you had of your 'new and improved' life. It's just a stepping stone that gets you one step closer. Keep at it, you'll get there.

Step #3:
Since 'energy flows where attention goes' (meaning what you'll manifest will depend on what you give your attention to), don't forget to deliberately build in some fun and joy in your life as well. It'll energize and inspire you.

After all, you want fun, joy, peace, love, etc. in your life, don't you? Then deliberately make way for joy, peace, love, and for other things you like in your life. And experience the joy intensely!

This is what I call a 'manifestivity'. You have to really get into that energy in order for more of it to be reflected back to you. So make space for it. Believe me, it works…

Start playing with this. And next time, we'll be taking this skill to the next level…

Henk J.M. Schram is the author and creator of the 'Crack Your Egg Program', which is commonly regarded as the most unique and innovative system available on how to literally "push the 'restart'-button" of your entire subconscious mind.

"Are you ready to say goodbye to all your limiting beliefs, emotional barriers, and any other blocks to your success and fulfillment in life?
Then discover how to eliminate the little-known, overlooked, subconscious 'blind spot' that frantically keeps you 'safe, stuck and small'... and deliberately create the abundance, vitality, and 'flow' you've been craving, starting now!

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

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