Tuesday, October 16, 2012

They said he'd never walk again... now he runs =)

They said he'd never walk again... now he runs =)

This made the hairs on my arm stand up...
It made chills run down my spine...
It brought tears to my eyes...
It's the story of an Australian man called Sam, who was in a tragic car accident and was told he would never walk again.
But even though he received this shattering news, he created his own miracle.
Through natural medicine, the power of his mind, and the power of another tool he mentions inside this video interview, he was able to prove the doctors wrong.
Watching this video is so refreshing and makes you realize that even when things get tough, with the right mindset, you can achieve anything.
Prepare to feel a little emotional at the beginning of his story, but to be utterly inspired and ready to tackle any ambition by the end.
To Your Success and Unlimited Possibilities,
Yee Shun-Jian
Founder and Chief Happiness Officer,

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