Saturday, January 15, 2011

Gems from The Power/The Secret

Priceless advices from Rhonda Byrne

The Best One

To celebrate the end of the year, and to guarantee that 2011 is your absolute best year yet, this Secret Scrolls contains one of the life-changing revelations from the book The Power, and one of the most powerful processes you can do in your life.

Whether you realize it or not, you bring everything to you through
the power of your imagination. The power of imagination is not
something you have to acquire; you have it already! You think in images even if you aren't aware that you do, and you use imagination or imaging every single day of your life. When you think about the past you are imagining. When you think about the future you are imagining. And as you imagine and concentrate on anything with feeling, you are bringing it to you.

When you worry about something, you are using your immense power of imagination negatively. You are imagining the worst, and as you
imagine the worst, you are bringing it to you. When you are excited
about something, you are using your power of imagination positively. You are imagining the best, and as you imagine the best, you are bringing it to you.

Using the power of your imagination is something that comes to you
naturally, but I want you to understand something about your
imagination that will change your life: Whatever you can imagine
already exists! You simply can't imagine anything unless it exists
already, because when you imagine something you are actually tuning
into a particular frequency, and if that frequency didn't exist in
the Universe you wouldn't be able to tune into it. So when you imagine yourself with something you want you are tuning into a real thing that already exists, and you are looking at the very frequency of you with your desire!

Now I am going to take you step by step through a revolutionary
process using your imagination from the book The Power.

First, imagine something that you really want. It could be money,
health, a particular job, a partner, a vacation, happiness, or anything else. Imagine yourself with your desire; close your eyes and really get the picture of yourself with your desire.

Pay special attention to what you see about yourself in your imagined picture. Notice how you are talking. Notice how you are moving. Notice how you are walking. Notice how you are acting.
Notice how you are feeling. Look at everything about yourself in your imagined picture, but in particular, notice how happy you are!
Capture every detail that you can, and open your eyes.

Understand that the picture you just imagined of yourself with your
desire exists already! You know it exists because if it didn't exist how could you tune into it? How could you see it in your imagination? When you imagined yourself, you were looking at the actual real version of you with your desire!

Can you see the difference between yourself right now and your imagined picture of yourself? Because your job is to become as much like the version of yourself in the picture as you can! Walk like
that now. Talk like that now. Act like that now. Feel the same as that, now. Become as happy as that person, now. Be that person,
now! When you become the person in your imagined picture you have
shifted yourself to the frequency of your desire, and it must and will appear. Your imagination is showing you precisely the person you need to become. It is showing you what you look like and how to act and feel so that you can copy it and become that person!

To help you become more and more like the person in your imagination, practice closing your eyes and seeing yourself in the imagined picture with your desire as many times as you want. Seeing the imagined picture of yourself will continuously remind you how
you need to be, feel, and act. Then come out of your imagination
and go about your day doing your best to act and feel like that person, now. You will be amazed at how little copying it takes before you see the evidence that your desire is coming.

This is one of the most powerful processes you can ever do to make
your desires appear with lightning speed. This process is based on
the physics of the Universe. Use it! Practice it! You have The Power to your life; every force in the Universe will do anything for you, but you have to use The Power that you have!


Every religion on the planet has told us to have FAITH. Faith is when you cannot see how, but you absolutely know that the moment you have the dream it is given to you, and all you have to do is relax and allow the Universe to magnetize you to your dream and your dream to you.


My favourite:

It is when you no longer feel the need for money that money will
come. The feeling of needing money comes from the thought that you
don't have enough, and so you continue to create not having enough money.

You are always creating, and when it comes to money, you are either
creating the lack of it or the abundance of it.


Last but not the least

No-one is destined to live a life of poverty, because each of us has the ability to change everything in this life. The law of attraction is the law of creation, and it allows each person to create the life they want. Every person has their own unique
circumstances to overcome, but every single person has the
opportunity to achieve anything - and change everything.

Brought to you by: Lawyer Asad

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