Thursday, March 31, 2011

Humans 3.0: Will We Finally Develop Our Ancient Brains?

Humans 3.0: Will We Finally Develop Our Ancient Brains?

The next giant leap in human evolution may not come from new fields like genetic engineering or artificial intelligence, but rather from appreciating our ancient brains.

By Mark Changizi / Source: Seed Magazine

Where are we humans going, as a species? If science fiction is any guide, we will genetically evolve like in X-Men, become genetically engineered as in Gattaca, or become cybernetically enhanced like General Grievous in Star Wars.

All of these may well be part of the story of our future, but I'm not holding my breath. The first of these -- natural selection -- is impracticably slow, and there's a plausible case to be made that natural selection has all but stopped acting on us.

Genetic engineering could engender marked changes in us, but it requires a scientific bridge between genotypes -- an organism's genetic blueprints -- and phenotypes, which are the organisms themselves and their suite of abilities. A sufficiently sophisticated bridge between these extremes is nowhere in sight.

And machine-enhancement is part of our world even today, manifesting in the smartphones and desktop computers most of us rely on each day. Such devices will continue to further empower us in the future, but serious hardware additions to our brains will not be forthcoming until we figure out how to build human-level artificial intelligences (and meld them to our neurons), something that will require cracking the mind's deepest mysteries. I have argued that we're centuries or more away from that.

Simply put, none of these scenarios are plausible for the immediate future. If there is something next, some imminently arriving transformative development for human capabilities, then the key will not be improved genes or cortical plug-ins.

But what other way forward could humans possibly have? With genetic and cyborg enhancement off the table for many years, it would seem we are presently stuck as-is, sans upgrades.

The Human Brain: An Untapped Path for Evolution

There is, however, another avenue for human evolution, one mostly unappreciated in both science and fiction. It is this unheralded mechanism that will usher in the next stage of human, giving future people exquisite powers we do not currently possess, powers worthy of natural selection itself.

And, importantly, it doesn't require us to transform into cyborgs or bio-engineered lab rats. It merely relies on our natural bodies and brains functioning as they have for millions of years.

This mystery mechanism of human transformation is neuronal recycling, coined by neuroscientist Stanislas Dehaene, wherein the brain's innate capabilities are harnessed for altogether novel functions.

This view of the future of humankind is grounded in an appreciation of the biologically innate powers bestowed upon us by hundreds of millions of years of evolution. This deep respect for our powers is sometimes lacking in the sciences, where many are taught to believe that our brains and bodies are taped-together, far-from-optimal kluges. In this view, natural selection is so riddled by accidents and saddled with developmental constraints that the resultant biological hardware and software should be described as a "just good enough" solution rather than as a "fine-tuned machine."

So it is no wonder that, when many envisage the future, they posit that human invention -- whether via genetic engineering or cybernetic AI-related enhancement -- will be able to out-do what evolution gave us, and so bootstrap our species to a new level. This rampant overoptimism about the power of human invention is also found among many of those expecting salvation through a technological singularity, and among those who fancy that the Web may some day become smart.

The root of these misconceptions is the radical underappreciation of the design engineered by natural selection into the powers implemented by our bodies and brains, something central to my 2009 book, The Vision Revolution. For example, optical illusions (such as the Hering) are not examples of the brain's poor hardware design, but, rather, consequences of intricate evolutionary software for generating perceptions that correct for neural latencies in normal circumstances. And our peculiar variety of color vision, with two of our sensory cones having sensitivity to nearly the same part of the spectrum, is not an accidental mutation that merely stuck around, but, rather, appear to function with the signature of hemoglobin physiology in mind, so as to detect the color signals primates display on their faces and rumps.

These and other inborn capabilities we take for granted are not kluges, they're not "good enough," and they're more than merely smart. They're astronomically brilliant in comparison to anything humans are likely to invent for millennia.

Neuronal recycling exploits this wellspring of potent powers. If one wants to get a human brain to do task Y despite it not having evolved to efficiently carry out task Y, then a key point is not to forcefully twist the brain to do Y. Like all animal brains, human brains are not general-purpose universal learning machines, but, instead, are intricately structured suites of instincts optimized for the environments in which they evolved. To harness our brains, we want to let the brain's brilliant mechanisms run as intended -- i.e., not to be twisted. Rather, the strategy is to twist Y into a shape that the brain does know how to process.

But how do I know this is feasible? This tactic may use the immensely powerful gifts that natural selection gave us, but what if harnessing these powers is currently far beyond us? How do we find the right innate power for any given task? And how are we to know how to adapt that task so as to be just right for the human brain's inflexible mechanisms?

I don't want to pretend that answers to these questions are easy -- they are not. Nevertheless, there is a very good reason to be optimistic that the next stage of human will come via the form of adaptive harnessing, rather than direct technological enhancement: It has already happened.

We have already been transformed via harnessing beyond what we once were. We're already Human 2.0, not the Human 1.0, or Homo sapiens, that natural selection made us. We Human 2.0's have, among many powers, three that are central to who we take ourselves to be today: writing, speech, and music (the latter perhaps being the pinnacle of the arts). Yet these three capabilities, despite having all the hallmarks of design, were not a result of natural selection, nor were they the result of genetic engineering or cybernetic enhancement to our brains. Instead, and as I argue in both The Vision Revolution and my forthcoming Harnessed, these are powers we acquired by virtue of harnessing, or neuronal recycling.

In this transition from Human 1.0 to 2.0, we didn't directly do the harnessing. Rather, it was an emergent, evolutionary property of our behavior, our nascent culture, that bent and shaped writing to be right for our visual system, speech just so for our auditory system, and music a match for our auditory and evocative mechanisms.

And culture's trick? It was to shape these artifacts to look and sound like things from our natural environment, just what our sensory systems evolved to expertly accommodate. There are characteristic sorts of contour conglomerations occurring among opaque objects strewn about in three dimensions (like our natural Earthly habitats), and writing systems have come to employ many of these naturally common conglomerations rather than the naturally uncommon ones. Sounds in nature, in particular among the solid objects that are most responsible for meaningful environmental auditory stimuli, follow signature patterns, and speech also follows these patterns, both in its fundamental phoneme building blocks and in how phonemes combine into morphemes and words. And we humans, when we move and behave, make sounds having a characteristic animalistic signature, something we surely have specialized auditory mechanisms for sensing and processing; music is replete with these characteristic sonic signatures of animal movements, harnessing our auditory mechanisms that evolved for recognizing the actions of other large mobile creatures like ourselves.

Culture's trick, I have argued in my research, was to harness by mimicking nature. This "nature-harnessing" was the route by which these three kernels of Human 2.0 made their way into Human 1.0 brains never designed for them.

The road to Human 3.0 and beyond will, I believe, be largely due to ever more instances of this kind of harnessing. And although we cannot easily anticipate the new powers we will thereby gain, we should not underestimate the potential magnitude of the possible changes. After all, the change from Human 1.0 to 2.0 is nothing short of universe-rattling: It transformed a clever ape into a world-ruling technological philosopher.

Although the step from Human 1.0 to 2.0 was via cultural selection, not via explicit human designers, does the transformation to Human 3.0 need to be entirely due to a process like cultural evolution, or might we have any hope of purposely guiding our transformation? When considering our future, that's probably the most relevant question we should be asking ourselves.

I am optimistic that we may be able to explicitly design nature-harnessing technologies in the near future, now that we have begun to break open the nature-harnessing technologies cultural selection has built thus far. One of my reasons for optimism is that nature-harnessing technologies (like writing, speech, and music) must mimic fundamental ecological features in nature, and that is a much easier task for scientists to tackle than emulating the exhorbitantly complex mechanisms of the brain.

And nature-harnessing may be an apt description of emerging technological practices, such as the film industry's ongoing struggle to better design the 3D experience to tap into the evolved functions of binocular vision, the gaming industry's attempts to "gameify" certain tasks (exemplified in the work of Jane McGonigal), or the drive within robotics for more emotionally expressive faces (such as the child robot of Minoru Asada).

Admittedly, none of these sound remotely as revolutionary as writing, speech, or music, but it can be difficult to envision what these developments can become once they more perfectly harness our exquisite biological instincts. (Even writing was, for centuries, used mostly for religious and governmental book-keeping purposes -- only relatively recently has the impact of the written word expanded to revolutionize the lives of average humans.)

The point is, most science fiction gets all this wrong. While the future may be radically "futuristic," with our descendants having breathtaking powers we cannot fathom, it probably won't be because they evolved into something new, or were genetically modified, or had AI-chip enhancements. Those powerful beings will simply be humans, like you and I. But they'll have been nature-harnessed in ways we cannot anticipate, the magic latent within each of us used for new, brilliant Human 3.0 capabilities.

Mark Changizi is a cognitive scientist and author. His upcoming book, Harnessed: How Language and Music Mimicked Nature and Transformed Man, is available for pre-order now.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Simple Mind Power Seduction Techniques

Simple Mind Power Seduction Techniques

By Ewen Chia, Creator of Super Mind Powers

Mind power has been used through the centuries because it helps people achieve great heights in their careers, financial status and even in their personal relationships.

The mind can actually have some inherent powers that generate attraction among people. This is probably why there are mind power seduction techniques existing today.

What most people are not aware of is that our minds can go from the conscious state to the subconscious state in the blink of an eye. Within this period of time, we are only using ten percent of our brain's total capacity for mental activity. Mind power techniques use the other ninety percent to produce great results.

That is why there really is no reason for you to worry about being alone for the rest of your life. Turn these great tips into dating success and reap the benefits of utilizing your mind power seduction.

1. Achieve inner peace prior to interaction with the person you are interested in.

You need to free yourself of your inner struggles, your self-esteem issues and external pressures like social norms or family comments. When you do this, you are allowing positive energy to transform you from the inside. It is often said that the reason behind ruining things on your date is because of insecurities and nervousness. This can often manifest into your actions or behavior during your date. Most men and women find it unattractive when the person they are with appear to be stiff and frigid. This is why it is important to achieve inner peace before you actually go on a date.

Find a relaxing activity and contemplate on your strengths rather than on your weaknesses. Work with your subconscious and tell yourself that the person you are meeting is a normal and ordinary human being like you so there really is no need for any pretenses. This will condition you now to be more comfortable in your own skin prior to the event.

2. Focus on what you would like to see at the end of your interaction.

Visualize your goals and make them specific and detailed. This is one way of following the laws of attraction. If you continuously ask for things that you actually want, the universe has a way of bringing it to you. You need to condition your subconscious mind towards achieving success.

Consequently you need your conscious mind what success means for you. This would help you take the right action and guide your behavior during the date. This is more effective if your motives are clear and positive. Positive emotions help a person's attractive quotient as well as bring in good karma rather than bad luck.

3. Maintain a positive attitude.

Try to always look at the bright side of things and do not linger on self-defeat or self-pity. When doubt starts setting in, you are just preparing yourself to face failure. However, if you maintain a positive view of the situation, you are able to affirm yourself and be the best person you can be.

Try using these mind power seduction techniques and see great results happen to your love life.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

5 Ways to Reach Your Maximum Potential

Become Everything You Are Capable of Becoming
By Brian Tracy

The turning point in my life came when I discovered the law of cause and effect, the great law of the universe, and human destiny. I learned that everything happens for a reason. I discovered that success is not an accident. Failure is not an accident, either. I also discovered that people who are successful in any area usually are those who have learned the cause-and-effect relationship between what they want and how to get it.

Determine Your Personal Growth and Development Values
To realize your full potential for personal and professional growth and development, begin with your values as they apply to your own abilities.
As you know, your values are expressed in your words and actions.

You can tell what your values are by looking at what you do and how you
respond to the world around you. Your values are the root causes of your motivations and your behaviors.

Clarify Your Personal Growth and Development Vision
Create a long-term vision for yourself in the area of personal growth.
Project forward five or ten years and imagine that you are developed
fully in every important part of your life. Idealize and see yourself as
outstanding in every respect. Refuse to compromise on your personal

Set Goals for Your Personal Growth and Development
Now take your vision and crystallize it into specific goals. Here is a
good way to start. Take out a piece of paper and write down ten goals
that you would like to achieve in the area of personal and professional
development in the months and years ahead. Write in the present tense, exactly as if you were already the person you intend to be.

Determine exactly what you want to be able to do. Decide who you want to become. Describe exactly what you will look like when you become truly excellent in your field and in your personal life.

Upgrade Your Personal Knowledge and Skills
Set specific measures for each of your goals. If your goal is to excel
in your field, determine how you will know when you have achieved it.
Decide how you can measure your progress and evaluate your success.

Perhaps you can use as a measure the number of hours you study in your field each week. Perhaps you can measure the number of books you read or the number of audio programs you listen to. Perhaps you could measure your progress by the number of sales you make as the result of your growing skills.

Develop Winning Personal Growth and Development Habits
Select the specific habits and behaviors you will need to practice every day to become the person you want to become. These could be the habits of clarity, planning, thoroughness, studiousness, hard work, determination, and persistence.

Action Exercise
Decide today to develop yourself to the point where you can achieve
every financial and personal goal you ever set and become everything you are capable of becoming. Write down your goals and make sure to look at them every day, then ponder ways you possibly achieve these goals.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Free E-Book Improves 10 Areas of Your Life!

How are you? Hope everything's well.

Today, I'd like to give you a great e-book that shows you how to maximize the top 10 bestselling
personal development concepts of all time.

It's called "Evergreen Motivation" and you can download it here:

In this free e-book, you'll learn how to:

- Use affirmations the right way.

- Set and achieve goals.

- Develop your social and people skills.

- Improve your communication and leadership skills.

- Boost your brain power.

- Shape your destiny and let go.

- Possess personal magnetism.

Go to this link to download it:

Hope you benefit from this e-book.

Kindest Regards,
Michael Lee

Your Moment of Power Is Now

Your Moment of Power Is Now

By Timothy Aaron Whiston
Author of Your Moment of Power

Ancient wisdom from many cultures and cutting-edge scientific experiments performed in modern labs both point to the incredible power of observing the present moment. Tapping into this simple practice can set you free from all obstacles and empower you to manifest everything you desire.

Most people spend their time living in a past that is forever gone and a future that hasn't even been realized yet. For some reason we seem intent on avoiding the present moment with all manner of daydreams and self-distractions.

However, when we allow our minds to be free from regret and anxiety, and focus clearly on the present moment, we have access to the virtually limitless power of mindfulness. By simply deciding to be aware of our bodies, thought processes, and surroundings without getting lost in our internal chatter, we open the door to an abundance of new possibilities.

Enhanced physical energy, the ability to focus our attention more sharply and think more clearly, and a heightened sense of intuition are only a few of the benefits we gain as we practice daily mindfulness.

By mindfulness, I simply mean the activity of paying attention to what we are doing in the present and letting our minds flow freely without participating in the "mental movies" that make up much of our day.

You can begin this sacred yet simple exercise immediately just by taking account of what you are doing right now.

Feel the physical sensation of your body in the chair.

Allow yourself to hear the sounds around you without becoming distracted.

Read the words on this screen and watch your mind flow without interruption.

Give it a try. You'll find yourself slipping back into a state of distraction after only a few seconds.

It's amazing how difficult it can be for our minds to simply stop chattering away at us and pay attention for as little as five minutes! But with practice it becomes easier, and your whole life begins to open up in a way you never imagined possible.

Key to this entire process is the ability to observe your thoughts as they occur and not become attached to them. Your conscious mind flows like a never-ending stream, and a big part of its job is to identify and analyze everything in your world; but you don't have to identify with or be influenced by every thought you have.

In fact you can choose to entertain only those thoughts that empower your purpose! But that will be the topic of another article.

For now I want to emphasize the practice of stepping back from your thoughts and becoming immersed in your present reality as it unfolds. In addition to wonderful improvements such as greater energy, focus, and love of life, I believe this practice further empowers you to define your personal destiny.

Through Quantum mechanics, researchers have found that a human being can affect the behavior of electrons and atoms by the mere act of observing them! Consider the astonishing ramifications of this statement.

Science has proven that we can directly influence physical reality with thought alone. And the daily practice of being mindful and aware of the moment makes it far easier for us to focus our intentions as we observe the natural flow of life.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Manifesting & Thought Control Video

Today I have something I highly recommend you take a look at - it will take just a few minutes to watch, and is completely free - a FreeVideo Presentation on
the 9 Manifesting and Thought Control Tools fom Chris Westra:

This video will take only a few minutes out of your life, but who knows, it really could change it for the better...


Who Is Christopher Westra?

Christopher Westra has written extensively on the Law of
Attraction and how you can use simple actions and principles
to make it work for you - his bestselling work being
"I Create Reality".

Christopher, rather than a massive corporate "guru" type, is a family man. He is a normal person who figured out manifestation for himself, who read all of the hype, cut
through it and discarded the things which didn't work and kept those which did.

He now has his own take on the law of attraction, and teaches what has worked for him (worked really well to say the least!), saving you from wasting time trying everything, and sharing his exact personal methods
with you.

Check out this free manifestation and thought control video today! :

Rewire your mind,

Marvin King

Circulated by: Lawyer Asad

How to Meditate Like a Zen Monk

How to Meditate Like a Zen Monk

You can reach a profound state of peace and personal insight previously only attainable by Zen monks who spent years in quiet, solitary meditation.

Source: Holothink

What I am going to share with you may sound unbelievable and simply too good to be true. And, that's why you must experience it for yourself.

Some years ago, I felt tired and drained at the end of a stressful day. A friend said, "I have just the thing for you. Here. Put on these headphones and listen." My friend -- Steve -- was into the latest gizmos and gadgets. He was one of the most successful people I knew. A genuinely happy guy -- healthy, upbeat, fun to hang out with.

And, he was always investing in these experimental toys -- this one cost a cool $395. I put on the headphones, closed my eyes and I listened. Within ten minutes I felt like I'd taken a 2 hour nap -- but without the groggy feelings of waking back into my day.

That was my first experience with the technology I'm going to share with you -- I found it truly amazing then and I find it more fascinating today. And I am certain you will have the same experience too -- when you try it.

Lucid dreams, altered states, deep relaxation, euphoria, enhanced creativity, accelerated learning, an improved ability to focus and concentrate, psychic abilities, elimination of insomnia and the symptoms of stress, and increased endorphin levels have all been attributed to the use of this technology.

Introducing Brainwave Neurotechnology

Did you know that some scientists believe that a well functioning brain can generate as much as 10 watts of electrical power? The electrical activity emanating from your brain is displayed in the form of brainwaves, which can be measured by an EEG. I'm sure you have heard of biofeedback. Biofeedback is a way of gaining important information from your body in order to manage it better. Essentially, biofeedback is the science of self-regulation.

For example, a simple form of biofeedback is using a thermometer to take your temperature. Biofeedback is useful in treating many types of mental and physical problems. For instance EEG biofeedback (also called neurofeedback) uses an EEG, or electroencephalograph machine, to measure brainwaves – electrical vibrations from the surface of the scalp.

Because scientists have the ability to measure brainwave frequencies, it can now be determined how a person is feeling based on the brains neural activity.

Specific brainwave frequencies equal specific feelings – specific states of mind.

This Is Where It Gets Really Useful to You

With the ability to measure brain activity scientific researchers have found a way to "train" the brain and they call it brain wave entrainment. As a result, science has produced a technology with tremendous appeal to people like you and me. This technology is a simple-to-use way to relieve stress, improve sleep, enhance creativity, access deep meditative states, and so much more.

This technology can actually alter the electrochemical environment of the brain -- in order to allow you the mind-consciousness to have enhanced experiences and to synchronize the waves of your brain's hemispheres to improve your brain's function. There are a number of positive benefits to utilizing this technology:

• Create real and constant happiness in your life, regardless of your past or present circumstances...
• Enhance your creativity, intelligence, and overall mental functioning...
• Upgrade your overall sense of well-being and inner peace...
• Clear yourself of any emotional roadblocks to health...
• Improve your ability to relax and handle stress in your life...
• Promote a healthy sleeping pattern...
• Create your own success in the world, along with the personal satisfaction and sense of fulfillment that comes with being successful...

How Does This Technology Work?

Some of this information may sound complicated – so let's start with a basic discussion about brain waves. This new technology is based on sound frequencies and their effect on the auditory system of your brain. After five minutes of listening, or so, your brain "tunes in" and resonates at the same frequency. The result is a dominant brain wave pattern at the desired frequency.

Like in the example above, just think of it as your brain tuning into the frequency you want it attuned to – your favorite radio station.

Use of this technology results in what researches call brain wave entrainment (training your brain waves to tune into a specific frequency). Some have called it instant meditation. I know some people very serious about meditation who have spent years working to master the ability to tune into various brain wave states – now you can do it by simply listening.

The Four States of Your Brain (and how to direct them)

There are four categories of brainwaves that range from the most activity (beta) to the least activity (delta). When your brain is aroused and actively engaged in mental activities, it generates beta waves.

A person in active conversation or displaying any sharp, witty, "fully engaged" behavior is in beta. The next brainwave category in order of activity is alpha. Where beta represents varying degrees of arousal, alpha represents non-arousal. You are conscious and aware, but relaxed when you're in the alpha state.

Sitting and watching the tide roll in, walking calmly through a garden, listening to relaxing music, and most meditation experiences occur in alpha. The next state is theta.

When you lose focused consciousness – such as when you "space out" or daydream, you're in a theta brainwave state. A person who is driving on a freeway, and discovers that they don't recall the last few miles, is often in a theta state — induced by the repetitious nature of freeway driving. I get many great ideas while driving and you probably do too.

That's because when you and I are in theta we often experience a free-flow of ideas. This can also occur in the shower or tub. That's because theta is a state where tasks become so automatic that you can mentally disengage from them.
The creation process that takes place during the theta state often occurs without
censorship or guilt. It can be a very positive mental state.

The final brainwave state is delta. Here the brainwaves are slowest. In delta, you experience a deep dreamless sleep. When delta brainwave frequencies increase into theta, active dreaming takes place and often becomes more experiential to you. When this occurs it is commonly indicated by rapid eye movement (REM sleep) – characteristic of active dreaming.

Now that you have the knowledge of these brainwave states you can enhance your ability to make use of them: this includes being mentally productive across a wide range of activities, such as being intensely focused, relaxed, creative or in restful sleep. In the normal flow of life, you may only have access
to these states at certain times and while performing specific activities
that have been largely unknown to you before.

Simple and Effective Method of Using this Science

Scientific researchers have found the easiest way of applying stimulus to the brain is through the ears. However, the ranges of sound that produce the effects we're after fall out of the range of normal human hearing. The low sounds necessary for brain stimulation require a special technique.

The landmark research for this technology was first presented in a 1973 issue of Scientific American by a biophysicist named Dr. Gerald Oster, M.D. Dr. Oster found that when different sound frequencies are delivered to the brain through each ear separately (such as by using stereo headphones), the two hemispheres of the brain start working together to perceive not the external audio signals, but a third "phantom" signal — In other words, your brain is able to "fill in the blank".

Here is a simple explanation of how our technology works: If one ear is presented with a sound frequency of 200 Hz and the other ear receives a tone of 210 Hz, these two tones combine in the brain.

Each hemisphere of the brain has its own sound-processing center to receive the signals from each ear. The difference between these two different frequencies (10 Hz) is perceived and generated by the brain. Each program generates what are termed two "standing waves", one from each hemisphere.

These two separate standing waves entrain the hemispheres toward the same frequency, which is 10 Hz: the mathematical difference between the auditory inputs. In this way, the brain waves are said to be "synchronized". Instead of hearing the two different tones (at 200 and 210 Hz), you would hear one rhythmic beat of 10 Hz. This type of training has been shown to enhance brain function through the increase of communication circuits between the left and right hemispheres of the brain account for increased "whole brain functioning".

Additionally, the brain can be trained into specific brain states such as alpha (for relaxation and visualization), beta (for peak concentration and cognitive processes), theta (for meditation, memory and learning), and delta (for restorative sleep and healing).

One study conducted at Duke University Medical Center and reported in the journal Physiology & Behavior found that presenting binaural auditory beats could enhance psychomotor performance (aka, hand-eye coordination or body control) and mood.
Researcher Dr. Lester Fehmi has said that brain synchronization "…is correlated experientially with a union with experience, and 'into-it-ness.' Instead of feeling separate and narrow-focused you tend to feel more into it…There's a whole-brain sensory integration going on and it's as if you become less self-conscious and function more intuitively."

Sound familiar?

This is exactly the state many people call being "in the zone," where you're functioning at the top of your game! And it's now possible to get there—easily!
Synchronizing your brain can quite simply catapult you to much higher levels of effectiveness in your life.

Another scientist called brain synchronization "extremely beneficial, with each subject feeling as if his or her mind had reached a higher level of integration, with accompanying increases in mental powers and an unmistakable reorientation toward life."

What Does It Sound Like?

You can experience it yourself by listening to the demo track you can download here. You may notice helicopter, or "washing" type noises moving around in your head.

These sounds are actually created inside your head, and are not coming directly from our soundtrack. It is this noise that is doing the work of helping your brainwaves get synchronized to the patterns you have chosen.

After a session of 15 minutes or more, you may feel refreshed, light, airy, clear-headed, etc. I always find myself feeling very good afterwards. Listening to our audio programs for 30 minutes a day can result in subtle but great changes in your life.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Monday, March 28, 2011

Videos: Billionaire Shares His Inspiring Life Story and Success Secrets.

Hope you're doing fantastic. Today, I'd like to share with you 2 inspiring videos by billionaire Richard

In the videos, he shares his life story (from his multi-billionaire success to his near-death experiences) and talks about learning from failure.

See the videos here:

To view hundreds of other motivational and self-help
videos, go to:

I've also posted new articles at our Self-Help Library.
They include info on stopping laziness, empathic listening and gratitude.

You may read them at:

To access hundreds of past self-help articles, go to:

Hope you get something useful out of them.

Best Regards,
Michael Lee

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Amla, the wonder herb of Nature.

Amla, the wonder herb of Nature.

EAT IT: Amla is one of the most potent natural sources of vitamin C
available in nature

Indian gooseberry, better known as amla, is botanically known as Emblica officinalis. This fruit is power-packed with a host of nutrients offering tremendous health benefits. Amla may not be pleasant to the tastebuds
because of its sour and bitter taste but that should not deter one from
eating it.

Here are some health benefits of amla:

Amla is one of the most potent natural sources of vitamin C available in nature. When vitamin C is taken in the form of supplements, it is not easily absorbed by the body. Eating amla is one of the best ways to have your body absorb vitamin C.

Rich in anti-oxidants that are known to protect against the formation of free radicals in the body, amla is good for preventing the risk of cancer.

Because it contains anti-inflammatory properties, amla is beneficial for reducing inflammation due to joint pains and arthritis.

Amla is also high in fibre and therefore is useful for treating

Possessing sedative properties, amla can be used to alleviate stress and thus help in treating sleep disorder like insomnia by aiding in better quality sleep.

To heal mouth ulcers, gargle using water mixed with fresh amla juice.

To seek relief from menstrual cramps, have fresh amla juice mixed with a ripe banana, two to three times a day.

To seek relief from cold and cough, take two tablespoons of fresh amla juice along with a teaspoon of honey, two to three times a day.

Brought to you by: Lawyer Asad

Saturday, March 26, 2011

2012 and Beyond: How to Benefit from the Mayan Prophecies

2012 and Beyond: How to Benefit from the Mayan Prophecies 2012 and Beyond: How to Benefit from the Mayan Prophecies

In "The Karma Dialogues," best-selling authors Dr. Laurie Nadel and Richard Sutphen take you beyond fear about 2012. You will be given tools for a new spiritual outlook so that you can experience exceptional growth when "The Shift" hits the fan.

By Dr. Laurie Nadel, Ph.D. / Source: The Karma Dialogues

There has been a lot of talk about Mayan prophecies that foretell the end to civilization as we know it... coming up in December 2012. (That's right. It's just around the corner!) The ancient Mayan astronomers' calendar is studied today by scientists who are curious about the calendar's uncanny accuracy.

It is quite possible that like Y2K, the year 2012 will roll over to 2013 with just the usual fireworks. But there could be more to the 2012 phenomenon. For the past five years, I have interviewed scientists, futurists, economists, and metaphysicians, including best-selling author and master hypnotist Richard Sutphen.

It turns out that Richard has been conducting research on the 2012 phenomenon for at least a decade. What we have found is that a surprising number of different disciplines converge on this very subject. The timeline is not precisely the same but it's pretty darn close.

The Hopi Indians have a set of Prophecies about "The Shift" which, like the Mayan Prophecies, contain predictions of a series of catastrophic shifts in our physical environment.

Recently, Tibetan monks have predicted that as 2012 approaches, the planet will go through chaos, upheaval, and turmoil. Yet in the middle of our earth-shattering disasters, divine beings will appear among us. Some will perform miracles that will be seen by billions of people around the world on global television, according to the Tibetan masters.

New York Times best-selling author Gregg Braden says that because the earth is transiting the equator of the Milky Way, our planet will experience a surge of solar storms and flares that will probably knock out communications satellites somewhere between 2013 and 2015.

He is not the only one worried about the unfriendly skies. Last year, NASA held a conference to discuss how to prepare for solar storms that could wipe out power grids and communications systems during this same time frame. Major Ed Dames, a psychic spy in the Pentagon's "remote viewing" program, also predicts that the upcoming solar storms will devastate the planet, impacting the lives of millions.

Scary, huh?

I don't blame you. It's not a reassuring picture.

But, as an ancient Chinese oracle wrote, "Everything in this realm has duality." In other words, there is a flip side to any disaster, including myriad opportunities to grow in ways you had never imagined. Instead of facing 2012 and beyond with fear, you can look forward to unprecedented opportunities for spiritual growth. Because when life as you know it gets kicked out from under you, your quantum potential is unleashed. You can resolve karmic issues that would have taken several lifetimes to heal.

The Prophecies and Your Karma

Dr. Laurie: Richard, how we can tell whether it's our karma to be here or what we can do to bear witness to the changes that are coming? How do you know it's your karma to be here when these big changes take place? What can people do to prepare?

Richard Sutphen: Well, that's a huge, huge question. I would say if you are here on the Earth at this time, it's your karma.

That's all there is to it. To me, you would not be here. You would not be alive at this time if you hadn't basically signed on for this, Laurie. I'd like to quote Bob Monroe of the Monroe Institute. Most people listening to us probably have an awareness of Monroe, his Hemi-Sync tapes, and his incredible books on astral projection, and many other subjects.

But what Monroe said before he crossed over -- that those people who are alive today, want to be here so that they can be on the playing field, not in the stands, when the Great Shift occurs. So he was saying loud and clear that we signed on for this. We want to be here; and why? Why would we do this, considering the fact that the shift may be a very traumatic time? I have some pretty good theories as to why we might be doing this that I'll be glad to share, if you'd like me to.

Dr. Laurie: Well, I would love you to. I know that a lot of people are worried and concerned about political changes, and the end times, apocalyptic changes coming.

What do you think we can do to get ready?

Your Soul Vibration and the Heartbeat of the Earth

Richard Sutphen: Well, I think Number One: It's going to be a mind-set. I can talk about survival things all day, but I think we need first; to speak in terms of what this may really be about. Let's say it's real. Let's say something is going to happen, and there are books now -- stacks of books -- people writing on this subject as if they had the one and the only answer. And boy, if each one of them is correct? Well, that's impossible. Number one, because there are so many different ideas, Laurie, in regard to what's coming.

Let me move back just a moment, and then we can take it from there. I teach that we are born with a vibrational rate that we have earned in the past. In other words, we've all lived many, many, many, many, many life times, and the way we live our life is going to increase our vibrational rate or it's going to reduce it. So, you take someone like Mother Theresa, she probably increased her vibrational rate while she was here on the Earth.

You take someone like Adolph Hitler; he probably reduced his vibrational rate down about as low as it could go.

Dr. Laurie: One can hope.

Richard Sutphen: While he was here, yeah; while he was here on the Earth. So, each of us now, figure that we were born with a vibrational rate. We came in with this rate as a result of all of our past lives. So, let's assume that the rate varies from zero to one-thousand. Zero would be the lower astral planes. It would be a very undesirable place to be, where a thousand would be the God level, or you'd be rejoining God. Let's talk symbolically here, for a few moments.

Dr. Laurie: So, you're talking about a soul vibration?

Richard Sutphen: A soul vibration, absolutely, and we came in with this
vibrational rate, our soul, what we've earned. Let's say our vibration is about 500. Now, if we live a good life, and we help others, we don't really harm anyone, well, we're going to advance our vibration -- our soul vibration by a few points. But what is taking place on the Earth at this time, is the Earth, itself, is shifting. The vibrational rate of the Earth is increasing. It was at 7.8 cycles per second for many, many, many years; that's the heartbeat of the Earth. It's the Schumann Resonance.

So, what is happening now, it can only go, I am told, to 13, but it's well over 12, and by 2012, we will be experiencing a Schumann Resonance of around
13 cycles per second. Now, that's a great, big increase. There are scientists who say due to this increase, we are now living 16-hour days. In other words, the vibrational rate of the planet has increased to the point where our clocks still say 24 hours, but we're actually living 16-hour days. So, everything seems to have accelerated.

Dr. Laurie: It sure feels that way.

Richard Sutphen: It feels that way to me, too, Laurie. It really does, and to everyone else I know. So, here's the thing: If, by simply being here on this planet at this time, we are increasing our vibrational rate as well. Now, we can't separate ourselves from the Earth. We are made of the same stuff as the Earth. So, if the Earth's rate is increasing, so is ours, and so we are experiencing a shorter day; less time per day.

Climate Change, 2012, and Your Karma

Richard Sutphen: So, let's just say that this is what's happening, as a theory. Then, we would be increasing our vibrational rate many, many, many, many, many life times. Some experts feel we might be able to increase our vibrational rate or the number of lives. In other words, we could advance a thousand life times! Now, to me, that's incomprehensible. But let's just say we advanced five or six life times. Woe! Wouldn't that be worth signing on to be here, no matter what maybe we would go through to have to be here to be part of this? Because when we die, we're going to check out at a much higher vibrational rate simply by having been here.

Dr. Laurie: So, this is kind of -- I don't know -- karmic community service that we're doing.

Richard Sutphen: Well, it might be community service but it might be this once- in-a-huge, long-cycle- opportunity. And so, hey, every time -- If we've been here for a lot, why, we're going to get to sign on for right now. We're going to get to come in, and a lot of people say it's a 26,000-year cycle. On that date, on December 21, winter solstice of 2012, we will be lined up with the center of the universe. That's scientific, I guess. I don't know how someone figures that out, but supposedly, we will be in perfect alignment with the center of the universe, and that, in it, may generate unbelievable effects.

Dr. Laurie: There was something in the news about the alignment of the Earth with the Milky Way in the galaxy that's going to occur in 2012 that I thought was amazing just to contemplate.

Richard Sutphen: Right, there you go. Now, we have the Mayan calendar ending at -- This is about a 26,000-year cycle. There is something that they discuss. We have this alignment taking place. We have the sun acting up again; solar flares and all sorts of sun activity, the magnetic changes, and that's all to hit in 2012, on, and on, and on, and on, and on. There is an awful lot happening at this point in time, and I'm not even beginning to get into things like the Gulf Stream slowing down and --

Dr. Laurie: The ice shelf…

Richard Sutphen: Oh, the ice shelf sliding into the sea and all the rest of it, Laurie; yeah. But that says to me okay, maybe we did sign on for this because there's this just incredible opportunity, and maybe we'll die as part of it. I don't know that we will or we won't. If we do, we all have to die anyway. If we get to move forward on that checkerboard of life times, if we get to move forward a few hops, skips, and jumps, why, maybe it would be well worth it. And so, we might not choose this from an earthly perspective but boy, from the other side when we were in spirit, we might have said hey, what a great opportunity. Let's sign on.

When "The Shift" Hits the Fan: Your Spiritual Destiny

Dr. Laurie: Right. Well, there was one thing that I wanted to ask you about because the fear that I hear from people is very much the fear of the ego or the personality. It's people saying oh, I couldn't possibly have signed up for witnessing tragedy and destruction. It doesn't make sense, and yet…

Richard Sutphen: Well, yes, it does make sense from a karmic perspective.

Dr. Laurie: Exactly. So, that's what I'd like you to elaborate on…

Richard Sutphen: Yeah, of course it makes sense. We all have to go through everything. We have to be good guys. We have to be bad guys. We are victims. We are the perpetrator of human suffering. We simply go through every possible life experience, every race, back and forth between genders. We have to go through it all. And certainly, someone who is peacefully-oriented is going to say well, this doesn't make sense. I wouldn't sign on to be part of witnessing some terrible thing.

But I think maybe we would. Maybe we would volunteer because we might be able to help people. New-Age people -- so many of them have abilities to manipulate energy, or they know how to do hypnosis work, altered-state work. They have a greater understanding that might help them to help other people. So, I don't think that we can ever assume -- as I know a lot of people who do -- that you didn't sign on for this. You wouldn't have wanted to have to be in a war. You wouldn't want to have to do this or that, but if it's your karma to do it, then that's why you're here. Nobody is here accidentally.

Dr. Laurie: I believe that.

Richard Sutphen: I think that that is really important. There are no accidents.

Dr. Laurie: I do believe that, and I believe that our soul chooses to incarnate and to take on certain tasks, certain challenges, and to learn how to transform or transcend suffering for ourselves and others through those challenges.

Richard Sutphen: Yes, I agree with you.

Dr. Laurie: And the physical or human suffering of this life time is considered to be a great learning opportunity for souls who consciously choose to incarnate.
Of course the question whether most of us even choose to incarnate consciously or not, many people don't believe that, and I think that contributes to suffering when we're in the presence of things we don't understand like the possibility of Earth-shaking, mind- bending, catastrophic shifts.

Richard Sutphen: To me, it's so much easier if you accept reincarnation and karma, and if you accept karma, you are accepting self-responsibility.

Dr. Laurie: Right.

Richard Sutphen: There are no accidents when it comes to karma. You either accept karma or reject it but there's no in-between here. This is either a random universe, and we evolved up out of the sea, and there's really not much meaning to life or there is some kind of a plan. Now, my life work tells me that there is some kind of a plan, and that plan is karma. It's whatever I have taken on through reincarnation that I feel I'm going to have a good opportunity to learn from, by doing this, or this, or this. It's certainly not necessarily fun. Boy! Some of it is really not fun.

Dr. Laurie: Right.

Richard Sutphen: I'm sure everyone listening to us can look back on a lot of things in their life that were not necessarily enjoyable times, but we learned from them. We grew. This may be the greatest learning opportunity that we've ever had in our soul history. It may be true, it may not be true, but I mean, think in terms of it that way. If this is going to be such a huge event, then I prefer to think of it as an incredible opportunity to be here and to go through this, even if it's a pole shift. If it's a pole shift, most of us won't survive.

Dr. Laurie: Now, tell me a little bit more about the theory of the pole shift.

Richard Sutphen: Well, the idea of the pole shift is that the Earth is going to literally tip. It's going to realign the poles -- the North Pole, the South Pole -- and one day, it will simply -- and it will happen in the blink of an eye. They'll be no warning on this one. It will switch. It will -- All of a sudden, the North Pole will be in a new place and the South Pole will be somewhere else. It's happened again, and again, and again in the past, and so, here it is. It's going to happen again now, but who knows exactly when? A lot of the scientists say that we are overdue. The scientists also say that we are now already tipped.

Dr. Laurie: Right, 26 degrees, I was reading.

Richard Sutphen: We are way, way over. So that, in itself, is pretty spooky. The whole idea that we're already tipping, they are having to realign, repaint the numbers on the airplane -- the airport landing strips because those have to be accurate compass readings.

Dr. Laurie: Oh, I didn't realize that.

Richard Sutphen: They have really been redoing some of this, Laurie, yeah, because -- and they've repainted the numbers and now, I'm hearing that they have to repaint -- do it again because we are tipping at a rapid rate. Now, this will only go so far and there will reach literally a tipping point. That's sounds silly.

Dr. Laurie: That's funny.

Richard Sutphen: But all of a sudden, we will tip and this is where it's happened before: They found the wooly mammoths imbedded in the ice, and when they examined them, they found that they had undigested flowers in their stomach. They said that they would have been to be at a place where they could be eating this type of vegetation. It would have been probably somewhere around 85 degrees and then, just moments later, they were literally flash-frozen. So it would have had to have gone down to about 150 below zero for that to have happened.

Dr. Laurie: That's unbelievable for the human mind to comprehend.

Richard Sutphen: I know. It's just all of a sudden, here you are. You're in a tropical -- You're sitting around a swimming pool and then, a few moments later, we literally could be 150 below zero, and that is going to flash-freeze you. They said they had the wooly mammoths actually had these blossoms in their mouth, in one case, and undigested in the stomach in another case. Well, the strong stomach acid that would be in an elephant, my God! They would have had only moments before those flowers would have been digested. So, you can imagine how fast it happened the last time.

Dr. Laurie: And that's one hypothesis. What could happen next time?

Richard Sutphen: That's what Edgar Cayce talked about, Laurie. That's what Ruth Montgomery wrote a great deal about. But to me, you can't live for this because it may be another 5,000 years, 10,000 years before this happens, or it might be another five minutes. So, it's a crapshoot when it comes to this one. I can't live my life worrying about a pole shift.

Dr. Laurie: Right, we never know. I mean, for those of us who grew up certainly in the Cold War in the '50s where you had drills in school to hide under your desk and get away from the windows in case the Russians were going to come and bomb, --

Richard Sutphen: Right, I remember that. -- (Light laughter) -- I do.

Dr. Laurie: -- you realize you can't live your life in fear of something that might or might not happen.

Richard Sutphen: No. Right! Agreed!

Dr. Laurie: And yet, there are so many implications to the spiritual questions why we would be here at a particular time or what kind of soul preparation can we kind of like train ourselves, train our minds, train our spirits to be ready for whatever unexpected events is going to happen?

Richard Sutphen: I think back to your question of what can we do. Meditate, meditate, and meditate. I mean, in other words, get very spiritual in your life in regard to what you are doing. Be spiritual and then simply meditate. Find those answers through your own going within, 'cause nobody else is going to be able to tell you what's coming. It doesn't make any sense really, to even try. I mean, there are so many ideas, and we're going to have to find our own answers, and maybe that's part of why we signed an again, Laurie; simply the opportunity to do this. We're going to sign on. We're going to find our own answers this time around. We're maybe going to be forced to make decisions and those decisions will probably have a lot to do with showing whether or not we've learned; whether or not have learned by past mistakes, by past opportunities. Hopefully, we're going to be able to help others, as part of all this.

Dr. Laurie: Well, hopefully. I keep thinking that the Tibetan monks last year, issued a set of predictions that were similar to the Mayan predictions. They said that in the year 2012, divine beings will begin to appear among us and will perform miracles in front of thousands of people that would be televised. But this would also be a sign of the great change that was coming. I think that you can go in a lot of directions with this but it certainly lends itself to the kind of beliefs -- the Christian beliefs around the end times and the calling down of the saints, and the appearances of divine beings, and angels, and miracles which I think have started to happen for people.

Richard Sutphen: Yeah, I see a huge interest. I see people -- they come to me, number one, wanting to know what they should do next or where -- what is it all about.

Some of them have never heard of "The Shift" but they're coming to me, as a hypnotherapist, and they want to make contact with Spirit because that's the type of work I do. And they are receiving answers in every case that I'm aware of. They have come; they have sought to find out. They're maybe not too happy with what they have found out, Laurie but in each case, Spirit has said well, it's time to give back or you should now develop the ability to work with your healing; you're natural healing instincts. If you work with these a little, you will be able to help mankind a great deal when everything changes, as it's going to do. Now, I don't hear people -- I don't hear Spirit talking about "The Shift" but the people -- those in spirit, are using the words like, when everything changes, it would change very quickly in the near future. I hear words more along that line. I guess that leaves it kind of up in the air. What does that mean? It's going to change very quickly in the near future.

In "The Karma Dialogues," best-selling authors Dr. Laurie Nadel and Richard Sutphen take you beyond fear about 2012. You will be given tools for a new spiritual outlook so that you can experience exceptional growth when "The Shift" hits the fan.

By Dr. Laurie Nadel, Ph.D. / Source: The Karma Dialogues

There has been a lot of talk about Mayan prophecies that foretell the end to civilization as we know it... coming up in December 2012. (That's right. It's just around the corner!) The ancient Mayan astronomers' calendar is studied today by scientists who are curious about the calendar's uncanny accuracy.

It is quite possible that like Y2K, the year 2012 will roll over to 2013 with just the usual fireworks. But there could be more to the 2012 phenomenon. For the past five years, I have interviewed scientists, futurists, economists, and metaphysicians, including best-selling author and master hypnotist Richard Sutphen.

It turns out that Richard has been conducting research on the 2012 phenomenon for at least a decade. What we have found is that a surprising number of different disciplines converge on this very subject. The timeline is not precisely the same but it's pretty darn close.

The Hopi Indians have a set of Prophecies about "The Shift" which, like the Mayan Prophecies, contain predictions of a series of catastrophic shifts in our physical environment.

Recently, Tibetan monks have predicted that as 2012 approaches, the planet will go through chaos, upheaval, and turmoil. Yet in the middle of our earth-shattering disasters, divine beings will appear among us. Some will perform miracles that will be seen by billions of people around the world on global television, according to the Tibetan masters.

New York Times best-selling author Gregg Braden says that because the earth is transiting the equator of the Milky Way, our planet will experience a surge of solar storms and flares that will probably knock out communications satellites somewhere between 2013 and 2015.

He is not the only one worried about the unfriendly skies. Last year, NASA held a conference to discuss how to prepare for solar storms that could wipe out power grids and communications systems during this same time frame. Major Ed Dames, a psychic spy in the Pentagon's "remote viewing" program, also predicts that the upcoming solar storms will devastate the planet, impacting the lives of millions.

Scary, huh?

I don't blame you. It's not a reassuring picture.

But, as an ancient Chinese oracle wrote, "Everything in this realm has duality." In other words, there is a flip side to any disaster, including myriad opportunities to grow in ways you had never imagined. Instead of facing 2012 and beyond with fear, you can look forward to unprecedented opportunities for spiritual growth. Because when life as you know it gets kicked out from under you, your quantum potential is unleashed. You can resolve karmic issues that would have taken several lifetimes to heal.

The Prophecies and Your Karma

Dr. Laurie: Richard, how we can tell whether it's our karma to be here or what we can do to bear witness to the changes that are coming? How do you know it's your karma to be here when these big changes take place? What can people do to prepare?

Richard Sutphen: Well, that's a huge, huge question. I would say if you are here on the Earth at this time, it's your karma.

That's all there is to it. To me, you would not be here. You would not be alive at this time if you hadn't basically signed on for this, Laurie. I'd like to quote Bob Monroe of the Monroe Institute. Most people listening to us probably have an awareness of Monroe, his Hemi-Sync tapes, and his incredible books on astral projection, and many other subjects.

But what Monroe said before he crossed over -- that those people who are alive today, want to be here so that they can be on the playing field, not in the stands, when the Great Shift occurs. So he was saying loud and clear that we signed on for this. We want to be here; and why? Why would we do this, considering the fact that the shift may be a very traumatic time? I have some pretty good theories as to why we might be doing this that I'll be glad to share, if you'd like me to.

Dr. Laurie: Well, I would love you to. I know that a lot of people are worried and concerned about political changes, and the end times, apocalyptic changes coming.

What do you think we can do to get ready?

Your Soul Vibration and the Heartbeat of the Earth

Richard Sutphen: Well, I think Number One: It's going to be a mind-set. I can talk about survival things all day, but I think we need first; to speak in terms of what this may really be about. Let's say it's real. Let's say something is going to happen, and there are books now -- stacks of books -- people writing on this subject as if they had the one and the only answer. And boy, if each one of them is correct? Well, that's impossible. Number one, because there are so many different ideas, Laurie, in regard to what's coming.

Let me move back just a moment, and then we can take it from there. I teach that we are born with a vibrational rate that we have earned in the past. In other words, we've all lived many, many, many, many, many life times, and the way we live our life is going to increase our vibrational rate or it's going to reduce it. So, you take someone like Mother Theresa, she probably increased her vibrational rate while she was here on the Earth.

You take someone like Adolph Hitler; he probably reduced his vibrational rate down about as low as it could go.

Dr. Laurie: One can hope.

Richard Sutphen: While he was here, yeah; while he was here on the Earth. So, each of us now, figure that we were born with a vibrational rate. We came in with this rate as a result of all of our past lives. So, let's assume that the rate varies from zero to one-thousand. Zero would be the lower astral planes. It would be a very undesirable place to be, where a thousand would be the God level, or you'd be rejoining God. Let's talk symbolically here, for a few moments.

Dr. Laurie: So, you're talking about a soul vibration?

Richard Sutphen: A soul vibration, absolutely, and we came in with this
vibrational rate, our soul, what we've earned. Let's say our vibration is about 500. Now, if we live a good life, and we help others, we don't really harm anyone, well, we're going to advance our vibration -- our soul vibration by a few points. But what is taking place on the Earth at this time, is the Earth, itself, is shifting. The vibrational rate of the Earth is increasing. It was at 7.8 cycles per second for many, many, many years; that's the heartbeat of the Earth. It's the Schumann Resonance.

So, what is happening now, it can only go, I am told, to 13, but it's well over 12, and by 2012, we will be experiencing a Schumann Resonance of around
13 cycles per second. Now, that's a great, big increase. There are scientists who say due to this increase, we are now living 16-hour days. In other words, the vibrational rate of the planet has increased to the point where our clocks still say 24 hours, but we're actually living 16-hour days. So, everything seems to have accelerated.

Dr. Laurie: It sure feels that way.

Richard Sutphen: It feels that way to me, too, Laurie. It really does, and to everyone else I know. So, here's the thing: If, by simply being here on this planet at this time, we are increasing our vibrational rate as well. Now, we can't separate ourselves from the Earth. We are made of the same stuff as the Earth. So, if the Earth's rate is increasing, so is ours, and so we are experiencing a shorter day; less time per day.

Climate Change, 2012, and Your Karma

Richard Sutphen: So, let's just say that this is what's happening, as a theory. Then, we would be increasing our vibrational rate many, many, many, many, many life times. Some experts feel we might be able to increase our vibrational rate or the number of lives. In other words, we could advance a thousand life times! Now, to me, that's incomprehensible. But let's just say we advanced five or six life times. Woe! Wouldn't that be worth signing on to be here, no matter what maybe we would go through to have to be here to be part of this? Because when we die, we're going to check out at a much higher vibrational rate simply by having been here.

Dr. Laurie: So, this is kind of -- I don't know -- karmic community service that we're doing.

Richard Sutphen: Well, it might be community service but it might be this once- in-a-huge, long-cycle- opportunity. And so, hey, every time -- If we've been here for a lot, why, we're going to get to sign on for right now. We're going to get to come in, and a lot of people say it's a 26,000-year cycle. On that date, on December 21, winter solstice of 2012, we will be lined up with the center of the universe. That's scientific, I guess. I don't know how someone figures that out, but supposedly, we will be in perfect alignment with the center of the universe, and that, in it, may generate unbelievable effects.

Dr. Laurie: There was something in the news about the alignment of the Earth with the Milky Way in the galaxy that's going to occur in 2012 that I thought was amazing just to contemplate.

Richard Sutphen: Right, there you go. Now, we have the Mayan calendar ending at -- This is about a 26,000-year cycle. There is something that they discuss. We have this alignment taking place. We have the sun acting up again; solar flares and all sorts of sun activity, the magnetic changes, and that's all to hit in 2012, on, and on, and on, and on, and on. There is an awful lot happening at this point in time, and I'm not even beginning to get into things like the Gulf Stream slowing down and --

Dr. Laurie: The ice shelf…

Richard Sutphen: Oh, the ice shelf sliding into the sea and all the rest of it, Laurie; yeah. But that says to me okay, maybe we did sign on for this because there's this just incredible opportunity, and maybe we'll die as part of it. I don't know that we will or we won't. If we do, we all have to die anyway. If we get to move forward on that checkerboard of life times, if we get to move forward a few hops, skips, and jumps, why, maybe it would be well worth it. And so, we might not choose this from an earthly perspective but boy, from the other side when we were in spirit, we might have said hey, what a great opportunity. Let's sign on.

When "The Shift" Hits the Fan: Your Spiritual Destiny

Dr. Laurie: Right. Well, there was one thing that I wanted to ask you about because the fear that I hear from people is very much the fear of the ego or the personality. It's people saying oh, I couldn't possibly have signed up for witnessing tragedy and destruction. It doesn't make sense, and yet…

Richard Sutphen: Well, yes, it does make sense from a karmic perspective.

Dr. Laurie: Exactly. So, that's what I'd like you to elaborate on…

Richard Sutphen: Yeah, of course it makes sense. We all have to go through everything. We have to be good guys. We have to be bad guys. We are victims. We are the perpetrator of human suffering. We simply go through every possible life experience, every race, back and forth between genders. We have to go through it all. And certainly, someone who is peacefully-oriented is going to say well, this doesn't make sense. I wouldn't sign on to be part of witnessing some terrible thing.

But I think maybe we would. Maybe we would volunteer because we might be able to help people. New-Age people -- so many of them have abilities to manipulate energy, or they know how to do hypnosis work, altered-state work. They have a greater understanding that might help them to help other people. So, I don't think that we can ever assume -- as I know a lot of people who do -- that you didn't sign on for this. You wouldn't have wanted to have to be in a war. You wouldn't want to have to do this or that, but if it's your karma to do it, then that's why you're here. Nobody is here accidentally.

Dr. Laurie: I believe that.

Richard Sutphen: I think that that is really important. There are no accidents.

Dr. Laurie: I do believe that, and I believe that our soul chooses to incarnate and to take on certain tasks, certain challenges, and to learn how to transform or transcend suffering for ourselves and others through those challenges.

Richard Sutphen: Yes, I agree with you.

Dr. Laurie: And the physical or human suffering of this life time is considered to be a great learning opportunity for souls who consciously choose to incarnate.
Of course the question whether most of us even choose to incarnate consciously or not, many people don't believe that, and I think that contributes to suffering when we're in the presence of things we don't understand like the possibility of Earth-shaking, mind- bending, catastrophic shifts.

Richard Sutphen: To me, it's so much easier if you accept reincarnation and karma, and if you accept karma, you are accepting self-responsibility.

Dr. Laurie: Right.

Richard Sutphen: There are no accidents when it comes to karma. You either accept karma or reject it but there's no in-between here. This is either a random universe, and we evolved up out of the sea, and there's really not much meaning to life or there is some kind of a plan. Now, my life work tells me that there is some kind of a plan, and that plan is karma. It's whatever I have taken on through reincarnation that I feel I'm going to have a good opportunity to learn from, by doing this, or this, or this. It's certainly not necessarily fun. Boy! Some of it is really not fun.

Dr. Laurie: Right.

Richard Sutphen: I'm sure everyone listening to us can look back on a lot of things in their life that were not necessarily enjoyable times, but we learned from them. We grew. This may be the greatest learning opportunity that we've ever had in our soul history. It may be true, it may not be true, but I mean, think in terms of it that way. If this is going to be such a huge event, then I prefer to think of it as an incredible opportunity to be here and to go through this, even if it's a pole shift. If it's a pole shift, most of us won't survive.

Dr. Laurie: Now, tell me a little bit more about the theory of the pole shift.

Richard Sutphen: Well, the idea of the pole shift is that the Earth is going to literally tip. It's going to realign the poles -- the North Pole, the South Pole -- and one day, it will simply -- and it will happen in the blink of an eye. They'll be no warning on this one. It will switch. It will -- All of a sudden, the North Pole will be in a new place and the South Pole will be somewhere else. It's happened again, and again, and again in the past, and so, here it is. It's going to happen again now, but who knows exactly when? A lot of the scientists say that we are overdue. The scientists also say that we are now already tipped.

Dr. Laurie: Right, 26 degrees, I was reading.

Richard Sutphen: We are way, way over. So that, in itself, is pretty spooky. The whole idea that we're already tipping, they are having to realign, repaint the numbers on the airplane -- the airport landing strips because those have to be accurate compass readings.

Dr. Laurie: Oh, I didn't realize that.

Richard Sutphen: They have really been redoing some of this, Laurie, yeah, because -- and they've repainted the numbers and now, I'm hearing that they have to repaint -- do it again because we are tipping at a rapid rate. Now, this will only go so far and there will reach literally a tipping point. That's sounds silly.

Dr. Laurie: That's funny.

Richard Sutphen: But all of a sudden, we will tip and this is where it's happened before: They found the wooly mammoths imbedded in the ice, and when they examined them, they found that they had undigested flowers in their stomach. They said that they would have been to be at a place where they could be eating this type of vegetation. It would have been probably somewhere around 85 degrees and then, just moments later, they were literally flash-frozen. So it would have had to have gone down to about 150 below zero for that to have happened.

Dr. Laurie: That's unbelievable for the human mind to comprehend.

Richard Sutphen: I know. It's just all of a sudden, here you are. You're in a tropical -- You're sitting around a swimming pool and then, a few moments later, we literally could be 150 below zero, and that is going to flash-freeze you. They said they had the wooly mammoths actually had these blossoms in their mouth, in one case, and undigested in the stomach in another case. Well, the strong stomach acid that would be in an elephant, my God! They would have had only moments before those flowers would have been digested. So, you can imagine how fast it happened the last time.

Dr. Laurie: And that's one hypothesis. What could happen next time?

Richard Sutphen: That's what Edgar Cayce talked about, Laurie. That's what Ruth Montgomery wrote a great deal about. But to me, you can't live for this because it may be another 5,000 years, 10,000 years before this happens, or it might be another five minutes. So, it's a crapshoot when it comes to this one. I can't live my life worrying about a pole shift.

Dr. Laurie: Right, we never know. I mean, for those of us who grew up certainly in the Cold War in the '50s where you had drills in school to hide under your desk and get away from the windows in case the Russians were going to come and bomb, --

Richard Sutphen: Right, I remember that. -- (Light laughter) -- I do.

Dr. Laurie: -- you realize you can't live your life in fear of something that might or might not happen.

Richard Sutphen: No. Right! Agreed!

Dr. Laurie: And yet, there are so many implications to the spiritual questions why we would be here at a particular time or what kind of soul preparation can we kind of like train ourselves, train our minds, train our spirits to be ready for whatever unexpected events is going to happen?

Richard Sutphen: I think back to your question of what can we do. Meditate, meditate, and meditate. I mean, in other words, get very spiritual in your life in regard to what you are doing. Be spiritual and then simply meditate. Find those answers through your own going within, 'cause nobody else is going to be able to tell you what's coming. It doesn't make any sense really, to even try. I mean, there are so many ideas, and we're going to have to find our own answers, and maybe that's part of why we signed an again, Laurie; simply the opportunity to do this. We're going to sign on. We're going to find our own answers this time around. We're maybe going to be forced to make decisions and those decisions will probably have a lot to do with showing whether or not we've learned; whether or not have learned by past mistakes, by past opportunities. Hopefully, we're going to be able to help others, as part of all this.

Dr. Laurie: Well, hopefully. I keep thinking that the Tibetan monks last year, issued a set of predictions that were similar to the Mayan predictions. They said that in the year 2012, divine beings will begin to appear among us and will perform miracles in front of thousands of people that would be televised. But this would also be a sign of the great change that was coming. I think that you can go in a lot of directions with this but it certainly lends itself to the kind of beliefs -- the Christian beliefs around the end times and the calling down of the saints, and the appearances of divine beings, and angels, and miracles which I think have started to happen for people.

Richard Sutphen: Yeah, I see a huge interest. I see people -- they come to me, number one, wanting to know what they should do next or where -- what is it all about.

Some of them have never heard of "The Shift" but they're coming to me, as a hypnotherapist, and they want to make contact with Spirit because that's the type of work I do. And they are receiving answers in every case that I'm aware of. They have come; they have sought to find out. They're maybe not too happy with what they have found out, Laurie but in each case, Spirit has said well, it's time to give back or you should now develop the ability to work with your healing; you're natural healing instincts. If you work with these a little, you will be able to help mankind a great deal when everything changes, as it's going to do. Now, I don't hear people -- I don't hear Spirit talking about "The Shift" but the people -- those in spirit, are using the words like, when everything changes, it would change very quickly in the near future. I hear words more along that line. I guess that leaves it kind of up in the air. What does that mean? It's going to change very quickly in the near future.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Daffodil Principle

The Daffodil Principle

By: Jaroldeen Asplund Edwards

The following is a true story that we send out at the beginning of every
spring season. It has a lesson well worth reading. If you have read it
before please read it again. This is one valuable lesson!

The Daffodil Principle

Several times my daughter had telephoned to say, "Mother, you must come and see the daffodils before they are over." I wanted to go, but it was a two-hour drive from Laguna to Lake Arrowhead. Going and coming took most of a day - and I honestly did not have a free day until the following week.

"I will come next Tuesday," I promised, a little reluctantly, on her
third call. Next Tuesday dawned cold and rainy. Still, I had promised,
and so I drove the length of Route 91, continued on I-215, and finally
turned onto Route 18 and began to drive up the mountain highway. The
tops of the mountains were sheathed in clouds, and I had gone only a few miles when the road was completely covered with a wet, gray blanket of fog. I slowed to a crawl, my heart pounding. The road becomes narrow and winding toward the top of the mountain.

As I executed the hazardous turns at a snail's pace, I was praying to
reach the turnoff at Blue Jay that would signify I had arrived. When I
finally walked into Carolyn's house and hugged and greeted my
grandchildren I said, "Forget the daffodils, Carolyn! The road is
invisible in the clouds and fog, and there is nothing in the world
except you and these darling children that I want to see bad enough to drive another inch!"

My daughter smiled calmly, "We drive in this all the time, Mother."

"Well, you won't get me back on the road until it clears - and then I'm
heading for home!" I assured her.

"I was hoping you'd take me over to the garage to pick up my car. The
mechanic just called, and they've finished repairing the engine," she

"How far will we have to drive?" I asked cautiously.

"Just a few blocks,"Carolyn said cheerfully.

So we buckled up the children and went out to my car. "I'll drive,"
Carolyn offered. "I'm used to this." We got into the car, and she began

In a few minutes I was aware that we were back on the Rim-of-the-World Road heading over the top of the mountain. "Where are we going?" I exclaimed, distressed to be back on the mountain road in the fog. "This isn't the way to the garage!"

"We're going to my garage the long way," Carolyn smiled, "by way of the

"Carolyn, I said sternly, trying to sound as if I was still the mother
and in charge of the situation, "please turn around. There is nothing in the world that I want to see enough to drive on this road in this weather."

"It's all right, Mother," She replied with a knowing grin. "I know what
I'm doing. I promise, you will never forgive yourself if you miss this

And so my sweet, darling daughter who had never given me a minute of
difficulty in her whole life was suddenly in charge - and she was
kidnapping me! I couldn't believe it. Like it or not, I was on the way
to see some ridiculous daffodils - driving through the thick, gray
silence of the mist-wrapped mountaintop at what I thought was risk to life and limb.

I muttered all the way. After about twenty minutes we turned onto a
small gravel road that branched down into an oak-filled hollow on the
side of the mountain. The fog had lifted a little, but the sky was
lowering, gray and heavy with clouds.

We parked in a small parking lot adjoining a little stone church. From
our vantage point at the top of the mountain we could see beyond us, in
the mist, the crests of the San Bernardino range like the dark, humped backs of a herd of elephants. Far below us the fog-shrouded valleys, hills, and flatlands stretched away to the desert.

On the far side of the church I saw a pine-needle-covered path, with
towering evergreens and manzanita bushes and an inconspicuous, lettered sign "Daffodil Garden."

We each took a child's hand, and I followed Carolyn down the path as it
wound through the trees. The mountain sloped away from the side of the path in irregular dips, folds, and valleys, like a deeply creased skirt.

Live oaks, mountain laurel, shrubs, and bushes clustered in the folds,
and in the gray, drizzling air, the green foliage looked dark and
monochromatic. I shivered. Then we turned a corner of the path, and I
looked up and gasped. Before me lay the most glorious sight,
unexpectedly and completely splendid. It looked as though someone had taken a great vat of gold and poured it down over the mountain peak and slopes where it had run into every crevice and over every rise. Even in the mist-filled air, the mountainside was radiant, clothed in massive drifts and waterfalls of daffodils. The flowers were planted in majestic, swirling patterns, great ribbons and swaths of deep orange, white, lemon yellow, salmon pink, saffron, and butter yellow.

Each different-colored variety (I learned later that there were more
than thirty-five varieties of daffodils in the vast display) was planted
as a group so that it swirled and flowed like its own river with its own
unique hue.

In the center of this incredible and dazzling display of gold, a great
cascade of purple grape hyacinth flowed down like a waterfall of
blossoms framed in its own rock-lined basin, weaving through the
brilliant daffodils. A charming path wound throughout the garden. There
were several resting stations, paved with stone and furnished with
Victorian wooden benches and great tubs of coral and carmine tulips. As
though this were not magnificent enough, Mother Nature had to add her own grace note - above the daffodils, a bevy of western bluebirds flitted and darted, flashing their brilliance. These charming little
birds are the color of sapphires with breasts of magenta red. As they
dance in the air, their colors are truly like jewels above the blowing,
glowing daffodils. The effect was spectacular.

It did not matter that the sun was not shining. The brilliance of the
daffodils was like the glow of the brightest sunlit day. Words,
wonderful as they are, simply cannot describe the incredible beauty of that flower-bedecked mountain top.

Five acres of flowers! (This too I discovered later when some of my
questions were answered.) "But who has done this?" I asked Carolyn. I
was overflowing with gratitude that she brought me - even against my
will. This was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

"Who?" I asked again, almost speechless with wonder, "And how, and why, and when?"

"It's just one woman," Carolyn answered. "She lives on the property. That's her home." Carolyn pointed to a well-kept A-frame house that looked small and modest in the midst of all that glory.

We walked up to the house, my mind buzzing with questions. On the patio we saw a poster. "Answers to the Questions I Know You Are Asking" was the headline. The first answer was a simple one. "50,000 bulbs," it read. The second answer was, "One at a time, by one woman, two hands, two feet, and very little brain." The third answer was, "Began in 1958."

There it was. The Daffodil Principle.

For me that moment was a life-changing experience. I thought of this woman whom I had never met, who, more than thirty-five years before, had begun - one bulb at a time - to bring her vision of beauty and joy to an obscure mountain top. One bulb at a time.

There was no other way to do it. One bulb at a time. No shortcuts -
simply loving the slow process of planting. Loving the work as it

Loving an achievement that grew so slowly and that bloomed for only
three weeks of each year. Still, just planting one bulb at a time, year
after year, had changed the world.

This unknown woman had forever changed the world in which she lived. She had created something of ineffable magnificence, beauty, and

The principle her daffodil garden taught is one of the greatest
principle of celebration: learning to move toward our goals and desires
one step at a time - often just one baby-step at a time - learning to
love the doing, learning to use the accumulation of time.

When we multiply tiny pieces of time with small increments of daily
effort, we too will find we can accomplish magnificent things. We can change the world.

"Carolyn," I said that morning on the top of the mountain as we left the
haven of daffodils, our minds and hearts still bathed and bemused by the splendors we had seen, "it's as though that remarkable woman has
needle-pointed the earth! Decorated it. Just think of it, she planted
every single bulb for more than thirty years. One bulb at a time! And
that's the only way this garden could be created. Every individual bulb
had to be planted. There was no way of short-circuiting that process.
Five acres of blooms. That magnificent cascade of hyacinth! All, just one bulb at a time."

The thought of it filled my mind. I was suddenly overwhelmed with the
implications of what I had seen. "It makes me sad in a way," I admitted
to Carolyn. "What might I have accomplished if I had thought of a
wonderful goal thirty-five years ago and had worked away at it 'one bulb
at a time' through all those years. Just think what I might have been
able to achieve!"

My wise daughter put the car into gear and summed up the message of the day in her direct way. "Start tomorrow," she said with the same knowing smile she had worn for most of the morning. Oh, profound wisdom!

It is pointless to think of the lost hours of yesterdays. The way to
make learning a lesson a celebration instead of a cause for regret is to
only ask, "How can I put this to use tomorrow?"

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Religion Is Big Business In India: Study

Religion is big business in India: study

London: Religious organisations in India not only operate as business
organisations, but their 'business model' has seen diversification of
activities to retain the loyalty of their followers and attract new
devotees, according to a study conducted at the University of Cambridge.

Led by Indian-origin academic Dr Sriya Iyer, the study reveals that new ways of religious organisations diversifying include cow-lending, computer-based learning; sewing and aerobics classes.

The study's findings are details in the latest edition of Research Horizons.
The Cambridge team from the Faculty of Economics and the Cambridge Judge Business School spent two years surveying 568 Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh
and Jain religious organisations across seven Indian states to examine their innovations in offering religious and non-religious service provision.

The survey is believed to be one of the first of its kind in India with
researchers finding that although India is becoming more powerful and
wealthy, rising social inequality - especially in the poorer states - means religious groups often fill the breach left by the lack of social welfare, especially in the fields of education and healthcare. Dr Iyer of the Faculty of Economics and St Catharine's College, said, "We have found that the resilience of religion draws from the ability of groups to undertake innovation and innovative behaviour, similar to the behaviour observed in business firms".

She added, "In the same ways a business tries to stay ahead of its
competitors, religious groups are showing the same rational economic
responses to changes in the political, ecological and economic environments in which they operate." Examples of religious and non-religious offerings across the seven states included weddings and other religious ceremonies
telecast over the internet in real time for overseas friends and family to witness, blood donation, eye camps, drug rehabilitation, old age homes, widow welfare programmes and organised mass marriages for the poor.

The survey also found that religious groups may act in the same way as
businesses in competing to offer unique selling points when it comes to matters of ideology. In addition to their religious offerings, they provide
more non-religious services in response to perceptions about increasing income inequality.

With rising income inequality, the poor demand more non-religious services and organisations respond to this demand by providing these services more, the study says.

Dr Iyer said, "What is also interesting is the seemingly paradoxical notion held by many of these groups that although India is getting richer and growing economically, inequality is also growing. So people may become
'consumers' of religion based on a religious group's ideology - but also the cost and wealth benefits from membership of a particular organisation such as education, health, food distribution, employment and its other services."

The survey took place in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and Gujarat. In total, 272 Hindu religious groups were interviewed, along with 248 Muslim, 25 Christian and 23 Sikh and Jain religious organisations.

Dr Iyer also points out that many religious groups have very positive
effects on their followers and the wider community. She said, "Counter to
some analyses of religion in India that have mainly studied the negative consequences religion might engender, we are emphasizing the positive role
of some religious organisations in India today and the work they do among the wider community".

One of the most striking innovations the team found was the cow lending
scheme in Gujarat, where people from the community can borrow a cow, for as long as they like, at no cost. Researchers said they were also surprised to find activities such as aerobics classes.

Dr Iyer said, "The way religious groups are innovating is fascinating. The offerings made by Muslim and Christian groups may differ from those provisions made by Hindus, but across all religions we see the ways in which these groups act in a business-like manner in response to their competitors and in response to income inequality, but also out of a willingness to do good and help where state provision is inadequate".

She added: "We found evidence that organisations of all religions in India
have substantially increased their provisions of religious and especially
non-religious services in order to substitute for the lack of state
provision and that this is related to their perception of inequality and
poverty. This is especially the case in poorer states.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Fake Smiling Makes You Miserable

Fake Smiling Makes You Miserable

Source: The Telegraph

Pretending to be happy can actually make you more miserable - especially if you're a woman, according to a new study.

Researchers found that walking around with a forced smile and faking happiness simply led to people feeling gloomier.

So, putting a brave face on your woes could actually be counterproductive.

The research found that women suffered more than men when pretending to be happy.

Psychologist Dr Brent Scott, who led the study, said employers should take note because forcing workers to smile when dealing with the public can backfire.

He said: "Smiling for the sake of smiling can lead to emotional exhaustion and withdrawal, and that's bad for the organisation."

Dr Scott said the research showed customer-service workers who 'fake smile' throughout the day worsen their mood and then withdraw from work, so their productivity drops.

He added: "Bosses may think that getting their staff to smile is good for the organisation, but that's not necessarily the case."

Dr Scott, assistant professor of management at Michigan State University, analysed a group of bus drivers during at two-week period.

The study is one of the first of its kind to examine emotional displays over a period of time and compare the different effect that has on men and women.

His team examined the effects of surface acting - or fake smiling - compared to what was termed 'deep acting', or cultivating positive emotions by recalling pleasant memories.

Dr Scott said: "Women were harmed more by surface acting, meaning their mood worsened even more than the men and they withdrew more from work.
"However, they were helped more by deep acting, which means their mood improved more and they withdrew less."

Dr Scott suggested women tend to suffer more when pretending to be happy because they are expected to be more emotionally expressive than men.
Therefore, faking a smile while feeling down is more likely to go against their normal behaviour and cause more harmful feelings.

Although, 'deep acting' seemed to improve mood in the short-term, Dr Scott says it's not a long-term solution to feeling unhappy.

He said: "There have been some suggestions that if you do this over a long period you start to feel inauthentic.

"You're trying to cultivate positive emotions, but at the end of the day you may not feel like yourself anymore."

The study appears in the February issue of the Academy of Management Journal.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad