Saturday, March 26, 2011

2012 and Beyond: How to Benefit from the Mayan Prophecies

2012 and Beyond: How to Benefit from the Mayan Prophecies 2012 and Beyond: How to Benefit from the Mayan Prophecies

In "The Karma Dialogues," best-selling authors Dr. Laurie Nadel and Richard Sutphen take you beyond fear about 2012. You will be given tools for a new spiritual outlook so that you can experience exceptional growth when "The Shift" hits the fan.

By Dr. Laurie Nadel, Ph.D. / Source: The Karma Dialogues

There has been a lot of talk about Mayan prophecies that foretell the end to civilization as we know it... coming up in December 2012. (That's right. It's just around the corner!) The ancient Mayan astronomers' calendar is studied today by scientists who are curious about the calendar's uncanny accuracy.

It is quite possible that like Y2K, the year 2012 will roll over to 2013 with just the usual fireworks. But there could be more to the 2012 phenomenon. For the past five years, I have interviewed scientists, futurists, economists, and metaphysicians, including best-selling author and master hypnotist Richard Sutphen.

It turns out that Richard has been conducting research on the 2012 phenomenon for at least a decade. What we have found is that a surprising number of different disciplines converge on this very subject. The timeline is not precisely the same but it's pretty darn close.

The Hopi Indians have a set of Prophecies about "The Shift" which, like the Mayan Prophecies, contain predictions of a series of catastrophic shifts in our physical environment.

Recently, Tibetan monks have predicted that as 2012 approaches, the planet will go through chaos, upheaval, and turmoil. Yet in the middle of our earth-shattering disasters, divine beings will appear among us. Some will perform miracles that will be seen by billions of people around the world on global television, according to the Tibetan masters.

New York Times best-selling author Gregg Braden says that because the earth is transiting the equator of the Milky Way, our planet will experience a surge of solar storms and flares that will probably knock out communications satellites somewhere between 2013 and 2015.

He is not the only one worried about the unfriendly skies. Last year, NASA held a conference to discuss how to prepare for solar storms that could wipe out power grids and communications systems during this same time frame. Major Ed Dames, a psychic spy in the Pentagon's "remote viewing" program, also predicts that the upcoming solar storms will devastate the planet, impacting the lives of millions.

Scary, huh?

I don't blame you. It's not a reassuring picture.

But, as an ancient Chinese oracle wrote, "Everything in this realm has duality." In other words, there is a flip side to any disaster, including myriad opportunities to grow in ways you had never imagined. Instead of facing 2012 and beyond with fear, you can look forward to unprecedented opportunities for spiritual growth. Because when life as you know it gets kicked out from under you, your quantum potential is unleashed. You can resolve karmic issues that would have taken several lifetimes to heal.

The Prophecies and Your Karma

Dr. Laurie: Richard, how we can tell whether it's our karma to be here or what we can do to bear witness to the changes that are coming? How do you know it's your karma to be here when these big changes take place? What can people do to prepare?

Richard Sutphen: Well, that's a huge, huge question. I would say if you are here on the Earth at this time, it's your karma.

That's all there is to it. To me, you would not be here. You would not be alive at this time if you hadn't basically signed on for this, Laurie. I'd like to quote Bob Monroe of the Monroe Institute. Most people listening to us probably have an awareness of Monroe, his Hemi-Sync tapes, and his incredible books on astral projection, and many other subjects.

But what Monroe said before he crossed over -- that those people who are alive today, want to be here so that they can be on the playing field, not in the stands, when the Great Shift occurs. So he was saying loud and clear that we signed on for this. We want to be here; and why? Why would we do this, considering the fact that the shift may be a very traumatic time? I have some pretty good theories as to why we might be doing this that I'll be glad to share, if you'd like me to.

Dr. Laurie: Well, I would love you to. I know that a lot of people are worried and concerned about political changes, and the end times, apocalyptic changes coming.

What do you think we can do to get ready?

Your Soul Vibration and the Heartbeat of the Earth

Richard Sutphen: Well, I think Number One: It's going to be a mind-set. I can talk about survival things all day, but I think we need first; to speak in terms of what this may really be about. Let's say it's real. Let's say something is going to happen, and there are books now -- stacks of books -- people writing on this subject as if they had the one and the only answer. And boy, if each one of them is correct? Well, that's impossible. Number one, because there are so many different ideas, Laurie, in regard to what's coming.

Let me move back just a moment, and then we can take it from there. I teach that we are born with a vibrational rate that we have earned in the past. In other words, we've all lived many, many, many, many, many life times, and the way we live our life is going to increase our vibrational rate or it's going to reduce it. So, you take someone like Mother Theresa, she probably increased her vibrational rate while she was here on the Earth.

You take someone like Adolph Hitler; he probably reduced his vibrational rate down about as low as it could go.

Dr. Laurie: One can hope.

Richard Sutphen: While he was here, yeah; while he was here on the Earth. So, each of us now, figure that we were born with a vibrational rate. We came in with this rate as a result of all of our past lives. So, let's assume that the rate varies from zero to one-thousand. Zero would be the lower astral planes. It would be a very undesirable place to be, where a thousand would be the God level, or you'd be rejoining God. Let's talk symbolically here, for a few moments.

Dr. Laurie: So, you're talking about a soul vibration?

Richard Sutphen: A soul vibration, absolutely, and we came in with this
vibrational rate, our soul, what we've earned. Let's say our vibration is about 500. Now, if we live a good life, and we help others, we don't really harm anyone, well, we're going to advance our vibration -- our soul vibration by a few points. But what is taking place on the Earth at this time, is the Earth, itself, is shifting. The vibrational rate of the Earth is increasing. It was at 7.8 cycles per second for many, many, many years; that's the heartbeat of the Earth. It's the Schumann Resonance.

So, what is happening now, it can only go, I am told, to 13, but it's well over 12, and by 2012, we will be experiencing a Schumann Resonance of around
13 cycles per second. Now, that's a great, big increase. There are scientists who say due to this increase, we are now living 16-hour days. In other words, the vibrational rate of the planet has increased to the point where our clocks still say 24 hours, but we're actually living 16-hour days. So, everything seems to have accelerated.

Dr. Laurie: It sure feels that way.

Richard Sutphen: It feels that way to me, too, Laurie. It really does, and to everyone else I know. So, here's the thing: If, by simply being here on this planet at this time, we are increasing our vibrational rate as well. Now, we can't separate ourselves from the Earth. We are made of the same stuff as the Earth. So, if the Earth's rate is increasing, so is ours, and so we are experiencing a shorter day; less time per day.

Climate Change, 2012, and Your Karma

Richard Sutphen: So, let's just say that this is what's happening, as a theory. Then, we would be increasing our vibrational rate many, many, many, many, many life times. Some experts feel we might be able to increase our vibrational rate or the number of lives. In other words, we could advance a thousand life times! Now, to me, that's incomprehensible. But let's just say we advanced five or six life times. Woe! Wouldn't that be worth signing on to be here, no matter what maybe we would go through to have to be here to be part of this? Because when we die, we're going to check out at a much higher vibrational rate simply by having been here.

Dr. Laurie: So, this is kind of -- I don't know -- karmic community service that we're doing.

Richard Sutphen: Well, it might be community service but it might be this once- in-a-huge, long-cycle- opportunity. And so, hey, every time -- If we've been here for a lot, why, we're going to get to sign on for right now. We're going to get to come in, and a lot of people say it's a 26,000-year cycle. On that date, on December 21, winter solstice of 2012, we will be lined up with the center of the universe. That's scientific, I guess. I don't know how someone figures that out, but supposedly, we will be in perfect alignment with the center of the universe, and that, in it, may generate unbelievable effects.

Dr. Laurie: There was something in the news about the alignment of the Earth with the Milky Way in the galaxy that's going to occur in 2012 that I thought was amazing just to contemplate.

Richard Sutphen: Right, there you go. Now, we have the Mayan calendar ending at -- This is about a 26,000-year cycle. There is something that they discuss. We have this alignment taking place. We have the sun acting up again; solar flares and all sorts of sun activity, the magnetic changes, and that's all to hit in 2012, on, and on, and on, and on, and on. There is an awful lot happening at this point in time, and I'm not even beginning to get into things like the Gulf Stream slowing down and --

Dr. Laurie: The ice shelf…

Richard Sutphen: Oh, the ice shelf sliding into the sea and all the rest of it, Laurie; yeah. But that says to me okay, maybe we did sign on for this because there's this just incredible opportunity, and maybe we'll die as part of it. I don't know that we will or we won't. If we do, we all have to die anyway. If we get to move forward on that checkerboard of life times, if we get to move forward a few hops, skips, and jumps, why, maybe it would be well worth it. And so, we might not choose this from an earthly perspective but boy, from the other side when we were in spirit, we might have said hey, what a great opportunity. Let's sign on.

When "The Shift" Hits the Fan: Your Spiritual Destiny

Dr. Laurie: Right. Well, there was one thing that I wanted to ask you about because the fear that I hear from people is very much the fear of the ego or the personality. It's people saying oh, I couldn't possibly have signed up for witnessing tragedy and destruction. It doesn't make sense, and yet…

Richard Sutphen: Well, yes, it does make sense from a karmic perspective.

Dr. Laurie: Exactly. So, that's what I'd like you to elaborate on…

Richard Sutphen: Yeah, of course it makes sense. We all have to go through everything. We have to be good guys. We have to be bad guys. We are victims. We are the perpetrator of human suffering. We simply go through every possible life experience, every race, back and forth between genders. We have to go through it all. And certainly, someone who is peacefully-oriented is going to say well, this doesn't make sense. I wouldn't sign on to be part of witnessing some terrible thing.

But I think maybe we would. Maybe we would volunteer because we might be able to help people. New-Age people -- so many of them have abilities to manipulate energy, or they know how to do hypnosis work, altered-state work. They have a greater understanding that might help them to help other people. So, I don't think that we can ever assume -- as I know a lot of people who do -- that you didn't sign on for this. You wouldn't have wanted to have to be in a war. You wouldn't want to have to do this or that, but if it's your karma to do it, then that's why you're here. Nobody is here accidentally.

Dr. Laurie: I believe that.

Richard Sutphen: I think that that is really important. There are no accidents.

Dr. Laurie: I do believe that, and I believe that our soul chooses to incarnate and to take on certain tasks, certain challenges, and to learn how to transform or transcend suffering for ourselves and others through those challenges.

Richard Sutphen: Yes, I agree with you.

Dr. Laurie: And the physical or human suffering of this life time is considered to be a great learning opportunity for souls who consciously choose to incarnate.
Of course the question whether most of us even choose to incarnate consciously or not, many people don't believe that, and I think that contributes to suffering when we're in the presence of things we don't understand like the possibility of Earth-shaking, mind- bending, catastrophic shifts.

Richard Sutphen: To me, it's so much easier if you accept reincarnation and karma, and if you accept karma, you are accepting self-responsibility.

Dr. Laurie: Right.

Richard Sutphen: There are no accidents when it comes to karma. You either accept karma or reject it but there's no in-between here. This is either a random universe, and we evolved up out of the sea, and there's really not much meaning to life or there is some kind of a plan. Now, my life work tells me that there is some kind of a plan, and that plan is karma. It's whatever I have taken on through reincarnation that I feel I'm going to have a good opportunity to learn from, by doing this, or this, or this. It's certainly not necessarily fun. Boy! Some of it is really not fun.

Dr. Laurie: Right.

Richard Sutphen: I'm sure everyone listening to us can look back on a lot of things in their life that were not necessarily enjoyable times, but we learned from them. We grew. This may be the greatest learning opportunity that we've ever had in our soul history. It may be true, it may not be true, but I mean, think in terms of it that way. If this is going to be such a huge event, then I prefer to think of it as an incredible opportunity to be here and to go through this, even if it's a pole shift. If it's a pole shift, most of us won't survive.

Dr. Laurie: Now, tell me a little bit more about the theory of the pole shift.

Richard Sutphen: Well, the idea of the pole shift is that the Earth is going to literally tip. It's going to realign the poles -- the North Pole, the South Pole -- and one day, it will simply -- and it will happen in the blink of an eye. They'll be no warning on this one. It will switch. It will -- All of a sudden, the North Pole will be in a new place and the South Pole will be somewhere else. It's happened again, and again, and again in the past, and so, here it is. It's going to happen again now, but who knows exactly when? A lot of the scientists say that we are overdue. The scientists also say that we are now already tipped.

Dr. Laurie: Right, 26 degrees, I was reading.

Richard Sutphen: We are way, way over. So that, in itself, is pretty spooky. The whole idea that we're already tipping, they are having to realign, repaint the numbers on the airplane -- the airport landing strips because those have to be accurate compass readings.

Dr. Laurie: Oh, I didn't realize that.

Richard Sutphen: They have really been redoing some of this, Laurie, yeah, because -- and they've repainted the numbers and now, I'm hearing that they have to repaint -- do it again because we are tipping at a rapid rate. Now, this will only go so far and there will reach literally a tipping point. That's sounds silly.

Dr. Laurie: That's funny.

Richard Sutphen: But all of a sudden, we will tip and this is where it's happened before: They found the wooly mammoths imbedded in the ice, and when they examined them, they found that they had undigested flowers in their stomach. They said that they would have been to be at a place where they could be eating this type of vegetation. It would have been probably somewhere around 85 degrees and then, just moments later, they were literally flash-frozen. So it would have had to have gone down to about 150 below zero for that to have happened.

Dr. Laurie: That's unbelievable for the human mind to comprehend.

Richard Sutphen: I know. It's just all of a sudden, here you are. You're in a tropical -- You're sitting around a swimming pool and then, a few moments later, we literally could be 150 below zero, and that is going to flash-freeze you. They said they had the wooly mammoths actually had these blossoms in their mouth, in one case, and undigested in the stomach in another case. Well, the strong stomach acid that would be in an elephant, my God! They would have had only moments before those flowers would have been digested. So, you can imagine how fast it happened the last time.

Dr. Laurie: And that's one hypothesis. What could happen next time?

Richard Sutphen: That's what Edgar Cayce talked about, Laurie. That's what Ruth Montgomery wrote a great deal about. But to me, you can't live for this because it may be another 5,000 years, 10,000 years before this happens, or it might be another five minutes. So, it's a crapshoot when it comes to this one. I can't live my life worrying about a pole shift.

Dr. Laurie: Right, we never know. I mean, for those of us who grew up certainly in the Cold War in the '50s where you had drills in school to hide under your desk and get away from the windows in case the Russians were going to come and bomb, --

Richard Sutphen: Right, I remember that. -- (Light laughter) -- I do.

Dr. Laurie: -- you realize you can't live your life in fear of something that might or might not happen.

Richard Sutphen: No. Right! Agreed!

Dr. Laurie: And yet, there are so many implications to the spiritual questions why we would be here at a particular time or what kind of soul preparation can we kind of like train ourselves, train our minds, train our spirits to be ready for whatever unexpected events is going to happen?

Richard Sutphen: I think back to your question of what can we do. Meditate, meditate, and meditate. I mean, in other words, get very spiritual in your life in regard to what you are doing. Be spiritual and then simply meditate. Find those answers through your own going within, 'cause nobody else is going to be able to tell you what's coming. It doesn't make any sense really, to even try. I mean, there are so many ideas, and we're going to have to find our own answers, and maybe that's part of why we signed an again, Laurie; simply the opportunity to do this. We're going to sign on. We're going to find our own answers this time around. We're maybe going to be forced to make decisions and those decisions will probably have a lot to do with showing whether or not we've learned; whether or not have learned by past mistakes, by past opportunities. Hopefully, we're going to be able to help others, as part of all this.

Dr. Laurie: Well, hopefully. I keep thinking that the Tibetan monks last year, issued a set of predictions that were similar to the Mayan predictions. They said that in the year 2012, divine beings will begin to appear among us and will perform miracles in front of thousands of people that would be televised. But this would also be a sign of the great change that was coming. I think that you can go in a lot of directions with this but it certainly lends itself to the kind of beliefs -- the Christian beliefs around the end times and the calling down of the saints, and the appearances of divine beings, and angels, and miracles which I think have started to happen for people.

Richard Sutphen: Yeah, I see a huge interest. I see people -- they come to me, number one, wanting to know what they should do next or where -- what is it all about.

Some of them have never heard of "The Shift" but they're coming to me, as a hypnotherapist, and they want to make contact with Spirit because that's the type of work I do. And they are receiving answers in every case that I'm aware of. They have come; they have sought to find out. They're maybe not too happy with what they have found out, Laurie but in each case, Spirit has said well, it's time to give back or you should now develop the ability to work with your healing; you're natural healing instincts. If you work with these a little, you will be able to help mankind a great deal when everything changes, as it's going to do. Now, I don't hear people -- I don't hear Spirit talking about "The Shift" but the people -- those in spirit, are using the words like, when everything changes, it would change very quickly in the near future. I hear words more along that line. I guess that leaves it kind of up in the air. What does that mean? It's going to change very quickly in the near future.

In "The Karma Dialogues," best-selling authors Dr. Laurie Nadel and Richard Sutphen take you beyond fear about 2012. You will be given tools for a new spiritual outlook so that you can experience exceptional growth when "The Shift" hits the fan.

By Dr. Laurie Nadel, Ph.D. / Source: The Karma Dialogues

There has been a lot of talk about Mayan prophecies that foretell the end to civilization as we know it... coming up in December 2012. (That's right. It's just around the corner!) The ancient Mayan astronomers' calendar is studied today by scientists who are curious about the calendar's uncanny accuracy.

It is quite possible that like Y2K, the year 2012 will roll over to 2013 with just the usual fireworks. But there could be more to the 2012 phenomenon. For the past five years, I have interviewed scientists, futurists, economists, and metaphysicians, including best-selling author and master hypnotist Richard Sutphen.

It turns out that Richard has been conducting research on the 2012 phenomenon for at least a decade. What we have found is that a surprising number of different disciplines converge on this very subject. The timeline is not precisely the same but it's pretty darn close.

The Hopi Indians have a set of Prophecies about "The Shift" which, like the Mayan Prophecies, contain predictions of a series of catastrophic shifts in our physical environment.

Recently, Tibetan monks have predicted that as 2012 approaches, the planet will go through chaos, upheaval, and turmoil. Yet in the middle of our earth-shattering disasters, divine beings will appear among us. Some will perform miracles that will be seen by billions of people around the world on global television, according to the Tibetan masters.

New York Times best-selling author Gregg Braden says that because the earth is transiting the equator of the Milky Way, our planet will experience a surge of solar storms and flares that will probably knock out communications satellites somewhere between 2013 and 2015.

He is not the only one worried about the unfriendly skies. Last year, NASA held a conference to discuss how to prepare for solar storms that could wipe out power grids and communications systems during this same time frame. Major Ed Dames, a psychic spy in the Pentagon's "remote viewing" program, also predicts that the upcoming solar storms will devastate the planet, impacting the lives of millions.

Scary, huh?

I don't blame you. It's not a reassuring picture.

But, as an ancient Chinese oracle wrote, "Everything in this realm has duality." In other words, there is a flip side to any disaster, including myriad opportunities to grow in ways you had never imagined. Instead of facing 2012 and beyond with fear, you can look forward to unprecedented opportunities for spiritual growth. Because when life as you know it gets kicked out from under you, your quantum potential is unleashed. You can resolve karmic issues that would have taken several lifetimes to heal.

The Prophecies and Your Karma

Dr. Laurie: Richard, how we can tell whether it's our karma to be here or what we can do to bear witness to the changes that are coming? How do you know it's your karma to be here when these big changes take place? What can people do to prepare?

Richard Sutphen: Well, that's a huge, huge question. I would say if you are here on the Earth at this time, it's your karma.

That's all there is to it. To me, you would not be here. You would not be alive at this time if you hadn't basically signed on for this, Laurie. I'd like to quote Bob Monroe of the Monroe Institute. Most people listening to us probably have an awareness of Monroe, his Hemi-Sync tapes, and his incredible books on astral projection, and many other subjects.

But what Monroe said before he crossed over -- that those people who are alive today, want to be here so that they can be on the playing field, not in the stands, when the Great Shift occurs. So he was saying loud and clear that we signed on for this. We want to be here; and why? Why would we do this, considering the fact that the shift may be a very traumatic time? I have some pretty good theories as to why we might be doing this that I'll be glad to share, if you'd like me to.

Dr. Laurie: Well, I would love you to. I know that a lot of people are worried and concerned about political changes, and the end times, apocalyptic changes coming.

What do you think we can do to get ready?

Your Soul Vibration and the Heartbeat of the Earth

Richard Sutphen: Well, I think Number One: It's going to be a mind-set. I can talk about survival things all day, but I think we need first; to speak in terms of what this may really be about. Let's say it's real. Let's say something is going to happen, and there are books now -- stacks of books -- people writing on this subject as if they had the one and the only answer. And boy, if each one of them is correct? Well, that's impossible. Number one, because there are so many different ideas, Laurie, in regard to what's coming.

Let me move back just a moment, and then we can take it from there. I teach that we are born with a vibrational rate that we have earned in the past. In other words, we've all lived many, many, many, many, many life times, and the way we live our life is going to increase our vibrational rate or it's going to reduce it. So, you take someone like Mother Theresa, she probably increased her vibrational rate while she was here on the Earth.

You take someone like Adolph Hitler; he probably reduced his vibrational rate down about as low as it could go.

Dr. Laurie: One can hope.

Richard Sutphen: While he was here, yeah; while he was here on the Earth. So, each of us now, figure that we were born with a vibrational rate. We came in with this rate as a result of all of our past lives. So, let's assume that the rate varies from zero to one-thousand. Zero would be the lower astral planes. It would be a very undesirable place to be, where a thousand would be the God level, or you'd be rejoining God. Let's talk symbolically here, for a few moments.

Dr. Laurie: So, you're talking about a soul vibration?

Richard Sutphen: A soul vibration, absolutely, and we came in with this
vibrational rate, our soul, what we've earned. Let's say our vibration is about 500. Now, if we live a good life, and we help others, we don't really harm anyone, well, we're going to advance our vibration -- our soul vibration by a few points. But what is taking place on the Earth at this time, is the Earth, itself, is shifting. The vibrational rate of the Earth is increasing. It was at 7.8 cycles per second for many, many, many years; that's the heartbeat of the Earth. It's the Schumann Resonance.

So, what is happening now, it can only go, I am told, to 13, but it's well over 12, and by 2012, we will be experiencing a Schumann Resonance of around
13 cycles per second. Now, that's a great, big increase. There are scientists who say due to this increase, we are now living 16-hour days. In other words, the vibrational rate of the planet has increased to the point where our clocks still say 24 hours, but we're actually living 16-hour days. So, everything seems to have accelerated.

Dr. Laurie: It sure feels that way.

Richard Sutphen: It feels that way to me, too, Laurie. It really does, and to everyone else I know. So, here's the thing: If, by simply being here on this planet at this time, we are increasing our vibrational rate as well. Now, we can't separate ourselves from the Earth. We are made of the same stuff as the Earth. So, if the Earth's rate is increasing, so is ours, and so we are experiencing a shorter day; less time per day.

Climate Change, 2012, and Your Karma

Richard Sutphen: So, let's just say that this is what's happening, as a theory. Then, we would be increasing our vibrational rate many, many, many, many, many life times. Some experts feel we might be able to increase our vibrational rate or the number of lives. In other words, we could advance a thousand life times! Now, to me, that's incomprehensible. But let's just say we advanced five or six life times. Woe! Wouldn't that be worth signing on to be here, no matter what maybe we would go through to have to be here to be part of this? Because when we die, we're going to check out at a much higher vibrational rate simply by having been here.

Dr. Laurie: So, this is kind of -- I don't know -- karmic community service that we're doing.

Richard Sutphen: Well, it might be community service but it might be this once- in-a-huge, long-cycle- opportunity. And so, hey, every time -- If we've been here for a lot, why, we're going to get to sign on for right now. We're going to get to come in, and a lot of people say it's a 26,000-year cycle. On that date, on December 21, winter solstice of 2012, we will be lined up with the center of the universe. That's scientific, I guess. I don't know how someone figures that out, but supposedly, we will be in perfect alignment with the center of the universe, and that, in it, may generate unbelievable effects.

Dr. Laurie: There was something in the news about the alignment of the Earth with the Milky Way in the galaxy that's going to occur in 2012 that I thought was amazing just to contemplate.

Richard Sutphen: Right, there you go. Now, we have the Mayan calendar ending at -- This is about a 26,000-year cycle. There is something that they discuss. We have this alignment taking place. We have the sun acting up again; solar flares and all sorts of sun activity, the magnetic changes, and that's all to hit in 2012, on, and on, and on, and on, and on. There is an awful lot happening at this point in time, and I'm not even beginning to get into things like the Gulf Stream slowing down and --

Dr. Laurie: The ice shelf…

Richard Sutphen: Oh, the ice shelf sliding into the sea and all the rest of it, Laurie; yeah. But that says to me okay, maybe we did sign on for this because there's this just incredible opportunity, and maybe we'll die as part of it. I don't know that we will or we won't. If we do, we all have to die anyway. If we get to move forward on that checkerboard of life times, if we get to move forward a few hops, skips, and jumps, why, maybe it would be well worth it. And so, we might not choose this from an earthly perspective but boy, from the other side when we were in spirit, we might have said hey, what a great opportunity. Let's sign on.

When "The Shift" Hits the Fan: Your Spiritual Destiny

Dr. Laurie: Right. Well, there was one thing that I wanted to ask you about because the fear that I hear from people is very much the fear of the ego or the personality. It's people saying oh, I couldn't possibly have signed up for witnessing tragedy and destruction. It doesn't make sense, and yet…

Richard Sutphen: Well, yes, it does make sense from a karmic perspective.

Dr. Laurie: Exactly. So, that's what I'd like you to elaborate on…

Richard Sutphen: Yeah, of course it makes sense. We all have to go through everything. We have to be good guys. We have to be bad guys. We are victims. We are the perpetrator of human suffering. We simply go through every possible life experience, every race, back and forth between genders. We have to go through it all. And certainly, someone who is peacefully-oriented is going to say well, this doesn't make sense. I wouldn't sign on to be part of witnessing some terrible thing.

But I think maybe we would. Maybe we would volunteer because we might be able to help people. New-Age people -- so many of them have abilities to manipulate energy, or they know how to do hypnosis work, altered-state work. They have a greater understanding that might help them to help other people. So, I don't think that we can ever assume -- as I know a lot of people who do -- that you didn't sign on for this. You wouldn't have wanted to have to be in a war. You wouldn't want to have to do this or that, but if it's your karma to do it, then that's why you're here. Nobody is here accidentally.

Dr. Laurie: I believe that.

Richard Sutphen: I think that that is really important. There are no accidents.

Dr. Laurie: I do believe that, and I believe that our soul chooses to incarnate and to take on certain tasks, certain challenges, and to learn how to transform or transcend suffering for ourselves and others through those challenges.

Richard Sutphen: Yes, I agree with you.

Dr. Laurie: And the physical or human suffering of this life time is considered to be a great learning opportunity for souls who consciously choose to incarnate.
Of course the question whether most of us even choose to incarnate consciously or not, many people don't believe that, and I think that contributes to suffering when we're in the presence of things we don't understand like the possibility of Earth-shaking, mind- bending, catastrophic shifts.

Richard Sutphen: To me, it's so much easier if you accept reincarnation and karma, and if you accept karma, you are accepting self-responsibility.

Dr. Laurie: Right.

Richard Sutphen: There are no accidents when it comes to karma. You either accept karma or reject it but there's no in-between here. This is either a random universe, and we evolved up out of the sea, and there's really not much meaning to life or there is some kind of a plan. Now, my life work tells me that there is some kind of a plan, and that plan is karma. It's whatever I have taken on through reincarnation that I feel I'm going to have a good opportunity to learn from, by doing this, or this, or this. It's certainly not necessarily fun. Boy! Some of it is really not fun.

Dr. Laurie: Right.

Richard Sutphen: I'm sure everyone listening to us can look back on a lot of things in their life that were not necessarily enjoyable times, but we learned from them. We grew. This may be the greatest learning opportunity that we've ever had in our soul history. It may be true, it may not be true, but I mean, think in terms of it that way. If this is going to be such a huge event, then I prefer to think of it as an incredible opportunity to be here and to go through this, even if it's a pole shift. If it's a pole shift, most of us won't survive.

Dr. Laurie: Now, tell me a little bit more about the theory of the pole shift.

Richard Sutphen: Well, the idea of the pole shift is that the Earth is going to literally tip. It's going to realign the poles -- the North Pole, the South Pole -- and one day, it will simply -- and it will happen in the blink of an eye. They'll be no warning on this one. It will switch. It will -- All of a sudden, the North Pole will be in a new place and the South Pole will be somewhere else. It's happened again, and again, and again in the past, and so, here it is. It's going to happen again now, but who knows exactly when? A lot of the scientists say that we are overdue. The scientists also say that we are now already tipped.

Dr. Laurie: Right, 26 degrees, I was reading.

Richard Sutphen: We are way, way over. So that, in itself, is pretty spooky. The whole idea that we're already tipping, they are having to realign, repaint the numbers on the airplane -- the airport landing strips because those have to be accurate compass readings.

Dr. Laurie: Oh, I didn't realize that.

Richard Sutphen: They have really been redoing some of this, Laurie, yeah, because -- and they've repainted the numbers and now, I'm hearing that they have to repaint -- do it again because we are tipping at a rapid rate. Now, this will only go so far and there will reach literally a tipping point. That's sounds silly.

Dr. Laurie: That's funny.

Richard Sutphen: But all of a sudden, we will tip and this is where it's happened before: They found the wooly mammoths imbedded in the ice, and when they examined them, they found that they had undigested flowers in their stomach. They said that they would have been to be at a place where they could be eating this type of vegetation. It would have been probably somewhere around 85 degrees and then, just moments later, they were literally flash-frozen. So it would have had to have gone down to about 150 below zero for that to have happened.

Dr. Laurie: That's unbelievable for the human mind to comprehend.

Richard Sutphen: I know. It's just all of a sudden, here you are. You're in a tropical -- You're sitting around a swimming pool and then, a few moments later, we literally could be 150 below zero, and that is going to flash-freeze you. They said they had the wooly mammoths actually had these blossoms in their mouth, in one case, and undigested in the stomach in another case. Well, the strong stomach acid that would be in an elephant, my God! They would have had only moments before those flowers would have been digested. So, you can imagine how fast it happened the last time.

Dr. Laurie: And that's one hypothesis. What could happen next time?

Richard Sutphen: That's what Edgar Cayce talked about, Laurie. That's what Ruth Montgomery wrote a great deal about. But to me, you can't live for this because it may be another 5,000 years, 10,000 years before this happens, or it might be another five minutes. So, it's a crapshoot when it comes to this one. I can't live my life worrying about a pole shift.

Dr. Laurie: Right, we never know. I mean, for those of us who grew up certainly in the Cold War in the '50s where you had drills in school to hide under your desk and get away from the windows in case the Russians were going to come and bomb, --

Richard Sutphen: Right, I remember that. -- (Light laughter) -- I do.

Dr. Laurie: -- you realize you can't live your life in fear of something that might or might not happen.

Richard Sutphen: No. Right! Agreed!

Dr. Laurie: And yet, there are so many implications to the spiritual questions why we would be here at a particular time or what kind of soul preparation can we kind of like train ourselves, train our minds, train our spirits to be ready for whatever unexpected events is going to happen?

Richard Sutphen: I think back to your question of what can we do. Meditate, meditate, and meditate. I mean, in other words, get very spiritual in your life in regard to what you are doing. Be spiritual and then simply meditate. Find those answers through your own going within, 'cause nobody else is going to be able to tell you what's coming. It doesn't make any sense really, to even try. I mean, there are so many ideas, and we're going to have to find our own answers, and maybe that's part of why we signed an again, Laurie; simply the opportunity to do this. We're going to sign on. We're going to find our own answers this time around. We're maybe going to be forced to make decisions and those decisions will probably have a lot to do with showing whether or not we've learned; whether or not have learned by past mistakes, by past opportunities. Hopefully, we're going to be able to help others, as part of all this.

Dr. Laurie: Well, hopefully. I keep thinking that the Tibetan monks last year, issued a set of predictions that were similar to the Mayan predictions. They said that in the year 2012, divine beings will begin to appear among us and will perform miracles in front of thousands of people that would be televised. But this would also be a sign of the great change that was coming. I think that you can go in a lot of directions with this but it certainly lends itself to the kind of beliefs -- the Christian beliefs around the end times and the calling down of the saints, and the appearances of divine beings, and angels, and miracles which I think have started to happen for people.

Richard Sutphen: Yeah, I see a huge interest. I see people -- they come to me, number one, wanting to know what they should do next or where -- what is it all about.

Some of them have never heard of "The Shift" but they're coming to me, as a hypnotherapist, and they want to make contact with Spirit because that's the type of work I do. And they are receiving answers in every case that I'm aware of. They have come; they have sought to find out. They're maybe not too happy with what they have found out, Laurie but in each case, Spirit has said well, it's time to give back or you should now develop the ability to work with your healing; you're natural healing instincts. If you work with these a little, you will be able to help mankind a great deal when everything changes, as it's going to do. Now, I don't hear people -- I don't hear Spirit talking about "The Shift" but the people -- those in spirit, are using the words like, when everything changes, it would change very quickly in the near future. I hear words more along that line. I guess that leaves it kind of up in the air. What does that mean? It's going to change very quickly in the near future.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

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