Sunday, April 24, 2011

Experiments Prove You Can Project Your Mind

Experiments Prove You Can Project Your Mind

Silva Method By Jose Silva, Creator of The Silva Method

What is ESP?
The original definition meant "extra sensory perception," but scientific research has proven that definition to be inaccurate.

Subjective communication is not an extra sense; it is a prior sense, something everyone has but not everyone develops and uses consciously.

Subjective communication takes place during alpha brain wave activity. During alpha dream time, many people have "pre cognitive" dreams – they dream of something, and then it happens shortly afterwards.

Since your brain dips into alpha for very brief periods just microseconds approximately thirty times every minute, it is possible to have flashes of insight, intuition, creative thought, perception, awareness, while in a waking state.

When you stop and think about it, there is a very good chance that you have had moments when subjective communication was working for you even though you had no training at all to develop this faculty.

So we have retained the familiar initials – ESP – and changed the meaning to Effective Sensory Projection. In the Silva mind training
system, we begin to develop the ability to use these subjective senses effectively, and in addition to perceiving information, we also project those senses to seek our information to aid us in correcting problems.

Information is available to us if we project to it and obtain it. This page
existed before you became aware of it and projected your sense of eyesight to it to obtain the information it contains. Similarly, you can project your mind – which is the master sense of human intelligence to become aware of information if you desire to do so.

Once you have projected your mind to the information, then you need to express this information in a form that is familiar to biological intelligence so that you can use it in the physical world. You may express this information as images (imagination/visualization) or as words or as feelings, or even as taste and smell.

When you create an image to express what you are sensing, this image aids you in focusing your mind on the subject so you can sense even more information, and sense it more accurately.

The more you practice projecting your mind to gather information, the more accurate you become. However, it is best to practice projecting to real problem areas and correcting those problems. When there are real problems to correct, you will be more accurate. If you are just playing and there is no real purpose, eventually you will probably lose what ability you have.

What do we project?

Some people ask just how the projection takes place. Are we projecting ourselves by projecting some kind of "astral body"?

Our research indicates this is not the case. You can project your sense of
eyesight across the room to perceive something.

So, too, you can project your mind wherever you need to so you can perceive information to help you correct problems.

You can also create things with your mind, things that can be perceived by other people when they are at the correct level.

We demonstrated this in an experiment with two young research subjects.

We had one subject enter the alpha level and create something with his mind. When he had done this, we had another subject, in another location, enter his level and project to the first subject and tell us what the first subject was doing.

The second subject described accurately a little toy truck – "green with red wheels" – that the first subject had created with his mind.

In other words, the first subject created something in the subjective dimension that could be sensed by another subject who was functioning in the same dimension.

We believe that subjects who think they are projecting their astral body to a distant location may actually be having a very vivid mental projection, creating with their imagination an image of their body that can be perceived by others who are functioning at the same mental level. We think that this is where so-called "evil spirits" come from too. People who believe in evil spirits, especially when they energize their beliefs with fear, mentally create thought forms that can be detected by other people, when those people enter the "evil spirits" dimension.

Can those "evil spirits" harm you? There is no more chance that those "evil spirit" thoughts can harm you, than there is of being run over by the little toy truck that my young research subject created with his mind. The only "evil" is that which is produced by the fear of those people who believe in such things.

We know that we can prove that mental projection is possible, although at this time astral projection can not be proven or disproven.

Previously, you may have used your imagination/visualization faculty only for "making up" things with the left brain hemisphere.

Once you have completed the UltraMind ESP System, your imagination/visualization faculty can be a real means of communication – a spiritual me
ans of communication with your right brain hemisphere. And imagination at the subjective dimension is the first step in creation.

This is a powerful combination of skills you have for helping to correct problems no matter where they are, and thereby helping to convert our world into a paradise.

Through practice, you can develop great skill at doing this. Using your ability to project to any place and any dimension, and to correct problems and create what you desire, you can create a paradise in the portion of the world that you inhabit.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

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