
Saturday, October 31, 2015

How To Be More Creative?

Being creative is important, but sometimes it can feel like a chore to unleash your creative side. You may think that you are not creative, but that is not true.

If you are human, then you have creativity inside of you. If you feel like your creative flow is blocked, then following are some tips to help you be more creative:

1. Start Journaling Your Thoughts

The more you write, the more you will think of to write. Most of the time, you will find that you start getting really excited about what you are writing, discovering, and learning as you journal, and your creative side will naturally get excited as well.

I don't know how many times I have sat down with my journal thinking, 'I have absolutely nothing to write!' But, within minutes I am writing about my day and coming up with solutions to problems that I didn't even know I had!

When I put my focus on writing, and let my thoughts and emotions guide my words, I start to come up with many ideas that I didn't even know I had.

The trick is to not judge what comes out of you. Let the words flow, because good or bad - they are what you need to express in order to find answers and move forward.

2. Limit Distractions

When you have twenty different things demanding your attention, it is very hard to be creative. But, when you can let your mind focus on one thing, you suddenly have all kinds of awareness around that one thing.

For instance, when I write it can be hard to come up with ideas and extensions to ideas.

I used to think that distracting myself with TV or surfing the Internet helped me become more creative, but I found that all it helped me do was waste time looking at other people's lives on Facebook or watching videos for hours on end.

In short, it wasted time. But, when I focus and just start writing, I find that words start to come to me, and those words expand into thoughts and sentences, and eventually an article.

So, when you need to be creative, focus on the intention to be creative and start doing what you need to do to let your mind tap into your creativity.

3. Meditate

If you don't meditate, you have to start. Meditation is not about blanking out your mind. It is about focusing - and as I just explained, sometimes focusing on something can help you discover all kinds of things around it.

One technique, which Burt Goldman talks about is quite often, is Quantum Jumping. The theory is that we have an infinite number of doubles living in different universes, and reaching out to those doubles with our mind can help us to access information that they have.

So, pick something that you want to be more creative about, and reach out during meditation to your double who has already mastered that skill.

For instance, if you want to write a book, reach out to your double who is a successful writer in one universe, and see if any creative ideas, thoughts, or suggestions come from that person.

Even if you don't believe in the theory, you will find that doing this practice will give you answers that you need.

You don't need to believe that it is happening because you are reaching out to someone else in another universe for it to work, you just have to use your mind and play out the situation as if you are reaching out to yourself who already has the answers.

4. Polaric Conditioning

Another technique from Burt Goldman is called Polaric Conditioning. Essentially what you do is set an intention, tap alternately on either side of the head by the ear, and within a few seconds you may find an idea or inspiration comes into your consciousness.

This technique stimulates that brain, and you will be surprised at how a few seconds of tapping can really help you 'tap' into your creativity.

5. Mind storming

This is a creative technique that was talked about by Earl Nightingale. This man was known as the "Dean of Personal Development" and his technique is probably one of the most well-known methods of unleashing your creativity.

First, get a paper and a pen (or a computer and word program). At the top, write down the specific challenge you have. Then, write down at least 20 ideas in regard to your challenge.

At first, you may come up with a few ideas easily, but soon it will become harder. This is when you will be pushing your creative side to come out and play, and you will find that it does!

Remember to limit all distractions and focus on the challenge you having, because focus will help your mind stay dedicated to the task at hand.

When you have written your list, look through it and pick one of the ideas you came up with to move forward with. You will always find a perfect answer in your list somewhere.

Best regards,
Alexander Johansson

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