
Friday, January 27, 2012

The Army's Plan for Telepathic Soldiers

*The Army's Plan for Telepathic Soldiers*

*The U.S. Army wants to allow soldiers to communicate just by thinking. The

new science of synthetic telepathy could soon make that happen.*

*By Adam Piore / Source: **Discover Magazine<


On a cold, blustery afternoon the week before Halloween, an assortment of

spiritual mediums, animal communicators, and astrologists have set up table

in the concourse beneath the Empire State Plaza in Albany, New York. The

cavernous hall of shops that connects the buildings in this 98-acre complex

is a popular venue for autumnal events: Oktoberfest, the Maple Harvest

Festival, and today's "Mystic Fair."

Traffic is heavy as bureaucrats with ID badges dangling from their necks

stroll by during their lunch breaks. Next to the Albany Paranormal Research

Society table, a middle-aged woman is solemnly explaining the workings of a

electromagnetic sensor that can, she asserts, detect the presence of ghosts

Nearby, a "clairvoyant" ushers a government worker in a suit into her canva

tent. A line has formed at the table of a popular tarot card reader.

Amid all the bustle and transparent hustles, few of the dabblers at the

Mystic Fair are aware that there is a genuine mind reader in the building,

sitting in an office several floors below the concourse. This mind reader i

not able to pluck a childhood memory or the name of a loved one out of your

head, at least not yet. But give him time. He is applying hard science to a

aspiration that was once relegated to clairvoyants, and unlike his

predecessors, he can point to some hard results.

The mind reader is Gerwin Schalk, a 39-year-old biomedical scientist and a

leading expert on brain-computer interfaces at the New York State Departmen

of Health's Wads­worth Center at Albany Medical College.

The Austrian-born Schalk, along with a handful of other researchers, is par

of a $6.3 million U.S. Army project to establish the basic science required

to build a thought helmet—a device that can detect and transmit the

speech of soldiers, allowing them to communicate with one another silently.

As improbable as it sounds, synthetic telepathy, as the technology is

called, is getting closer to battlefield reality. Within a decade Special

Forces could creep into the caves of Tora Bora to snatch Al Qaeda

operatives, communicating and coordinating without hand signals or whispere

words. Or a platoon of infantrymen could telepathically call in a helicopte

to whisk away their wounded in the midst of a deafening firefight, where

intelligible speech would be impossible above the din of explosions.

For a look at the early stages of the technology, I pay a visit to a

different sort of cave, Schalk's bunkerlike office. Finding it is a workout

I hop in an elevator within shouting distance of the paranormal hubbub, the

pass through a long, linoleum-floored hallway guarded by a pair of

stern-faced sentries, and finally descend a cement stairwell to a

subterranean warren of laboratories and offices.

Schalk is sitting in front of an oversize computer screen, surrounded by

empty metal bookshelves and white cinder-block walls, bare except for a

single photograph of his young family and a poster of the human brain. The

fluorescent lighting flickers as he hunches over a desk to click on a

computer file. A volunteer from one of his recent mind-reading experiments

appears in a video facing a screen of her own. She is concentrating, Schalk

explains, silently thinking of one of two vowel sounds, aah or ooh.

The volunteer is clearly no ordinary research subject. She is draped in a

hospital gown and propped up in a motorized bed, her head swathed in a

plasterlike mold of bandages secured under the chin. Jumbles of wires

protrude from an opening at the top of her skull, snaking down to her left

shoulder in stringy black tangles. Those wires are connected to 64

electrodes that a neurosurgeon has placed directly on the surface of her

naked cortex after surgically removing the top of her skull. "This woman ha

epilepsy and probably has seizures several times a week," Schalk says,

revealing a slight Germanic accent.

The main goal of this technique, known as electrocorticography, or ECOG, is

to identify the exact area of the brain responsible for her seizures, so

surgeons can attempt to remove the damaged areas without affecting healthy

ones. But there is a huge added benefit: The seizure patients who volunteer

for Schalk's experiments prior to surgery have allowed him and his

collaborator, neuro­surgeonEric C. Leuthardt of Washington University

of Medicine in St. Louis, to collect what they claim are among the most

detailed pictures ever recorded of what happens in the brain when we imagin

speaking words aloud.

?Those pictures are a central part of the project funded by the Army's

multi-university research grant and the latest twist on science's long-held

ambition to read what goes on inside the mind. Researchers have been

experimenting with ways to understand and harness signals in the areas of

the brain that control muscle movement since the early 2000s, and they have

developed methods to detect imagined muscle movement, vocalizations, and

even the speed with which a subject wants to move a limb.

At Duke University Medical Center in North Carolina, researchers have

surgically implanted electrodes in the brains of monkeys and trained them t

move robotic arms at MIT, hundreds of miles away, just by thinking. At Brow

University, scientists are working on a similar implant they hope will allo

paralyzed human subjects to control artificial limbs. And workers at Neural

Signals Inc., outside Atlanta, have been able to extract vowels from the

motor cortex of a paralyzed patient who lost the ability to talk by sinking

electrodes into the area of his brain that controls his vocal cords.

*The full article is available at Discover Magazine<http://discovermagazine

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

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