
Sunday, May 8, 2011

The 3 Mighty Forces of Power

The 3 Mighty Forces of Power
Desire, Belief, Expectation: How to Exercise Enormous Power Over the Events of Your Life By Burt Goldman, The American Monk

Events can be manipulated to solve problems you are faced with. You can change things you' re not satisfied with. While there's no disputing the fact that you can' t always get what you want, it's also true that you can exercise your innate power over the events of your life and make things go your way much more frequently.

To do so, you must understand and use the three mighty forces of power - desire, belief, and expectation. Before anything you want to happen can occur, you must desire that it happen. You must believe that it can happen. And you must expect it to happen.

Let's look at each of these three forces and then see how you can put them to work for you.

The First Power Force - Desire

Every manifestation of will is preceded by the desire to act. You must desire something before will can take action. In order to desire something, you must believe that you will gain a measure of satisfaction from it. Anything you do, from the moment you wake up in the morning until the time you close your eyes to sleep in the evening, is precipitated by desire. Nothing is done that does not have a degree or more of desire behind it.

To desire something is to feel there will be a measure of satisfaction after the getting of the thing. You cannot desire a thing unless you feel there will be some satisfaction in the attainment of that desire. Avoidance of Pain Keeps Many People Stuck

Many people are stuck in a particular position in life simply because they feel that making a change would cause some measure of discomfort. To avoid the discomfort they linger in the existing state of affairs even though that causes discomfort as well. The sayings "Better the devil I know than the devil I don't." and "Don't jump from the frying pan into the fire."

Express this sentiment. Note the system of expectation at work here. When discomfort or pain is expected, the force works to keep you from making any change, even when the pain is imagined and may never take place. Like all things, desire has degrees of strength. Consider the story of the disciple who went to his guru one day and asked, "Master, how do I achieve enlightenment?" The wise old guru directed the disciple to the bank of the Ganges River and had him kneel with his head over the water. Then the guru put his hand on the young man's neck and pushed his head below the surface of the water. After a minute and a half the young disciple was frantic. He pulled and heaved and flailed his arms, but the grip was like iron. He could not get his head back out of the water. After two minutes, when it seemed as though his lungs would burst, the grip was released. The young man's head jerked out of the water and he took great gulps of air into his tortured lungs. The guru smiled. "Tell me," he gently asked, "what was your greatest desire just then?"
"To breathe," the young disciple stated emphatically."Ah,"the guru said. "When you desire enlightenment to that degree, it shall be yours."
To have a better understanding of desire, see it on an ascending scale, like a giant thermometer. At the bottom of the scale is zero, and at the top, one hundred. When your desire is weak, near the bottom of the scale, it is unlikely that anything will motivate you to activate your will and accomplish the object of that desire. When your desire is near the top of the scale nothing can keep you from success in attaining that desire.

To enhance desire, go to level and visualize the positive end result of what you desire to happen.

The Second Power Force - Belief

Belief is mental acceptance of some idea as being true. You accept ideas from others because they are authority figures. This setting of a belief in your mind (usually at a young and trusting age) comes about because you have absolute trust in the authority (generally the parent, sometimes the religious or educational institution, sometimes another trusted outside agency such as a relative, peer, or the media).

This acceptance can come about even when there are facts that contradict it. Reinforcement of beliefs strengthens until, faulty or true, they become a fundamental part of your thought processes. To entrench matters more, now beliefs are tested through the structure of the faulty belief, thereby compounding the problem.
What this means is that you only accept information that reinforces the belief. Information that contradicts the belief is rejected.

The Third Force of Power - Expectation

Expectation is a mighty power indeed -- so much so that a doctor can take an inert pill and tell a patient that it is a powerful drug, and the patient will react as though the actual drug had been taken. This well-documented phenomenon is called the placebo effect. It might also be called the "expectation effect."

Of course, the placebo effect does not work all of the time. If it did, no one would bother with drugs at all. They would simply use placebos. It does, however, work with a significant and measurable percentage of success.

Expectation can be a powerful force in one's life. How can you use expectation as a force in your life? Can you simply expect good things to happen and they will happen? When you are told something by an authority figure you respect - say, a doctor, a teacher, a parent, or your boss - those words have an effect on all three levels, the physical, the mental, and the spiritual.

When you believe this authority figure without hesitation or reservation, then that person's expectation of you is more likely to come to be. With respect to your own expectation of yourself, however, you might well tell yourself, "I'm going to expect this to happen" only to hear a small voice responding, "Who are you kidding?" The trick is to make yourself the respected authority figure.

Expectation is enhanced with our techniques that entail going to one's Alpha level and creating the visual imagery of the desired event already having taken place.
This technique has a dual effect: it puts you in the position of acting as your own authority, and it reinforces your experience of yourself that way. The more successful you become, the more you believe in yourself and the better you become at triggering the anticipated positive result of whatever event you are trying to bring about.

As you grow into a better person better begets better and you do indeed grow better and better. To build expectation, go to level and visualize the event as already having happened. When you come out of the alpha level, think about the event happening by a predetermined date. You will find more and more expected events coming to pass. To help you change your expectation, recall the principle of correspondence - as above, so below; as below, so above. As it is with the seed, so it is with the tree.

Start with the small if you want to affect the large. If you wish to bring about a change in a friend, in a parent, child, or spouse, change your own expectation. Begin to expect that which you desire to happen and you will note changes occurring.

Expect things on a smaller scale at first, as the smaller things come into being you begin to expect the major things to happen as well.

Expectation is a force that can and should be discussed with others. Expectation works with all people, and on all levels-on the family level, on the town, city, and country level, on the national, international, and universal level.

The law is the law; what works with the small works with the mighty. What works with the molecule works with the universe. Change your expectation and see your reality, your world, change to the degree that you wish it to change. And eventually you will arrive at the place you wish to be.

Burt Goldman is a life-long Silva instructor and creator of Quantum Jumping and the American Monk Healing Triangle.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

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