Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Relax Your Way to Perfect Health

*Relax Your Way to Perfect Health *

Cutting-edge scientific research now proves what the yogis have always
known: deep relaxation can have a profound effect on a wide range of medical conditions. Anastasia Stephens reports

*By Anastasia Stephens / Source: **The Independent UK <>*

It's a piece of advice that yogis have given for thousands of years: take a
deep breath and relax. Watch the tension melt from your muscles and all your niggling worries vanish. Somehow we all know that relaxation is good for us.

Now the hard science has caught up – for a comprehensive scientific study
showing that deep relaxation changes our bodies on a genetic level has just been published.

What researchers at Harvard Medical School discovered is that, in long-term practitioners of relaxation methods such as yoga and meditation, far more "disease-fighting genes" were active, compared to those who practised no form of relaxation.

In particular, they found genes that protect from disorders such as pain,
infertility, high blood pressure and even rheumatoid arthritis were switched on. The changes, say the researchers, were induced by what they call "the relaxation effect", a phenomenon that could be just as powerful as any medical drug but without the side-effects.

"We found that a range of disease-fighting genes were active in the
relaxation practitioners that were not active in the control group," explains Dr Herbert Benson, associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, who led the research.

The good news for the control group with the less-healthy genes is that the research didn't stop there. The experiment, which showed just how responsive genes are to behaviour, mood and environment, revealed that genes can switch on, just as easily as they switch off.

"Harvard researchers asked the control group to start practising relaxation methods every day," explains Jake Toby, hypnotherapist at London's BodyMind Medicine Centre, who teaches clients how to induce the relaxation effect.

"After two months, their bodies began to change – the genes that help fight
inflammation, kill diseased cells and protect the body from cancer, all began to switch on."
More encouraging still, the benefits of the relaxation effect were found to increase with regular practice – the more people practised relaxation methods such as meditation or deep breathing, the greater their chances of remaining free of arthritis and joint pain with stronger immunity, healthier hormone levels and lower blood pressure.

Benson believes the research is pivotal because it shows how a person's state of mind affects the body on a physical and genetic level. It might also explain why relaxation induced by meditation or repetitive mantras is considered to be a powerful remedy in traditions such as Ayurveda in India or Tibetan medicine.

But just how can relaxation have such wide-ranging and powerful effects?
Research around the world has described the negative effects of stress on the body. Linked to the release of the stress-hormones adrenalin and cortisol, stress raises the heart rate and blood pressure, weakens immunity and lowers fertility.

By contrast, the state of relaxation is linked to higher levels of feel-good
chemicals such as serotonin and to the growth hormone which repairs cells and tissue. Indeed, studies show that relaxation has virtually the opposite effect, lowering heart rate, boosting immunity and enabling the body to thrive.

"On a biological level, stress is linked to fight-flight and danger," explains Dr Jane Flemming, a London-based GP. "In survival mode, heart rate rises and blood pressure shoots up. Meanwhile muscles, preparing for danger, contract and tighten. And non-essential functions such as immunity and digestion go by the wayside."

Relaxation, on the other hand, is a state of rest, enjoyment and physical renewal. Free of danger, muscles can relax and food can be digested. The heart can slow and blood circulation flows freely to the body's tissues, feeding it with nutrients and oxygen. This restful state is good for
fertility, as the body is able to conserve the resources it needs to generate new life.

While relaxation techniques can be very different, their biological effects are essentially similar. "When you relax, the parasympathetic nervous system switches on and that is linked to better digestion, memory and immunity, among other things," explains Jake Toby. "So as long as you relax deeply, you'll reap a variety of rewards."

But, he warns, deep relaxation isn't the sort of switching off you do relaxing with a cup of tea or lounging on the sofa. "What you're looking for is a state of deep relaxation where tension is released from the body on a physical level and your mind completely switches off," he says. "The effect won't be achieved by lounging round in an everyday way, nor can you force yourself to relax. You can only really achieve it by learning a specific
technique such as self-hypnosis, guided imagery or meditation."

The relaxation effect, however, may not be as pronounced on everyone. "Some people are more susceptible to relaxation methods than others," cautions Joan Borysenko, director of a relaxation programme for outpatients at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston,US. "Through relaxation, we find that some people experience a little improvement, others a lot. And there are a few whose lives turn around totally."

The health benefits of deep relaxation

The next time you tune out, switch off and let yourself melt, remind yourself of all the good work the relaxation effect is doing on your body.

These are just some of the scientifically proven benefits...Immunity

Relaxation appears to boost immunity in recovering cancer patients. One study at Ohio State University, in the US, found that progressive muscular relaxation, when practised daily, reduced the risk of breast cancer recurrence. In another study at Ohio State, a month of relaxation exercises boosted natural killer cells in elderly people, giving them more resistance to tumours and viruses.


A study at the University of Western Australia found that women are more
likely to conceive at periods when they're relaxed rather than stressed.
Another study at Trakya University, Turkey, found that stress reduces sperm
count and motility, a finding that implies that relaxation may boost fertility in men, too.

Irritable bowel syndrome

When patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome practised a relaxation
meditation twice daily, symptoms such as bloating, belching, diarrhoea and constipation improved significantly. The method was so effective that the researchers at the State University of New York at Albany, recommended it as
an effective IBS treatment.

Blood pressure

A study at Harvard Medical School found meditation lowered blood pressure by
making the body less responsive to stress hormones, in a similar way to blood pressure-lowering medication. Meanwhile, a report in the British
Medical Journal found that patients trained to relax had significantly lower
blood pressure.


Stress leads to inflammation, a state linked to heart disease, arthritis, asthma as well as skin conditions such as psoriasis, say researchers at Emory University in the US. Relaxation can play a role in preventing and treating such symptoms by switching off the stress response. In this way, one study at McGill University in Canada found meditation clinically improved symptoms of psoriasis.

Take a deep breath... How to relax deeply

So how can you access relaxation's healing powers? Harvard researchers found that yoga, meditation and even repetitive prayer and mantras all induced the relaxation effect. "The more regularly these techniques are practised, the more deeply-rooted the benefits will be," says Jake Toby. Have a go at one or more of the following for 15 minutes once or twice a day.

Body scan

Starting with your head and working down to your arms and feet, notice how
you feel in your body. Taking in your head and neck, simply notice if you feel tense, relaxed, calm or anxious. See how much you can spread any sensations of softness and relaxation to areas of your body that feel tense.

Once your reach your feet, work back up your body.

Breath focus

Sitting comfortably, become aware of your breath, following the sensation of
inhaling from your nose down to your abdomen and out again. As you follow
your breath, notice your whole body and let tension go with each exhalation.

Whenever you notice your mind wandering, come back to your breath.

Mantra repetition

The relaxation response can be evoked by sitting quietly with eyes closed for 15 minutes twice a day, and mentally repeating a simple word or sound such as 'Om'.

Guided imagery

Imagine the most wonderfully relaxing light, or a soothing waterfall washing
away any tension or worries from your body and mind. Make your image as
vivid as possible, imagining the texture, colour and any fragrance as the image washes over or through you.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Does Watching TV Shorten Your Life?

*Does Watching TV Shorten Your Life?*

*Every hour spent watching television shortens the viewer's life by 22
minutes, academics warn.*

*By Martin Beckfort / Source: **The Telegraph<>*

Anyone who spends six hours a day in front of the box is at risk of dying five years sooner than those who enjoy more active pastimes, it is claimed.

Researchers say that watching too much TV is as dangerous as smoking or being overweight, and that the "ubiquitous sedentary behaviour" should be seen as a "public health problem".

*Experts from the University of Queensland, Australia, write: "TV viewing
time may have adverse health consequences that rival those of lack of
physical activity, obesity and smoking; every single hour of TV viewed may
shorten life by as much as 22 minutes."*

Referring to Australian and American guidelines that suggest children should
spend no more than two hours a day in front of a screen, the academics
conclude: "With further corroborative evidence, a public health case could
be made that adults also need to limit the time spent watching TV."

Although health campaigners – and parents – have long warned of the dangers of watching too much television, its effects on life expectancy have never
before been calculated.

In a paper published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, Dr J Lennert Veerman and colleagues looked at the results of a survey of 11,247 Australians taken in 1999-2000, which asked about time spent watching TV, and also mortality figures for the country.

They constructed a model in which they compared life expectancy for adults who watch TV to those who did not, and worked out that every hour spent glued to the screen shortened life by 21.8 minutes.

For those in the top 1 per cent of the population who watch six hours of
programmes a day, they "can expect to live 4.8 years less than a person who
does not watch TV".

The researchers say that watching TV is among the most common forms of
sedentary behaviour, along with sitting in cars.

"Because TV viewing is a ubiquitous behaviour that occupies significant
portions of adults' leisure time, its effects are significant for overall population health."
England's Chief Medical Officer, Sally Davies, said: "Physical activity offers huge benefits and these studies back what we already know - that doing a little bit of physical activity each day brings health benefits and a sedentary lifestyle carries additional risks.

"That's why the UK's Chief Medical Officers recently updated their advice on physical activity to be more flexible, right from babyhood to adult life.

"Adults, for example, can get their 150 minutes of activity a week in sessions of 10 minutes or more and for the first time we have provided guidelines on reducing sedentary time.

"We hope these studies will help more people realise that there are many
ways to get exercise - activities like walking at a good pace or digging the
garden over can count too."

Maureen Talbot, senior cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation, said:
"Sedentary behaviour such as vegging in front of the TV is practically a cultural institution these days and it's good to relax for a while, but this study supports the view that too much of it can be bad for our health.

"Many of us make a conscious decision not to smoke because we know it's bad
for us, and this study suggests that more of us should make the same kind of
pledge about lounging around and watching lots of TV.

"Introducing more activity to our daily lives, whether it's walking to the shops instead of taking the bus, using the stairs instead of the lift or taking up active hobbies like sport or gardening mean we won't spend as much time in front of the TV where we're likely to pile on the pounds."

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Do It Now Syndrome

Do It Now Syndrome

I caught something overnight! Woke up this morning with a case of "Do It Now Syndrome". Not sure where I caught it - or how - but it's truly amazing! Didn't realise just how many things I put off because they can wait - or how often I did that: until this morning that is! I'm loving this feeling - hope it lasts!

I can phrase what I'm talking about as any of these:

Procrastination Vs Do It Now!
Laziness Vs Do It Now!
I'll get round to it Vs Do It Now!
I've got to write a plan first Vs Do It Now!

Planning for anything might be necessary as part of an everyday process; but the joy is in the actual doing; in taking the action and doing whatever it is that needs to be done!

It is just so darned easy to put things off!

And every time we do put something off we feel disappointed in ourselves; just a little bit each time;and those little bits add up over time. They add up quite rapidly actually; without us noticing it at a
conscious level. But that adding up of lots of little incidences leads to massive guilt; even depression if allowed to linger longer.

It doesn't matter if we've got what seems like the right intention to do
something later that day; later that week; or later that month! They're usually poor excuses for finding distractions to what we really should be doing; and from doing it now! Distractions are usually self sabotage; or the fear of doing something; so we have to learn to challenge
ourselves and Just Do It! and Do It Now!

Note for facebook this evening:

I've still got this Do It Now Syndrome! ... and hoping that it's incurable.

I am truly getting a buzz from doing things that I could normally have put off until a 'better time'; and doing them as I see them; or as I walk past them. I am not kidding - within just 24 hours I have embraced this new behaviour - and am loving it! Yes - the joy is in the doing!

Phil Evans is a Motivator, Business Coach, Life Coach and Inspirational Writer specialising in Relationship Dynamics and Adoption Issues.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

The Continuous Improvement Formula

The Continuous Improvement Formula
By: Brian Tracy

Put Your Career on the Fast Track
There are many things you can do to put your career onto the fast track.
You can set clear, specific goals for each area of your life and then make plans to accomplish them. You can plan your work and work your plan.

Ask For Greater Responsibility
You can accept 100% responsibility for everything you are and everything
you become. You can refuse to make excuses or to blame others. You can
tell your boss that you want greater responsibilities and then when you
get them, put your whole heart into doing an excellent job.

Utilize Your Inborn Talents
In the parable of the talents in the New Testament, Jesus says, "Oh good and faithful servant, you have been faithful over small things. I will make you master over large things."

If you too will carry out every assignment to the very best of your ability, you will be given larger and more important things to do and you'll be paid more as a result.

Dedicate Yourself to Continuous Improvement
The key to long term success is for you to dedicate yourself to continuous improvement. If you become one tenth of one percent more productive each day, that amounts to 1/1000th improvement per working day. Is that possible? Of course it is!

Improve A Little At A Time
If you become one tenth of one percent more productive each day, that
amounts to one half of one percent more productive each week. One half of one percent more productive each week amounts to two percent more productive each month and 26% more productive each year.

The cumulative effect if becoming a tiny bit better at your field and more productive amounts to a tremendous increase in your value and your output over time.

How to Double Your Productivity
Twenty-six percent more productive each year, with compounding, amounts to doubling your overall productivity and performance every 2.7 years.
If you become 26% more productive each year, with compounding, times 10 years, you will be 1004% more productive over the next decade. That is an increase of ten times over ten years.

The Reason For All Great Successes
This is called the Law of Accumulation, or the Principle of Incremental Improvement. It is the primary reason for all great success stories. By the yard, it's hard. But inch by inch, anything's a cinch!

Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do to put these ideas into action immediately.

First, make a plan to become a little bit better every single day. Learn and apply one new idea each day to help you to become more productive and effective at your work. The incremental effect will amaze you.

Second, be patient. Don't expect overnight changes or instant results.
Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare. Become a little bit better each day and your future will take care of itself.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Master Your Fears

Master Your Fears
By Brian Tracy

Perhaps the greatest challenge you will ever face in life is the conquest of fear and the development of courage. Fear is, and always has been, the greatest enemy of mankind. When Franklin D. Roosevelt said, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself," he was saying that the
emotion of fear, rather than the realty of what we fear, is what causes us anxiety, stress, and unhappiness. When you develop the habit of courage and unshakeable self-confidence, a whole new world of possibilities opens up for you. Just imagine-what would you dare to
dream or be or do if you weren't afraid of anything in the whole world?

Develop the Habit of Courage

Fortunately, the habit of courage can be learned just as any other habit is learned, through repetition. We need to constantly face and overcome our fears to build up the kind of courage that will enable us to deal with the inevitable ups and downs of life unafraid. The starting point in overcoming fear and developing courage is to look at the factors that
predispose us toward being afraid. The root source of most fear is childhood conditioning, usually associated with destructive criticism.
This causes us to develop two major types of fear. These are the fear of failure, which causes us to think "I can't, I can't, I can't," and the fear of rejection, which causes us to think "I have to, I have to, I
have to." Our fears can paralyze us, keeping us from taking constructive
action in the direction of our dreams and goals.

The More You Know, the Less You Fear

Fear is also caused by ignorance. When we have limited information, our doubts dominate us. We become tense and insecure about the outcome of our actions. Ignorance causes us to fear change, to fear the unknown, and to avoid trying anything new or different. But the reverse is also true. The very act of gathering more and better information about a particular subject increases our courage and confidence in that area.
You can see this in the parts of your life where you have no fear at all because you know what you are doing. You feel competent and completely capable of handling whatever happens.

Analyze Your Fears

Once you have identified the major factors that cause you to feel afraid, the next step is to objectively define and analyze your personal fears. At the top of a clean sheet of paper, write, "What am I afraid of?" Remember, all intelligent people are afraid of something. It is
normal and natural to be concerned about your physical, emotional, and
financial safety and that of the people you care about. A courageous person is not a person who is unafraid. As Mark Twain said, "Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear-not absence of fear."

Action Exercise

Begin your list of fears by writing down everything, major and minor, that causes fear, stress, or anxiety. Think about the parts of your work or personal life where your fears might be holding you back or forcing you to stay in a job or relationship in which you are not happy. Once you have written down your fears, arrange them in order of importance, and then pick them apart one by one.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Friday, August 26, 2011

How to Make the Hypnotic Gaze Even More Powerful

How to Make the Hypnotic Gaze Even More Powerful

By Clifford Mee
Creator of The Power of Conversational Hypnosis

The Hypnotic Gaze Induction is powerful indeed and knowing how to use it will be a wonderful tool for you in your practices. The hypnotic gaze induction in itself covers and accomplishes the 4 Stage Protocol all wrapped into one induction.

It does this through a series of phases which you will lead a person through using eye contact, body language and tone of voice. A quick review of the four steps in the induction will help you to get into the mode for this article.

The first step in hypnotic gaze induction is to go first. You will develop an instant rapport rich with feelings of comfort and good will. You will put yourself in an outside trance to create external focus.

The second stage is to apply your hypnotic gaze. In this you should display with your signals complete confidence in your ability to induce trance. It is important to keep your gaze calm and clear, but most of all steady and unwavering.

The third step in this induction is to alter your voice to a trance tonality. Use all the aspects you can to create a calm voice that slows everything down. Make good use of your hypnotic language and create a relaxing environment with the words and tones you use.

Finally the fourth step in hypnotic gaze induction is to still use your hypnotic language as you create a double feedback loop for your subject. Tell them what you want them to do as far as trance signals, and as they unconsciously put them into effect repeat back to them what it is they are doing.

This will reinforce their actions and lead them deeper into trance.

Now that you know how to do a hypnotic gaze induction you will want to not only practice it but refine and perfect it as well. This is where this article comes in, you will learn techniques to make your hypnotic gaze inductions run very smoothly and eventually go undetected by the person you are putting into trance.

The first area of refinement that you will want to concentrate on is how to make your inductions less direct. This is done through the art of overt and covert hypnotic voices. In learning this concept keep in mind that your actual language will not change, this only really works on the tonality you are using.

This is simply slowing the rate at which you change your tonality down so it is less obvious that you are converting into a hypnotic tone. A good way to do this is to only change your regular conversational voice slightly to be smoother on the ear.
When you do this there will be very few people who will actually notice you are using a hypnotic tonality with them. The voice tone in this is much more normal but can have the same impact as the very deep, slow, low trance voice people are used to hearing.

The idea of overt is the more obvious hypnotic tone of voice that you may use in some situations and the covert is the more indirect and less obvious tonality you will use. Many times you will make the decision of which to use based on the person and environment in which you are dealing.

The second refinement technique that you will focus on is called my friend John/Jane technique. In this technique you are not changing the words of the experiences you describe you simply change who they are happening to.

Instead of describing a trance they will be or are going into you would describe the experience your friend John or Jane had. This converts your instruction to a story about an experience someone else had. It still sends the same message of the signals and such you want them to experience, except it is easier to agree to as it is someone else's experience.

In this technique you are essentially creating a double reality for your listener. They are aware on some level that you are really talking about them and the things they are experiencing or doing but it is presented in a story about someone else.

The third and final refinement skill for hypnotic gaze inductions are to talk in extended quotes. When you talk in extended quotes you are really just putting words into another person's mouth. You use this to quote what another person may have said about something. In this the listener hears you giving them information, almost as if it fact just because another person said it.
Because they view it as a statement that they can agree with, you can't deny what someone else said there is little resistance. It goes in to their unconscious and becomes an embedded suggestion that will help to send your listener into trance and actually have the experiences you are leading with your quotes.

So in refining the hypnotic gaze induction you really have three concepts to put into action. The first refinement is to change your tone of voice to create new voices that are less or more covert and overt. The second refinement technique is to tell stories and experiences that happened to other people to make embedded suggestions. And the third and final refinement is to use extended quotes to make a thing agreeable and put into action by the subconscious.

In using these three refinements you will increase the power behind your hypnotic gaze inductions to make them more efficient and powerful. This in the world of hypnosis is always a positive aspect.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Your Free 'Personal Power Revolution' Download

You've been selected to receive this free program called "Personal Power Revolution".

Download instructions can be found here:

You'll learn:

- The revolutionary secrets to achieving total life transformation using only the power of your mind.

- How to utilize simple Quantum physics principles to attain massive success in life

- The concept of "Unity Consciousness" and how to use it to grant you the divine powers to achieve whatever you desire in life with just 1 single thought!

- And much much more...

You'll want to hurry before this free gift

Download your free program here:

Yours Truly,
Michael Lee

Brought to you by: Lawyer Asad

Monday, August 22, 2011

Be Happy Now: The Surprising Shortcut to Attracting Whatever You Want

Be Happy Now: The Surprising Shortcut to Attracting Whatever You Want

By Joe Vitale, Co-creator of Wealth Trigger

Let me tell you a little secret.

You don't need to practice the 5 steps in this article to manifest your desires or attract more wealth. Nope. There is an easier way. I'll tell you what it is, but you must promise that once you use it, you'll tell the entire world about it...


Here's the secret, what I call the shortcut to creating your life the way you want it: Be happy now.

That's it. If you can be happy right now, in this moment, you will have achieved whatever you want.

Because underneath everything you say you want is the desire for happiness. In 1917 Ralph Perlette wrote in his book, The Big Business of Life, "Whatever we do, we are doing it to be happy, whether we realize it or not."

You want a new car so you will be happy.

You want more money so you will be happy.

You want better health so you will be happy.

You want that loving or lusty relationship so you will be happy.

Happiness is your goal.

And here's another secret: You don't need to have anything else in order to be happy right now. You can choose to be happy.

I know that's a tough one to grasp. Just today, I received a call from a nurse caring for my best friend.

The call was disturbing, to say the least. I was told my friend may need drug rehab. This news was causing me to go into a tailspin, right into unhappiness.

A few hours later, I went out for an acupuncture appointment. As I drove through the Texas country hills in the beautiful area where I now live, I realized that I could be happy anyway.

My unhappiness wasn't going to help me, or my friend, or my driving. I could choose to be happy.

Does that sound like a wild thought? We're taught that outer circumstances dictate how we are to feel.

What I've learned is that the outer is simply the illusion. Oh, it seems real enough. I agree. But what created that outer is your inner.

As Paul Ellsworth wrote in his 1924 classic book, The Mind Magnet:

"Consciousness is cause."

Let me explain this further...


1. Know what you don't want.

2. Select what you do want.

3. Clear all negative or limiting beliefs.

4. Feel what it would be like to have, do or be what you want.

5. Let go as you act on your intuitive impulses, and allow the results to manifest.

YOUR OBJECTIVE: State your intention and let the world arrange itself to bring your goal to you.


Where Are Your Thoughts?

The Attractor Factor is always at work.

It is spirit giving you what you focus on.

Focus on lack, you get lack. Focus on your bad back, you get more of your bad back.

So, for Step One, all you want to do is notice what you have been focusing on. Where are your thoughts?

Where is your conversation?

Your answers will become the springboard to take you to the next step in this miracle making process...

In the space below, write a list of what you don't want. Get it all out.
(This is an important step):


What DO You Want?

If you realize you can have anything, be anything or do anything, then the question becomes: What do you want?

Here's the secret: The trick is in turning every one of your complaints around to something you DO want. Start focusing on where you want to go, not on where you were or where you are.

"I don't want this headache" becomes "I want a clear head."

"I don't want this backache" becomes "I want a strong back."

"I don't want these bills" becomes "I want business to come to me easily and effortlessly."

There's an art to rewriting what you don't want into what you do want. All I do is write the opposite of my complaint.

Turn the sentence around 180 degrees. If I say "I'm tired of being interrupted when I write," the opposite would be, "I want to write in a place that is safe, quiet and without interruptions."

You're probably wondering what this has to do with anything. Why write these sentences if they won't help you pay the bills or heal your problems or anything else?

Good question. The answer: Refocusing on what you do want will take you in the direction of what you want.

As Deepak Chopra wrote in his book, The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire, "All we really need is clarity of intent. Then if we can get the ego out of the way, the intentions fulfill themselves."

How to Think Like God

No matter how you view God, you probably admit that your concept is a being with enormous power and no limits.

Well, if you thought like God, what would you want for yourself? What would you want for the world?

So, what do you want?

What would make your heart sing?

What would make you dance in the streets?

What would make you smile right now thinking about it?

What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

What would you want -- if you could have anything?

Write it here:

Now, what would be even better than what you selected? In other words, you may have written, "I want $50,000 in the bank by the holiday." Well, what would be better than that?

Would you prefer $100,000? The idea is to stretch yourself a little while still being honest with yourself about your desires.

Write down what would be even better than what you have already stated you want:

A study by the author Bryan Tracy revealed that people who simply wrote down their wants and put the list away, discovered a year later that 80 percent of what they wrote came to be!

The Number One Thing People Do Wrong

To me, excuses are the number one thing people do wrong -- online and off. While all of these excuses seem legit to the person saying them, they are virtually all hogwash.

Excuses are beliefs. If you buy into them, you're stuck. If you believe instead that there's a way around whatever the excuse is, you'll move forward.

Finally, what would you do if you had no excuses?

Whatever your answer, that's a clue to your biggest goal. Leave your excuses behind and you'll begin to attract wealth.

Leave your excuses behind, and you can achieve success, too.

Leave your excuses behind, and your life will begin to soar.

If you don't act now, why not?

Whatever your answer, that's an excuse.

Are you going to let it stop you?

Now write one goal or intention, something that you would really like to have, do or be.

Focus brings power. Look over your lists and see what goal or goals jump out at you. Which goal or intention has the most energy, or charge, on it? A goal should scare you a little and excite you a lot.

And keep in mind you can always combine goals.

There's nothing wrong with stating something like, "I want to weigh 120 pounds, own a brand new Corvette, and have $50,000 in the bank, by this coming Christmas."

In the space below, write down the most powerful intention you can:

Here's the next step:

Write your intention as if you already have it.

In other words, "I want to weigh 120 pounds, own a brand new Corvette, and have $50,000 in the bank, by this coming Christmas" becomes "I now weigh 120 pounds, own a brand new Corvette, and have fifty thousand dollars in the bank!"

If you want an alternative that may feel better to you, consider the approach Dr. Robert Anthony advises in this audio program, Beyond Positive Thinking.

He says it may be more powerful to write, "I now choose to weigh 120 pounds, own a brand new Corvette, and have $50,000 in the bank!"

Do that now. Just rewrite your goal into present-tense, pretending you already have what you want, and using the word "choose" if you so desire:

Before we go on, add one more line to your request. Add the phrase "This or something better."

"This or something better" is the loophole that allows you to get out of your ego. If you insist on getting whatever you desire, you are coming from pure ego.

As you'll see in Step Five, letting go is an important element to success.

The real secret to getting whatever you want is to want without need.

This will become clear later. For now, go back and add the freeing line, "This or something better" to your stated goal.

Carry Your Intention

When you get to the final step of this process, you might want to print the next page and put it in your pocket or purse.

By doing so, you will be unconsciously reminding yourself of your intention.

Your own mind will then help nudge you in the direction of making your goal a reality.

So relax. You have just planted a seed in your mind.

Prepare to attract your miracles!


Are You Clear Right Now?

How do you know if you are clear right now?

Think of something that you want to have, do or be. Why don't you have it yet?

If your answer is something negative, you aren't clear. If you say anything except an honest, "I know it's on the way to me," you probably aren't clear inside with what you want.

Another question to ask yourself is, "What does it mean that you don't yet have what you want?"

Your answer to that question will reveal your beliefs. For example, if you say, "I have to do such and such first," then you have a belief that you have to do something before you can have what you want.

Top 10 Limiting Beliefs

1. I'm not good enough to be loved.

2. No matter what I do, I should be doing something else.

3. If it hasn't happened yet, it never will.

4. If you knew what I'm really like, you wouldn't want me.

5. I don't know what I want.

6. I upset people.

7. Sex is dirty and nasty; save it for the one you love.

8. Better stop wanting; if you get your hopes up, you'll get hurt.

9. If I fail, I should feel bad for a long time and be really scared to try again.

10. I should have worked this out by now.

Those are all beliefs and they can all be changed.

Money Beyond Belief

What do you tell yourself when you look at your business and see it isn't yet where you want it to be?

Do you blame it on the economy? Your salespeople? Your marketing? On your own ability to accomplish anything?

Whatever your answer, that is a belief. Common ones include:

"I must work hard for the money I earn."

"I need more money than I can generate."

"I feel helpless in changing my financial picture."

"I think my sales people are loafing."

"I don't handle money and wealth well."

What you want to do is replace negative beliefs with positive ones, such as:

"Money is a natural manifestation of the universe."

"It's good to be rich."

"I don't have to work hard for my money."

"I am destined for great wealth."

"My staff earns money for me."

"I handle money and wealth well."

You see, most of the beliefs you have were given to you when you were a child. You simply absorbed them.

Now, you are becoming awakened. You are at choice. You can choose to let go of the beliefs you don't want, and you can choose to replace the beliefs with ones that better serve you.

Here's a script created by Karol Truman, author of the truly amazing book, Feelings Buried Alive Never Die...

This is a simple script you say out loud to release a belief or a feeling you no longer want, and to replace it with something you prefer.

First, understand this powerful tool is so simple, it's easy to dismiss. All you're asked to do is say a couple paragraphs of words. That's it! Yet what the Script does is reprogram your basic DNA structure.

It speaks to your spirit and asks it to help you get clear on the most fundamental levels of your being.

I don't want to complicate things here by trying to explain how this process works.

My job is to give you the tools and show you how to use them. After all, you don't need to know how a fax machine works in order to send or receive a fax. All you do is insert the paper, and it does the rest.

The Script is the same way. All you do is say it, inserting in the appropriate place what you are feeling at the time that you want to clear, and inserting in the appropriate place what you prefer to feel.

This will make more sense once you know the words in the Script, so here they are:

Spirit, please locate the origin of my feelings and thoughts of:

Insert all your negative or limiting beliefs

Take each and every level, layer, area, and aspect of my Being to this origin.

Analyze and resolve it perfectly with God's truth.

Come through all generations of time and eternity, healing every incident and its appendages based on the origin. Please do it according to God's will until I'm at the present -- filled with light and truth, God's peace and love, forgiveness of every person, place, circumstance and event which contributed to these feelings and thoughts.

With total forgiveness and unconditional love, I allow every physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual problem, and inappropriate behavior based on the negative origin recorded in my DNA, to transform.

I choose: Insert your positive self-enhancing beliefs below

Write it here:

I feel: Imagine you accomplished what you just wrote.
How would that feel?

Write that here:

I AM: Insert your positive beliefs about who you are

Use the same appropriate positive feelings for each space above, to replace the negative feelings.

Karol's Script is powerful. Read Karol's wonderful book for a detailed explanation of it. Meanwhile, use the Script whenever you feel the need to get clear.

It works -- almost like magic!

And once you are clear, you can truly attract virtually anything you can imagine!

Isn't this a fun, exciting, even exhilarating way to live?


One of Goddard Neville's great contributions to the science of attracting your own reality was the idea that you must first FEEL the thing you want as if you already had it. I call this Nevillizing your goal.

In one old book I have by Neville, he signed it with the phrase, "Assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled." That's the key. That's the secret. You have to learn how to "Nevillize Your Goal" by assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled.

What Neville was suggesting is that you must feel whatever it is you want to attract. You might see it in your mind, but until you feel it as complete, you will be missing a key step in the attraction process.

This is a step missing from virtually all self-help books. This is the step missing in most hypnosis, visualization, and other mind-expanding programs.

This is Step Four in the Attractor Factor.

Write Your Future

One wonderful technique to help you in this area is called scripting. I first heard of this method from my longtime friends Jerry and Esther Hicks. The concept is deceptively simple.

Just imagine that you already have what you want and write out a scene that describes it. Describe it in such detail you can feel it. Sense it. Experience it.

I have a notebook full of scripts. Every one I have written has come into reality. Again, when you think it and feel it, it comes to be.

Neville's advice may help you here...

"First, have a dream, and by a dream I mean a daydream, a gloriously wonderful daydream. Then ask yourself, 'What would it be like if it were true that I am now the man I am dreaming I would like to be. What would it be like?' Then catch the mood of the wish fulfilled and drench yourself with that feeling."

-Goddard Neville, author, Immortal Man

Now, choose what you want to experience.

Whatever it is, write up a description of it, as if it already happened.

Instead of writing, "I want a customer to call me with a big order," you write, "A brand new customer just called and ordered $5,000 from me. I feel fantastic! The call came a few minutes ago. I'm still smiling about it, as the customer was a delight to work with. They even gave me their credit card and I'm running it right now!"

You get the idea.

Pretend the day is done and you're recording the experience of what you want to have happen in your journal, after it happened. Be detailed. Be joyful.

Enjoy the process.

Describe it the way you want it, just after the fact. And do it right now!


If you didn't write a script right now, why not?

You create your next moments out of this moment.

What you do right now is the energy you send out that attracts what you get later. That's the Attractor Factor.

When you write a script, be sure to do it with emotion, you create a powerful "thought form," or ball of energy, that goes out into the world to make your script come true.

This is the spiritual formula for success that never fails -- guaranteed!

This is the Attractor Factor!

Now go back and write your script!


Here's a secret that may surprise you: When you want something, but can live without having it, you have upped the odds of your having it.

This is one of the ironies of life.

As long as you are playfully desiring something, but not addicted to your having it, the universe will most likely quickly bring it to you.

But as soon as you say, "I must have this," you begin to push it away.


Because you are sending out an energy to repel what you say you want. Because you are focused on need and not in the moment. Because you haven't learned the ultimate secret, Step Five: Let Go.

Choose what you want and let God or the Universe (whatever that means to you) bring it to you. Let it orchestrate the events that will manifest the thing you desire. Give up needing to know how you will manifest anything.

Knowing how can become a limitation.

If you choose to manifest something, but can't consciously see a way to create it, you may give up.

The conscious mind can't see all of the possibilities. Surrender control and you free the Universe to bring you whatever you want.

As Deepak Chopra wrote in his book, The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire, "Intention is not simply a whim. It requires attention, and it also requires detachment. Once you've created the intention mindfully, you must be able to detach from the outcome, and let the universe handle the details of fulfillment."

In short, you fully activate the Attractor Factor when you let go.

Let me explain. The idea is to write down things that come to mind that will help you take inspired action.

Don't sit around on your butt waiting for something to happen, and at the same time, don't scramble to make things happen.

Slow down. Breathe slowly and deeply. Pay attention to your thoughts. Act on your intuition and be aware of opportunities as they come up. You can write your ideas down right now.

As you let go, what sudden impulses seem to propel you toward your goal? They can be quick, so when you get them, write as many as you can, below:

Dr. Joe Vitale is the co-author of How to Get Lots of Money for Anything and co-creator of the brand new Wealth Trigger.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Awesome videos reveal the power of feeling good now.

I'd like to share with you 2 powerful videos that show the importance of feeling good now, and how to find that great feeling (despite any problems
you may have now).

See the videos here:

To view hundreds of other motivational and self-help videos, go to:

I've also posted new articles at our Self-Help Library.
They may not apply to you; but just in case, they include info on getting over an abusive relationship, recovering from an affair, and 5 best motivational books.

You may read them at:

To access hundreds of past self-help articles, go to:

Hope you get something useful out of them.

Best Regards,
Michael Lee

Brought to you by: Lawyer Asad

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Start a New Life by Practicing Death

Start a New Life by Practicing Death

Source: Reuters

For those facing a run of bad luck and wanting to start things over, one Thai temple has an unusual solution: "rehearse" death with a mock funeral, including lying down in a coffin.

Pram Manee temple in Nakorn Nayok province, 107 km northeast of Bangkok, holds two of the rituals every day: at exactly 9:09 a.m. and 1:09 p.m., since the number nine is believed by Thais to bring good luck.
Participants in a recent ritual stood in front of their designated coffins, holding flowers and praying for bad luck to go away, then asked to receive good luck. All had paid 180 baht ($6) for the flowers, a white sheet and "merit set"--a collection of necessities sometimes including toothpaste, toothbrushes and food -- to be offered to monks, and the promise of a better life. "First we pray for the 'dead,' to wash away the bad things. They will
go away when the monk draws a sheet over the coffin," said Rin Manaboom, a
monk at the temple who conducts the ceremonies.

"The monk will turn the sheet over and pull it back, like pulling the good things back in. First we push the bad luck away, then we put the good things in." While the participants lie in their coffins, monks chant prayers. After this, they emerge from their resting place to be blessed with holy water by a monk.

Krisda Netmanee, a 39 -year-old police officer, said he wanted a fresh start after a series of bad work assignments. "I had bad luck this year. I'm here to wash my bad luck away, and ask for blessings for good things to come," he added. Others take part in the ritual regularly. Farmer Ra Damthanin said she has lain within a coffin at least six times in the hopes of a long life.

"I wish to live very long with my children, my neighbors, my sisters," the 62 -year-old said. "I wish to live a very long time."

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Hidden Brain that Controls Your Life

The Hidden Brain That Controls Your Life The Hidden Brain: How Our
Unconscious Minds Elect Presidents, Control Markets, Wage Wars and Save Our

Reviewed by Gary Stix
Source: Philadelphia Inquirer A beverage station in an office in Newcastle, England, requires workers to pay for coffee, tea,
and milk on the honor system. Money is supposed to go into a box - 30 pence
for tea, 50 for coffee, 10 for milk. No hovering clerk stands nearby.
Researcher Melissa Bateson decided to turn this dispensing area into the
central prop for a social-science experiment. She tracked how much milk was dispensed each week over a 10 - week period and how much cash was collected.

During odd-numbered weeks, the box received on average nearly three times as
much as it did on even weeks for each liter of milk consumed. What gave? On
the odd weeks, Bateson affixed a pair of watchful eyes to the sheet of paper that listed prices. On even weeks, the eyes were replaced with a picture of flowers. When quizzed, none of the office workers remembered the images. But the simple presence of an iconic gaze seems to have made a big difference in how they behaved. That we think and act under imperceptible influences - and that these forces are often the source of bias and error - inspired Washington Post (and former Inquirer) reporter Shankar Vedantam to write The Hidden Brain . Vedantam, a natural storyteller, moves seamlessly from banal office ritual to the roots of racial prejudice, to group behavior in the south tower of the World Trade Center on 9/11 , and then on to a
deconstruction of the mass psychology of the followers of Jim Jones.

The Hidden Brain is built around a collection of anecdotes that bolster the
thesis that sub-rosa mental sprockets and chains, often programmed to work
against our conscious intentions, underlie much of what we do, either as individuals or when massed into groups. There is Will DeRiso, an employee of the securities firm Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, who gets swept along in the panicked dash down the stairs after the plane hits the other Trade Center skyscraper, only to pause midway and deliberate about whether he should go back to fetch remaining coworkers on the 89 th floor who dismissed the gravity of their situation. ( They later perished.) DeRiso remains at the center of a "complex web of interconnections, with thousands of cables tugging him in different directions." Terrorists, in this account, are not wildly deranged, but rather dupes who get sucked into "The Tunnel": a
psychological vortex in which a small, cloistered group warps the thinking
of an otherwise ordinary individual. Larry Layton, an idealistic but impressionable Quaker, became a member of Jim Jones' People's Temple and readily accepted a mission to kill U.S. Rep. Leo Ryan, who came to Guyana to investigate the cult. Like the New Yorker's Malcolm Gladwell, Vedantam serves as a popularizer of the social sciences. Both authors attempt to
overturn bedrock assumptions about our everyday world. Gladwell recently
chronicled for his employer how an entrepreneurial cowboy such as Ted Turner was really nothing of the kind, but rather survived by wagering relatively
inconsequential stakes on surefire ventures. Turner put no cash down for his
purchase of the UHF station that became an initial building block of his broadcast empire. The success of this type of writing depends on an ability to surprise.

Vedantam's premise that our unseen, inner incubuses lead us in unexpected directions is less sure-footed than many of Gladwell's revelations. The notion that our actions derive from a subterranean
irrationality is not really news. Freud, Shakespeare, and the ancients based
whole careers on this sort of thing. Vedantam acknowledges as much but plows on because of his assertion that scientists can now provide better insight
into why we go astray. Oddly, he steers clear of many seminal findings in
neuroscience and cognitive psychology that have made palpable the idea of
unconscious forces that control our actions. Recent studies of the brain's
so-called "default mode" describe behind-the-scenes mental activity that prepares us to confront future events. Since the 1980 s, scientists have known that unconscious brain activity precedes awareness of a conscious decision to initiate a muscle movement - a challenge to the concept of free will. And the housing bubble that precipitated the recent financial crisis was the best evidence yet for the validity of the heuristics and biases documented by behavioral economists, providing elaborate explication for why we so easily succumb to the madness of crowds. Perhaps Vedantam avoids this territory because some of it has been well chronicled in other popular books. But doing so misleads because the research he does cite is not embedded in an essential intellectual framework.

Ultimately, the findings he ignores have had more influence on our understanding of human behavior than studies on office honor systems. The Hidden Brain remains an absorbing journey into the ways mass psychology and inner bias undermine our conceit of autonomy and rational initiative. But Vedantam's coinage of hidden brain as a term that encompasses a revolution akin to the advent of quantum mechanics reaches beyond the evidence furnished here. The subliminal self has always remained central to the endeavors of philosophers and, more
recently, brain scientists.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Friday, August 19, 2011

What do the Rich and Famous Know that You Don't?

*What do the Rich and Famous Know that You Don't?*

*By * *Valerie Dawson, Certified Hypnotherapist**Creator of ** Hypnotic Visualization Guided Audios***

By now you've tried it all. And I mean ALL.

- You've read all the books.
- You've listened to talks.
- You've done your affirmations.
- You've written down your goals.
- You've tried to "think positive."
- You've visualized your goals.

You've tried it all, and quite frankly, you're wondering if all this positive thinking stuff is a bunch of baloney.

It seems like you've tried it all, yet you are still unhappy with at least one area of your life. You wish there was an easier way to reach your goals, to have more success, prosperity, love, health, time, freedom, and fun.

You wonder, "Does it all really work?"

But yet, there is a part of you that believes that there must be a hidden
secret that you haven't quite discovered yet. Perhaps there is a hidden key that will finally allow you to unlock your inner potential...

You think, maybe if you just search a bit longer, you'll finally discover the secret to create the life that you really want. You've been searching and searching... because you haven't given up on yourself. You hope that you'll find the secret key one day.

The fact is that you've always had this power inside you - you just didn't
know how to use it! Nobody has ever taught you the easy way of how to tap
into your own power.

The super wealthy use it. The top athletes use it. Movie stars use it. In fact all peak performers use it!

That power is called visualization. I know, I know, you've tried to visualize before, and it didn't go very well did it? Let me guess...

- Your mind wandered off
- You fell asleep
- You forgot to keep doing it
- You had trouble making mental pictures in your mind

You tried a few times and you gave up...

That is, it was just too difficult to do it all by yourself – especially when you're just learning and practicing. But the Olympic medalists, highest paid athletes, movie stars and billionaires are successful because they found an easier way to do it.

*What Do The Rich And Famous Know That You Don't?*

They hired coaches, hypnotists and psychologists to guide them.

That's right. Tiger Woods, Ellen Degeneres, Charlie Sheen, Drew Barrymore, Matt Damon, and Billy Joel all paid someone else to guide them. These famous people and thousands of others, all hired professionals to help them tap
into the power of their minds!

They didn't sit there all by themselves and "just visualize." That's too hard. Plus, it's often ineffective, just as you know from first hand experience. Instead, these famous athletes and movie stars paid a professional to help them to visualize more clearly. And it worked! You see how they have achieved their goals and are super-successful!

But most of us can't afford to spend thousands of dollars to hire someone.
Plus, how do you find someone who is really qualified?

The truth is that if you can get really good at visualizing your dreams, you can rapidly accelerate making those dreams come true. Visualizing your goals as if they are already complete helps your brain to:

- 1. Activate your subconscious creative power, causing your brain to generate all kinds of wonderful creative ideas which will help you to move closer to making your dreams a reality.

- 2. Activate your power of attraction. Like a magnet, you will attract into your life the resources, circumstances, and connections to people needed to accomplish what you desire.

- 3. Fire up your motivation. You'll be persistent and continue to take positive steps to quickly achieve your goals.

*Before we continue, please read this:*

*The method you are about to discover will only work for people who can devote 15 minutes a day to listen to an audio. If you think you are "too busy" and don't have that kind of time to spare, then please log off your computer now, drive to the convenience store, and go buy some lottery tickets.*

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The World's Strangest Methods of Fortune Telling

*The World's Strangest Methods of Fortune Telling*

*Source: **Neatorama<>*

Want to know the future? You don't need crystal ball or a time machine. Just
examine your moles or your fingernails or your cats. Really.

*Ailuromancy or felidomancy.* Simply observe the way your cat moves or jumps
to determine the future – especially weather. A black cat crossing your path
being a bad omen is an old piece of ailuromancy. Did your cat lick her ears
three times? Company must be on the way. Right ear? It's a gentleman caller.
Left ear? Expect a lady.

*Rumpology.* This is just what is sounds like – divination via the derriere.
But take this one with a grain of salt – the only major backer of this
method is Jackie Stallone, Sly's mom and, by most accounts, a rather
questionable "psychic." Jackie says Rumpology works a lot like palm reading:
the cracks, crevices, birth marks and dimples can reveal a lot about a person. According to one rumpologist, an apple-shaped butt "indicates someone who is charismatic, dynamic, very confident and often creative. A person who enjoys life."

I bet if you think about the root word you can figure this one out. Yep… it's fortune-telling based on your urine. Sure, your urine can definitely tell you a few things about your health – how well hydrated you are, for example. But uromancy is the interpretation of the bubbles in urine
to reveal future events. If the bubbles are big and spaced far apart, expect good things. If they are small and close together, something terrible (death of a loved one or a serious illness) may be just around the corner.

Good news for gardeners – you can use your onions to see if you should prepare for bad news. One method is going to require that you build an altar, though: in the past, people separated from their loved ones could write their names on onions (one name per veggie) and then lay them on the altar to sprout. The faster the onion sprouted, the better health and
happiness the person whose name was on the onion was experiencing. Woe to
the person whose onion didn't sprout. You can also use cromniomancy to answer yes or no inquiries: plant two onions, one with each answer on it.
The one that sprouts first is the answer to your question.

This sounds like a cheap pick up line to be used at a bar, but Sternomancy is actually future-prediction by looking at someone's chest. Back in yesteryear, the study was limited to markings and bumps on the
chest, kind of similar to phrenology (the study of head shape and bumps to
determine personality). But these days, men's and women's magazines have
taken it upon themselves to twist sternomancy into personality prediction
based on the size and shape of a woman's breasts. Sternomancy doesn't just apply to humans – the old tradition of breaking the wishbone at Thanksgiving
is an old form of the practice.

Believe it or not, your fingernails are very powerful.
Fingernail clippings were once used in spells, healing rituals and superstitions. In fact, many of the superstitions are still floating around out there – Japanese girls are told that biting their fingernails will
result in a difficult childbirth later on down the line. The white spots on
your fingernails are supposed to be a sign of good fortune – a spot on thumb
specifically means that a gift is about to be bestowed upon you. Greedy people are said to have crooked fingernails, and the half-moon shape ("lunula") at the base of the nail indicates your lifeline – the bigger the lunula, the longer your life will last. Ever bend your nail back? Bad news:
not only did it probably make you use a few choice words, it also means there's a difficult time ahead of you and it could last for a couple of months.

Making an omelet? Give this a try first: separate the egg white, then drop into boiling water and see what shape the whites take. It's kind of like reading tea leaves. Before you dismiss the idea, consider this: one of the girls involved in the Salem Witch Trial was playing this seemingly harmless game with her friends when she saw her egg whites take the shape of a coffin. Not long after, 24 deaths rocked the community.

And you thought those little bumps were just birthmarks. Nope, according to some, moles can indicate exactly what the future holds for you if you know how to read them just right. Actually, it doesn't take too much imagination to figure out moleosophy – most of it is fairly straightforward.
Mole on or near your bellybutton? You want kids. Mole on your butt? You're
lazy and not very ambitious. A mark on your back means you're rather unreliable. Some aren't quite as obvious, however – moles on the ears are considered lucky, a mole on the elbow indicates a love of travel and adventure, and a mole on your fingers means you're dishonest.

I briefly thought this was something along the lines of reading tea leaves, but having something to do with margaritas. And I was totally prepared to go out and test the theory, purely in the name of
research. But "margarita" is actually Latin for "pearl," so Margaritomancy is actually the study of pearls to predict the future. Darn. Many years ago, a pearl would be thrown into a pot sitting in a fire and its reaction to the heat would determine a person's guilt or innocence. If the pearl just sat there, the person was innocent. Any movement indicated guilt.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

How confident are you? Assess your own confidence!

All strong achievers seem to have one quality or characteristic in common: self-confidence.

How confident are YOU?

Your Confidence Factor determines how imaginative and creative you are, and how willing you are to take healthy risks.

Ultimately, it determines how successful you are.

So what is your Confidence Factor? I'm giving you the chance to find out.

For a limited time, you can download my "The Confidence Factor" personal
assessment absolutely free.

This test is a tool I've designed to help determine how confident you are and which areas could use improvement.

Get it here, for free.

"The Confidence Factor" personal assessment comprises 50 multiple choice
questions in categories like decision-making, physical fitness and your
reactions to crisis situations. Your answers reveal your strengths and
weaknesses, giving you an opportunity for personal growth.

It only takes a few minutes to complete. You can even take it more than once to record your answers and chart your progress.

Remember, this test is my gift to you - download it immediately and use it over and over again as you work to improve your confidence and increase your success.

Download it now.

Because your self-confidence determines so much of your success, wouldn't you like to know where you stand?

Here's to your personal improvement,

Brian Tracy

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Shocking video proves how our thoughts affect our energy.

I just saw this astounding video and got to share it with you. It proves how our thoughts affect our energy.

There's also a second video that tells of an inspiring success story.

See the videos here:

To view hundreds of other motivational and self-help videos, go to:

I've also posted new articles at our Self-Help Library.
They include info on thinking good thoughts, and playing hard to get with a guy or girl.

You may read them at:

To access hundreds of past self-help articles, go to:

Hope you get something useful out of them.

Best Regards,
Michael Lee

Brought to you by: Lawyer Asad

Free book gives you unlimited motivation to achieve your goals

I'd like to give you an awesome e-book
that shows you how to stay highly motivated until you accomplish your goals.

It's called "Internalized Motivation" and
you can download it here:

In this free e-book, you'll learn:

- The steps you need to take to achieve your goals.

- Where to find the motivation to succeed.

- The chief difference between a winner and a failure.

- The crucial rules for achieving goals and

- How to ignite your motivation, even if life seems so hard and failure seems inevitable.

And More!

Go to this link to download it:

Hope you benefit from this e-book and please let me know if there's anything I can help you with.

Kindest Regards,
Michael Lee

Brought to you by: Lawyer Asad

Monday, August 15, 2011

7 Bizarre Holidays: Stargates, Vortex Spots, Portals and Energy Worm Holes You Can Visit

* 7 Bizarre Holidays: Stargates, Vortex Spots, Portals and Energy Worm Holes You Can Visit*

*By Timothy Green Beckley / Source: **Forteans West<

Ancient people knew that wherever the earth's energy gathered into a vortex
was a sacred place. They knew - and scientists are beginning to understand
once again today - that we are surrounded by a tremendous amount of energy that has been provided for us by the Creator.

It's available for the asking if we could only learn to harness the forces of the universe in a positive way. Some refer to it as the cosmic flow. We could enter Stargates, learning to travel through space and time, and perhaps power our homes and automobiles at a fraction of the cost of what we spend today.

There are certain places you can "feel it in the air" - where the atmosphere
prickles with electricity making your hair stand on end. There are certain sacred spots where the earth vibrates at a higher level. These are earth's vortex regions, its gateways to other dimensions.

Here is a list of some of the spots which are so mystical that thousands visit them annually so as to mingle with other worldly intelligence. Of course, one has to go to these places very gingerly, very carefully, as there are certain "hazards" which might confront the novice along their spiritual journey.


Located in the State of Arizona, in the Great South West, Sedona is the Mecca for New Age orientated travelers. Here for several centuries Native Americans have performed shamanistic rituals drawing on the power generated by the red rocks said to have great healing properties. Landmarks such as Bell and Cathedral Rocks are said to be doorways to another dimension. UFOs have been known to dot the sky and strange beings from other realms often materialize and are caught on film. One of the "hot spots" for UFO sightings known as the Bradshaw Ranch has been purchased by the Department of Land Management and is now "off limits" to tourists. Celebrities such as Shirley MacLaine can often be seen strolling the streets of Sedona. There are many art galleries and metaphysical centers to occupy a person's time when not doing a bit of backpacking.

Bermuda Triangle

Hundreds of planes and ships have mysteriously vanished in this swirling
vortex of ocean situated between Florida, Puerto Rico and Bermuda. Flying into the area, veteran pilots have often reported their navigation equipment going wild. Mysterious balls of light have been seen descending and shooting out of the ocean. Christopher Columbus even reported strange aerial displays in the captain's log. From time to time, mysterious fogs roll in to land from out at sea and individuals report being drawn almost into a hypnotic trance. Though most scientists are skeptical, there are others who believe such an unknown power can be harnessed and used to our advantage. This is a true Stargate – but some who have entered have not returned to tell the tale.

The Great Pyramid

Egypt's Pyramid of Giza is the largest structure in the world built by man.
Archaeologists contend that the Great Pyramid was used as a burial chamber for the pharoahs. They don't find it a miracle that the blocks of stone weigh many tons each, and it seems impossible even for hundreds of slaves to move them into their proper position. Believers in the Ancient Astronaut theory say the construction of the Great Pyramid might have come about with the help of extraterrestrials. Arcane researchers have presented many other views including a variety of geophysical, astronomical, numerical, and prophetic interpretations made by explorers, authors, and visitors to the Great Pyramid over the last 200+ years. These interpretations run the range
of topics such as the Great Pyramid having been used as a sundial, to the calculation of the speed of light, to the prediction of the exact dates of the birth of Adam, the Exodus, and the birth, baptism, and crucifixion of Jesus. It is perhaps the most recognizable vortex on Earth.


There are various theories as to who actually constructed Stonehenge, a huge
circular monolith located on Salisbury Plane in England. Going back many
hundreds of years, we know that the Druids used it for their religious
ceremonies and that it acts as a huge sundial and calendar. Tourists flock here especially during the equinox to have their vibrations lifted. Some have reported "missing time," voyages out of the body. A rather new phenomenon associated with the region around Stonehenge is the unexplained appearance of crop circles consisting of mysterious, compelling designs that
appear overnight in fields of grain in the same area in the form of circles, intricate geometric symbols and glyphs. (In the UK, they're actually known as "corn circles.") For a long time one of the best spots to see a UFO was in the nearby town of Warminister, where nightly skywatches were organized.

Mount Shasta

For the more adventuresome who are willing to go out on their own and
disappear from society for a while. Lemurians and survivors of other "Lost Civilizations" are said to roam the mountain freely and occasionally wander
into town to trade gold for supplies. A strange race of "little people" appear at night to collect edibles and return to their secret cavern homes.

Native Americans residing in the backwoods say they have not only heard the screams of Bigfoot, but have seen these hairy creatures close-up! Here, some have claimed to have visited Telos, the capitol of the Inner Earth occupied by the Ascended Masters of Wisdom. There are also accounts of miraculous healings, including those by folks whose eyesight has been regenerated after being struck by mysterious blue beams of light coming from inside the mountain.

Mojave Desert

Stretching for hundreds of square miles, the Mojave Desert is said to draw UFOs like a magnet. Many of the early reports of meeting with human-looking aliens took place in spots like Joshua Tree and at Giant Rock, one of nature's largest standing rocks where crystal partials are imbedded, increasing the proper cosmic vibrations suitable for contact with other
dimensions. Many ghost towns dot the area, left over from when prospectors
flocked to the region in a frenzy for gold. There are chilling tales of abandoned mines, mysterious creatures, spook lights and even a haunted Opera House in the middle of Death Valley. One of the most scenic settings in the world, Mother Nature offers all the complements necessary for peaceful trance-like states or for channeling.

Romania's Hoia-Baciu Forest

There is even a magical forest in Romania. The Hoia-Baciu Forest is, for
sure, one of the country's most famous locales, where a series of inexplicable phenomena have been investigated and analyzed. It is called "the Bermuda Triangle of Transylvania." As one website explains it, "The Hoia-Baciu Forest keeps on being fascinating, especially because of what the witnesses say about the strangest physical sensations, the lights in the middle of the night, the shapes, forms, the strange appearances of human
faces, the voices and the different colors. The place has shortly become famous among the paranormal and esoteric events specialists, entire teams of
famous scientific explorers from Germany, France, USA and Hungary visiting
the Hoia-Baciu Forest even during the Communism and managing to catch some
inexplicable phenomena."

We hope this brief check list will wet your appetite for more information on the subject of natural Stargates and portals to other dimensions. There could be a spot near where you live that can evoke a spiritual or mystical experience. Mountainous regions like those at Brown Mountain, North Carolina and the Andes of Peru can trigger something within you - you just have to go looking for it.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Human Mind's Best Kept Secret

The Human Mind's Best Kept Secret

By Christie Marie Sheldon, Creator of Love
Or Above
Why do some people have all the luck? Ever noticed how some uncannily "lucky" people can almost effortlessly attract good things into their lives? At work, they get all the opportunities. They lead social
movements in their communities. They're spiritual, yet also have a healthy
relationship with money. Their relationships are consistently blissful, and
they' re always in the pink of health. But if you're like most people, life is a mixture of good days and bad days. You may not be poor or sick, but you worry about your money and health a little more often than you'd like. You long for the time and freedom to live life on your own terms. You wish you were better at manifesting your goals. And so you've probably wondered to yourself on more than a few occasions, "what does it take to be one of those lucky people?" The answer lies in a fascinating phenomenon known as your personal energetic frequency. An invisible force that shapes your life experience. The idea that energy or vibrations can influence a person's
reality is nothing new. Throughout history, different cultures have
benefitted by tapping into and working with different forms of energy. For
thousands of years, the Chinese have practiced Qi Gong and Tai Chi to get
their energy moving for health and relaxation. In India, people have sought
after Kundalini energy and awakened it for self-awareness, a deeper
understanding of consciousness and the Universe, and pure joy, knowledge, and love.

In Japan, Reiki has healed countless people simply by working with their personal energy fields. But in recent years, breakthrough scientific studies have taken this belief one step further, by discovering that every person on the planet possesses what is known as a personal energetic frequency—a form of energy that dictates what kind of circumstances and events we will attract into our lives. Where do you fall on the Scale of Consciousness? In 2002 , psychiatrist and consciousness researcher Dr. David Hawkins published a book called Power vs. Force . In this book hecombined
the discovery that all atoms and sub atoms are energy with leading research
on human awareness. The result was a scientifically validated doctorate
dissertation that proves ALL objects possess energy—energy that vibrates on
what is known as the Scale of Consciousness. How does the scale work? Well imagine you have a scale of 1 to 1,000 , with 1,000 being the highest state
a human being can attain. If you reach this level you would be an Enlightened Master. At the lowest end of the spectrum is someone who is not thriving at all. To determine where people are on this scale, Dr. Hawkins used muscle testing and kinesiology. As you can see, heavy emotions like fear, anger or shame vibrate at low frequencies, while feelings like love, joy and peace vibrate at high, uplifting frequencies. What happens at 500 and above? Right now, the average level of energy on Earth is around 207
—and this is because throughout our lives, we accumulate hidden energy
blockages and negative conditioning that holds us back from higher vibrations. The level we should aim for, however, is 500 and above. 500 is the vibration of love. When you vibrate at this level life becomes drastically different. Love, joy, and abundance are suddenly within your
grasp. Pain, stress, and struggle seem to melt away and you become a magnet
for what you truly desire. But here's where things get even better. Dr. Hawkins has discovered that your energy doesn' t just affect you and your life, it affects those around you too. One person operating at a level of 500 (love) can lift 750 ,000 other people above 200 . The conclusion?
Everyone looking for a happier, more successful and more enlightened life
should aim to overcome their energy blockages, and raise their energetic
frequency to a level of Love or Above—a theory that many other reputable
scientists have since come to support.

Christie Sheldon is an Intuitive Healer and Medium. She connects to the Infinite realm to shift, change, and transform people's lives. She has worked with over 10 ,000 clients and is the founder of Love or Above.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Money Is Not the Answer

*Money Is Not the Answer*

*By T. Harv Eker*

Money is not the answer. That's got to sound ironic coming from someone who
believes whole-heartedly in the benefits of being rich. Forget about getting out of debt, paying bills, buying nice things, etc. That stuff's great, but at the end of it all you're not going to give a damn about your credit rating. Money's the last thing on your mind in that moment, I would imagine.

Money can reduce the stress of living, but it can bring just as much if not more anxiety. I've gone through my cycles of accumulating and losing money, getting more and losing it again. The money wasn't burning a hole in my pocket. I just had a big hole in my pocket and didn't bother to sew it up.
That hole represented something in my mental blueprint that kept me from
being stable with money. There was nothing wrong with the money.

On the other hand, people without money often think if they just had enough to do this or that, then things would be better. While that may be true, what happens when the mind goes into 'Only if …' consistently? That's exactly what you get … 'only if.'

'This will only happen if…'

All of a sudden nothing's happening and you don't even know or remember that
rule you created. In business that thinking often translates into "It takes
money to make money." No! If you have money it can certainly grow more money, but it doesn't take money to make money. It takes creativity to make

Throwing money at a problem is disaster! In business there's no such thing as a money problem. That problem grew out of somewhere else. You want to fix
the root of the problem. If you throw money at a business problem, you'll
have the same business problem for the rest of your life and no money. Creativity and knowledge are the answers, not money.

It's also not logical to blame money for people's shortcomings, or the world's for that matter. Obviously there are people that are rich and greedy, but there are poor people who are greedy and there are middle class people who are greedy. There are rich, poor, and middle-class people who are generous. There are rich, poor and average income people who can be both generous and greedy, depending on the stress they're going through at any
given time.

To say rich people are greedy as a blanket statement is just as unfair as saying poor people are lazy. I've met many a hard-working poor person who just hadn't yet turned the corner on working smarter instead of just harder.

Money can't be the root of all evil. Envy, jealousy, and greed—all based on
fear of not having or getting enough of something we want—pre-dated currency
(think about the story of Cain and Able). It's a part of what it means for us to be human.

If money isn't the cause of all that's wrong, it's not going to be the cure
either. It's not the answer. It's the fruit of our expansion—or lack thereof—beyond ourselves and of the impact we're having on the world. What we choose to do with that is a result of who we choose to be, not because of money.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

The Law of Clarity

The Law of Clarity
By: Brian Tracy

Clarity accounts for probably 80% of success and happiness. Lack of
clarity is probably more responsible for frustration and underachievement than any other single factor. That's why we say that "Success is goals, and all else is commentary." People with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them could ever imagine. This is true everywhere and under all circumstances.

The Three Keys to High Achievement
You could even say that the three keys to high achievement are, "Clarity, Clarity, Clarity," with regard to your goals. Your success in life will be largely determined by how clear you are about what it is
you really, really want.

Write and Rewrite Your Goals
The more you write and rewrite your goals and the more you think about
them, the clearer you will become about them. The clearer you are about what you want, the more likely you are to do more and more of the things that are consistent with achieving them. Meanwhile, you will do fewer and fewer of the things that don't help to get the things you really want.

The Seven Step Process for Achieving Goals
Here, once more, is the simple, seven-step process that you can use to
achieve your goals faster and easier than ever before.

First, decide exactly what you want in each area of your life. Be specific!

Second, write it down, clearly and in detail;

Third, set a specific deadline. If it is a large goal, break it down into sub-deadlines and write them down in order;

Fourth, make a list of everything you can think of that you are going to have to do to achieve your goal. As you think of new items, add them to your list;

Fifth, organize the items on your list into a plan by placing them in the proper sequence and priority;

Sixth, take action immediately on the most important thing you can do on
your plan. This is very important!

Seventh, do something every day that moves you toward the attainment of
one or more of your important goals. Maintain the momentum!

Join the Top 3%
Fewer than three percent of adults have written goals and plans that they work on every single day. When you sit down and write out your goals, you move yourself into the top 3% of people in our society. And you will soon start to get the same results that they do.

Review Your Goals Daily
Study and review your goals every day to be sure they are still your most important goals. You will find yourself adding goals to your list as time passes. You will also find yourself deleting goals that are no
longer as important as you once thought. Whatever your goals are, plan them out thoroughly, on paper, and work on them every single day. This is the key to peak performance and maximum achievement.

Action Exercises
Here is how you can apply this law immediately:

First, make a list of ten goals that you would like to achieve in the coming year. Write them down in the present tense, as though a year has passed and you have already accomplished them.

Second, from your list of ten goals, ask yourself, "What one goal, if I were to accomplish it, would have the greatest positive impact on my life?" Whatever it is, put a circle around this goal and move it to a separate sheet of paper.

Third, practice the seven-step method described above on this goal. Set a deadline, make a plan, and put it into action and work on it every day. Make this goal your major definite purpose for the weeks and months ahead.

Get ready for some amazing changes in your life.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Friday, August 12, 2011

Top 10 Myths about the Brain

*Top 10 Myths about the Brain*

*By Laura Helmuth / Source: **Smithsonian Magazine<>*

When it comes to this complex, mysterious, fascinating organ, what do - and don't - we know?

1. We use only 10 percent of our brains.

This one sounds so compelling - a precise number, repeated in pop culture for a century, implying that we have huge reserves of untapped mental powers. But the supposedly unused 90 percent of the brain is not some vestigial appendix. Brains are expensive - it takes a lot of energy to build brains during fetal and childhood development and maintain them in adults.
Evolutionarily, it would make no sense to carry around surplus brain tissue.
Experiments using PET or fMRI scans show that much of the brain is engaged even during simple tasks, and injury to even a small bit of brain can have profound consequences for language, sensory perception, movement or emotion.

True, we have some brain reserves. Autopsy studies show that many people
have physical signs of Alzheimer's disease (such as amyloid plaques among neurons) in their brains even though they were not impaired. Apparently we can lose some brain tissue and still function pretty well. And people score higher on IQ tests if they're highly motivated, suggesting that we don't always exercise our minds at 100 percent capacity.

2. "Flashbulb memories" are precise, detailed and persistent.

We all have memories that feel as vivid and accurate as a snapshot, usually of some shocking, dramatic event - the assassination of President Kennedy,
the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger, the attacks of September 11,
2001. People remember exactly where they were, what they were doing, who
they were with, what they saw or heard. But several clever experiments have
tested people's memory immediately after a tragedy and again several months
or years later.

The test subjects tend to be confident that their memories are accurate and
say the flashbulb memories are more vivid than other memories. Vivid they
may be, but the memories decay over time just as other memories do. People
forget important details and add incorrect ones, with no awareness that
they're recreating a muddled scene in their minds rather than calling up a
perfect, photographic reproduction.

3. It's all downhill after 40 (or 50 or 60 or 70).

It's true, some cognitive skills do decline as you get older. Children are better at learning new languages than adults - and never play a game of concentration against a 10-year-old unless you're prepared to be humiliated.
Young adults are faster than older adults to judge whether two objects are the same or different; they can more easily memorize a list of random words, and they are faster to count backward by sevens.

But plenty of mental skills improve with age. Vocabulary, for instance - older people know more words and understand subtle linguistic distinctions.
Given a biographical sketch of a stranger, they're better judges of character. They score higher on tests of social wisdom, such as how to settle a conflict. And people get better and better over time at regulating their own emotions and finding meaning in their lives.

4. We have five senses.

Sure, sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch are the big ones. But we have
many other ways of sensing the world and our place in it. Proprioception is
a sense of how our bodies are positioned. Nociception is a sense of pain. We also have a sense of balance - the inner ear is to this sense as the eye is to vision - as well as a sense of body temperature, acceleration and the passage of time.

Compared with other species, though, humans are missing out. Bats and
dolphins use sonar to find prey; some birds and insects see ultraviolet light; snakes detect the heat of warmblooded prey; rats, cats, seals and other whiskered creatures use their "vibrissae" to judge spatial relations or detect movements; sharks sense electrical fields in the water; birds, turtles and even bacteria orient to the earth's magnetic field lines.

By the way, have you seen the taste map of the tongue, the diagram showing
that different regions are sensitive to salty, sweet, sour or bitter flavors? Also a myth.

5. Brains are like computers.

We speak of the brain's processing speed, its storage capacity, its parallel circuits, inputs and outputs. The metaphor fails at pretty much every level: the brain doesn't have a set memory capacity that is waiting to be filled up; it doesn't perform computations in the way a computer does; and even basic visual perception isn't a passive receiving of inputs because we actively interpret, anticipate and pay attention to different elements of the visual world.

There's a long history of likening the brain to whatever technology is the
most advanced, impressive and vaguely mysterious. Descartes compared the
brain to a hydraulic machine. Freud likened emotions to pressure building up
in a steam engine. The brain later resembled a telephone switchboard and
then an electrical circuit before evolving into a computer; lately it's turning into a Web browser or the Internet. These metaphors linger in clichés: emotions put the brain "under pressure" and some behaviors are thought to be "hard-wired." Speaking of which...

6. The brain is hard-wired.

This is one of the most enduring legacies of the old "brains are electrical circuits" metaphor. There's some truth to it, as with many metaphors: the brain is organized in a standard way, with certain bits specialized to take on certain tasks, and those bits are connected along predictable neural pathways (sort of like wires) and communicate in part by releasing ions (pulses of electricity).

But one of the biggest discoveries in neuroscience in the past few decades
is that the brain is remarkably plastic. In blind people, parts of the brain that normally process sight are instead devoted to hearing. Someone practicing a new skill, like learning to play the violin, "rewires" parts of the brain that are responsible for fine motor control. People with brain injuries can recruit other parts of the brain to compensate for the lost tissue.

7. A conk on the head can cause amnesia.

Next to babies switched at birth, this is a favorite trope of soap operas:
Someone is in a tragic accident and wakes up in the hospital unable to
recognize loved ones or remember his or her own name or history. (The only cure for this form of amnesia, of course, is another conk on the head.)

In the real world, there are two main forms of amnesia: anterograde (the
inability to form new memories) and retrograde (the inability to recall past
Science's most famous amnesia patient, H.M., was unable to remember anything
that happened after a 1953 surgery that removed most of his hippocampus. He
remembered earlier events, however, and was able to learn new skills and
vocabulary, showing that encoding "episodic" memories of new experiences relies on different brain regions than other types of learning and memory do. Retrograde amnesia can be caused by Alzheimer's disease, traumatic brain injury (ask an NFL player), thiamine deficiency or other insults. But a brain injury doesn't selectively impair autobiographical memory - much less
bring it back.

8. We know what will make us happy.

In some cases we haven't a clue. We routinely overestimate how happy
something will make us, whether it's a birthday, free pizza, a new car, a victory for our favorite sports team or political candidate, winning the lottery or raising children. Money does make people happier, but only to a point - poor people are less happy than the middle class, but the middle class are just as happy as the rich. We overestimate the pleasures of
solitude and leisure and underestimate how much happiness we get from social

On the flip side, the things we dread don't make us as unhappy as expected.
Monday mornings aren't as unpleasant as people predict. Seemingly unendurable tragedies - paralysis, the death of a loved one - cause grief and despair, but the unhappiness doesn't last as long as people think it will. People are remarkably resilient.

9. We see the world as it is.

We are not passive recipients of external information that enters our brain through our sensory organs. Instead, we actively search for patterns (like a Dalmatian dog that suddenly appears in a field of black and white dots), turn ambiguous scenes into ones that fit our expectations (it's a vase; it's a face) and completely miss details we aren't expecting. In one famous psychology experiment, about half of all viewers told to count the number of times a group of people pass a basketball do not notice that a guy in a
gorilla suit is hulking around among the ball-throwers.
We have a limited ability to pay attention (which is why talking on a cellphone while driving can be as dangerous as drunk driving), and plenty of biases about what we expect or want to see. Our perception of the world isn't just "bottom-up" - built of objective observations layered together in a logical way. It's "top-down," driven by expectations and interpretations.

10. Men are from Mars, women are from Venus.

Some of the sloppiest, shoddiest, most biased, least reproducible, worst
designed and most overinterpreted research in the history of science
purports to provide biological explanations for differences between men and women. Eminent neuroscientists once claimed that head size, spinal ganglia or brain stem structures were responsible for women's inability to think creatively, vote logically or practice medicine. Today the theories are a bit more sophisticated: men supposedly have more specialized brain
hemispheres, women more elaborate emotion circuits. Though there are some
differences (minor and uncorrelated with any particular ability) between
male and female brains, the main problem with looking for correlations with behavior is that sex differences in cognition are massively exaggerated.

Women are thought to outperform men on tests of empathy. They do - unless
test subjects are told that men are particularly good at the test, in which
case men perform as well as or better than women. The same pattern holds in
reverse for tests of spatial reasoning. Whenever stereotypes are brought to
mind, even by something as simple as asking test subjects to check a box next to their gender, sex differences are exaggerated. Women college students told that a test is something women usually do poorly on, do poorly. Women college students told that a test is something college students usually do well on, do well. Across countries - and across time - the more prevalent the belief is that men are better than women in math, the greater the difference in girls' and boys' math scores. And that's not because girls in Iceland have more specialized brain hemispheres than do
girls in Italy.

Certain sex differences are enormously important to us when we're looking
for a mate, but when it comes to most of what our brains do most of the time
- perceive the world, direct attention, learn new skills, encode memories,
communicate (no, women don't speak more than men do), judge other people's
emotions (no, men aren't inept at this) - men and women have almost entirely
overlapping and fully Earth-bound abilities.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad