Monday, January 31, 2011

Improve Your Life in One Minute

Improve Your Life in One Minute

By Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler
Creator of Become All You Can Be

Want to make some positive gains in your life? A lot of folks would like to improve their lifestyle, but just cannot find the time to take action.

Still, the highest mountain is scaled only step at a time, and the biggest goal is only accomplished one step at a time. So why not just commit to take one small step right now?

I suggest an approach of just focusing on something you can accomplish in one minute -- just 60 seconds.

You may surprise yourself. You can actually do quite a bit in only one minute. Here are some ways to use the power of a single minute:

Exercise for One Minute

No time to go to the gym? OK. Forget about the next 59 minutes, and just focus on the next one minute. Do a deep breathing exercise, or one minute of push-ups or sit-ups. After a while you may expand to two minutes -- and wow, you have just made a 200 percent jump.

Relax for One Minute

Just relax into your chair and suck in a slow deep breath all the way down into your belly. Then open your mouth slightly, and release your breath as slowly as you can. Try this right now to refresh your mind with increased oxygen.

Calm Your Mind for One Minute

Your mind is a fabulous theater, and contains wonderful visions of your favorite places. Go visit one of those places for one minute. Just relax and clear your mind wherever you may be. You'll come away feeling refreshed, and a lot calmer and clearer.

Change Your Outlook for One Minute

You can even experiment going outside your normal self for a minute. Try acting the exact opposite of how you usually act for one minute. If you tend to be introverted, think like an extrovert. If you are an engineer, think like an artist. If you are a man, think like a woman.

Re-Frame a Problem for One Minute

Choose a problem, then select a different frame of reference to consider it from. Try considering the problem through the eyes of someone you admire. Does the problem look different? Try looking at it with the mind Albert Einstein or Bill Gates or Martha Stewart. Now how does the problem look?

Be Happy for One Minute

Maybe you are currently overwhelmed with problems and challenges beyond your control. Try finding something to give thanks for, and focus on being grateful. Forget any current or past tragedies or disasters, and let yourself be happy for one minute.

You really can achieve wonders in just one minute. And these single minutes can add up to a greatly improve quality of life. Give it a try!

Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler is a renowned brain/mind researcher, and was one of the first in the world to introduce brainwave training to the corporate world. She is the author of ten books, a novel, and hundreds of published articles. Dr. Ammon-Wexler's latest creation is the "Become All You Can Be" success training program.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Videos: Success Principles & Avoiding Discouragement

I'd like to share with you 2 sensational videos by Earl Nightingale.

In the videos, he talks about success principles from "Acres of Diamonds" and avoiding discouragement.

See the videos here:

To view hundreds of other motivational and self-help
videos, go to:

I've also posted new articles at our Self-Help Library.
They include info on rapport building, reinventing yourself, and building character and leadership.

You may read them at:

To access hundreds of past self-help articles, go to:

Hope you get something useful out of them.

Best Regards,
Michael Lee

Circulated by: Lawyer Asad

The Future Belongs to the Risk Takers

The Future Belongs to the Risk Takers

By Brian Tracy

The future belongs to the risk takers, not the security seekers. Life is
perverse in the sense that the more you seek security, the less of it you have. But the more you seek opportunity, the more likely it is that
you will achieve the security that you desire.

Action is Everything

If learning about success was all that it took to do great things with your life, then your success would be guaranteed. The bookstores are full of self-help books, each one of them loaded with ideas that you can use to be more successful. The fact is, however, that all the best advice in the world will only help you if you can motivate yourself to take persistent, continuous action in the direction of your goals until you succeed.

Self-Discipline is the Core Quality

The single most important quality of success is self-discipline.
Self-discipline means that you have the ability, within yourself, based
on your strength of character and willpower, to do what you should do,
when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not. Character is the
ability to follow through on a resolution after the enthusiasm with
which the resolution was made has passed. It is not what you learn that
is decisive for your future. It is whether or not you can discipline
yourself to pay the price, over and over, until you finally obtain your

Persistence is Self-Discipline in Action

Perhaps the most important demonstration of self-discipline is your level of persistence when the going gets tough. Persistence is
self-discipline in action. Persistence is the true measure of individual
human character. Your persistence is, in fact, the real measure of your
belief in yourself and your ability to succeed.

The Common Quality of Success in History

The history of the human race is the story of the triumph of persistence. Every great man or women has had to endure tremendous trials and tribulations before reaching the heights of success and achievement. The endurance and perseverance is what made them great.

Your Guarantee of Eventual Success

Calvin Coolidge, a president who was so reluctant to speak in public that he was given the nickname of "Silent Cal," will go down in history
for his simple but memorable words on success. He wrote, "Press on.
Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not;
nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education alone will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."

Action Exercise

Identify the biggest challenge or problem facing you today on the way to achieving your biggest goal. Imagine that it has been sent to test your resolve and desire. Decide that you will never give up.

"Setting and Achieving Goals Will Determine Your Success and Happiness More than Any Other Skill You'll Ever Learn!"

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

How to Plant Ideas in Someone's Mind

How to Plant Ideas in Someone's Mind

By Adam Dachis / Source:

If you've ever been convinced by a salesperson that you truly wanted a product, done something too instinctively, or made choices that seemed entirely out of character, then you've had an idea planted in your mind. Here's how it's done.

Before we get started, it's worth noting that planting an idea in someone's mind without them knowing is a form of manipulation. We're not here to judge you, but this is the sort of thing most people consider evil, so you probably shouldn't actually do anything you read here. Instead, use this information to stay sharp.

If you've seen the film Inception, you might think that planting an idea in someone's mind is a difficult thing to do. It's not. It's ridiculously easy and it's tough to avoid. We're going to take a look at some of the ways it can work.

Reverse Psychology Actually Works

Reverse psychology has become an enormous cliché. I think this peaked in 1995 with the release of the film Jumanji. (If you've seen it and remember it, you know what I'm talking about.)

The problem is that most people look at reverse psychology in a very simple way. For example, you'd say "I don't care if you want to go risk your life jumping out of a plane" to try and convince someone not to go skydiving. This isn't reverse psychology -- it's passive-aggressive. So let's leave that all behind and start from scratch.

If you're going to use logic reversals in your favor, you need to be subtle. Let's say you want your roommate to do the dishes because it's his or her turn. There's always this approach:
"Hey, would you mind doing the dishes? It's your turn."

But in this example we're assuming your roommate is lazy and the nice approach isn't going to get the job done. So what do you do? Something like this:

"Hey, I've decided I don't want to do the dishes anymore and am just going to start buying disposable stuff. Is that cool with you? If you want to give me some money, I can pick up extras for you, too."

What this does is present the crappy alternative to not doing the dishes without placing any blame. Rather than being preoccupied with an accusation, your roommate is left to only consider the alternative. This is how reverse psychology can be effective, so long as you say it like you mean it.

Never Talk About the Idea -- Talk Around It

Getting someone to want to do something can be tough if you know they're not going to want to do it, so you need to make them believe it was their idea. This is a common instruction, especially for salespeople, but it's much easier said than done. You have to look at planting ideas in the same way you'd look at solving a mystery. Slowly but surely you offer the target a series of clues until the obvious conclusion is the one you want. The key is to be patient, because if you rush through your "clues" it will be obvious. If you take it slow, the idea will form naturally in their mind all by itself.

Let's say you're trying to get your friend to eat healthier food. This is a good aim, but you've got a tough enemy: they're addicted to the Colonel and need a bucket of fried chicken at least once a day. Out of concern you tell them to eat healthier. They either think that's a good idea and then never do anything or just tell you to stop nagging them. For them to realize what they're doing to their body, they need to have an epiphany and you can make that happen by talking around the issue.

To do this you need to be very clever and very subtle, otherwise it will be obvious. You can't just say "oh, I read today that fried chicken is killing 10 million children in Arkansas every year" because that's a load of crap and comes with an incredibly obvious motivation for saying it. If chicken is the target, you need to make chicken seem really unappealing. Next time you sneeze, make a joke about coming down with the avian flu. When you're ordering at a restaurant together, verbally convey your decision to order something other than chicken because you just learned how most chicken is processed by restaurants.

When you've done enough of these things -- and, again, with enough space between them so that it doesn't seem like odd behavior -- you can start being a little more aggressive and stop going with your friend to get fried chicken. You can also take proactive steps to improve your own health and tell your friend 1) what you're doing, and 2) how well it's working for you. After a few weeks, if your friend hasn't decided to reconsider his or her position on frequent fried chicken, you can casually mention it and they should be much more open to having a real discussion.


Underselling is probably one of the easiest and most effective ways to plant an idea in someone's mind. This is another version of reverse psychology but at a less aggressive level. Let's say you're trying to sell someone a hard drive. They could buy a 250GB, 500GB, or 1TB hard drive. You want to sell the largest hard drive possible because those cost more and mean more money for you. Your buyer is coming in with the idea that they want to spend the least money possible. You're not going to get very far by telling them they should spend more money when you know they don't want to. Instead, you need to cater to what they want: the cheap option. Here's a sample dialogue:

Buyer: Can you tell me about this 250GB hard drive? I want to make sure it will work for me.

You: What kind of computer do you have and what do you want to use it for?

Buyer: I have a 2-year old Windows laptop and I need it to store my photos. I have about 30GB of photos.

You: 250GB is definitely more than enough for just storing your photos, so as long as you don't have many more files you might want to put onto the drive it should be just fine for your needs.

This last sentence instills doubt in the buyer. You could even add "you'd only need a larger drive if you wanted to be absolutely sure you'll have enough space in the future" but that might be pushing it a little bit. The point is, if you appear to have their best interests at heart it can be easy to make them think they want to buy more from you.

Again, I'd like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that planting ideas in the minds of others is not necessarily a nice thing to do. Use this information to detect when someone's doing it to you and not necessarily as a guide to do it to somebody else.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Unleash the Super Powers of Your Subconscious Mind

Unleash the Super Powers of Your Subconscious Mind

By Ewen Chia, Creator of Super Mind Powers

The power of a self-fulfilling prophecy is evident every time you think positive about yourself. Your mind is a great factor of your fate in terms of health, stress, and memory.

You may not know this but the power of your subconscious mind is as important as the power of your food nutritional intake. Research proves that people who generally think positive receive better health and longer life.

First of all, your subconscious mind takes hold of your emotions. Positive emotions contribute to better body chemistry. It is likened to a vehicle with clean fuel mechanism.

Negative emotions like hate, anger, and sadness are like fuel impurities that clog the body's chemical mechanism. In turn, it affects the health. Emotions are also capable of inflicting pseudo-illnesses on the body.

Ever heard of the placebo effect? This is one great example of the power of the mind to heal the body. Placebo effect is described as an improved medical condition after a pseudo-treatment is administered to the body where the patient believes he is already healed.

I remember an episode of House MD when the Dr. Gregory House prescribed a vial of tablet candies to a man who has an imaginary headache. The man believed that the candies were medicine and was indeed healed. In reality, the man was just using his mind to cause pseudo illnesses and his subconscious is also responsible for his "recovery".

The power of your subconscious mind is not a thing to be neglected. In pregnancy, for example, wives who were supported by their husbands during delivery generally claim to feel lesser pain than those that have no emotional support with them. This proves that a tiny change in mood affects the body's tolerance of pain.

Your subconscious mind is also the keeper of memories. The subconscious is in charge of the long term memory. It is responsible for your association of meanings on things or connotation. For example, for a basketball player a ball is a source of livelihood. Non sports lover may associate a ball with shame for being one of the persons who don't know how to play the sport.

People who know how to use their subconscious mind are able to create sharper judgment on situations. Scientists explain this as the ability to use full power of the brain. If you use all the parts of the brain (speech, emotion, memory etc...) to arrive at a conclusion, the chances that it will be logical is highly possible.

We now remember Timoun and Pumbaa of the Lion King. These 2 characters are famous for their philosophy "Hakuna Matata" or "No Worries". No matter how dangerous their lives are because of lurking predators and forest hazards, they still maintain a positive outlook in life. They know that there are 2 ways to face problems: dread it or live with it. They choose to live with it because they know that problems are just a part of life and to drown life with these matters is like slowly committing suicide. The power of your subconscious mind can never be neglected and must be used to gain positive effects.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Different Types of Feminine Figures

Different Types of Feminine Figures.

By Lawyer Asad

Feminine figures have always been a matter of great research by people through out the world. The dress makers earn their bread, butter and amenities of life by making dresses to suit different bodies and sizes.

The Lingerie business is encashing on it and making more Victoria's Secrets to popularise.

The Jeans makers are engaging in research on the posterior of female bodies and they've categorized in to two, the apple shaped and the pear shaped buttocks.

Artists, painters, photographers and fashion designers are letting their imagination run wild to make the female forms more appealing.
In sculptor "Venus" still holds the prime place of all female forms.

In every country guys has always nicknamed girls who're now so gifted or endowed with their assets and same goes for the girls who're hugely gifted.

Its a feast for eyes to too girls who're physically attractive. Thats why a full set of pictures of various girls with different shapes and sizes are given here.

Have a great time viewing these beautiful girls.

Six Reasons: Why You Need To Be Touched

Six Reasons: Why You Need To Be Touched

By Lawyer Asad

Do you ever feel like you're living in a bubble, surrounded by people but
never touched?

We live in such a busy, crowded world, yet it's so easy for many of us to go days, even weeks or months without touching or being touched by others.

While you might not notice the effects of not being touched right away, it can negatively affect your mood, your confidence and your health. We are only beginning to understand the holistic way our bodies work and the relationship between our emotional well being and our physical health.

*Here are 6 reasons why you need to be touched on a regular basis.*

*1. Feel connected to others.* We are social beings, and although we all
fall in different places on the introversion – extroversion scale, we all need to have that sense of connection to other members of our tribe. While some of that connection can come from having conversations with others, touch also plays an important role in human

*2. Reduce anxiety.* Simply touching another person can make us feel more secure and less anxious. It can make us feel grounded and safe and not so all alone. It's not just children who could use a warm, reassuring hug to make things a little better, so if you're feeling like a bundle of nerves, go ahead and ask for a

*3. Bonding.* Touch is one of the ways romantic partners bond with each other and parents bond with their children. When partners and families get busy and let touch go out the window, they'll often find that they don't feel as close and relationships suffer. Regular touch is one of the ways that we continually renew our bonds with those we

*4. Lowers your blood pressure.* Studies have shown that those that get regular touch often have lower blood pressure than those that don't. Even having a pet can have beneficial effects! Touch can also slow the heart rate and help speed recovery times from illness and

*5. Improve your outlook.* It's harder to get into a pessimistic funk when you feel the confidence of being connected to others. Touch can make people feel more optimistic and positive and less cynical and suspicious. A positive, trusting attitude towards others can reduce tension in our daily lives and improve our relationships.

*6. Give us the sensory input that we crave.* Scientists are just discovering how truly important it is to exercise all our physical senses
for proper brain and emotional development. All the various kinds of touch from butterfly kisses to deep tissue massage send our brains the physical inputs it needs to make sense of the world. So, along with touching other people and pets, make time to explore different textures and touch sensations such as letting cool sand run through your fingers or taking a warm relaxing bath.

Don't let yourself get too busy that you starve yourself of touch. It's
important for your physical, mental and emotional well being to touch others and let others touch

Saturday, January 29, 2011

5 Super Powers You Can Have Today

5 Super Powers You Can Have Today

Source: Weird News

Everybody wants superpowers, from the simple innocence of a child yearning for flight to the sad perversion of the Amish man praying for x-ray vision powerful enough to peep a lady's calves. We all want to be superhuman, and you can start right now! This is but a sample of some of the currently existing (or soon to be developed) devices that can lend the average person abilities previously relegated to world of comic books.

Super Speed

Leg amputees, if not wheelchair-bound, are often left struggling with awkward prosthetics, canes, and crutches. But now, with the aid of newly developed super-legs, even double amputees can run every bit as well as some of the world's fastest sprinters.

This all began in the 2000 paralympics with a South African man named Oscar Pistorius who became the first amputee to complete the 200-meter dash in under 22 seconds, beating the previous world record, held by one Brian Frasure.

But there is some controversy over the legs' use. While they only put out a 95% return of force as compared to the normal human legs' 200% return, the running prosthetics also give the user a springing gait and increased stride distance, which could lend them an unfair advantage as well as a jaunty disposition.

Considering that this story took place in the ancient days of the year of our lord, 2000, and the fact that the legs have since gone through countless permutations by a myriad of companies, many designs endow abilities well beyond typical human capacity.

But there is a great tragedy being overlooked in this story: Brian Frasure, the previous world record holder, actually helped design these prosthetic carbon-fiber feet, and he was the one who gave them to Pistorius… who promptly proceeded to wipe Frasure from the record books with them.

The poor bastard. He's probably working on a time machine right now, to prevent himself from ever building these legs. If so, knowing his track record, he will most likely be thwarted when somebody inevitably uses that time machine to steal his plans and then invent it before him. He will die as he lived, crippled (by irony.)

Bullet Proof

D3O (d-3-o) is an exciting new development in bulletproofing material and not, as it sounds, a generic brand version of a Star Wars robot. Or rather, it's an impact proof material which, in conjunction with already existing bulletproof materials, could provide true invulnerability to most gunshot wounds. As it stands now, you can survive many gunshot wounds with traditional Kevlar, but are likely to feel pretty poor afterwords, as the distributed force causes fleshwounds, broken bones and large concentric bruises – like getting your ass beat by the atmosphere.

Oftentimes the impact from surviving a gunshot will temporarily knock the victim unconscious as well, leaving them vulnerable with a guy that has already made his feelings clear through the administration of bullets.

But D3O is set to stop that: It works kind of like cornstarch -- It starts off as gel, but gets proportionally harder when more force is exerted on it. When soft, the substance allows for greater flexure, but when rigid can reduce the strength of a bullet impact by more than half.

The UK Ministry of Defense has already commissioned body and head armor using the new substance, obviously seeing the potential for better protection… or just because it looks really, really fun to grab. We're talking bubble-wrap levels of tactile stimulation here, people.


Scientists are getting damn close to inventing a true invisibility cloak. Previous efforts -- while still scarily advanced -- are nonetheless always slightly inaccurate, because they rely on a camera/projector technique. Recently, a paper published in the March 2009 issue of SIAM Review collected all that we currently know about the method of invisibility, and it turns out it's a lot.

We can not only render things invisible in theory by bending light waves around an object, but have even progressed so far as to be developing the metamaterials needed to bring the theory to life.

So, while it's incredibly close but currently theoretical in the private sector, who's to say that better-funded government scientists don't already have a secret working prototype? How would you know, after all? They could be there right now…they could be….right…BEHIND YOU! Nah, I'm just kidding. Why would they be behind you? They're invisible, after all. They're probably right in front of you. Or in your bathroom, depending on their inherent creepiness and the severity of their pervert-mustache.

Spiderman Webs

Some of us, as children, saw Spider-man's amazing agility and web-swinging prowess and were immediately struck with jealous awe. The desperation even had some of us – who shall remain unnamed and are in no way me – microwaving spiders in an attempt to harness their radioactive bite. Not like Liming Dai, and Zhong Lin Wing, two professors at the universities of Dayton and Georgia Tech, respectively, who invented a material with ten times better proportional sticktion (I swear to god that's a word) than a Gecko's foot.

The true awesomeness of the material, however, is that the nanotube spatulae (basically microscopic hairs) design also allows the material to pull free with a well-placed tug, letting you adhere to virtually any surface as well as quickly remove from that surface for redeployment. Or, as your childhood selves would understand it: Holy Shit! We get to swing on webs now!

So on the upside: Childhood dreams realized! Let's get to work on making Transformer Best Friends a reality and we're all set. On the downside? Prepare for a massive Darwinian strike aimed solely at the ADD infested nerd-children of America. Their awkward, flailing flips and mid-air somersaults shall bring a reaping as terrible to endure as it is hilarious to see.

Super Sight

Rob Spence, a filmmaker from Canada, had his eye wounded in a shooting accident as a child. Presumably furious at its weak character and lazy work ethic, Spence asked doctors to just completely remove it a few years ago, and now he's getting it replaced with a small camera (of the type normally used for colonoscopies,) a battery, and a wireless transmitter – effectively turning him into a human documentarian capable of recording, broadcasting, and relaying literally everything he sees, as he sees it.

Clearly this is an advantage over other, larger, more expensive filmmaking crews, as it not only gives Scott a completely secret way to record, but makes him basically the world's smallest, cheapest studio. But god, consider what he's sacrificed to get here! Not only has he been shot in the eye, but he's demanded that said eye be removed, years later, and then replaced with something that normally goes up your butt. The man's got a butt-eye for christ's sake! Van Gogh may have cut off his ear, but until he replaces it with a dick, Rob Spence wins for craziest gesture in the name of art, hands down.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

The Carpenter's House

The Carpenter's House

Collected by: Lawyer Asad

An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his contractor of his
plans to leave the house building business and live a more leisurely life with his wife enjoying his extended family. He would miss the paycheck, but he needed to retire. They could get by.

The contractor was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favor. The carpenter said yes, but in time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior materials. It was an unfortunate way to end his career.

When the carpenter finished his work and the builder came to inspect the house, the contractor handed the front-door key to the carpenter. "This is your house," he said, "my gift to you."

What a shock! What a shame! If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all so differently. Now he had to live in the home he had built none too well. So it is with us. We build our lives in a distracted way, reacting rather than acting, willing to put up less than the best.

At important points we do not give the job our best effort. Then with a
shock we look at the situation we have created and find that we are now living in the house we have built. If we had realized that, we would have done it differently.

Think of yourself as the carpenter. Think about your house. Each day you hammer a nail, place a board, or erect a wall. Build wisely. It is the only life you will ever build. Even if you live it for only one day more, that day deserves to be lived graciously and with dignity. The plaque on the wall says, "Life is a do-it-yourself project." Your life tomorrow will be the result of your attitudes and the choices you make today.

Try This Meditation

Micaela thought that you would be interested in checking out this
free meditation audio.

It's called the Daisy Pond.

It's by an 83 year old sage named Burt Goldman, also known as The American Monk. Burt is on a mission to raise the consciousness of 1 million people around the globe.

Give this meditation a try and make sure to let micaela know what
you think!


John Lake
Prolific Blogger, Artist & Meditation Junkie

Brought to you by: Lawyer Asad

Friday, January 28, 2011

Why Is This Person in My Life?

Why Is This Person in My Life?

Many people believe that the Law of Attraction says that if someone
shows up in their lives, it's because they attracted that person. I know
that when I'm in a lousy mood and I get into my car, it sure seems that
every bad driver and tailgater in the vicinity is in my lane. I'm irritated, they're aggressive, and we are all resonating together. If you could "hear" our vibration, it would sound like a head-banging,
heavy-metal rock song called "Get Out of My Way!"

But on that same road there are drivers who are tuned in to a different frequency. They've got "Take It Easy" playing on the car stereo. They're smiling as all the angry drivers zip through the lanes and wear out their accelerators. These travelers let the others pass and give them no energy or attention.

The Law of Attraction has been misinterpreted by some to mean that we are actually acting as magnets, drawing in and repelling people and situations that perfectly match up with our vibration. This is a
mechanistic view of how attraction and resonance works.

Like attracts like, so you will notice, approach, and interact with those you feel a connection to. However, you're not personally responsible for everyone who is on the freeway today just because you chose to go for a drive. You, like everyone else, will always be surrounded by people who are angry and intense, and others who are calmly enjoying the ride. The Law of Attraction simply ensures that you'll notice those vibrating at your level and overlook everyone else.
So which song are you going to tune in to?

Colette Baron-Reid
Author of The MAP: Finding The Magic and Meaning in the Story of Your Life 1401912443

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Thursday, January 27, 2011

5 Free (Astral Projection) Videos

Just a quick email today - I have discovered something of real value (and what better value is there than FREE?)

If you have ever heard of Astral Projection (sometimes referred to simply as Out of Body Experiences) then you need to take a look at this website I stumbled upon by Abhi Agarwal:

He gives away 5 FREE Astral Projection videos which will give you a real glimpse of Astral Projection,
explain what is possible and what isn't.

Whether you are brand new to Astral Projection, if you have heard of it and would like to try it for yourself, or if you are really interested and want a step by step
guide (without hype, confusion, or complicated instructions), then you have to take a look at these 5 FREE videos:

You will get answers to the following:

* What Is Astral Projection?
* What are the best techniques of Astral Projection?
* What is the best time to practice Astral Projection?
* Is Astral Projection really safe?
* How long does it take to succeed at Astral traveling?
* What is the Silver Cord?
* How to conquer your Astral Projection fears?
* How to stay out of the body for longer periods of time?
* And much, much more..

I don't want to write much more here as Astral Projection is a massive area, with almost limitless possibilities for personal and spiritual development, not to mention some simply amazing experiences. Here is just a glimpse of what is possible:

1. Heal yourself
2. Grow spiritually
3. View the Akashic Records
4. See the past and probable future
5. Become better at anything you do
6. Have amazing adventures across the astral planes, and much much more

To find out more get these 5 simple videos here and start your Astral Projection journey today:

To your development,

Marvin King -

Brought to you by: Lawyer Asad

3-question "Money Quiz" - Test yourself

If you haven't watched Eben's new video - where he asks the 3-question "Money Quiz" then you need to do it now.

You can watch it here (see if you get it right):

What's really interesting is that we all face small decisions every
day that affect the long-term success (or failure) of our financial
lives - but we don't realize it.

And in this video, you'll see exactly why it's so important to learn this stuff, and take control of this area of your own life.

You'll learn:
-The psychology of why we make money and debt mistakes in our lives
- and what to do instead

-The type of education that triples your income - that you have
probably never even HEARD of

-What to do if it's time to get this part of your life "handled"- and how to get started right now on the road to success

So go watch this new video now (it's only going to be up for a few days) - take the test and see how you do - and start getting the education you need to succeed with this critical part of your life:

Watch it now, and I'll talk to you soon...

To Your Success In 2011,
Yee Shun-Jian
Personal Development for the Book Smart

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Free Book Shows You How to Live a Truly Satisfying Life!

I'd like to give you a free book that shows you how to expand your daily life and live with purpose.

It's called "How To Live An Optimal Life," and you can download it here:

Inside, you will discover:

- How to strike the balance between health and wealth.

- 3 essential aspects of optimal living.

- The biggest indicator of how optimal your life is.

- A very lethal mistake we're making in our pursuit of happiness.

- How to automatically gain more meaning in life.

- And more!

Go to:

Hope you benefit from this e-Book and please let me know if there's anything I can do for you.

Kindest Regards,
Michael Lee

P.S. I'd also like to invite you to see this free video that reveals a lot more powerful information
on fat loss and fitness than many paid products:

Brought to you by: Lawyer Asad

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Why we wind up chasing money our entire lives

Here's a new video that reveals why most people wind up chasing
money their ENTIRE LIVES (and never catch it):

Inside, you'll learn secrets about the "financial education" system
that will surprise you, along with tips and key strategies to use
to get the part of your life called "money and wealth" HANDLED.

Watch it now, and learn how to take control of your own financial

To Your Success In 2011,
Yee Shun-Jian
Personal Development for the Book Smart

Brought to you by: Lawyer Asad

Monday, January 24, 2011

Rolling the Dice

Rolling the Dice
By Brian Tracy

Gambling is perhaps the most perfect example of the desire to get
something for nothing. The whole idea behind gambling is there is some fast, easy way to get money that you have not earned. Proponents of legalized gambling declare that it is an innocent form of entertainment.
But gamblers always lose eventually. It is only a matter of time. The
billion-dollar casinos and gambling resorts have not been built with

Indian Casinos
According to economist Alan Meister in his new "Indian Gaming Industry
Report," the nation's 405 Indian casinos generated about nineteen
billion dollars in revenues last year, up from zero a few years ago. In
other estimates, these tribes and casinos contributed more than $800
million in 2004 to various politicians, making them the biggest and most
powerful political lobbying group in the world.

Gambling Destroys the Gambler
The main objective to gambling is not that most people are losing money that could be better spent on their families. The worst aspect of the "gambling bug" is it destroys the gambler's capacity to deal with
reality. According to psychologists, when gamblers win, they consider it
to be a matter of personal skill. When they lose, however, they define the situation not as "losing" but "almost winning." They create a
fantasy world around gambling and attempt to live in it.

Gambling with Corruption
Gambling corrupts the soul and makes the gambler negative, distrustful, and angry. Continued losing undermines his self-esteem and destroys his self-respect. For every gambling loss, there is an opponent, as in poker, or a dealer/croupier, as in black jack or roulette, who wins. The loser is always being defeated by someone visible and real. As a result, he ends up feeling frustrated and bitter. He feels like a loser.

Gambling Corrupts
The act of gambling opens up the mind to every other possibility of
getting something for nothing, and like a syphilis spirochete, the
gambling idea soon lodges in the brain, causing a form of insanity,
destroying both the person and his or her family.

To Hell and Back
A reporter for National Review wrote recently, "I have been to hell and returned. It is a place called Las Vegas in the Nevada desert." He went on to write about the casinos filled with working men and women,
grim-faced, betting and losing their rent money, money that could be
better spent on their children. Anyone who has walked through a casino has noticed the strained faces and lack of joy among the people for whom the loss of their hard-earned money is only a matter of time.

Action Exercise
It is not possible to outlaw gambling. But like an addictive narcotic,
the only way you can avoid its destructive effects is to avoid it
altogether. You can recognize that it is an attempt to get something for
nothing, which is inherently wrong. Worse, it weakens your moral immune system and makes you susceptible to other temptations to get something for nothing.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Money GAP? And How to Close YOURS

Interested to know about a company that paid its employees $622,000 a year EACH, on average?

Do you know how your early influences and "programming" are
affecting your results with money RIGHT NOW?

If you're interested in getting the details, plus learning more of
Money's Dirty Secrets, then go download this PDF Report now and
read it:

Inside, you'll learn about how we got our early ideas and programming about money - and how these influences are determining
our success level with money.

You'll also learn "Dirty Secrets" about money, that no one is
talking about - including a secret about millionaires that will
REALLY open your eyes.

Finally, you'll learn about a company that paid $622,000 per year - on average - to all of its employees (and it's a BIG company, too).

If you're interested in taking control of money in your life, then go to this page right now, opt-in with your email address, and get the free report and video that goes along with it (and do the exercise that's on the page as well):

It's all free, but you must go download it now - before it's gone
for good...

Here's the link again, READ THIS REPORT now:

I really think it will help you understand money better

To Your Success In 2011,
Yee Shun-Jian
Personal Development for the Book Smart

Brought to you by: Lawyer Asad

The ultimate secret behind miracles

Have you read about the incredible true story of an investigative journalist named Claude Bristol... and how he stumbled upon miracles?

I think you'll be amazed by his unique research and investigations into the "miraculous."

Read about it here:

Claude actually saw with his own eyes...

- Sick men heal in holy waters.

- Businessmen make stacks of cash, when all the odds were stacked against them, all with total ease.

- Politicians "mind-controlling" others in the room.

- Roulette gamblers consistently winning fortunes by rubbing a lucky charm.

Today, we might say these people were manifesting their reality. They kept a goal in mind and achieved it.

But did these things happen because "thoughts are things"? Were they really tapping into
the power of the universe?

Or was something else really going on? Perhaps something more scientific?

It was these thoughts which sparked Bristol's life-long research into everything miraculous -
massive wealth, incredible health cures, secrets of celebrity and fame.

He spent years investigating manifestation, prayer, lucky charms, "thoughts are things"
and others... while relying on scientific principles to support his discoveries.

And he uncovered something amazing - the "Ultimate Secret" behind everything else, which he reveals in his book at:

You'll be astounded by what you'll see. But here's the most important part...

If you grab Claude Bristol's book using the link above, I'll give you a free copy of these 2 powerful Audio and e-Book programs:

Program # 1: Creative Visualization

Creative visualization is a powerful way of thinking that allows your thoughts to manifest into their physical reality.

Every time you think, your mind emits energy.
That energy, in turn, can be transformed into something physical - something real.

This program will show you the exact steps to unleash that awesome power.

Program # 2: The 18 Rules of Happiness

Attaining happiness is the single most important motive behind EVERY action we take.

This 118-page book (with audio) uncovers 18 simple rules to enjoy mega-happiness in your life.

From simple shifts in attitude to powerful mind-body "hacks," this guide will show you how to easily tap into the sunshine that already exists within you - and become the
happiest person you know.

I know "Creative Visualization" and "18 Rules of Happiness" will change your life......And you don't have to buy any of them because I'm giving them to you for free, but
only if you follow these 3 simple steps:

1) Order Claude Bristol's book at:

2) Email me your Receipt Number with the subject line "Visual 18 Rules" at or

3) Wait for my reply with the Download Link to "Creative Visualization" and "18 Rules of

If you have any questions or comments, please let me know. I'm always here to personally help

Thanks and Best Regards,
Michael Lee

Circulated by: Lawyer Asad

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Daring to Take Risks

Daring to Take Risks

The first time anything new and creative is proposed, it gets labeled.
And the label put on these novel things is likely to be "risky." Can't
you just hear it?

"Let me get this straight, Orville. You and Wilbur are building a machine that will do what? Heavier-than-air flying machines are the riskiest hoax anybody ever palmed off on two gullible boys like you Wrights. Get a real job!"

Or maybe it was somebody's harebrained idea of talking pictures, black and white children attending the same school, or people walking on the moon. More than one person was berated simply for giving voice to such "silly" ideas.

It turns out that some of the people who dared to propose such
outlandish possibilities are now regarded as geniuses - revolutionaries - heroes. And it was only because they dared to question others and to question themselves. They challenged the limitations others were willing to take for granted.

There is something in your profession or business, your family or church that could be done better. A situation could be more productive. A relationship could be healthier. An objective could be clarified. Some lofty ideal to which all in the group give lip service could actually be implemented. But I warn you up front: Like restoring a car or house, it will take twice as long as you thought, cost far more than you
anticipated, and strain every important relationship in your life!

Only you can decide if it will be worth it to undertake something so
ambitious and costly. There will be false starts. There will be
embarrassing mistakes along the way. But the potential outcome could be as important to your personal situation as the achievements of the Wright brothers, Rosa Parks, and Neil Armstrong were to their time and

The problem with our world is not that there are no more frontiers to
challenge and conquer. It's that there are too few explorers. There are too few people willing to ask the obvious questions and challenge the
traditional wisdom. In a word, too few of us want to take the risks that
could make us look stupid.

If you are fortunate enough to have a dream in your heart, be willing to
make mistakes in pursuit of it. Be a risk-taker. You just might change
the world.

Rubel Shelly

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Friday, January 21, 2011

Placebo Effect !

Placebo Effect

By Lawyer Asad

Human mind is divided into an uneven portion. The conscious mind is consisting of the 15% of our mind and the subconscious mind is whooping 85% of our mind.
Conscious mind controls our motor fuctions and has a very short memory. Its rational and analyse matters before accepting those. On the other hand the subconscious mind is like a Super Computer. Storing data from even our pre-natal period. It can even record matters about which we are not conscious.
Under a hypnotic condition the subconscious mind can recall every memory registered on it. The unique phenomenon of the subconscious mind is that it can't logic or argue. It just carries out the programme which is fed into it.
The most important factor of the subconscious is that it can be re-programmed. A negative programming can be re-programmed to be a positive one.
Persons who're dealing with human mind know it.
William James, the father of American psychologist has rightfully declared that the best discovery of the 20th Century is that we can change our circumstances by the power of our mind.
Now back to the programming of the mind.
Subconscious mind is receptive of suggestions, good, bad, indifferent, every kind. When it receives a suggestion, it just carries it out without any reasoning, logic, analysis or judgment.
From our childhood we're programmed by our parents, neighbours, teachers, classmates, peers, colleagues and many other persons. Those programmings come to us in the form of criticisms, appraisals, a pat on the back. In gross those are either negative or positive. These are called suggestions. Our life is moulded by these suggestions.
A mother, disgusted by the conduct of her husband, may often remark to her son that he'd end up in the shoes of his father. The tender mind of the son receives these suggestions and mould his life accordingly.
But it is very hopeful that we can reprogramme our mind by feeding it with positive and constructive suggestions only in three weeks.
The suggestions we give to ourselves are called as auto-suggestions.
As our conscious mind is rational and originating from the left hemisphere of our brain it restricts the entry of suggestions which are seemingly irrational to it.
For example, if a person in a wretched financial conditions try to feed his mind with the thoughts of rich, abundance and wealth then his conscious mind would simply reject it as an irrational thought or lie.
Thats why we need to put ourselves in a trance where the subconscious mind becomes dormant to feed the subconscious mind. The best period for practising auto-suggestion is just before sleeping and after waking up from sleep but not leaving the bed.

Placebo effect:

Emil Coue, a French Chemist, had discovered this unique phenomenon accidentally. Once while he was in his store then one of his friends approached and asked for a drug which required prescription. But he had none. Naturally Emil Coue refused to serve him the medicine. But his friend was very perisistent and nagged for giving him the medicine as he was suffering from excruciating pain. Emil Coue had an idea. He told his friend that there's a new medicine which is as effective as the prescription drug but it doesn't require any prescription. His friend agreed to try it.
Emil Coue went inside the store packed some sugar pills and gave it to him. His friend returned after few days to report that the "new drug" acted like a magic and all his ailments are cured.
Emil Coue was stunned. Placebo was born.
He was invited by people to demonstrate the power of placebo. As the popularity started growing so it was not possible for him to appear personally to all his patients. So he invented a novel method by which any one became capable of giving him/her auto-suggestion.

"Every day and in every way things are getting better and better and I am prospering in all areas of my life."

It was the sentence which was to be recited to oneself as much time as possible. The interesting thing about this auto-suggestion is that one doesn't have to be believe in it or concentrate on it all the time while reciting. A mere mechanical recital would do the effect. And the change in circumstances would be noticable in a week or so.

Now doctors all around the world are using the placebo to cure people from ailments.
Here comes the functionality of our subconscious mind. Our mind receives the suggestions and act upon it. Even mock surgeries are being performed on patients to lead them believe that their ailments are cured by the surgery. Patients are getting cured.
Here is in a link supplied by Laura Silva, daughter of Jose Silva. In this PDF file there're testimonials of people who has been cured by the placebo.
Download it and you'll know the functionality of the placebo effect more better.

To your perpetual health and success.

Lawyer Asad

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Why Never To Take Your Health For Granted (Latest Research)

There is one single aspect of your body that is completely crucial
to your health (fact is, 60% of your entire immune system's
functioning depends on this one thing).

In fact, it's so serious, that it's probably...

One Of The Most important Lessons About Your Health You Will Ever

Dr. Mark Stengler just released a new video with the latest cutting
edge treatments on a topic that conventional medicine tragically
ignores -- even though it's known to be the root cause for so many
serious conditions!

Hair loss or thinning, skin problems (age spots and eczema), joint
problems (soreness and pain), bone problems... are just a few of
the symptoms that can likely be improved if this critical area is
properly addressed.

This Root Cause Is Totally Unexpected!

Dr. Mark has nearly 20 years of practicing experience, and with an
unparalleled understanding of Western and alternative medicine, his breakthrough discoveries have been featured on Fox News, CBS and
many others...

You'll Be Shocked By What You Learn On This Video:

In today's private video, Dr. Mark reveals:

- What your town doesn't want you to know about your tapwater (that
your liver and other organs will surely notice).

- What rarely (if ever) to buy in a supermarket.

- Why most conventional doctors insist on prescribing drugs for
this despite their predictably harsh side effects.

This Brand New Video Is Full Of Privileged Insider Information You
Need To Know:

**Important Note: At the end of this video, Dr. Mark has a really
nice surprise and special bonus for you. I won't spoil it...but I think you'll like what you'll hear, so make sure you watch until the end**

This information provides easy practical solutions to protect your
health, and is so important that I am sharing this with everyone I know.

To Your Health and Success In 2011.
Yee Shun-Jian

Scientists Find Evidence of Mental Time Travel

Scientists Find Evidence of Mental Time Travel

Researchers have found evidence for "chronesthesia," which is the brain's ability to be aware of the past and future, and to mentally travel in subjective time.


The ability to remember the past and imagine the future can significantly affect a person's decisions in life. Scientists refer to the brain's ability to think about the past, present, and future as "chronesthesia," or mental time travel, although little is known about which parts of the brain are responsible for these conscious experiences.

In a new study, researchers have used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate the neural correlates of mental time travel and better understand the nature of the mental time in which the metaphorical "travel" occurs.

The researchers, Lars Nyberg from Umea University in Umea, Sweden; Reza Habib from Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, Illinois; and Alice S. N. Kim, Brian Levine, and Endel Tulving from the University of Toronto in Toronto, Ontario, have published their results in a recent issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

"Mental time travel consists of two independent sets of processes: (1) those that determine the contents of any act of such 'travel': what happens, who are the 'actors,' where does the action occur; it is similar to the contents of watching a movie – everything that you see on the screen; and (2) those that determine the subjective moment of time in which the action takes place – past, present, or future," Tulving told

"In cognitive neuroscience, we know quite a bit (relatively speaking) about perceived, remembered, known, and imagined space," he said. "We know essentially nothing about perceived, remembered, known, and imagined time. When you remember something that you did last night, you are consciously aware not only that the event happened and that you were 'there,' as an observer or participant ('episodic memory'), but also that it happened yesterday, that is, at a time that is no more. The question we are asking is, how do you know that it happened at a time other than 'now'?"

In their study, the researchers asked several well-trained subjects to repeatedly think about taking a short walk in a familiar environment in either the imagined past, the real past, the present, or the imagined future. By keeping the content the same and changing only the mental time in which it occurs, the researchers could identify which areas of the brain are correlated with thinking about the same event at different times.

The results showed that certain regions in the left lateral parietal cortex, left frontal cortex, and cerebellum, as well as the thalamus, were activated differently when the subjects thought about the past and future compared with the present.

Notably, brain activity was very similar for thinking about all of the non-present times (the imagined past, real past, and imagined future).

Because mental time is a product of the human brain and differs from the external time that is measured by clocks and calendars, scientists also call this time "subjective time." Chronesthesia, by definition, is a form of consciousness that allows people to think about this subjective time and to mentally travel in it.

Some previous research has questioned whether the concept of subjective time is actually necessary for understanding similarities in brain activity during past and future thinking compared with thinking about the present. A few past studies have suggested that the brain's ability for scene construction, and not subjective time, can account for the ability to think about past and future events. However, since scene construction was held constant in this study, the new results suggest that the brain's ability to conceive of a subjective time is in fact necessary to explain how we think about the past and future.

"Until now, the processes that determine contents and the processes that determine time have not been separated in functional neuroimaging studies of chronesthesia; especially, there have been no studies in which brain regions involved in time alone, rather than time together with action, have been identified," Tulving said. "The concept of 'chronesthesia' is essentially brand new.

Therefore, I would say, the most important result of our study is the novel finding that there seem to exist brain regions that are more active in the (imagined) past and the (imagined) future than they are in the (imagined) present. That is, we found some evidence for chronesthesia. Before we undertook this study it was entirely possible to imagine that we find nothing!"

He added that, at this stage of the game, it is too early to talk about potential implications or applications of understanding how the brain thinks about the past, present, and future.

"Our study, we hope, is the first swallow of the spring, and others will follow," he said. "Our findings, as I alluded to above, are promising, but they have to be replicated, checked for validity and reliability, and, above all, extended to other conditions and situations, before we can start thinking about their implications and applications (of which it is easy to think of many)."

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Medications Doctors Prescribe But You Don't Need (Free Video)

Doctors are writing tons of prescriptions for medications for
Anxiety, Depression and more -- yet for many, the drugs are a waste
of money that puts users at needless risk.


Because the problem is unrelated to the symptoms.

But sadly even their caring and thoughtful doctors don't give the
right test to check for it. So, instead, medications are given, yet
people don't feel better.

What's really going on...Hormone Imbalances or "runaway hormones"
in BOTH Women AND Men.

You can learn more about how "runaway hormones" are frequently the undetected cause of depression, mood swings, lost sexual
motivation, weight gain, sagging energy and much more by watching
the video below. It's free and there are totally no strings attached.

Click Here To Get The Latest Research You And Your Family Need To Know. It's 100% Free:

This new video, from your 4-part high energy series, comes from Dr.
Mark Stengler, one of the leading natural doctors in the world, and
the only doctor whose own natural healing newsletter we've chosen
to publish here at Bottom Line/Health.

Dr. Stengler reveals what MOST women and nearly ALL men don't know about their hormone health, and what YOU NEED TO KNOW to ensure that your own hormones are working for you and not against you.

As a respected expert in both Eastern and Western treatments, Dr.
Stengler's video (you'll be watching within a few moments) presents
his patient-proven successes -- and just why this topic is so critical to your everyday life, and what you can easily be doing to make sure your hormones stay under control.

Click Here For Information That Is Critical For Every Adult To Know:

Here is just some of what you'll hear...

-How weight gain, fatigue, dry skin and a host of other problems can be caused by hormones that you can control with the right information.

-Why depression and anxiety can often be treated quickly and easily.

-You'll also hear how the "stress hormones" prevent you from
getting a good night's sleep (if you ever have problems sleeping,
this information is priceless).

-How these easily found natural products can be used to stimulate
energy in virtually every cell of your body.

-How to control "runaway hormones" to increase your vitality and energy.

The solutions Dr. Stengler discloses in this video are all based on
rigorous testing, scientific research and hard evidence... helping you conquer weight and sexual problems, mood swings, low energy,
and stress levels.

This information is vital for you to hear, so click on the link below and gain immediate access... you can leave comments under the video which Dr. Stengler will read and closely consider.

Click Here For This Life Changing Information:

To Your Health & Success,
Yee Shun-Jian

The 4 Levels of Your Mind (video)

One key element of mind body healing that everybody needs to understand is the 4 different brain frequencies that your mind operates on.

To complete your journey to natural healing, it's important that you understand the mind and 4 different frequencies.

Check out the video because it's going to give you an understanding on how you move between these 4 frequencies multiple times a day, everyday.

It'll also tell you what frequencies are best for healing.

May The Rest Of Your Life Be The Best Of Your Life,


The 10-Day Secret to Diet and Detox

The 10-Day Secret to Diet and Detox

By Raylen Sterling / Source: Master Cleanse Secrets

For almost 60 years there's been a kind of weird system for transforming the way you look and feel in just 10 days.

I say it's "weird" because the results people get when they do this for just 10 days are astounding, but the whole process is really simple to do. And everything you need can be picked up at the grocery store for a couple dollars.

Normally I would say the whole thing sounds too good to be true, but this system has been around for close to 60 years, and today it's more popular then ever!

It's even being used by Hollywood stars who have to look good all the time because the cameras always on them. The last thing they want is an unflattering photo of them looking sickly and out of shape on the front page of the tabloids.

Using this 10 day system keeps them looking great, and it can do the same for you.

If you're even a little bit curious about this 10 day system you should go to Master Cleanse Secrets. That website will tell you all about the 10 day system.

How Beyonce Lost 20 Pounds

It seems like this Master Cleanse thing is everywhere. I know friends that have done it and rave about how great they feel, co-workers who used to indulge in greasy vending machine food are now happily sipping away at their lemonade at lunch break.

Even celebrities are doing the Master Cleanse!

Beyonce dropped 20 pounds with the Master Cleanse which is amazing until you learn how Robin Quivers from the Howard Stern show practically turned her life around with the help of the Master Cleanse. Not only did she lose a ton of weight (70 pounds), but Robin went through a total health transformation.

It's really amazing to see what the Master Cleanse can do for a determined person with a strong desire to make a change in their life.

The best part about the Master Cleanse is it only takes 10 days. That means in less then a week and a half you could be slimmer, healthier, and enjoy more energy all by following this simple Master Cleanse Secrets.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Science of Luck

The Science of Luck

By Drawk Kwast, Creator of The Alpha Male Lifestyle

The biggest reason you don't have the life you want is because you are focused on what you aren't getting. You see only your lack of luck.

Successful people live life as they desire because they focus on what they are getting. These people see all their options, and when they receive the benefits from wisely acting on the options, everyone else calls them lucky.

It was Machiavelli who told us that success is 50% luck, and the rest is how we respond to that luck through cunning and bravura.

Personally I believe that life is only 10% what happens to me and 90% how I respond to it, but this goes way beyond seeing the glass half empty or half full. This is the difference between seeing the glass or dying of thirst.

Most people hold the belief that some are just born lucky and others are not. They believe somehow that "fate" decides the lucky.

The most interesting thing to me about the concept of luck is that the world's biggest experts on the subject seem to be the ones who do not have it. The day I came to this realization was the day I realized the concept of luck was flawed.

Think of it like this. What if the biggest experts on financial investing were all bankrupt and the people with the most money had no idea how they did it? It would tell you that something else is going on that no one is seeing. This is how it is with luck.

Ask a lucky person why they are so lucky and the most popular answers will be either that they don't know or that it's because they expect good things to happen to them. The flaw in the logic of the second statement is simple. If you had been unusually lucky your entire life, would you not also start to expect it?

Ask a person who considers themselves unlucky about luck and expect everything from an emotional rant to a lengthy pseudo-scientific explanation based on something completely irrelevant like the day they were born on.

They will include that the "fact" (as they see it) that because their luck has been so bad for so long, it means that their luck has to be about to change for the better. Ask them about a person who is lucky and they will tell you that because they have been so lucky for so long, they should be careful because their luck is about to run out. None of this is necessarily true. I have known people who spend their entire lives falling on their face and I have known people who always land on their feet, no matter what happens. The key to what I am about to show you is in the last part of that sentence, " matter what happens." This has nothing to do with luck. It's pure science.

There was a very interesting study done on luck by Richard Wiseman, a psychologist at the University of Hertfordshire. He gave a newspaper to both a group of "lucky" and a group of "unlucky" people. Both groups were asked to look through the newspaper and tell him how many photographs it contained. On average, the unlucky people took about two minutes to count the photographs, whereas the lucky people took just seconds.

Why? Because the second page of the newspaper contained the message: "Stop counting. There are 43 photographs in this newspaper." This message took up half of the page and was written in type that was more than 2 inches high. It was staring everyone straight in the face, but the unlucky people tended to miss it and the lucky people tended to spot it followed by adjusting their actions based on what they found.

It's not about luck. It's about keeping your eyes open.

I am the type of person who is considered lucky. I learned how to be lucky. I interact with as many people as possible to create as many opportunities as I can for myself. I separate from the negative and pursue the positive in very creative ways. I know when to hold on to value that others don't see and when to let go for something better that I usually find hiding right in front of my face. It's not that I have better luck than other people; it's that I can see things that others can't.

Drawk Kwast is a life coach. His methods are unconventional, and he makes no apologies as he tells you how to dominate the competition at work and ultimately achieve a fulfilling life.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Free book for attracting health and wealth.

Today, I'd like to give you a free e-Book entitled "Health and Wealth Magnetism."

It shows you how to use the law of attraction to attract excellent health and massive wealth.

Download it at:

Inside, you will discover:

- The 5 vital steps you need to take to manifest wealth.

- Why some people have ill health, and how to apply the law of attraction to heal yourself.

- How to create the right thought process to maximize the law of attraction.

- How to balance your inner self and outer self.

- And more!

Go to:

Hope you benefit from this e-Book and may you attract all the good things in life.

Kindest Regards,
Michael Lee

P.S. Please share this eBook with anyone who you think would benefit from it. Thanks, Asad.

Good Bye Viagra !

Science Develops a Sex Chip for your Brain

Source: The Times Online

Forget Viagra: scientists are working on an electronic "sex chip" that will be able to stimulate pleasure centres in the brain.

The prospect of the chip, which could be a decade away, is emerging from progress in deep brain stimulation, in which tiny shocks from implanted electrodes are given to the brain. The technology has been used in America to treat Parkinson's disease.

In recent months scientists have been focusing on an area of the brain just behind the eyes known as the orbitofrontal cortex. This is associated with feelings of pleasure derived from eating and sex.

A research survey conducted by Morten Kringelbach, senior fellow at Oxford University's department of psychiatry, and reported in the Nature Reviews Neuroscience journal, found that the orbitofrontal cortex could be a "new stimulation target" to help people suffering from anhedonia, an inability to experience pleasure from such activities. Stimulating this area can produce pleasure as intense as "devouring a delicious pastry", he said.

His colleague Tipu Aziz, a professor of neurosurgery at the John Radcliffe hospital in Oxford, predicted a significant breakthrough in the science behind a "sex chip" within 10 years.

"There is evidence that this chip will work," Aziz said last week. "A few years ago a scientist implanted such a device into the brain of a woman with a low sex drive and turned her into a very sexually active woman. She didn't like the sudden change, so the wiring in her head was removed."

The wiring remains a hurdle: Aziz says current technology, which requires surgery to connect a wire from a heart pacemaker into the brain, causes bleeding in some patients and is "intrusive and crude".

By 2015, he predicts, micro-computers in the brain with a range of applications could be self-powered and controlled by hand-held transmitters.

"When the technology is improved, we can use deep brain stimulation in many new areas. It will be more subtle, with more control over the power so you may be able to turn the chip on and off when needed.

"In 10 years' time the range of therapies available will be amazing – we don't know half the possibilities yet," he said.

An electronic machine that generates sexual sensations is already under development by a North Carolina doctor, Stuart Meloy, who is modifying a spinal cord stimulator to produce pleasure in women. He calls it the Orgasmatron, a name taken from an orgasm-producing device in the 1973 Woody Allen film Sleeper. A similar device, the Excessive Machine, featured in Jane Fonda's 1968 film, Barbarella.

Some critics regard the techniques as only a step away from brain washing.

"We are being led to big philosophical questions by rapid technological advances," said Mahlon DeLong of Emory University in Atlanta, who has pioneered breakthroughs in brain stimulation to help Parkinson's sufferers. "If we don't discuss them now, they may be taking place before we can resolve the issues."

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

How to Improve Your Brain with Electric Shocks

How to Improve Your Brain with Electric Shocks

By John Cloud / Source: Time Magazine

The other day, some friendly scientists in Philadelphia attached electrodes to my head -- one just above and behind my right ear, and the other on my left cheekbone -- and ran electricity through my brain.

As they did, I took a computerized memory test. My scores on the test significantly improved from an earlier test I took without the electricity. It turns out you can tune up someone's brain like a car battery. I felt -- and looked -- a bit like a Frankenstein creature, but the results were impressive.

Welcome to the promising world of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), a highly refined, very safe and relatively cheap biomedical treatment that is being studied for use not only in improving memory but treating depression and epilepsy.

The scientists who demonstrated tDCS for me -- Ingrid Olson and David McCoy of Temple University's psychology department; and Dr. David Wolk, a neurologist at the University of Pennsylvania -- recently co-authored (along with two other researchers) an article for the November issue of Neuropsychologia about the use of tDCS to improve memory.

The paper shows that just 15 minutes of tDCS can help with a common problem (especially for those of us heading into middle age): remembering people's names.

The idea that the brain is essentially an electrical-wiring board is not new. As soon as electricity became common in the early part of the 20th century, neurologists began using electricity rather than harsh chemicals like metrazol to induce convulsions in people with severe mental illness. For centuries, inducing convulsions had been a crude but often useful way of resetting the brain's circuitry.

Today, electroshock therapy (which psychiatrists call electroconvulsive therapy) is painless because patients are required to be put under anesthesia before they receive it. (Jack Nicholson's character in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Randle McMurphy, did not receive that courtesy.)

But scientists have also developed far more refined ways of using electricity in the brain: now they can stimulate certain neural regions for specific purposes without the troublesome side effect of a grand mal seizure. One method is transcranial magnetic stimulation -- which pushes neurons around with a magnetic wand waved around your head.

Another is the one I received, tDCS. It uses just 1.5 milliamps of electricity, which is such a small amount that you can't really feel it. There's a little tingling, but it's ephemeral.

The reason that the Philadelphia scientists attached one electrode just northwest of my right ear is that my anterior temporal lobe lies behind my skull in that spot. From brain imaging, we know that name recall originates in the anterior temporal lobes. I have always had a terrible time remembering names, which might mean that my ATLs were always a little weak, but you can also suffer ATL damage if you have a stroke or another common medical condition called "being over 40 years old."

The electricity is thought to enhance neural firing in the ATL. After I got to the lab in Philadelphia, the scientists attached the electrodes to me and then had me take two memory tests. The tests asked me to recall the names of famous (and semi-famous) people whose photos appeared for 7 sec. on a screen in front of me. There's Nelson Mandela -- easy. Ronald Reagan -- easy. But then a picture of Chuck Yeager, who has a strong historical presence but who is difficult to recognize by face if you were born after 1965 or so. And then there's a photo of Mary Lou Retton back in her Olympic days. Remember that face? It took me the full 7 sec. to do so.

Your brain spins when you see photos of someone like Retton. You know that you know the face, but her name just sits on the tip of your tongue. What tDCS does is fire your ATL in a way that pushes the name from the tip of your tongue out of your mouth. I showed a small improvement during the tDCS session with people names -- and a huge (more than double) improvement in my recall of names of landmarks like the World War II Memorial, Stonehenge, and Mount Kilimanjaro. In the first session, I often gave up on landmark names; in the second, tDCS seemed to give me a little push.

So is all this just a placebo response? In other words, did I do better because I expected to do better? That could be it, but it's difficult for participants to tell which session is real and which one is fake because you have all that Frankenstein stuff on your head during both. There is that slight tingling during the tDCS session, but not everyone recognizes it, according to Olson, the Temple University psychologist and co-author of the paper.

Unfortunately, there aren't immediate consumer applications for tDCS: the machine itself, which is manufactured by a U.K. company called Magstim , costs roughly $10,000. (Also, you wouldn't want to walk around with those electrodes on your head.) But as a short-term treatment for those whose memories have been impaired by stroke or another medical condition, tDCS could be a vital way of helping them to turn a tip-of-the-tongue response into a confident answer.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad

Monday, January 17, 2011

Remain Flexible At All Times

Remain Flexible at All Times
By Brian Tracy

The Menninger Institute of Kansas City conducted a study not long ago to determine what qualities would be most important for success and
happiness in the twenty-first century. They concluded after extensive research, that the most important single quality that you can develop, in a time of rapid change, is flexibility.

The Speed of Change

Today, perhaps the most important factor affecting your life is the
speed of change. We are living in an age where change is taking place at
a faster rate than ever before in human history. And if anything, the
rate is increasing, year by year. Change today is not only faster, but
it is also discontinuous, not following a straight line but starting,
stopping, and moving in unpredictable directions. Change is coming at us from all sides and in so many different ways that it is often impossible to anticipate what might happen next.

A Major Cause of Stress

Change causes enormous stress for people who are fixed or rigid in their
beliefs about how things "should be." They fall in love with what they
are doing, with their current methods and processes, and are unwilling to change, even in the face of overwhelming evidence. Don't let this happen to you.

To remain flexible, you must constantly be open, alert to new ideas, information, and knowledge that can help you or hurt you in your
business or in the achievement of your goals. One new idea can be enough to make or lose you a fortune. One idea can start you on the road to riches or knock you off of it.

The Tide of New Technology

The second factor driving change is the rapid growth and development of new technology. Every new piece of scientific or technical knowledge
leads to an advance in technology aimed at helping people and companies get things done faster, better, cheaper, or easier. And the speed of technological change is increasing every day.

Playing Leapfrog

Being in business is like playing an endless game of leapfrog. You look
for a way to leapfrog over your competitor and serve your customers, better, faster, and cheaper. Your competitor then leapfrogs over you with a new or better product or service. You quickly regroup and leap over your competitor with a new innovation or improvement. Your competitor then leaps over you, and the game goes on without end.

Action Exercise

Be willing to admit, in each area of your life where you experience
stress or resistance, that you could be wrong or that you have made a
mistake. Resolve today to cut your losses wherever possible.

Edited by: Lawyer Asad