Thursday, September 30, 2010

Nature & life, both abhore vacuum!

Nature abhores vacuum and so does life.
If an emptiness is created in nature instantly it is filled with other objects so that the emptiness is not felt. When air on the ground becomes hot and goes up then air from surrounding areas rush to that place where an emptiness is created.
In life also you'll see that the wide emptiness is filled with time.
We all should learn from this lesson.
It teaches us one thing!
No one or nothing is indispensable to us. We can live virtually without anyone or anything.
It is called that time is the best healer. And it is very true.
You'll see how the husband of a newly married woman dies from accident. She mourns, cries, laments. But after sometime the wound or the vacuum created by the death of her husband is healed. She wipes her eyes and set to live her life.
It may sound cruel but it is life.
Similar incidents happen with the death of the only son of a widow. Still she survives.
If we live or dwell in the past then our life will be stalled. We won't be tread forward.
It is like trying to drive a car with the breaks on!
Obviously it'll not move an inch!
We'd keep it in mind that we can revive our past whatever efforts we engage.
Its an old English adage, don't cry over the spilled milk.
Embedded in this simple looking proverb lies a great truth.
Let it be gone by gone. What has happened has happened and there's no use to think about it.
The best method of finding peace of mind is to accept the incident as a part of life and be magnanimous.
Our life doesn't always lay our paths with petals of flowers but sometimes stew it with thorns too.
It definitely hurts. But if we keep it in mind then we not only be able to enjoy our present but also will spoil our own life.
All of us are mortals and going to die some day. We're all measured by our breathes. We won't die before time. So accept it when someone nearer and dearer one dies.
His or her time has arrived so he or she has to go. I'll also go someday leaving everything behind.
Whatever endeavour I do it won't be possible to bring a dead person alive. But life will go on. It'll need three meals a day. Minimum eight hours sleep and had to fortify it with its bare needs.
So it'd be better that instead of thinking about the loss we'd engage ourselves in other things and keep us occupied.
Life can be enjoyed best when we love it.
Love your life. Be your best friend. Live for the present.
The vacuum will be filled and life would be a bliss.

Truth about relationship!

Women have been subjected to unfavourable conceptions from the men folks in general.
In this article some of those beliefs, which usually is less founded on reasons, have been explained.

BELIEF - 1 :

Woman are always looking for ways to makes things better. Dont take her suggestions as Complaints or Critisms, but as her desire to make the Relationship or Situation the best that it can be.

BELIEF - 2 :



Everyone Loves To Be Taken Care Of and To Feel Needed. Even if a Woman can fix things around the house or change the oil in her car, She will still ask for help so she can feel Your Strength, Support and Protection. Dont Ever Stop Asking, Å“What Can I Do For You ? � because it shows her that you care :

BELIEF - 3 :



Its Not About Control ; Its About Love. When a Woman sees a Man Hurting , Struggling or Overwhelmed, Her Goal is to Help, Not Control. Let Her give You a Helping Hand.

BELIEF - 4 :



A Serious Relationship Requires Time and Effort to Cultivate It. You shouldnt Look at it a a Burden. Your Wife or Girlfriend will reciprocate the effort you put into it.

BELIEF - 5 :



Woman Are Extremely Capable of Picking up Moods and Attitudes and can easily Read Body Language and Facial Expressions. Although You may think that You have gotten away with a Great Lie, She is either letting it slide because She wants to keep the Peace, or She is Lying to Herself because Shes Afraid of the Truth.

BELIEF - 6 :



Woman are Protective of What Belongs to them. They Protect the things they Value, especially when it comes to Relationships. Its not that she doesnt Trust You ; She is Guarding the Relationship. You are too Precious to Her for Her to allow anything bad to happen .

BELIEF - 7 :



Woman Dont Hide their Feelings. They articulate whats going on in their Minds. Theres nothing wrong with emotions " We All Have Them. Being in Touch with their emotions causes women to be Sensitive and Caring, and thats why Men Love Them.

Stay Young Forever!


1.*Throw out nonessential numbers*
This includes age, weight and height.
Let the doctors worry about them. That is why you pay 'them'.

2. *Keep only cheerful friends.*
The grouches pull you down.

3. *Keep learning.*
Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. 'An idle mind is the devil's workshop.' And the *devil's*name is *Alzheimer's.*

4. *Enjoy the simple things.*

5.*Laugh*often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.

6. *The tears happen.* Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person, who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are alive.

7. *Surround yourself with what you love* , whether it's family, pets,
keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. *Your home is your refuge.*

8. *Cherish your health: *If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable,
improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.

9. *Don't take guilt trips.* Take a trip to the mall, even to the next
county; to a foreign country but NOT to where the guilt is.

10.* Tell the people you love that you love them**, at every opportunity. **

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, *but* by the moments
that take our breath away.

The Key to Charisma!

The Key to Charisma

There is a close association between personal charisma and success in
life. Probably 85 percent of your success and happiness will come from
your relationships and interactions with others. The more positively
others respond to you, the easier it will be for you to get the things
you want.

The Law of Attraction
In essence, when we discuss charisma, we are talking about the law of
attraction. This law has been stated in many different ways down through
the centuries, but it basically says that you inevitably attract into
your life the people and circumstances that harmonize with your dominant

You Are A Living Magnet
In a sense, you are a living magnet, and you are constantly radiating
thought waves, like a radio station radiates sound waves, that are
picked up by other people. Your thoughts, intensified by your emotions,
as radio waves are intensified by electric impulses, go out from you and
are picked up by anyone who is tuned in to a similar wavelength. You
then attract into your life people, ideas, opportunities, resources,
circumstances and anything else that is consistent with your dominant
frame of mind.

The law of attraction also explains how you can build up your levels of
charisma so that you can have a greater and more positive impact on the
people whose cooperation, support and affection you desire.

Perception is Everything
The critical thing to remember about charisma is that it is largely
based on perception. It is based on what people think about you. It is
not so much reality as it is what people perceive you to be. For
example, one person can create charisma in another person by speaking in
glowing terms about that person to a third party. If you believe that
you are about to meet an outstanding and important person, that person
will tend to have charisma for you.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta
One of the most charismatic people in the world was Mother Teresa of
Calcutta. In a physical sense, she was a quiet, elderly, frail woman in
poor health, and she wore a modest nun's habit. She might have been
ignored by a person passing her on the street, were it not for the
tremendous charisma she developed and for the fact that her appearance
was so well-known to so many people as a result.

How Would You Feel?
If someone told you that he was going to introduce you to a brilliant,
self-made millionaire who was very quiet and unassuming about his
success, you would almost naturally imbue that person with charisma, and
in his presence, you would not act the same as you would if you had been
told nothing at all. Charisma begins largely in the mind of the

Lasting charisma depends more upon the person you really are than upon
just the things you do.

Continually look for ways to improve other's perceptions of you so that
you can be more influential with them. Be a living magnet.

Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into

First, be clear about the messages you are sending and the perceptions
you are creating in others. Are these perceptions consistent with the
impressions you want to make?

Second, see yourself and imagine yourself every day as an important
powerful and charming person. Treat others as you would if you were
already strong, famous and influential.

Fake it until you make it!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Eleven Rules of life!

*This** **should **be posted in all schools and work places **...*

Love him or hate him, he sure hits the nail on the head with this! Bill
Gates recently gave a speech at a High School about 11 things they did not
and will not learn in school. He talks about how feel-good, politically
correct teachings created a generation of kids with no concept of reality
and how this concept set them up for failure in the real world.
Rule 1 : Life is not fair - get used to it!

Rule 2 : The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect
you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.

Rule 3 : You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school. You
won't be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both.

Rule 4 : If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.

Rule 5 : Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your Grandparents had
a different word for burger flipping: they called it opportunity.

Rule 6 : If you mess up,* it's not your parents' fault*, so don't whine
about your mistakes, learn from them.

Rule 7: Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are
now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and
listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were. So before you
save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent's generation, try
delousing the closet in your own room.

Rule 8 : Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life
HAS NOT. In some schools, they have abolished failing grades and they'll
give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't
bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.

Rule 9 : Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and
very few employers are interested in helping you FIND YOURSELF. Do that on
your own time.

Rule 10: Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to
leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.

Rule 11 : Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.

If you agree, and can read this.
- Thank a teacher!

The New Mental Diet

The New Mental Diet

One of the most powerful personal programming activities you can engage in is positive self-talk. Be your own cheerleader and talk to yourself
positively all of the time.

Think About Your Dreams

As it happens, the average person talks to himself in a negative way. As
much as 94 percent of your inner dialogue tends to be about the things you fear, your worries, the people you're angry at, your problems, your
concerns and so on. You have to consciously keep your words, your inner dialogue, consistent with what you wish to accomplish.

The Most Powerful Antidote

Psychologists have proven that the words, "I can do it," are the antidote to the fear of failure that often holds you back from trying.

Repeat these words over and over to yourself whenever you feel fearful
or doubtful about anything that you want to attempt. Say very enthusiastically to yourself, "I can do it, I can do it, I can do it!"

When you start saying, "I can do it, I can do it," you drive that message deep into your subconscious mind. This message lowers your fears and builds your self-confidence.
Make A Million!
Another thing you can say to yourself is, "I make a million. I make a million." Impress that message into your subconscious mind. Whenever you think about your work, say over and over again, "I'm the best, I'm the best, I'm the best." Making any one of these three statements, or
anything that is positive makes you feel good about yourself and causes
you to be more motivated. You become more focused, more determined.

Wealthy, successful people have a continuous inner dialogue that is
positive and constructive and uplifting and consistent with their goals and objectives.

Feed Your Mind Continually

Feed your mind from morning to night with words, pictures, information and ideas consistent with your goals for financial success. Develop the habit of thinking positively and confidently about wealth accumulation.

Read stories, books and articles about other successful people. Think
about how you could be like them. Visualize yourself, imagine,
fantasize, pretend in your mind that you are like the kind of people
that you admire and respect and want to be like.

Select A Role Model
Psychologists have proven that role models are essential for magnetizing
your mind with the qualities and characteristics that you wish to
develop in yourself. Pick a person that you admire. Whenever you face
any kind of difficult situation, ask yourself, how would this person act
in this situation? What would this person do? How would this person
behave? You'll find that when you think about how someone you admire might behave, your own thinking becomes better and you tend to act at your very best.

Become An Expert

Read everything you can find about your business. Become an expert in
your field. The more you learn about your profession, your trade and
your craft, the more confident you will become that you can do well in

Action Exercises

Here are two things you can do to put yourself on the new mental diet
for financial success:

First, repeat to yourself, over and over again, the wonderful words "I
can do it! I can do it! I can do it!" Whenever you are anticipating any
new goal or opportunity. This affirmation builds your self-confidence and conditions you for success.
Second, monitor your mental diet the way you would your physical diet. Be sure that you feed yourself throughout the day with positive stories, words, pictures and conversations about the things you want to have in your life. Refuse to read, watch, listen to or discuss things that are negative or depressing. This will make a tremendous difference in how you feel and how you act.

Four Steps to A Super Attitude

Four Steps to a Super Attitude

Decide How to React
It is not what happens to you that counts. It is how you react to what
happens to you, especially when you have unexpected problems of any

In this newsletter, you learn powerful strategies you can use to keep yourself thinking and acting positively and creatively.

Here are four things you can do to assure that your attitude is the very
best it can be, under all circumstances.

Focus On the Future
First, whatever challenges you face, focus on the future rather than on
the past. Instead of worrying about who did what and who is to blame,
focus on where you want to be and what you want to do. Get a clear
mental image of your ideal successful future, and then take whatever action you can to begin moving in that direction. Get your mind, your thoughts, and your mental images on the future.

Think About the Solution
Second, whenever you're faced with a difficulty, focus on the solution
rather than on the problem. Think and talk about the ideal solution to
the obstacle or setback, rather than wasting time rehashing and
reflecting on the problem. Solutions are inherently positive, whereas
problems are inherently negative. The instant that you begin thinking in terms of solutions, you become a positive and constructive human being.

Look For the Good
Third, assume that something good is hidden within each difficulty or
challenge. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, a major proponent of positive
thinking, once said, "Whenever God wants to give us a gift, he wraps it
up in a problem." The bigger the gift you have coming, the bigger the
problem you will receive. But the wonderful thing is that if you look
for the gift, you will always find it.

Seek the Valuable Lesson
Fourth, assume that whatever situation you are facing at the moment is exactly the right situation you need to ultimately be successful. This situation has been sent to you to help you learn something, to help you
become better, to help you expand and grow.

Decide to Be Positive
A Positive Mental Attitude is indispensable to your success. You can be as positive as you want to be if you will simply think about the future, focus on the solution and look for the good. If you do what other successful people do, if you use your mind to exert mental control over the situation, you will be positive and cheerful most of the time. And you will reap the benefits enjoyed by all successful people.

Action Exercises
Here are three steps you can take immediately to put these ideas into

First, become solution-oriented with every difficulty you face. Make a
habit of looking for the answers to your questions, the solutions to
your problems.

Second, seek for the valuable lesson in every adversity. Make a list of
every idea or insight you can gain from every setback or difficulty.

Third, think on paper. Take some time to write out every detail of the
problem, and then take the most logical next step to solve it.

Cleopatra; life in reminiscence!

Reminiscence of the Queen:
The ambient was very soothing. Cool breeze from the river Nile caressed her body and scattered her clothes to catch her off guard to expose her beautiful womanhood! There're her most precious assets, which she has used so far very judiciously for making men chase after her.
She was lost deep in her thoughts and too engrossed to move her hands to cover the misplaced attire. One maid came forward and adjusted clothes of the Queen with utmost reverence.
She open her eyes, awaken from her dreamy trance, which was momentarily disturbed by the foreign hands of the maid. Again she reclined to the deep of her thoughts.
Few moments of glimpse around was enough to make her immensely pleased at the scenario around her. River Nile was not so far but not so near. Far at the right distance so that the cacaphoney of the boats, the sound of the oarsmen, chatter of the sailers and passengers do not reach the royal palace. But at night the scene was more than enchanting. Boats and burges were veiled in the thin mist of mid October and looked like shilloutes. Lamps looked so tiny as if one can be picked and put on the forhead like a shining bead of gem. Lamps moved with moving of the boats and ships; they resembled fireflies. Lots of them! The material wealth of the ship owners could be assessed from the size and decoration of their ships. Big, luxerious, flambuoyant, lavishly laden with the precious yellow metal and other metals of value. Whatever be the financial status of the owners of the ships all of the ships had statue of Isis at the deck board in front of the ship.
Queen smiled to herself; people not only like her as their Queen but also abide by her wishes as their foremost responsbilities. She worships the god Isis, the jackal head god and people also following suit.
Queen has her own fleet of luxurious ships which are floating palaces.
On this open terrace she was lying, her back was raised by the softest and comfortable pillows. Around her was a circle of maids, who were carefully chosen for their fidelity towards the Queen. She herself hand picked those bevy of beautiful maids, who were trained to combat and fight with every kind of weapon. They're experts in toxicology, spying, disguise and many other things.
She knows that so long even one of them would be alive her life is safe.
Still she was ready to face her end, if it comes, and she kept a highly venomous serpentine in a pot covered by a porus lead. The snake was so little that she could easily hide the pot, in which it was stored, in her deep cleavage.
Just a bite from the reptile was enough to kill a full sized Camel!
Her time machine took her in her child hood. Ptolemy XII, her father, a successful King and Pharaoh of Egypt, had three daughters and two sons. She was the youngest among the daughters.
The Ptolemy dynasty originally migrated from Greece, the beautiful country, home of Goddess Kythera, on the Meditarrean.
May be due to the atomosphere of the Egypt, which was mainly dependant on the water of the Nile, or for the human race in general, she could remember her blooming girlhood at the age of eight or so.
By ten she was christened as the young lady as the first sign of her fertility was noticed by the governess who attended her.
She was such innocent then. She remembered how she cried when she noticed the crimson liquid started flowing from between her legs and stained the sheets below.
Everyone around smiled and rejoiced. The news was given to the mother Queen, who ordered to make arrangements for celebrating the ceremony.
Her governess took her in a secluded room and asked her to stay. She was afraid to be alone and specially when she was bleeding. But the age old maid assured her and told that it was natural with all girls when they enter their womanhood.
She had to spent four days and three nights in that room alone. Maids came twice a day to change her clothes and to feed her. She was not allowed to touch anybody or anything which is holy or pious. She was impure for those days.
She's now 35 and since that day it has occurred to her every month keeping its tally with the cycle of the Moon. Briefly stopped when she was carrying baby in her womb or for about two years after giving birth to her baby.
The first occasion was grandly celebrated. Wives and daughters of rich men, who had access to the Royal Palace, visited her and presented her with various gifts. She was taken for a bath when the dripping stopped. Turmeric, sandal, cinammon and other spices and herbs were ground and a thick paste was made from it by pouring precious rose water and finely grounded powders of several gems.
In her bath tub water was replaced by milk. She later knew that when a girl becomes woman she changes in her body and mind. These herbs helps to retain her youth for long and bathing in doneky milk can make the skin glowing, young and supple. Since then she has made it a habit to bath with that particular kind of milk.
Now men go mad for her and her beauty but little do they know how miticulously she had to prepare herself and shred her with the veil of mystery, a lesson she had learnt in the Palace at a very tender age.
No doubt she was very intelligent and could read the mind of man, any man, accurately.
She had learnt one thing and told to herself; Cleopatra VII, listen, if you want to keep a man's interest in you and make him mad for you then hide yourself from him. Don't open up to him or show every thing you possess. Because if you show all your cards then he'll checkmate you and lose his interest in you.
Its the human nature to run for the unknown, become eager for the things which are hidden from them.
No doubt when her father Ptolemy XII invited the Royal Astrologer to the Palace for predicting the future of his children then that gracious old man also became very charmed at the little Cleopatra.
The Astrologer had arranged for some test of the siblings.
There was none except the Astrologer in that spacious hall of the Palace.
On his gesture three sisters and two brothers entered the room. There were sparse furniture in the room and they had no preview about it before entering into the hall.
Five seats were there for the five Princes and Princesses.
Her elder two sisters sat on the nearby two seats made of the yellow metal. Her two brothers, Ptolemy XIII and XIV searched for their seats. Ptolemy XII reclined on a seat made of some green material. The younger one moved at his right and sat on a seat made of yellow and red.
Now four out of five seats were occupied by her four siblings. Only one was left.
It was just a rag made of Camel hide and placed on the ground.
She moved on to it and graced the seat.
As soon as the children were settled Pharaoh Ptolemy XII entered into the room. They all stood along with the old Astrologer to show their respect to the Pharaoh.
Pharaoh settled on the throne and looked at the Astrologer with questions in his eyes.
The Astrologer, an age old man, may be as old as the Pyramids of Gaza, bent with the burden of age. His long white beard almost touched the middle of his body.
Face was creased and resembled hyerogliphics drawn on the Palace walls. Nose, once resembled the beak of a flute, so noble now crooked and became broken at the bridge. Hands were strong but now the lose skin revealed the thick rope like veins.
Strange was his dress. It was a black long dress, covered him from his neck and descended few inches below his knees. His feet were the sign of much travel and witness to the happening of events around the Egypt and other countries.
All his hairs were gray, beard, body hairs, eye brows, white like the finest cotton. A black turban was kept aside him. Because when one is in the presence of the Pharaoh, he's not to cover his head.
Though the Astrologer, who is called as the Alchemist, she came to know later, was old and bent still one thing was very remarkable in him. It is his eyes. Eyes were glowing like liquid fire and it was not possible to look at those. He only looked once at her and it seemed that he's looking beyond her and everything which are there inside her is seen by him.
The Alchemist praised the Pharaoh and blessed him for the children he had.
For her two elder sisters, he told the Pharaoh that they'd be housewives and be happy with their respective husbands.
For Ptolemy XIII, his predictions were, though he'll be a King and enjoy his power jointly with his Queen, but he'll be short-lived and be killed by administering poison. He was seated on the green seat and the colour resembled poison.
Ptolemy XIV, her another brother, seated on a gold and read seat was predicted that he'd cause dissatisfaction to some other King and would flee for his life but would be killed while he's on the run.
Lastly, her turn came.
The Pharaoh was anxious. The Alchemist cleared his voice. Took out a round shape of transpatent stone from his attire. Put it on his left eye. His eyes were looking big through that transparent glass.
In a swift gesture he took out a bundle of Papyrus from the pocket of his long dress.
Settled himself comfortably after opening the bundle of Papyrus. Once again cleared his throat and adjusted the glass. Raised his head to look into the faces of the kids and the Paharoah.
He started to speak....may the gods of Egypt be pleased on our Pharaoh and designate his place among the Lord...this younest of your children.........

The Alchemist; in Egypt (Misar in local language) is called as Al Kimiya. The person who can transform any metal to gold by their mysterious powers and chemicals. Little Cleopatra was not that knowledgable about this kind of human beings, who're shrouded with so many mysterious tales and incidents. She remembered which she had heard from her nanny, who told her bed time stories, that these Kimiyakari (alchemist) are immensely powerful and whatever they say it comes to be true.
In great apprehension to know her future her little heart started pounding like the war drums. Tiny beads of perspirations appeared in her forehead and deposited at the root of her hairs and glistened.
She was almost suffocating.
But the forthcoming Pharaoh of Egypt, the mightiest of the mighty, must have some strength in her mind and character to withstand all these stress!
She knew that her life is going to be an uneven path and full of hurdles and thornes spread all over to make her bleed. She has to survive all these for her sheer survival and make a mark in the history of Egypt.
She calmed herself by saying, why worrying? Lets see whats there in your future. Don't be perturbed even if something untoward is predicted. You know you can write your own destiny. All you need to be your genuine self to yourself.
Its a jungle here and only the fittest will survive.
You're the fittest.
At once a strange kind of serenity had spread over her body to make the perspiration disappear and to pacity her fast beating heart.
It was apparently seemed that the Alchemist was busy with the bundle of Papyrus and engaged in arranging the leaves in order.
But it was his deliberate gestures to notice the reactions in little Cleopatra VII. Even the Alchemist was surprise at the mental power of this 10 year old girl and instantly knew that his predictions are not wrong. Though till that moment he has not spoken a word about her but the incidents of her life flooded in the back of his mind, clear and vivid.
He raised his face and looked silently towards the King.
Pharaoh Ptolemy XII was also noticing his beloved daughter, apple of his eyes with much apprehension in his mind. He was also feeling happy to see how his most favourite daughter has controlled herself.
Their eyes met in silence. The Alchemist and the Pharaoh smiled.
They knew what they wanted to say to each other but not a word was spoken.
The Alchemist once again cleared his voice and looked around, took up a leaf of Papyrus from the bundle and concentrated on it.
In a deep voice he started speaking as if he's talking to himself, oblivous of the King, Cleopatra, the ambience. He chanted words in appraise Ra, Aman Ra, Isis, Isoris and other goddess; praised those for their benevolence on Egypt, the Pharaoh and Egyptians.
The ageold wizard brought a vial from the cotton sack he brought with him. In it there was some kind of powder. He took a pinch from it and blew it before him.
At the right of the Alchemist was seated the Pharaoh Ptolemy XII and little Cleopatra as the left side!
Between the father and the daughter a mist of finely grounded powder was created.
The old man asked both of them to look into the smoggy curtain which was hung in the thin air before them.
The particles of the powder settled in the air and it was about two feet above the floor.
Little Cleo could see a faint moving picture inside the mist which gradually became clear and live.
She could see herself, transformed into a stunningly beautiful dame, a complete woman. Surrounded by armed women guards. People are giving slogans to her praise.
Suddenly, a war starts. Soldiers are killed. A foreign troop invades Egypt. Egyptian army fight with them and drive them out of the border of Egypt. She finds a body is laid on the ground. Its her own brother, poisoned to death by some of his courtmen.
All on a sudden the scene changes and a vastly spacious garden appears in the middle of the mist. A man, seemingly a King or an Emperor, in his mid 50s appear and take the Queen by her hands. They start kissing each other passionately and move to some secluded part of the garden. Later she sees that same man is lying dead in a pool of blood with stab injuries all over his body.
One man appears with a head of a dead man in his hand. From his attire its presumed that he's an Egyptian Pharaoh. That man who kissed him in the garden was alive at that time and when he sees the severed head he get enraged and orders his soldiers to behead the Pharaoh who has killed his friend.
That man was Julius Ceaser and the Pharaoh was Ptolemy XIV, her brother and 2nd husband. Pharaoh runs for his life.
After death of mighty Ceaser another man, who once served as a general of Ceaser, comes to her life and becomes her paramour.
She gainst the full control and rule over Egypt.
The last scene was horrible and hair raising. The Roman army invades Egypt with greater army and improvised weapons before which the skilled Egyptian army fall like autumn leaves.
She sees herself confused and indecisive or her moves. Friends are not with her anymore and she's completely alone.
The mist vanishes in the air as if never existed. The entire life of Cleopatra was before her. She was shivering like a leaf, hanging alone on a solitary branch and moving uncontrollably by the air. She was perspirating profusedly and was almost on the verge of fainting.
But the projection of future has made her very strong and she has grown several years old in that one hour. She checked her emotion and collapsing.
None had spoken a word because there was nothing to speak. The future of Cleopatra and Egypt were before them.
The silence was broken by the Alchemist, who solemnly uttered as if in soleloque, hope the mightiest of the mighty Pharaoh has been satisfied what his Highness has just seen.
Ptolemny XII, was engrossed in his own thoughts which were interrupted by the voice of the Alchemist. He said, if thats all in store for this Kingdom and for my beloved daughter then I find it utterly disheartening. But its the truth because you were invited by me to predict the future.
Pharaoh ordered his men to reward the Alchemist but he politely refused to take any material gift from the Pharaoh!
What riches does he need when he can turn everything into gold?
On the request of the Pharaoh, the Alchemist agreed to take his late lunch with the Pharaoh.
Before departing the Alchemist had taken a thin green coloured thread from some hidden territory of his attire. He asked for a vial with a porus lead on it.
Instantly it was placed before him.
He had put that thread, which is barely an inch in length, inside the vial and poured some mysterious liquid in it.
He handed it over to the the little Cleopatra and told her to keep it in a secluded chamber in her bed room and only to bring it out after she's married for the second time.
He told her that its alive and it'd help her from being disgraced at the hands of the enemy.
The thread became the most venomous serpentine and Cleopatra kept it with her all the time.
She also committed end to her life by getting a bite from the serpentine.